Added fsnotify as a dependency, we'll be using it, Rez, and Riot (maybe) soon. Removed the intercept_build_widgets vhook. You can now pass an ID to BlankReply() for mocking replies or whatever else you want to do with this. Added the dock template function for widget docks. Added the logf internal function to the template transpiler and did some minor clean-up. Removed the Sidebars property from theme.json and added the more general Docks one. Improved the footer and the associated CSS. Added the about widget, previously the AboutSegment feature. Removed the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Gosora now exits when it receives the appropriate OS signal. Refactored the modlogs route. More progress on the theme in the Control Panel.
288 lines
9.4 KiB
288 lines
9.4 KiB
package common
import (
var Ctemplates []string
var Templates = template.New("")
var PrebuildTmplList []func(User, *HeaderVars) CTmpl
type CTmpl struct {
Name string
Filename string
Path string
StructName string
Data interface{}
Imports []string
// nolint
func interpreted_topic_template(pi TopicPage, w http.ResponseWriter) error {
mapping, ok := Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)].TemplatesMap["topic"]
if !ok {
mapping = "topic"
return Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, mapping+".html", pi)
// nolint
var Template_topic_handle func(TopicPage, http.ResponseWriter) error = interpreted_topic_template
var Template_topic_alt_handle func(TopicPage, http.ResponseWriter) error = interpreted_topic_template
// nolint
var Template_topics_handle func(TopicsPage, http.ResponseWriter) error = func(pi TopicsPage, w http.ResponseWriter) error {
mapping, ok := Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)].TemplatesMap["topics"]
if !ok {
mapping = "topics"
return Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, mapping+".html", pi)
// nolint
var Template_forum_handle func(ForumPage, http.ResponseWriter) error = func(pi ForumPage, w http.ResponseWriter) error {
mapping, ok := Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)].TemplatesMap["forum"]
if !ok {
mapping = "forum"
return Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, mapping+".html", pi)
// nolint
var Template_forums_handle func(ForumsPage, http.ResponseWriter) error = func(pi ForumsPage, w http.ResponseWriter) error {
mapping, ok := Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)].TemplatesMap["forums"]
if !ok {
mapping = "forums"
return Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, mapping+".html", pi)
// nolint
var Template_profile_handle func(ProfilePage, http.ResponseWriter) error = func(pi ProfilePage, w http.ResponseWriter) error {
mapping, ok := Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)].TemplatesMap["profile"]
if !ok {
mapping = "profile"
return Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, mapping+".html", pi)
// nolint
var Template_create_topic_handle func(CreateTopicPage, http.ResponseWriter) error = func(pi CreateTopicPage, w http.ResponseWriter) error {
mapping, ok := Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)].TemplatesMap["create-topic"]
if !ok {
mapping = "create-topic"
return Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, mapping+".html", pi)
// ? - Add template hooks?
func compileTemplates() error {
var c tmpl.CTemplateSet
// Schemas to train the template compiler on what to expect
// TODO: Add support for interface{}s
user := User{62, BuildProfileURL("fake-user", 62), "Fake User", "compiler@localhost", 0, false, false, false, false, false, false, GuestPerms, make(map[string]bool), "", false, "", "", "", "", "", 0, 0, "", 0}
// TODO: Do a more accurate level calculation for this?
user2 := User{1, BuildProfileURL("admin-alice", 1), "Admin Alice", "alice@localhost", 1, true, true, true, true, false, false, AllPerms, make(map[string]bool), "", true, "", "", "", "", "", 58, 1000, "", 0}
user3 := User{2, BuildProfileURL("admin-fred", 62), "Admin Fred", "fred@localhost", 1, true, true, true, true, false, false, AllPerms, make(map[string]bool), "", true, "", "", "", "", "", 42, 900, "::1", 0}
headerVars := &HeaderVars{
Site: Site,
Settings: SettingBox.Load().(SettingMap),
Themes: Themes,
Theme: Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)],
NoticeList: []string{"test"},
Stylesheets: []string{"panel"},
Scripts: []string{"whatever"},
Widgets: PageWidgets{
LeftSidebar: template.HTML("lalala"),
log.Print("Compiling the templates")
var now = time.Now()
topic := TopicUser{1, "blah", "Blah", "Hey there!", 0, false, false, now, RelativeTime(now), now, RelativeTime(now), 0, "", "", 0, 1, "classname", "weird-data", BuildProfileURL("fake-user", 62), "Fake User", Config.DefaultGroup, "", 0, "", "", "", "", "", 58, false}
var replyList []ReplyUser
replyList = append(replyList, ReplyUser{0, 0, "Yo!", "Yo!", 0, "alice", "Alice", Config.DefaultGroup, now, RelativeTime(now), 0, 0, "", "", 0, "", "", "", "", 0, "", false, 1, "", ""})
var varList = make(map[string]tmpl.VarItem)
tpage := TopicPage{"Title", user, headerVars, replyList, topic, 1, 1}
topicIDTmpl, err := c.Compile("topic.html", "templates/", "common.TopicPage", tpage, varList)
if err != nil {
return err
topicIDAltTmpl, err := c.Compile("topic_alt.html", "templates/", "common.TopicPage", tpage, varList)
if err != nil {
return err
varList = make(map[string]tmpl.VarItem)
ppage := ProfilePage{"User 526", user, headerVars, replyList, user}
profileTmpl, err := c.Compile("profile.html", "templates/", "common.ProfilePage", ppage, varList)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO: Use a dummy forum list to avoid o(n) problems
var forumList []Forum
forums, err := Forums.GetAll()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, forum := range forums {
forumList = append(forumList, *forum)
varList = make(map[string]tmpl.VarItem)
forumsPage := ForumsPage{"Forum List", user, headerVars, forumList}
forumsTmpl, err := c.Compile("forums.html", "templates/", "common.ForumsPage", forumsPage, varList)
if err != nil {
return err
var topicsList []*TopicsRow
topicsList = append(topicsList, &TopicsRow{1, "topic-title", "Topic Title", "The topic content.", 1, false, false, "Date", time.Now(), "Date", user3.ID, 1, "", "", 0, 1, "classname", "", &user2, "", 0, &user3, "General", "/forum/general.2"})
topicsPage := TopicsPage{"Topic List", user, headerVars, topicsList, forumList, Config.DefaultForum}
topicsTmpl, err := c.Compile("topics.html", "templates/", "common.TopicsPage", topicsPage, varList)
if err != nil {
return err
//var topicList []TopicUser
//topicList = append(topicList,TopicUser{1,"topic-title","Topic Title","The topic content.",1,false,false,"Date","Date",1,"","",0,1,"classname","","admin-fred","Admin Fred",config.DefaultGroup,"",0,"","","","",58,false})
forumItem := BlankForum(1, "general-forum.1", "General Forum", "Where the general stuff happens", true, "all", 0, "", 0)
forumPage := ForumPage{"General Forum", user, headerVars, topicsList, forumItem, 1, 1}
forumTmpl, err := c.Compile("forum.html", "templates/", "common.ForumPage", forumPage, varList)
if err != nil {
return err
// Let plugins register their own templates
if Dev.DebugMode {
log.Print("Registering the templates for the plugins")
for _, tmplfunc := range PrebuildTmplList {
tmplItem := tmplfunc(user, headerVars)
varList = make(map[string]tmpl.VarItem)
compiledTmpl, err := c.Compile(tmplItem.Filename, tmplItem.Path, tmplItem.StructName, tmplItem.Data, varList, tmplItem.Imports...)
if err != nil {
return err
go writeTemplate(tmplItem.Name, compiledTmpl)
log.Print("Writing the templates")
go writeTemplate("topic", topicIDTmpl)
go writeTemplate("topic_alt", topicIDAltTmpl)
go writeTemplate("profile", profileTmpl)
go writeTemplate("forums", forumsTmpl)
go writeTemplate("topics", topicsTmpl)
go writeTemplate("forum", forumTmpl)
go func() {
err := writeFile("./template_list.go", "package main\n\n// nolint\n"+c.FragOut)
if err != nil {
return nil
func writeTemplate(name string, content string) {
err := writeFile("./template_"+name+".go", content)
if err != nil {
func InitTemplates() error {
if Dev.DebugMode {
log.Print("Initialising the template system")
err := compileTemplates()
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO: Add support for 64-bit integers
// TODO: Add support for floats
fmap := make(map[string]interface{})
fmap["add"] = func(left interface{}, right interface{}) interface{} {
var leftInt, rightInt int
switch left := left.(type) {
case uint, uint8, uint16, int, int32:
leftInt = left.(int)
switch right := right.(type) {
case uint, uint8, uint16, int, int32:
rightInt = right.(int)
return leftInt + rightInt
fmap["subtract"] = func(left interface{}, right interface{}) interface{} {
var leftInt, rightInt int
switch left := left.(type) {
case uint, uint8, uint16, int, int32:
leftInt = left.(int)
switch right := right.(type) {
case uint, uint8, uint16, int, int32:
rightInt = right.(int)
return leftInt - rightInt
fmap["multiply"] = func(left interface{}, right interface{}) interface{} {
var leftInt, rightInt int
switch left := left.(type) {
case uint, uint8, uint16, int, int32:
leftInt = left.(int)
switch right := right.(type) {
case uint, uint8, uint16, int, int32:
rightInt = right.(int)
return leftInt * rightInt
fmap["divide"] = func(left interface{}, right interface{}) interface{} {
var leftInt, rightInt int
switch left := left.(type) {
case uint, uint8, uint16, int, int32:
leftInt = left.(int)
switch right := right.(type) {
case uint, uint8, uint16, int, int32:
rightInt = right.(int)
if leftInt == 0 || rightInt == 0 {
return 0
return leftInt / rightInt
fmap["dock"] = func(dock interface{}, headerVarInt interface{}) interface{} {
return template.HTML(BuildWidget(dock.(string), headerVarInt.(*HeaderVars)))
// The interpreted templates...
if Dev.DebugMode {
log.Print("Loading the template files...")
return nil