Add Http Conn Count tracking. Move more panel phrases into the panel namespace. Use a string builder in hookgen. Use Countf() in a couple of places to eliminate boilerplate. Reduce prepared stmt boilerplate in forum store with a lambda. Reduce prepared stmt boilerplate in topic.go with a lambda. Reduce prepared stmt boilerplate in group.go with a lambda. Add TestSetCreatedAt method to *Topic. Add DateOlderThanQ method to *accDeleteBuilder and *accUpdateBuilder. Add Stmt method to *accUpdateBuilder and *AccSelectBuilder. Add AccBuilder interface. Shorten variable names. Shorten extractPerm name to ep. Add avatar_visibility setting stub. Implementation coming in a later commit. Don't set an IP for installer generated posts. Add counters_perf_tick_row hook. Add avatar_visibility phrase. Add avatar_visibility_label phrase. Rename forums_no_description to forums_no_desc. Rename panel.forums_create_description_label to panel.forums_create_desc_label. Rename panel.forums_create_description to panel.forums_create_desc. Rename panel_forum_description to panel.forum_desc. Rename panel_forum_description_placeholder to panel.forum_desc_placeholder. Add panel_debug_http_conns_label phrase. Add panel.forum_actions_head phrase. Add panel.forum_actions_create_head phrase. Add panel.forum_action_run_on_topic_creation phrase. Add panel.forum_action_run_days_after_topic_creation phrase. Add panel.forum_action_run_days_after_topic_last_reply phrase. Add panel.forum_action_action phrase. Add panel.forum_action_action_delete phrase. Add panel.forum_action_action_lock phrase. Add panel.forum_action_action_unlock phrase. Add panel.forum_action_action_move phrase. Add panel.forum_action_extra phrase. Add panel.forum_action_create_button phrase. You will need to run the patcher / updater for this commit.
1219 lines
36 KiB
1219 lines
36 KiB
* Gosora Topic File
* Copyright Azareal 2017 - 2020
package common
import (
p ""
qgen ""
// This is also in reply.go
//var ErrAlreadyLiked = errors.New("This item was already liked by this user")
// ? - Add a TopicMeta struct for *Forums?
type Topic struct {
ID int
Link string
Title string
Content string
CreatedBy int
IsClosed bool
Sticky bool
CreatedAt time.Time
LastReplyAt time.Time
LastReplyBy int
LastReplyID int
ParentID int
Status string // Deprecated. Marked for removal. -Is there anything we could use it for?
IP string
ViewCount int64
PostCount int
LikeCount int
AttachCount int
WeekViews int
ClassName string // CSS Class Name
Poll int
Data string // Used for report metadata
Rids []int
type TopicUser struct {
ID int
Link string
Title string
Content string // TODO: Avoid converting this to bytes in templates, particularly if it's long
CreatedBy int
IsClosed bool
Sticky bool
CreatedAt time.Time
LastReplyAt time.Time
LastReplyBy int
LastReplyID int
ParentID int
Status string // Deprecated. Marked for removal.
IP string
ViewCount int64
PostCount int
LikeCount int
AttachCount int
ClassName string
Poll int
Data string // Used for report metadata
UserLink string
CreatedByName string
Group int
Avatar string
MicroAvatar string
ContentLines int
ContentHTML string // TODO: Avoid converting this to bytes in templates, particularly if it's long
Tag string
URL string
//URLPrefix string
//URLName string
Level int
Liked bool
Attachments []*MiniAttachment
Rids []int
Deletable bool
type TopicsRowMut struct {
CanMod bool
// TODO: Embed TopicUser to simplify this structure and it's related logic?
type TopicsRow struct {
LastPage int
Creator *User
CSS template.CSS
ContentLines int
LastUser *User
ForumName string //TopicsRow
ForumLink string
type WsTopicsRow struct {
ID int
Link string
Title string
CreatedBy int
IsClosed bool
Sticky bool
CreatedAt time.Time
LastReplyAt time.Time
RelativeLastReplyAt string
LastReplyBy int
LastReplyID int
ParentID int
ViewCount int64
PostCount int
LikeCount int
AttachCount int
ClassName string
Creator *WsJSONUser
LastUser *WsJSONUser
ForumName string
ForumLink string
CanMod bool
// TODO: Can we get the client side to render the relative times instead?
func (r *TopicsRow) WebSockets() *WsTopicsRow {
return &WsTopicsRow{r.ID, r.Link, r.Title, r.CreatedBy, r.IsClosed, r.Sticky, r.CreatedAt, r.LastReplyAt, RelativeTime(r.LastReplyAt), r.LastReplyBy, r.LastReplyID, r.ParentID, r.ViewCount, r.PostCount, r.LikeCount, r.AttachCount, r.ClassName, r.Creator.WebSockets(), r.LastUser.WebSockets(), r.ForumName, r.ForumLink, false}
// TODO: Can we get the client side to render the relative times instead?
func (r *TopicsRow) WebSockets2(canMod bool) *WsTopicsRow {
return &WsTopicsRow{r.ID, r.Link, r.Title, r.CreatedBy, r.IsClosed, r.Sticky, r.CreatedAt, r.LastReplyAt, RelativeTime(r.LastReplyAt), r.LastReplyBy, r.LastReplyID, r.ParentID, r.ViewCount, r.PostCount, r.LikeCount, r.AttachCount, r.ClassName, r.Creator.WebSockets(), r.LastUser.WebSockets(), r.ForumName, r.ForumLink, canMod}
// TODO: Stop relying on so many struct types?
// ! Not quite safe as Topic doesn't contain all the data needed to constructs a TopicsRow
func (t *Topic) TopicsRow() *TopicsRow {
lastPage := 1
var creator *User = nil
contentLines := 1
var lastUser *User = nil
forumName := ""
forumLink := ""
//return &TopicsRow{t.ID, t.Link, t.Title, t.Content, t.CreatedBy, t.IsClosed, t.Sticky, t.CreatedAt, t.LastReplyAt, t.LastReplyBy, t.LastReplyID, t.ParentID, t.Status, t.IP, t.ViewCount, t.PostCount, t.LikeCount, t.AttachCount, lastPage, t.ClassName, t.Poll, t.Data, creator, "", contentLines, lastUser, forumName, forumLink, t.Rids}
return &TopicsRow{*t, lastPage, creator, "", contentLines, lastUser, forumName, forumLink}
// ! Some data may be lost in the conversion
/*func (t *TopicsRow) Topic() *Topic {
//return &Topic{t.ID, t.Link, t.Title, t.Content, t.CreatedBy, t.IsClosed, t.Sticky, t.CreatedAt, t.LastReplyAt, t.LastReplyBy, t.LastReplyID, t.ParentID, t.Status, t.IP, t.ViewCount, t.PostCount, t.LikeCount, t.AttachCount, t.ClassName, t.Poll, t.Data, t.Rids}
return &t.Topic
// ! Not quite safe as Topic doesn't contain all the data needed to constructs a WsTopicsRow
/*func (t *Topic) WsTopicsRows() *WsTopicsRow {
var creator *User = nil
var lastUser *User = nil
forumName := ""
forumLink := ""
return &WsTopicsRow{t.ID, t.Link, t.Title, t.CreatedBy, t.IsClosed, t.Sticky, t.CreatedAt, t.LastReplyAt, RelativeTime(t.LastReplyAt), t.LastReplyBy, t.LastReplyID, t.ParentID, t.ViewCount, t.PostCount, t.LikeCount, t.AttachCount, t.ClassName, creator, lastUser, forumName, forumLink}
type TopicStmts struct {
getRids *sql.Stmt
getReplies *sql.Stmt
getReplies2 *sql.Stmt
getReplies3 *sql.Stmt
addReplies *sql.Stmt
updateLastReply *sql.Stmt
lock *sql.Stmt
unlock *sql.Stmt
moveTo *sql.Stmt
stick *sql.Stmt
unstick *sql.Stmt
hasLikedTopic *sql.Stmt
createLike *sql.Stmt
addLikesToTopic *sql.Stmt
delete *sql.Stmt
deleteReplies *sql.Stmt
deleteLikesForTopic *sql.Stmt
deleteActivity *sql.Stmt
edit *sql.Stmt
setPoll *sql.Stmt
testSetCreatedAt *sql.Stmt
createAction *sql.Stmt
getTopicUser *sql.Stmt // TODO: Can we get rid of this?
getByReplyID *sql.Stmt
var topicStmts TopicStmts
func init() {
DbInits.Add(func(acc *qgen.Accumulator) error {
t, w := "topics", "tid=?"
set := func(s string) *sql.Stmt {
return acc.Update(t).Set(s).Where(w).Prepare()
topicStmts = TopicStmts{
getRids: acc.Select("replies").Columns("rid").Where(w).Orderby("rid ASC").Limit("?,?").Prepare(),
getReplies: acc.SimpleLeftJoin("replies AS r", "users AS u", "r.rid, r.content, r.createdBy, r.createdAt, r.lastEdit, r.lastEditBy, u.avatar,,, u.level, r.ip, r.likeCount, r.attachCount, r.actionType", "r.createdBy=u.uid", "r.tid=?", "r.rid ASC", "?,?"),
getReplies2: acc.SimpleLeftJoin("replies AS r", "users AS u", "r.rid, r.content, r.createdBy, r.createdAt, r.lastEdit, r.lastEditBy, u.avatar,,, u.level, r.likeCount, r.attachCount, r.actionType", "r.createdBy=u.uid", "r.tid=?", "r.rid ASC", "?,?"),
getReplies3: acc.Select("replies").Columns("rid,content,createdBy,createdAt,lastEdit,lastEditBy,likeCount,attachCount,actionType").Where(w).Orderby("rid ASC").Limit("?,?").Prepare(),
addReplies: set("postCount=postCount+?,lastReplyBy=?,lastReplyAt=UTC_TIMESTAMP()"),
updateLastReply: acc.Update(t).Set("lastReplyID=?").Where("lastReplyID<? AND tid=?").Prepare(),
lock: set("is_closed=1"),
unlock: set("is_closed=0"),
moveTo: set("parentID=?"),
stick: set("sticky=1"),
unstick: set("sticky=0"),
hasLikedTopic: acc.Select("likes").Columns("targetItem").Where("sentBy=? and targetItem=? and targetType='topics'").Prepare(),
createLike: acc.Insert("likes").Columns("weight,targetItem,targetType,sentBy,createdAt").Fields("?,?,?,?,UTC_TIMESTAMP()").Prepare(),
addLikesToTopic: set("likeCount=likeCount+?"),
delete: acc.Delete(t).Where(w).Prepare(),
deleteReplies: acc.Delete("replies").Where(w).Prepare(),
deleteLikesForTopic: acc.Delete("likes").Where("targetItem=? AND targetType='topics'").Prepare(),
deleteActivity: acc.Delete("activity_stream").Where("elementID=? AND elementType='topic'").Prepare(),
edit: set("title=?,content=?,parsed_content=?"), // TODO: Only run the content update bits on non-polls, does this matter?
setPoll: acc.Update(t).Set("poll=?").Where("tid=? AND poll=0").Prepare(),
testSetCreatedAt: set("createdAt=?"),
createAction: acc.Insert("replies").Columns("tid,actionType,ip,createdBy,createdAt,lastUpdated,content,parsed_content").Fields("?,?,?,?,UTC_TIMESTAMP(),UTC_TIMESTAMP(),'',''").Prepare(),
getTopicUser: acc.SimpleLeftJoin("topics AS t", "users AS u", "t.title, t.content, t.createdBy, t.createdAt, t.lastReplyAt, t.lastReplyBy, t.lastReplyID, t.is_closed, t.sticky, t.parentID, t.ip, t.views, t.postCount, t.likeCount, t.attachCount,t.poll,, u.avatar,, u.level", "t.createdBy=u.uid", w, "", ""),
getByReplyID: acc.SimpleLeftJoin("replies AS r", "topics AS t", "t.tid, t.title, t.content, t.createdBy, t.createdAt, t.is_closed, t.sticky, t.parentID, t.ip, t.views, t.postCount, t.likeCount, t.poll,", "r.tid=t.tid", "rid=?", "", ""),
return acc.FirstError()
// Flush the topic out of the cache
// ? - We do a CacheRemove() here instead of mutating the pointer to avoid creating a race condition
func (t *Topic) cacheRemove() {
if tc := Topics.GetCache(); tc != nil {
// TODO: Write a test for this
func (t *Topic) AddReply(rid, uid int) (e error) {
_, e = topicStmts.addReplies.Exec(1, uid, t.ID)
if e != nil {
return e
_, e = topicStmts.updateLastReply.Exec(rid, rid, t.ID)
return e
func (t *Topic) Lock() (e error) {
_, e = topicStmts.lock.Exec(t.ID)
return e
func (t *Topic) Unlock() (e error) {
_, e = topicStmts.unlock.Exec(t.ID)
return e
func (t *Topic) MoveTo(destForum int) (e error) {
_, e = topicStmts.moveTo.Exec(destForum, t.ID)
if e != nil {
return e
e = Attachments.MoveTo(destForum, t.ID, "topics")
if e != nil {
return e
return Attachments.MoveToByExtra(destForum, "replies", strconv.Itoa(t.ID))
func (t *Topic) TestSetCreatedAt(s time.Time) (e error) {
_, e = topicStmts.testSetCreatedAt.Exec(s, t.ID)
return e
// TODO: We might want more consistent terminology rather than using stick in some places and pin in others. If you don't understand the difference, there is none, they are one and the same.
func (t *Topic) Stick() (e error) {
_, e = topicStmts.stick.Exec(t.ID)
return e
func (t *Topic) Unstick() (e error) {
_, e = topicStmts.unstick.Exec(t.ID)
return e
// TODO: Test this
// TODO: Use a transaction for this
func (t *Topic) Like(score, uid int) (err error) {
var disp int // Unused
err = topicStmts.hasLikedTopic.QueryRow(uid, t.ID).Scan(&disp)
if err != nil && err != ErrNoRows {
return err
} else if err != ErrNoRows {
return ErrAlreadyLiked
_, err = topicStmts.createLike.Exec(score, t.ID, "topics", uid)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = topicStmts.addLikesToTopic.Exec(1, t.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = userStmts.incLiked.Exec(1, uid)
return err
// TODO: Use a transaction
func (t *Topic) Unlike(uid int) error {
e := Likes.Delete(t.ID, "topics")
if e != nil {
return e
_, e = topicStmts.addLikesToTopic.Exec(-1, t.ID)
if e != nil {
return e
_, e = userStmts.decLiked.Exec(1, uid)
return e
func handleLikedTopicReplies(tid int) error {
rows, e := userStmts.getLikedRepliesOfTopic.Query(tid)
if e != nil {
return e
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var rid int
if e := rows.Scan(&rid); e != nil {
return e
_, e = replyStmts.deleteLikesForReply.Exec(rid)
if e != nil {
return e
e = Activity.DeleteByParams("like", rid, "post")
if e != nil {
return e
return rows.Err()
func handleTopicAttachments(tid int) error {
e := handleAttachments(userStmts.getAttachmentsOfTopic, tid)
if e != nil {
return e
return handleAttachments(userStmts.getAttachmentsOfTopic2, tid)
func handleReplyAttachments(rid int) error {
return handleAttachments(replyStmts.getAidsOfReply, rid)
func handleAttachments(stmt *sql.Stmt, id int) error {
rows, e := stmt.Query(id)
if e != nil {
return e
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
var aid int
if e := rows.Scan(&aid); e != nil {
return e
a, e := Attachments.FGet(aid)
if e != nil {
return e
e = deleteAttachment(a)
if e != nil && e != sql.ErrNoRows {
return e
return rows.Err()
// TODO: Only load a row per createdBy, maybe with group by?
func handleTopicReplies(umap map[int]struct{}, uid, tid int) error {
rows, e := userStmts.getRepliesOfTopic.Query(uid, tid)
if e != nil {
return e
defer rows.Close()
var createdBy int
for rows.Next() {
if e := rows.Scan(&createdBy); e != nil {
return e
umap[createdBy] = struct{}{}
return rows.Err()
// TODO: Use a transaction here
func (t *Topic) Delete() error {
/*creator, e := Users.Get(t.CreatedBy)
if e == nil {
e = creator.DecreasePostStats(WordCount(t.Content), true)
if e != nil {
return e
} else if e != ErrNoRows {
return e
// TODO: Clear reply cache too
_, e := topicStmts.delete.Exec(t.ID)
if e != nil {
return e
e = Forums.RemoveTopic(t.ParentID)
if e != nil && e != ErrNoRows {
return e
_, e = topicStmts.deleteLikesForTopic.Exec(t.ID)
if e != nil {
return e
if t.PostCount > 1 {
if e = handleLikedTopicReplies(t.ID); e != nil {
return e
umap := make(map[int]struct{})
e = handleTopicReplies(umap, t.CreatedBy, t.ID)
if e != nil {
return e
_, e = topicStmts.deleteReplies.Exec(t.ID)
if e != nil {
return e
for uid := range umap {
e = (&User{ID: uid}).RecalcPostStats()
if e != nil {
//log.Printf("e: %+v\n", e)
return e
e = (&User{ID: t.CreatedBy}).RecalcPostStats()
if e != nil {
return e
e = handleTopicAttachments(t.ID)
if e != nil {
return e
e = Subscriptions.DeleteResource(t.ID, "topic")
if e != nil {
return e
_, e = topicStmts.deleteActivity.Exec(t.ID)
if e != nil {
return e
if t.Poll > 0 {
e = (&Poll{ID: t.Poll}).Delete()
if e != nil {
return e
return nil
// TODO: Write tests for this
func (t *Topic) Update(name, content string) error {
name = SanitiseSingleLine(html.UnescapeString(name))
if name == "" {
return ErrNoTitle
// ? This number might be a little screwy with Unicode, but it's the only consistent thing we have, as Unicode characters can be any number of bytes in theory?
if len(name) > Config.MaxTopicTitleLength {
return ErrLongTitle
content = PreparseMessage(html.UnescapeString(content))
parsedContent := ParseMessage(content, t.ParentID, "forums", nil, nil)
_, err := topicStmts.edit.Exec(name, content, parsedContent, t.ID)
return err
func (t *Topic) SetPoll(pollID int) error {
_, e := topicStmts.setPoll.Exec(pollID, t.ID) // TODO: Sniff if this changed anything to see if we hit an existing poll
return e
// TODO: Have this go through the ReplyStore?
// TODO: Return the rid?
func (t *Topic) CreateActionReply(action, ip string, uid int) (err error) {
if Config.DisablePostIP {
ip = ""
res, err := topicStmts.createAction.Exec(t.ID, action, ip, uid)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = topicStmts.addReplies.Exec(1, uid, t.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
lid, err := res.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
return err
rid := int(lid)
_, err = topicStmts.updateLastReply.Exec(rid, rid, t.ID)
// ? - Update the last topic cache for the parent forum?
return err
func GetRidsForTopic(tid, offset int) (rids []int, e error) {
rows, e := topicStmts.getRids.Query(tid, offset, Config.ItemsPerPage)
if e != nil {
return nil, e
defer rows.Close()
var rid int
for rows.Next() {
if e := rows.Scan(&rid); e != nil {
return nil, e
rids = append(rids, rid)
return rids, rows.Err()
var aipost = ";︎"
var lockai = "🔒" + aipost
var unlockai = "🔓"
var stickai = "📌"
var unstickai = "📌" + aipost
func (ru *ReplyUser) Init(u *User) (group *Group, err error) {
ru.ContentLines = strings.Count(ru.Content, "\n")
postGroup, err := Groups.Get(ru.Group)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if postGroup.IsMod {
ru.ClassName = Config.StaffCSS
ru.Tag = postGroup.Tag
if u.ID != ru.CreatedBy {
ru.UserLink = BuildProfileURL(NameToSlug(ru.CreatedByName), ru.CreatedBy)
// TODO: Make a function for this? Build a more sophisticated noavatar handling system? Do bulk user loads and let the c.UserStore initialise this?
ru.Avatar, ru.MicroAvatar = BuildAvatar(ru.CreatedBy, ru.Avatar)
} else {
ru.UserLink = u.Link
ru.Avatar, ru.MicroAvatar = u.Avatar, u.MicroAvatar
// We really shouldn't have inline HTML, we should do something about this...
if ru.ActionType != "" {
aarr := strings.Split(ru.ActionType, "-")
action := aarr[0]
switch action {
case "lock":
ru.ActionIcon = lockai
case "unlock":
ru.ActionIcon = unlockai
case "stick":
ru.ActionIcon = stickai
case "unstick":
ru.ActionIcon = unstickai
case "move":
if len(aarr) == 2 {
fid, _ := strconv.Atoi(aarr[1])
forum, err := Forums.Get(fid)
if err == nil {
ru.ActionType = p.GetTmplPhrasef("topic.action_topic_move_dest", forum.Link, forum.Name, ru.UserLink, ru.CreatedByName)
return postGroup, nil
// TODO: Only fire this off if a corresponding phrase for the ActionType doesn't exist? Or maybe have some sort of action registry?
ru.ActionType = p.GetTmplPhrasef("topic.action_topic_default", ru.ActionType)
return postGroup, nil
ru.ActionType = p.GetTmplPhrasef("topic.action_topic_"+action, ru.UserLink, ru.CreatedByName)
return postGroup, nil
func (ru *ReplyUser) Init2() (group *Group, err error) {
//ru.UserLink = BuildProfileURL(NameToSlug(ru.CreatedByName), ru.CreatedBy)
ru.ContentLines = strings.Count(ru.Content, "\n")
postGroup, err := Groups.Get(ru.Group)
if err != nil {
return postGroup, err
if postGroup.IsMod {
ru.ClassName = Config.StaffCSS
ru.Tag = postGroup.Tag
// We really shouldn't have inline HTML, we should do something about this...
if ru.ActionType != "" {
aarr := strings.Split(ru.ActionType, "-")
action := aarr[0]
switch action {
case "lock":
ru.ActionIcon = lockai
case "unlock":
ru.ActionIcon = unlockai
case "stick":
ru.ActionIcon = stickai
case "unstick":
ru.ActionIcon = unstickai
case "move":
if len(aarr) == 2 {
fid, _ := strconv.Atoi(aarr[1])
forum, err := Forums.Get(fid)
if err == nil {
ru.ActionType = p.GetTmplPhrasef("topic.action_topic_move_dest", forum.Link, forum.Name, ru.UserLink, ru.CreatedByName)
return postGroup, nil
// TODO: Only fire this off if a corresponding phrase for the ActionType doesn't exist? Or maybe have some sort of action registry?
ru.ActionType = p.GetTmplPhrasef("topic.action_topic_default", ru.ActionType)
return postGroup, nil
ru.ActionType = p.GetTmplPhrasef("topic.action_topic_"+action, ru.UserLink, ru.CreatedByName)
return postGroup, nil
func (ru *ReplyUser) Init3(u *User, tu *TopicUser) (group *Group, err error) {
ru.ContentLines = strings.Count(ru.Content, "\n")
postGroup, err := Groups.Get(ru.Group)
if err != nil {
return postGroup, err
if postGroup.IsMod {
ru.ClassName = Config.StaffCSS
ru.Tag = postGroup.Tag
if u.ID == ru.CreatedBy {
ru.UserLink = u.Link
ru.Avatar, ru.MicroAvatar = u.Avatar, u.MicroAvatar
} else if tu.CreatedBy == ru.CreatedBy {
ru.UserLink = tu.UserLink
ru.Avatar, ru.MicroAvatar = tu.Avatar, tu.MicroAvatar
} else {
ru.UserLink = BuildProfileURL(NameToSlug(ru.CreatedByName), ru.CreatedBy)
// TODO: Make a function for this? Build a more sophisticated noavatar handling system? Do bulk user loads and let the c.UserStore initialise this?
ru.Avatar, ru.MicroAvatar = BuildAvatar(ru.CreatedBy, ru.Avatar)
// We really shouldn't have inline HTML, we should do something about this...
if ru.ActionType != "" {
aarr := strings.Split(ru.ActionType, "-")
action := aarr[0]
switch action {
case "lock":
ru.ActionIcon = lockai
action = "topic.action_topic_lock"
case "unlock":
ru.ActionIcon = unlockai
action = "topic.action_topic_unlock"
case "stick":
ru.ActionIcon = stickai
action = "topic.action_topic_stick"
case "unstick":
ru.ActionIcon = unstickai
action = "topic.action_topic_unstick"
case "move":
if len(aarr) == 2 {
fid, _ := strconv.Atoi(aarr[1])
forum, err := Forums.Get(fid)
if err == nil {
ru.ActionType = p.GetTmplPhrasef("topic.action_topic_move_dest", forum.Link, forum.Name, ru.UserLink, ru.CreatedByName)
return postGroup, nil
// TODO: Only fire this off if a corresponding phrase for the ActionType doesn't exist? Or maybe have some sort of action registry?
ru.ActionType = p.GetTmplPhrasef("topic.action_topic_default", ru.ActionType)
return postGroup, nil
ru.ActionType = p.GetTmplPhrasef(action, ru.UserLink, ru.CreatedByName)
return postGroup, nil
// TODO: Factor TopicUser into a *Topic and *User, as this starting to become overly complicated x.x
func (t *TopicUser) Replies(offset int /*pFrag int, */, user *User) (rlist []*ReplyUser /*, ogdesc string*/, externalHead bool, err error) {
var likedMap, attachMap map[int]int
var likedQueryList, attachQueryList []int
var rid int
if len(t.Rids) > 0 {
//log.Print("have rid")
rid = t.Rids[0]
re, err := Rstore.GetCache().Get(rid)
ucache := Users.GetCache()
var ruser *User
if ucache != nil {
//log.Print("ucache step")
if err == nil {
ruser = ucache.Getn(re.CreatedBy)
} else if t.PostCount == 2 {
ruser = ucache.Getn(t.LastReplyBy)
hTbl := GetHookTable()
rf := func(r *ReplyUser) (err error) {
//log.Printf("before r: %+v\n", r)
postGroup, err := r.Init3(user, t)
if err != nil {
return err
//log.Printf("after r: %+v\n", r)
var parseSettings *ParseSettings
if (Config.NoEmbed || !postGroup.Perms.AutoEmbed) && (user.ParseSettings == nil || !user.ParseSettings.NoEmbed) {
parseSettings = DefaultParseSettings.CopyPtr()
parseSettings.NoEmbed = true
} else {
parseSettings = user.ParseSettings
/*if user.ParseSettings == nil {
parseSettings = DefaultParseSettings.CopyPtr()
parseSettings.NoEmbed = Config.NoEmbed || !postGroup.Perms.AutoEmbed
parseSettings.NoLink = !postGroup.Perms.AutoLink
} else {
parseSettings = user.ParseSettings
var eh bool
r.ContentHtml, eh = ParseMessage2(r.Content, t.ParentID, "forums", parseSettings, user)
if eh {
externalHead = true
// TODO: Do this more efficiently by avoiding the allocations entirely in ParseMessage, if there's nothing to do.
if r.ContentHtml == r.Content {
r.ContentHtml = r.Content
r.Deletable = user.Perms.DeleteReply || r.CreatedBy == user.ID
// TODO: This doesn't work properly so pick the first one instead?
/*if r.ID == pFrag {
ogdesc = r.Content
if len(ogdesc) > 200 {
ogdesc = ogdesc[:197] + "..."
return nil
rf3 := func(r *ReplyUser) error {
//log.Printf("before r: %+v\n", r)
postGroup, err := r.Init2()
if err != nil {
return err
var parseSettings *ParseSettings
if (Config.NoEmbed || !postGroup.Perms.AutoEmbed) && (user.ParseSettings == nil || !user.ParseSettings.NoEmbed) {
parseSettings = DefaultParseSettings.CopyPtr()
parseSettings.NoEmbed = true
} else {
parseSettings = user.ParseSettings
var eh bool
r.ContentHtml, eh = ParseMessage2(r.Content, t.ParentID, "forums", parseSettings, user)
if eh {
externalHead = true
// TODO: Do this more efficiently by avoiding the allocations entirely in ParseMessage, if there's nothing to do.
if r.ContentHtml == r.Content {
r.ContentHtml = r.Content
r.Deletable = user.Perms.DeleteReply || r.CreatedBy == user.ID
return nil
// TODO: Factor the user fields out and embed a user struct instead
if err == nil && ruser != nil {
//log.Print("reply cached serve")
r := &ReplyUser{ /*ClassName: "", */ Reply: *re, CreatedByName: ruser.Name, UserLink: ruser.Link, Avatar: ruser.Avatar, MicroAvatar: ruser.MicroAvatar /*URLPrefix: ruser.URLPrefix, URLName: ruser.URLName, */, Group: ruser.Group, Level: ruser.Level, Tag: ruser.Tag}
if err = rf3(r); err != nil {
return nil, externalHead, err
if r.LikeCount > 0 && user.Liked > 0 {
likedMap = map[int]int{r.ID: 0}
likedQueryList = []int{r.ID}
if user.Perms.EditReply && r.AttachCount > 0 {
if likedMap == nil {
attachMap = map[int]int{r.ID: 0}
attachQueryList = []int{r.ID}
} else {
attachMap = likedMap
attachQueryList = likedQueryList
H_topic_reply_row_assign_hook(hTbl, r)
// TODO: Use a pointer instead to make it easier to abstract this loop? What impact would this have on escape analysis?
rlist = []*ReplyUser{r}
//log.Printf("r: %d-%d", r.ID, len(rlist)-1)
} else {
//log.Print("reply query serve")
ap1 := func(r *ReplyUser) {
H_topic_reply_row_assign_hook(hTbl, r)
// TODO: Use a pointer instead to make it easier to abstract this loop? What impact would this have on escape analysis?
rlist = append(rlist, r)
//log.Printf("r: %d-%d", r.ID, len(rlist)-1)
rf2 := func(r *ReplyUser) {
if r.LikeCount > 0 && user.Liked > 0 {
if likedMap == nil {
likedMap = map[int]int{r.ID: len(rlist)}
likedQueryList = []int{r.ID}
} else {
likedMap[r.ID] = len(rlist)
likedQueryList = append(likedQueryList, r.ID)
if user.Perms.EditReply && r.AttachCount > 0 {
if attachMap == nil {
attachMap = map[int]int{r.ID: len(rlist)}
attachQueryList = []int{r.ID}
} else {
attachMap[r.ID] = len(rlist)
attachQueryList = append(attachQueryList, r.ID)
if !user.Perms.ViewIPs && ruser != nil {
rows, e := topicStmts.getReplies3.Query(t.ID, offset, Config.ItemsPerPage)
if err != nil {
return nil, externalHead, e
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
r := &ReplyUser{Avatar: ruser.Avatar, MicroAvatar: ruser.MicroAvatar, UserLink: ruser.Link, CreatedByName: ruser.Name, Group: ruser.Group, Level: ruser.Level}
e := rows.Scan(&r.ID, &r.Content, &r.CreatedBy, &r.CreatedAt, &r.LastEdit, &r.LastEditBy, &r.LikeCount, &r.AttachCount, &r.ActionType)
if e != nil {
return nil, externalHead, e
if e = rf3(r); e != nil {
return nil, externalHead, e
if e = rows.Err(); e != nil {
return nil, externalHead, e
} else if user.Perms.ViewIPs {
rows, err := topicStmts.getReplies.Query(t.ID, offset, Config.ItemsPerPage)
if err != nil {
return nil, externalHead, err
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
r := &ReplyUser{}
err := rows.Scan(&r.ID, &r.Content, &r.CreatedBy, &r.CreatedAt, &r.LastEdit, &r.LastEditBy, &r.Avatar, &r.CreatedByName, &r.Group /*&r.URLPrefix, &r.URLName,*/, &r.Level, &r.IP, &r.LikeCount, &r.AttachCount, &r.ActionType)
if err != nil {
return nil, externalHead, err
if err = rf(r); err != nil {
return nil, externalHead, err
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, externalHead, err
} else if t.PostCount >= 20 {
//log.Print("t.PostCount >= 20")
rows, err := topicStmts.getReplies3.Query(t.ID, offset, Config.ItemsPerPage)
if err != nil {
return nil, externalHead, err
defer rows.Close()
reqUserList := make(map[int]bool)
for rows.Next() {
r := &ReplyUser{}
err := rows.Scan(&r.ID, &r.Content, &r.CreatedBy, &r.CreatedAt, &r.LastEdit, &r.LastEditBy /*&r.URLPrefix, &r.URLName,*/, &r.LikeCount, &r.AttachCount, &r.ActionType)
if err != nil {
return nil, externalHead, err
if r.CreatedBy != t.CreatedBy && r.CreatedBy != user.ID {
reqUserList[r.CreatedBy] = true
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, externalHead, err
if len(reqUserList) == 1 {
//log.Print("len(reqUserList) == 1: ", len(reqUserList) == 1)
var uitem *User
for uid, _ := range reqUserList {
uitem, err = Users.Get(uid)
if err != nil {
return nil, externalHead, nil // TODO: Implement this!
for _, r := range rlist {
if r.CreatedBy == t.CreatedBy {
r.CreatedByName = t.CreatedByName
r.Avatar = t.Avatar
r.MicroAvatar = t.MicroAvatar
r.Group = t.Group
r.Level = t.Level
} else {
var u *User
if r.CreatedBy == user.ID {
u = user
} else {
u = uitem
r.CreatedByName = u.Name
r.Avatar = u.Avatar
r.MicroAvatar = u.MicroAvatar
r.Group = u.Group
r.Level = u.Level
if err = rf(r); err != nil {
return nil, externalHead, err
} else {
//log.Print("len(reqUserList) != 1: ", len(reqUserList) != 1)
var userList map[int]*User
if len(reqUserList) > 0 {
//log.Print("len(reqUserList) > 0: ", len(reqUserList) > 0)
// Convert the user ID map to a slice, then bulk load the users
idSlice := make([]int, len(reqUserList))
var i int
for userID := range reqUserList {
idSlice[i] = userID
userList, err = Users.BulkGetMap(idSlice)
if err != nil {
return nil, externalHead, nil // TODO: Implement this!
for _, r := range rlist {
if r.CreatedBy == t.CreatedBy {
r.CreatedByName = t.CreatedByName
r.Avatar = t.Avatar
r.MicroAvatar = t.MicroAvatar
r.Group = t.Group
r.Level = t.Level
} else {
var u *User
if r.CreatedBy == user.ID {
u = user
} else {
u = userList[r.CreatedBy]
r.CreatedByName = u.Name
r.Avatar = u.Avatar
r.MicroAvatar = u.MicroAvatar
r.Group = u.Group
r.Level = u.Level
if err = rf(r); err != nil {
return nil, externalHead, err
} else {
//log.Print("reply fallback")
rows, err := topicStmts.getReplies2.Query(t.ID, offset, Config.ItemsPerPage)
if err != nil {
return nil, externalHead, err
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
r := &ReplyUser{}
err := rows.Scan(&r.ID, &r.Content, &r.CreatedBy, &r.CreatedAt, &r.LastEdit, &r.LastEditBy, &r.Avatar, &r.CreatedByName, &r.Group /*&r.URLPrefix, &r.URLName,*/, &r.Level, &r.LikeCount, &r.AttachCount, &r.ActionType)
if err != nil {
return nil, externalHead, err
if err = rf(r); err != nil {
return nil, externalHead, err
if err = rows.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, externalHead, err
// TODO: Add a config setting to disable the liked query for a burst of extra speed
if user.Liked > 0 && len(likedQueryList) > 0 /*&& user.LastLiked <= time.Now()*/ {
eids, err := Likes.BulkExists(likedQueryList, user.ID, "replies")
if err != nil {
return nil, externalHead, err
for _, eid := range eids {
rlist[likedMap[eid]].Liked = true
if user.Perms.EditReply && len(attachQueryList) > 0 {
//log.Printf("attachQueryList: %+v\n", attachQueryList)
amap, err := Attachments.BulkMiniGetList("replies", attachQueryList)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
return nil, externalHead, err
//log.Printf("amap: %+v\n", amap)
//log.Printf("attachMap: %+v\n", attachMap)
for id, attach := range amap {
//log.Print("id:", id)
rlist[attachMap[id]].Attachments = attach
/*for _, a := range attach {
log.Printf("a: %+v\n", a)
//hTbl.VhookNoRet("topic_reply_end", &rlist)
return rlist, externalHead, nil
// TODO: Test this
func (t *Topic) Author() (*User, error) {
return Users.Get(t.CreatedBy)
func (t *Topic) GetID() int {
return t.ID
func (t *Topic) GetTable() string {
return "topics"
// Copy gives you a non-pointer concurrency safe copy of the topic
func (t *Topic) Copy() Topic {
return *t
// TODO: Load LastReplyAt and LastReplyID?
func TopicByReplyID(rid int) (*Topic, error) {
t := Topic{ID: 0}
err := topicStmts.getByReplyID.QueryRow(rid).Scan(&t.ID, &t.Title, &t.Content, &t.CreatedBy, &t.CreatedAt, &t.IsClosed, &t.Sticky, &t.ParentID, &t.IP, &t.ViewCount, &t.PostCount, &t.LikeCount, &t.Poll, &t.Data)
t.Link = BuildTopicURL(NameToSlug(t.Title), t.ID)
return &t, err
// TODO: Refactor the caller to take a Topic and a User rather than a combined TopicUser
// TODO: Load LastReplyAt everywhere in here?
func GetTopicUser(user *User, tid int) (tu TopicUser, err error) {
tcache := Topics.GetCache()
ucache := Users.GetCache()
if tcache != nil && ucache != nil {
topic, err := tcache.Get(tid)
if err == nil {
if topic.CreatedBy != user.ID {
user, err = Users.Get(topic.CreatedBy)
if err != nil {
return TopicUser{ID: tid}, err
// We might be better off just passing separate topic and user structs to the caller?
return copyTopicToTopicUser(topic, user), nil
} else if ucache.Length() < ucache.GetCapacity() {
topic, err = Topics.Get(tid)
if err != nil {
return TopicUser{ID: tid}, err
if topic.CreatedBy != user.ID {
user, err = Users.Get(topic.CreatedBy)
if err != nil {
return TopicUser{ID: tid}, err
return copyTopicToTopicUser(topic, user), nil
tu = TopicUser{ID: tid}
// TODO: This misses some important bits...
err = topicStmts.getTopicUser.QueryRow(tid).Scan(&tu.Title, &tu.Content, &tu.CreatedBy, &tu.CreatedAt, &tu.LastReplyAt, &tu.LastReplyBy, &tu.LastReplyID, &tu.IsClosed, &tu.Sticky, &tu.ParentID, &tu.IP, &tu.ViewCount, &tu.PostCount, &tu.LikeCount, &tu.AttachCount, &tu.Poll, &tu.CreatedByName, &tu.Avatar, &tu.Group, &tu.Level)
tu.Avatar, tu.MicroAvatar = BuildAvatar(tu.CreatedBy, tu.Avatar)
tu.Link = BuildTopicURL(NameToSlug(tu.Title), tu.ID)
tu.UserLink = BuildProfileURL(NameToSlug(tu.CreatedByName), tu.CreatedBy)
tu.Tag = Groups.DirtyGet(tu.Group).Tag
if tcache != nil {
// TODO: weekly views
theTopic := Topic{ID: tu.ID, Link: tu.Link, Title: tu.Title, Content: tu.Content, CreatedBy: tu.CreatedBy, IsClosed: tu.IsClosed, Sticky: tu.Sticky, CreatedAt: tu.CreatedAt, LastReplyAt: tu.LastReplyAt, LastReplyID: tu.LastReplyID, ParentID: tu.ParentID, IP: tu.IP, ViewCount: tu.ViewCount, PostCount: tu.PostCount, LikeCount: tu.LikeCount, AttachCount: tu.AttachCount, Poll: tu.Poll}
//log.Printf("theTopic: %+v\n", theTopic)
_ = tcache.Set(&theTopic)
return tu, err
func copyTopicToTopicUser(t *Topic, u *User) (tu TopicUser) {
tu.UserLink = u.Link
tu.CreatedByName = u.Name
tu.Group = u.Group
tu.Avatar = u.Avatar
tu.MicroAvatar = u.MicroAvatar
//tu.URLPrefix = u.URLPrefix
//tu.URLName = u.URLName
tu.Level = u.Level
tu.ID = t.ID
tu.Link = t.Link
tu.Title = t.Title
tu.Content = t.Content
tu.CreatedBy = t.CreatedBy
tu.IsClosed = t.IsClosed
tu.Sticky = t.Sticky
tu.CreatedAt = t.CreatedAt
tu.LastReplyAt = t.LastReplyAt
tu.LastReplyBy = t.LastReplyBy
tu.ParentID = t.ParentID
tu.IP = t.IP
tu.ViewCount = t.ViewCount
tu.PostCount = t.PostCount
tu.LikeCount = t.LikeCount
tu.AttachCount = t.AttachCount
tu.Poll = t.Poll
tu.Data = t.Data
tu.Rids = t.Rids
return tu
// For use in tests and for generating blank topics for forums which don't have a last poster
func BlankTopic() *Topic {
return new(Topic)
func BuildTopicURL(slug string, tid int) string {
if slug == "" || !Config.BuildSlugs {
return "/topic/" + strconv.Itoa(tid)
return "/topic/" + slug + "." + strconv.Itoa(tid)
func BuildTopicURLSb(sb *strings.Builder, slug string, tid int) {
if slug == "" || !Config.BuildSlugs {
sb.Grow(7 + 2)
sb.Grow(7 + 3 + len(slug))
// I don't care if it isn't used,, it will likely be in the future. Nolint.
// nolint
func getTopicURLPrefix() string {
return "/topic/"