/* * * Gosora Forum Store * Copyright Azareal 2017 - 2018 * */ package common import ( "database/sql" "errors" "log" "sort" "sync" "sync/atomic" "../query_gen/lib" ) var forumCreateMutex sync.Mutex var forumPerms map[int]map[int]*ForumPerms // [gid][fid]*ForumPerms // TODO: Add an abstraction around this and make it more thread-safe var Fstore ForumStore // ForumStore is an interface for accessing the forums and the metadata stored on them type ForumStore interface { LoadForums() error DirtyGet(id int) *Forum Get(id int) (*Forum, error) BypassGet(id int) (*Forum, error) Reload(id int) error // ? - Should we move this to ForumCache? It might require us to do some unnecessary casting though //Update(Forum) error Delete(id int) error AddTopic(tid int, uid int, fid int) error RemoveTopic(fid int) error UpdateLastTopic(tid int, uid int, fid int) error Exists(id int) bool GetAll() ([]*Forum, error) GetAllIDs() ([]int, error) GetAllVisible() ([]*Forum, error) GetAllVisibleIDs() ([]int, error) //GetChildren(parentID int, parentType string) ([]*Forum,error) //GetFirstChild(parentID int, parentType string) (*Forum,error) Create(forumName string, forumDesc string, active bool, preset string) (int, error) GlobalCount() int } type ForumCache interface { CacheGet(id int) (*Forum, error) CacheSet(forum *Forum) error CacheDelete(id int) Length() int } // MemoryForumStore is a struct which holds an arbitrary number of forums in memory, usually all of them, although we might introduce functionality to hold a smaller subset in memory for sites with an extremely large number of forums type MemoryForumStore struct { forums sync.Map // map[int]*Forum forumView atomic.Value // []*Forum get *sql.Stmt getAll *sql.Stmt delete *sql.Stmt create *sql.Stmt count *sql.Stmt updateCache *sql.Stmt addTopics *sql.Stmt removeTopics *sql.Stmt } // NewMemoryForumStore gives you a new instance of MemoryForumStore func NewMemoryForumStore() (*MemoryForumStore, error) { acc := qgen.Builder.Accumulator() // TODO: Do a proper delete return &MemoryForumStore{ get: acc.Select("forums").Columns("name, desc, active, preset, parentID, parentType, topicCount, lastTopicID, lastReplyerID").Where("fid = ?").Prepare(), getAll: acc.Select("forums").Columns("fid, name, desc, active, preset, parentID, parentType, topicCount, lastTopicID, lastReplyerID").Orderby("fid ASC").Prepare(), delete: acc.Update("forums").Set("name= '', active = 0").Where("fid = ?").Prepare(), create: acc.Insert("forums").Columns("name, desc, active, preset").Fields("?,?,?,?").Prepare(), count: acc.Count("forums").Where("name != ''").Prepare(), updateCache: acc.Update("forums").Set("lastTopicID = ?, lastReplyerID = ?").Where("fid = ?").Prepare(), addTopics: acc.Update("forums").Set("topicCount = topicCount + ?").Where("fid = ?").Prepare(), removeTopics: acc.Update("forums").Set("topicCount = topicCount - ?").Where("fid = ?").Prepare(), }, acc.FirstError() } // TODO: Add support for subforums func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) LoadForums() error { var forumView []*Forum addForum := func(forum *Forum) { mfs.forums.Store(forum.ID, forum) if forum.Active && forum.Name != "" && forum.ParentType == "" { forumView = append(forumView, forum) } } rows, err := mfs.getAll.Query() if err != nil { return err } defer rows.Close() var i = 0 for ; rows.Next(); i++ { forum := &Forum{ID: 0, Active: true, Preset: "all"} err = rows.Scan(&forum.ID, &forum.Name, &forum.Desc, &forum.Active, &forum.Preset, &forum.ParentID, &forum.ParentType, &forum.TopicCount, &forum.LastTopicID, &forum.LastReplyerID) if err != nil { return err } if forum.Name == "" { debugLog("Adding a placeholder forum") } else { log.Printf("Adding the '%s' forum", forum.Name) } forum.Link = BuildForumURL(NameToSlug(forum.Name), forum.ID) forum.LastTopic = Topics.DirtyGet(forum.LastTopicID) forum.LastReplyer = Users.DirtyGet(forum.LastReplyerID) addForum(forum) } mfs.forumView.Store(forumView) return rows.Err() } // TODO: Hide social groups too // ? - Will this be hit a lot by plugin_guilds? func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) rebuildView() { var forumView []*Forum mfs.forums.Range(func(_ interface{}, value interface{}) bool { forum := value.(*Forum) // ? - ParentType blank means that it doesn't have a parent if forum.Active && forum.Name != "" && forum.ParentType == "" { forumView = append(forumView, forum) } return true }) sort.Sort(SortForum(forumView)) mfs.forumView.Store(forumView) } func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) DirtyGet(id int) *Forum { fint, ok := mfs.forums.Load(id) if !ok || fint.(*Forum).Name == "" { return &Forum{ID: -1, Name: ""} } return fint.(*Forum) } func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) CacheGet(id int) (*Forum, error) { fint, ok := mfs.forums.Load(id) if !ok || fint.(*Forum).Name == "" { return nil, ErrNoRows } return fint.(*Forum), nil } func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) Get(id int) (*Forum, error) { fint, ok := mfs.forums.Load(id) if !ok || fint.(*Forum).Name == "" { var forum = &Forum{ID: id} err := mfs.get.QueryRow(id).Scan(&forum.Name, &forum.Desc, &forum.Active, &forum.Preset, &forum.ParentID, &forum.ParentType, &forum.TopicCount, &forum.LastTopicID, &forum.LastReplyerID) if err != nil { return forum, err } forum.Link = BuildForumURL(NameToSlug(forum.Name), forum.ID) forum.LastTopic = Topics.DirtyGet(forum.LastTopicID) forum.LastReplyer = Users.DirtyGet(forum.LastReplyerID) mfs.CacheSet(forum) return forum, err } return fint.(*Forum), nil } func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) BypassGet(id int) (*Forum, error) { var forum = &Forum{ID: id} err := mfs.get.QueryRow(id).Scan(&forum.Name, &forum.Desc, &forum.Active, &forum.Preset, &forum.ParentID, &forum.ParentType, &forum.TopicCount, &forum.LastTopicID, &forum.LastReplyerID) if err != nil { return nil, err } forum.Link = BuildForumURL(NameToSlug(forum.Name), forum.ID) forum.LastTopic = Topics.DirtyGet(forum.LastTopicID) forum.LastReplyer = Users.DirtyGet(forum.LastReplyerID) return forum, err } func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) Reload(id int) error { var forum = &Forum{ID: id} err := mfs.get.QueryRow(id).Scan(&forum.Name, &forum.Desc, &forum.Active, &forum.Preset, &forum.ParentID, &forum.ParentType, &forum.TopicCount, &forum.LastTopicID, &forum.LastReplyerID) if err != nil { return err } forum.Link = BuildForumURL(NameToSlug(forum.Name), forum.ID) forum.LastTopic = Topics.DirtyGet(forum.LastTopicID) forum.LastReplyer = Users.DirtyGet(forum.LastReplyerID) mfs.CacheSet(forum) return nil } func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) CacheSet(forum *Forum) error { mfs.forums.Store(forum.ID, forum) mfs.rebuildView() return nil } // ! Has a randomised order func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) GetAll() (forumView []*Forum, err error) { mfs.forums.Range(func(_ interface{}, value interface{}) bool { forumView = append(forumView, value.(*Forum)) return true }) sort.Sort(SortForum(forumView)) return forumView, nil } // ? - Can we optimise the sorting? func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) GetAllIDs() (ids []int, err error) { mfs.forums.Range(func(_ interface{}, value interface{}) bool { ids = append(ids, value.(*Forum).ID) return true }) sort.Ints(ids) return ids, nil } func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) GetAllVisible() (forumView []*Forum, err error) { forumView = mfs.forumView.Load().([]*Forum) return forumView, nil } func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) GetAllVisibleIDs() ([]int, error) { forumView := mfs.forumView.Load().([]*Forum) var ids = make([]int, len(forumView)) for i := 0; i < len(forumView); i++ { ids[i] = forumView[i].ID } return ids, nil } // TODO: Implement sub-forums. /*func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) GetChildren(parentID int, parentType string) ([]*Forum,error) { return nil, nil } func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) GetFirstChild(parentID int, parentType string) (*Forum,error) { return nil, nil }*/ // TODO: Add a query for this rather than hitting cache func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) Exists(id int) bool { forum, ok := mfs.forums.Load(id) return ok && forum.(*Forum).Name != "" } // TODO: Batch deletions with name blanking? Is this necessary? func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) CacheDelete(id int) { mfs.forums.Delete(id) mfs.rebuildView() } // TODO: Add a hook to allow plugin_guilds to detect when one of it's forums has just been deleted? func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) Delete(id int) error { if id == 1 { return errors.New("You cannot delete the Reports forum") } _, err := mfs.delete.Exec(id) mfs.CacheDelete(id) return err } func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) AddTopic(tid int, uid int, fid int) error { _, err := mfs.updateCache.Exec(tid, uid, fid) if err != nil { return err } _, err = mfs.addTopics.Exec(1, fid) if err != nil { return err } // TODO: Bypass the database and update this with a lock or an unsafe atomic swap return mfs.Reload(fid) } // TODO: Update the forum cache with the latest topic func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) RemoveTopic(fid int) error { _, err := mfs.removeTopics.Exec(1, fid) if err != nil { return err } // TODO: Bypass the database and update this with a lock or an unsafe atomic swap mfs.Reload(fid) return nil } // DEPRECATED. forum.Update() will be the way to do this in the future, once it's completed // TODO: Have a pointer to the last topic rather than storing it on the forum itself func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) UpdateLastTopic(tid int, uid int, fid int) error { _, err := mfs.updateCache.Exec(tid, uid, fid) if err != nil { return err } // TODO: Bypass the database and update this with a lock or an unsafe atomic swap return mfs.Reload(fid) } func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) Create(forumName string, forumDesc string, active bool, preset string) (int, error) { forumCreateMutex.Lock() res, err := mfs.create.Exec(forumName, forumDesc, active, preset) if err != nil { return 0, err } fid64, err := res.LastInsertId() if err != nil { return 0, err } fid := int(fid64) err = mfs.Reload(fid) if err != nil { return 0, err } PermmapToQuery(PresetToPermmap(preset), fid) forumCreateMutex.Unlock() return fid, nil } // ! Might be slightly inaccurate, if the sync.Map is constantly shifting and churning, but it'll stabilise eventually. Also, slow. Don't use this on every request x.x // Length returns the number of forums in the memory cache func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) Length() (length int) { mfs.forums.Range(func(_ interface{}, value interface{}) bool { length++ return true }) return length } // TODO: Get the total count of forums in the forum store minus the blanked forums rather than doing a heavy query for this? // GlobalCount returns the total number of forums func (mfs *MemoryForumStore) GlobalCount() (fcount int) { err := mfs.count.QueryRow().Scan(&fcount) if err != nil { LogError(err) } return fcount } // TODO: Work on SqlForumStore // TODO: Work on the NullForumStore