/* Copyright Azareal 2016 - 2017 */ package main import "log" import "fmt" import "strconv" import "bytes" import "regexp" import "strings" import "time" import "io" import "os" import "net/http" import "html" import "html/template" import "database/sql" import _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" import "golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt" // A blank list to fill out that parameter in Page for routes which don't use it var tList []interface{} var nList map[int]string // GET functions func route_static(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ //name := r.URL.Path[len("/static/"):] //log.Print("Outputting static file '" + r.URL.Path + "'") file, ok := static_files[r.URL.Path] if !ok { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) return } // Surely, there's a more efficient way of doing this? if t, err := time.Parse(http.TimeFormat, r.Header.Get("If-Modified-Since")); err == nil && file.Info.ModTime().Before(t.Add(1 * time.Second)) { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotModified) return } h := w.Header() h.Set("Last-Modified", file.FormattedModTime) h.Set("Content-Type", file.Mimetype) h.Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(file.Length, 10)) // Avoid doing a type conversion every time? //http.ServeContent(w,r,r.URL.Path,file.Info.ModTime(),file) //w.Write(file.Data) io.Copy(w, bytes.NewReader(file.Data)) // Use w.Write instead? //io.CopyN(w, bytes.NewReader(file.Data), static_files[r.URL.Path].Length) } func route_fstatic(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ http.ServeFile(w, r, r.URL.Path) } func route_overview(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } pi := Page{"Overview","overview",user,noticeList,tList,0} err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"overview.html", pi) if err != nil { InternalError(err, w, r, user) } } func route_custom_page(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } name := r.URL.Path[len("/pages/"):] if templates.Lookup("page_" + name) == nil { NotFound(w,r,user) } pi := Page{"Page","page",user,noticeList,tList,0} err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"page_" + name,pi) if err != nil { InternalError(err, w, r, user) } } func route_topics(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } // I'll have to find a solution which doesn't involve shutting down all of the routes for a user, if they don't have ANY permissions /*if !user.Perms.ViewTopic { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return }*/ var topicList []TopicUser rows, err := get_topic_list_stmt.Query() if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } defer rows.Close() topicItem := TopicUser{ID: 0,} for rows.Next() { err := rows.Scan(&topicItem.ID, &topicItem.Title, &topicItem.Content, &topicItem.CreatedBy, &topicItem.Is_Closed, &topicItem.Sticky, &topicItem.CreatedAt, &topicItem.ParentID, &topicItem.CreatedByName, &topicItem.Avatar) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } if topicItem.Is_Closed { topicItem.Status = "closed" } else { topicItem.Status = "open" } if topicItem.Avatar != "" { if topicItem.Avatar[0] == '.' { topicItem.Avatar = "/uploads/avatar_" + strconv.Itoa(topicItem.CreatedBy) + topicItem.Avatar } } else { topicItem.Avatar = strings.Replace(noavatar,"{id}",strconv.Itoa(topicItem.CreatedBy),1) } if hooks["trow_assign"] != nil { topicItem = run_hook("trow_assign", topicItem).(TopicUser) } topicList = append(topicList, topicItem) } err = rows.Err() if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } pi := TopicsPage{"Topic List",user,noticeList,topicList,0} if template_topics_handle != nil { template_topics_handle(pi,w) } else { err = templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"topics.html", pi) if err != nil { InternalError(err, w, r, user) } } } func route_forum(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } var topicList []TopicUser fid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/forum/"):]) if err != nil { LocalError("The provided ForumID is not a valid number.",w,r,user) return } _, ok = forums[fid] if !ok { NotFound(w,r,user) return } if !user.Perms.ViewTopic { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } rows, err := db.Query("select topics.tid, topics.title, topics.content, topics.createdBy, topics.is_closed, topics.sticky, topics.createdAt, topics.parentID, users.name, users.avatar from topics left join users ON topics.createdBy = users.uid WHERE topics.parentID = ? order by topics.sticky DESC, topics.lastReplyAt DESC, topics.createdBy DESC", fid) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } defer rows.Close() topicItem := TopicUser{ID: 0} for rows.Next() { err := rows.Scan(&topicItem.ID, &topicItem.Title, &topicItem.Content, &topicItem.CreatedBy, &topicItem.Is_Closed, &topicItem.Sticky, &topicItem.CreatedAt, &topicItem.ParentID, &topicItem.CreatedByName, &topicItem.Avatar) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } if topicItem.Is_Closed { topicItem.Status = "closed" } else { topicItem.Status = "open" } if topicItem.Avatar != "" { if topicItem.Avatar[0] == '.' { topicItem.Avatar = "/uploads/avatar_" + strconv.Itoa(topicItem.CreatedBy) + topicItem.Avatar } } else { topicItem.Avatar = strings.Replace(noavatar,"{id}",strconv.Itoa(topicItem.CreatedBy),1) } if hooks["trow_assign"] != nil { topicItem = run_hook("trow_assign", topicItem).(TopicUser) } topicList = append(topicList, topicItem) } err = rows.Err() if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } pi := ForumPage{forums[fid].Name,user,noticeList,topicList,0} if template_forum_handle != nil { template_forum_handle(pi,w) } else { err = templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"forum.html", pi) if err != nil { InternalError(err, w, r, user) } } } func route_forums(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } var forumList []Forum for _, forum := range forums { if forum.Active { forumList = append(forumList, forum) } } pi := ForumsPage{"Forum List",user,noticeList,forumList,0} if template_forums_handle != nil { template_forums_handle(pi,w) } else { err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"forums.html", pi) if err != nil { InternalError(err, w, r, user) } } } func route_topic_id(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } var( err error rid int content string replyContent string replyCreatedBy int replyCreatedByName string replyCreatedAt string replyLastEdit int replyLastEditBy int replyAvatar string replyCss template.CSS replyLines int replyTag string replyURL string replyURLPrefix string replyURLName string is_super_admin bool group int replyList []Reply ) topic := TopicUser{0,"","",0,false,false,"",0,"","","",no_css_tmpl,0,"","","",""} topic.ID, err = strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/topic/"):]) if err != nil { LocalError("The provided TopicID is not a valid number.",w,r,user) return } if !user.Perms.ViewTopic { //fmt.Printf("%+v\n", user) //fmt.Printf("%+v\n", user.Perms) NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } // Get the topic.. err = db.QueryRow("select topics.title, topics.content, topics.createdBy, topics.createdAt, topics.is_closed, topics.sticky, topics.parentID, users.name, users.avatar, users.is_super_admin, users.group, users.url_prefix, users.url_name from topics left join users ON topics.createdBy = users.uid where tid = ?", topic.ID).Scan(&topic.Title, &content, &topic.CreatedBy, &topic.CreatedAt, &topic.Is_Closed, &topic.Sticky, &topic.ParentID, &topic.CreatedByName, &topic.Avatar, &is_super_admin, &group, &topic.URLPrefix, &topic.URLName) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { NotFound(w,r,user) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } topic.Content = template.HTML(parse_message(content)) topic.ContentLines = strings.Count(content,"\n") if topic.Is_Closed { topic.Status = "closed" // We don't want users posting in locked topics... if !user.Is_Mod { user.Perms.CreateReply = false } } else { topic.Status = "open" } if topic.Avatar != "" { if topic.Avatar[0] == '.' { topic.Avatar = "/uploads/avatar_" + strconv.Itoa(topic.CreatedBy) + topic.Avatar } } else { topic.Avatar = strings.Replace(noavatar,"{id}",strconv.Itoa(topic.CreatedBy),1) } if is_super_admin || groups[group].Is_Mod || groups[group].Is_Admin { topic.Css = staff_css_tmpl } if groups[group].Tag != "" { topic.Tag = groups[group].Tag } else { topic.Tag = "" } if settings["url_tags"] == false { topic.URLName = "" } else { topic.URL, ok = external_sites[topic.URLPrefix] if !ok { topic.URL = topic.URLName } else { topic.URL = replyURL + topic.URLName } } // Get the replies.. rows, err := db.Query("select replies.rid, replies.content, replies.createdBy, replies.createdAt, replies.lastEdit, replies.lastEditBy, users.avatar, users.name, users.is_super_admin, users.group, users.url_prefix, users.url_name from replies left join users ON replies.createdBy = users.uid where tid = ?", topic.ID) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { err := rows.Scan(&rid, &replyContent, &replyCreatedBy, &replyCreatedAt, &replyLastEdit, &replyLastEditBy, &replyAvatar, &replyCreatedByName, &is_super_admin, &group, &replyURLPrefix, &replyURLName) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } replyLines = strings.Count(replyContent,"\n") if is_super_admin || groups[group].Is_Mod || groups[group].Is_Admin { replyCss = staff_css_tmpl } else { replyCss = no_css_tmpl } if replyAvatar != "" { if replyAvatar[0] == '.' { replyAvatar = "/uploads/avatar_" + strconv.Itoa(replyCreatedBy) + replyAvatar } } else { replyAvatar = strings.Replace(noavatar,"{id}",strconv.Itoa(replyCreatedBy),1) } if groups[group].Tag != "" { replyTag = groups[group].Tag } else { replyTag = "" } if settings["url_tags"] == false { replyURLName = "" } else { replyURL, ok = external_sites[replyURLPrefix] if !ok { replyURL = replyURLName } else { replyURL = replyURL + replyURLName } } replyItem := Reply{rid,topic.ID,replyContent,template.HTML(parse_message(replyContent)),replyCreatedBy,replyCreatedByName,replyCreatedAt,replyLastEdit,replyLastEditBy,replyAvatar,replyCss,replyLines,replyTag,replyURL,replyURLPrefix,replyURLName} if hooks["rrow_assign"] != nil { replyItem = run_hook("rrow_assign", replyItem).(Reply) } replyList = append(replyList, replyItem) } err = rows.Err() if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } tpage := TopicPage{topic.Title,user,noticeList,replyList,topic,0} if template_topic_handle != nil { template_topic_handle(tpage,w) } else { err = templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"topic.html", tpage) if err != nil { InternalError(err, w, r, user) } } } func route_profile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } var( err error rid int replyContent string replyCreatedBy int replyCreatedByName string replyCreatedAt string replyLastEdit int replyLastEditBy int replyAvatar string replyCss template.CSS replyLines int replyTag string is_super_admin bool group int replyList []Reply ) puser := User{ID: 0,} puser.ID, err = strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/user/"):]) if err != nil { LocalError("The provided TopicID is not a valid number.",w,r,user) return } if puser.ID == user.ID { user.Is_Mod = true puser = user } else { // Fetch the user data err = db.QueryRow("SELECT `name`, `group`, `is_super_admin`, `avatar`, `message`, `url_prefix`, `url_name` FROM `users` WHERE `uid` = ?", puser.ID).Scan(&puser.Name, &puser.Group, &puser.Is_Super_Admin, &puser.Avatar, &puser.Message, &puser.URLPrefix, &puser.URLName) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { NotFound(w,r,user) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } puser.Is_Admin = puser.Is_Super_Admin || groups[puser.Group].Is_Admin puser.Is_Super_Mod = puser.Is_Admin || groups[puser.Group].Is_Mod puser.Is_Mod = puser.Is_Super_Mod puser.Is_Banned = groups[puser.Group].Is_Banned if puser.Is_Banned && puser.Is_Super_Mod { puser.Is_Banned = false } } if groups[puser.Group].Tag != "" { puser.Tag = groups[puser.Group].Tag } else { puser.Tag = "" } if puser.Avatar != "" { if puser.Avatar[0] == '.' { puser.Avatar = "/uploads/avatar_" + strconv.Itoa(puser.ID) + puser.Avatar } } else { puser.Avatar = strings.Replace(noavatar,"{id}",strconv.Itoa(puser.ID),1) } // Get the replies.. rows, err := db.Query("select users_replies.rid, users_replies.content, users_replies.createdBy, users_replies.createdAt, users_replies.lastEdit, users_replies.lastEditBy, users.avatar, users.name, users.is_super_admin, users.group from users_replies left join users ON users_replies.createdBy = users.uid where users_replies.uid = ?", puser.ID) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { err := rows.Scan(&rid, &replyContent, &replyCreatedBy, &replyCreatedAt, &replyLastEdit, &replyLastEditBy, &replyAvatar, &replyCreatedByName, &is_super_admin, &group) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } replyLines = strings.Count(replyContent,"\n") if is_super_admin || groups[group].Is_Mod || groups[group].Is_Admin { replyCss = staff_css_tmpl } else { replyCss = no_css_tmpl } if replyAvatar != "" { if replyAvatar[0] == '.' { replyAvatar = "/uploads/avatar_" + strconv.Itoa(replyCreatedBy) + replyAvatar } } else { replyAvatar = strings.Replace(noavatar,"{id}",strconv.Itoa(replyCreatedBy),1) } if groups[group].Tag != "" { replyTag = groups[group].Tag } else if puser.ID == replyCreatedBy { replyTag = "Profile Owner" } else { replyTag = "" } replyList = append(replyList, Reply{rid,puser.ID,replyContent,template.HTML(parse_message(replyContent)),replyCreatedBy,replyCreatedByName,replyCreatedAt,replyLastEdit,replyLastEditBy,replyAvatar,replyCss,replyLines,replyTag,"","",""}) } err = rows.Err() if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } ppage := ProfilePage{puser.Name + "'s Profile",user,noticeList,replyList,puser,false} if template_profile_handle != nil { template_profile_handle(ppage,w) } else { err = templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"profile.html", ppage) if err != nil { InternalError(err, w, r, user) } } } func route_topic_create(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Loggedin || !user.Perms.CreateTopic { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } pi := Page{"Create Topic","create-topic",user,noticeList,tList,0} templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"create-topic.html", pi) } // POST functions. Authorised users only. func route_create_topic(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Loggedin || !user.Perms.CreateTopic { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { LocalError("Bad Form", w, r, user) return } success := 1 topic_name := html.EscapeString(r.PostFormValue("topic-name")) res, err := create_topic_stmt.Exec(topic_name,html.EscapeString(preparse_message(r.PostFormValue("topic-content"))),parse_message(html.EscapeString(preparse_message(r.PostFormValue("topic-content")))),user.ID) if err != nil { log.Print(err) success = 0 } lastId, err := res.LastInsertId() if err != nil { log.Print(err) success = 0 } _, err = update_forum_cache_stmt.Exec(topic_name, lastId, user.Name, user.ID, 1) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } if success != 1 { errmsg := "Unable to create the topic" pi := Page{"Error","error",user,nList,tList,errmsg} var b bytes.Buffer templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b,"error.html", pi) errpage := b.String() w.WriteHeader(500) fmt.Fprintln(w,errpage) } else { http.Redirect(w, r, "/topic/" + strconv.FormatInt(lastId, 10), http.StatusSeeOther) } } func route_create_reply(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Loggedin || !user.Perms.CreateReply { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { LocalError("Bad Form", w, r, user) return } tid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.PostFormValue("tid")) if err != nil { LocalError("Failed to convert the TopicID", w, r, user) return } content := preparse_message(html.EscapeString(r.PostFormValue("reply-content"))) log.Print(content) _, err = create_reply_stmt.Exec(tid,content,parse_message(content),user.ID) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } var topic_name string err = db.QueryRow("select title from topics where tid = ?", tid).Scan(&topic_name) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { LocalError("Couldn't find the parent topic", w, r, user) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } _, err = update_forum_cache_stmt.Exec(topic_name, tid, user.Name, user.ID, 1) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } http.Redirect(w, r, "/topic/" + strconv.Itoa(tid), http.StatusSeeOther) } func route_profile_reply_create(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Loggedin || !user.Perms.CreateReply { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { LocalError("Bad Form", w, r, user) return } success := 1 uid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.PostFormValue("uid")) if err != nil { log.Print(err) success = 0 errmsg := "Unable to create the reply" pi := Page{"Error","error",user,nList,tList,errmsg} var b bytes.Buffer templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b,"error.html", pi) errpage := b.String() w.WriteHeader(500) fmt.Fprintln(w,errpage) return } _, err = create_profile_reply_stmt.Exec(uid,html.EscapeString(preparse_message(r.PostFormValue("reply-content"))),parse_message(html.EscapeString(preparse_message(r.PostFormValue("reply-content")))),user.ID) if err != nil { log.Print(err) success = 0 } var user_name string err = db.QueryRow("select name from users where uid = ?", uid).Scan(&user_name) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { log.Print(err) success = 0 } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } if success != 1 { errmsg := "Unable to create the reply" pi := Page{"Error","error",user,nList,tList,errmsg} var b bytes.Buffer templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b,"error.html", pi) errpage := b.String() w.WriteHeader(500) fmt.Fprintln(w,errpage) } else { http.Redirect(w, r, "/user/" + strconv.Itoa(uid), http.StatusSeeOther) } } func route_report_submit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Loggedin { LoginRequired(w,r,user) return } if user.Is_Banned { Banned(w,r,user) return } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { LocalError("Bad Form", w, r, user) return } if r.FormValue("session") != user.Session { SecurityError(w,r,user) return } item_id, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/report/submit/"):]) if err != nil { LocalError("Bad ID", w, r, user) return } item_type := r.FormValue("type") success := 1 var tid int var title string var content string var data string if item_type == "reply" { err = db.QueryRow("select tid, content from replies where rid = ?", item_id).Scan(&tid, &content) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { LocalError("We were unable to find the reported post", w, r, user) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } err = db.QueryRow("select title, data from topics where tid = ?", tid).Scan(&title,&data) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { LocalError("We were unable to find the topic which the reported post is supposed to be in", w, r, user) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } content = content + "

Original Post: " + title + "" } else if item_type == "user-reply" { err = db.QueryRow("select uid, content from users_replies where rid = ?", item_id).Scan(&tid, &content) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { LocalError("We were unable to find the reported post", w, r, user) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } err = db.QueryRow("select name from users where uid = ?", tid).Scan(&title) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { LocalError("We were unable to find the profile which the reported post is supposed to be on", w, r, user) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } content = content + "

Original Post: " + title + "" } else if item_type == "topic" { err = db.QueryRow("select title, content from topics where tid = ?", item_id).Scan(&title,&content) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { NotFound(w,r,user) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } content = content + "

Original Post: " + title + "" } else { if vhooks["report_preassign"] != nil { run_vhook_noreturn("report_preassign", &item_id, &item_type) return } // Don't try to guess the type LocalError("Unknown type", w, r, user) return } var count int rows, err := db.Query("select count(*) as count from topics where data = ? and data != '' and parentID = -1", item_type + "_" + strconv.Itoa(item_id)) if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } for rows.Next() { err = rows.Scan(&count) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } } if count != 0 { LocalError("Someone has already reported this!", w, r, user) return } title = "Report: " + title res, err := create_report_stmt.Exec(title,content,content,user.ID,item_type + "_" + strconv.Itoa(item_id)) if err != nil { log.Print(err) success = 0 } lastId, err := res.LastInsertId() if err != nil { log.Print(err) success = 0 } _, err = update_forum_cache_stmt.Exec(title, lastId, user.Name, user.ID, 1) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } if success != 1 { errmsg := "Unable to create the report" pi := Page{"Error","error",user,nList,tList,errmsg} var b bytes.Buffer templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b,"error.html", pi) errpage := b.String() w.WriteHeader(500) fmt.Fprintln(w,errpage) } else { http.Redirect(w, r, "/topic/" + strconv.FormatInt(lastId, 10), http.StatusSeeOther) } } func route_account_own_edit_critical(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Loggedin { LocalError("You need to login to edit your account.",w,r,user) return } pi := Page{"Edit Password","account-own-edit",user,noticeList,tList,0} templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"account-own-edit.html", pi) } func route_account_own_edit_critical_submit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Loggedin { LocalError("You need to login to edit your account.",w,r,user) return } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { LocalError("Bad Form", w, r, user) return } var real_password string var salt string current_password := r.PostFormValue("account-current-password") new_password := r.PostFormValue("account-new-password") confirm_password := r.PostFormValue("account-confirm-password") err = get_password_stmt.QueryRow(user.ID).Scan(&real_password, &salt) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { pi := Page{"Error","error",user,nList,tList,"Your account doesn't exist."} var b bytes.Buffer templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b,"error.html", pi) errpage := b.String() w.WriteHeader(500) fmt.Fprintln(w,errpage) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } current_password = current_password + salt err = bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(real_password), []byte(current_password)) if err == bcrypt.ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword { pi := Page{"Error","error",user,nList,tList,"That's not the correct password."} var b bytes.Buffer templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b,"error.html", pi) errpage := b.String() w.WriteHeader(500) fmt.Fprintln(w,errpage) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } if new_password != confirm_password { pi := Page{"Error","error",user,nList,tList,"The two passwords don't match."} var b bytes.Buffer templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b,"error.html", pi) errpage := b.String() w.WriteHeader(500) fmt.Fprintln(w,errpage) return } SetPassword(user.ID, new_password) // Log the user out as a safety precaution _, err = logout_stmt.Exec(user.ID) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } noticeList[len(noticeList)] = "Your password was successfully updated" pi := Page{"Edit Password","account-own-edit",user,noticeList,tList,0} templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"account-own-edit.html", pi) } func route_account_own_edit_avatar(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Loggedin { LocalError("You need to login to edit your account.",w,r,user) return } pi := Page{"Edit Avatar","account-own-edit-avatar",user,noticeList,tList,0} templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"account-own-edit-avatar.html", pi) } func route_account_own_edit_avatar_submit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.ContentLength > int64(max_request_size) { http.Error(w, "request too large", http.StatusExpectationFailed) return } r.Body = http.MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, int64(max_request_size)) user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Loggedin { LocalError("You need to login to edit your account.",w,r,user) return } err := r.ParseMultipartForm(int64(max_request_size)) if err != nil { LocalError("Upload failed", w, r, user) return } var filename string var ext string for _, fheaders := range r.MultipartForm.File { for _, hdr := range fheaders { infile, err := hdr.Open(); if err != nil { LocalError("Upload failed", w, r, user) return } defer infile.Close() // We don't want multiple files if filename != "" { if filename != hdr.Filename { os.Remove("./uploads/avatar_" + strconv.Itoa(user.ID) + "." + ext) LocalError("You may only upload one avatar", w, r, user) return } } else { filename = hdr.Filename } if ext == "" { extarr := strings.Split(hdr.Filename,".") if len(extarr) < 2 { LocalError("Bad file", w, r, user) return } ext = extarr[len(extarr) - 1] reg, err := regexp.Compile("[^A-Za-z0-9]+") if err != nil { LocalError("Bad file extension", w, r, user) return } ext = reg.ReplaceAllString(ext,"") ext = strings.ToLower(ext) } outfile, err := os.Create("./uploads/avatar_" + strconv.Itoa(user.ID) + "." + ext); if err != nil { LocalError("Upload failed [File Creation Failed]", w, r, user) return } defer outfile.Close() _, err = io.Copy(outfile, infile); if err != nil { LocalError("Upload failed [Copy Failed]", w, r, user) return } } } _, err = set_avatar_stmt.Exec("." + ext, strconv.Itoa(user.ID)) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } user.Avatar = "/uploads/avatar_" + strconv.Itoa(user.ID) + "." + ext noticeList[len(noticeList)] = "Your avatar was successfully updated" pi := Page{"Edit Avatar","account-own-edit-avatar",user,noticeList,tList,0} templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"account-own-edit-avatar.html", pi) } func route_account_own_edit_username(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Loggedin { LocalError("You need to login to edit your account.",w,r,user) return } pi := Page{"Edit Username","account-own-edit-username",user,noticeList,tList,user.Name} templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"account-own-edit-username.html", pi) } func route_account_own_edit_username_submit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Loggedin { LocalError("You need to login to edit your account.",w,r,user) return } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { LocalError("Bad Form", w, r, user) return } new_username := html.EscapeString(r.PostFormValue("account-new-username")) _, err = set_username_stmt.Exec(new_username, strconv.Itoa(user.ID)) if err != nil { LocalError("Unable to change the username. Does someone else already have this name?",w,r,user) return } user.Name = new_username noticeList[len(noticeList)] = "Your username was successfully updated" pi := Page{"Edit Username","account-own-edit-username",user,noticeList,tList,0} templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"account-own-edit-username.html", pi) } func route_account_own_edit_email(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Loggedin { LocalError("You need to login to edit your account.",w,r,user) return } email := Email{UserID: user.ID} var emailList []interface{} rows, err := db.Query("SELECT email, validated FROM emails WHERE uid = ?", user.ID) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { err := rows.Scan(&email.Email, &email.Validated) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if email.Email == user.Email { email.Primary = true } emailList = append(emailList, email) } err = rows.Err() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Was this site migrated from another forum software? Most of them don't have multiple emails for a single user. This also applies when the admin switches enable_emails on after having it off for a while if len(emailList) == 0 { email.Email = user.Email email.Validated = false email.Primary = true emailList = append(emailList, email) } if !enable_emails { noticeList[len(noticeList)] = "The email system has been turned off. All features involving sending emails have been disabled." } pi := Page{"Email Manager","account-own-edit-email",user,noticeList,emailList,0} templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"account-own-edit-email.html", pi) } func route_account_own_edit_email_token_submit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Loggedin { LocalError("You need to login to edit your account.",w,r,user) return } token := r.URL.Path[len("/user/edit/email/token/"):] email := Email{UserID: user.ID} targetEmail := Email{UserID: user.ID} var emailList []interface{} rows, err := db.Query("SELECT email, validated, token FROM emails WHERE uid = ?", user.ID) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { err := rows.Scan(&email.Email, &email.Validated, &email.Token) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if email.Email == user.Email { email.Primary = true } if email.Token == token { targetEmail = email } emailList = append(emailList, email) } err = rows.Err() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if len(emailList) == 0 { LocalError("A verification email was never sent for you!",w,r,user) return } if targetEmail.Token == "" { LocalError("That's not a valid token!",w,r,user) return } _, err = verify_email_stmt.Exec(user.Email) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } // If Email Activation is on, then activate the account while we're here if settings["activation_type"] == 2 { _, err = activate_user_stmt.Exec(user.ID) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } } if !enable_emails { noticeList[len(noticeList)] = "The email system has been turned off. All features involving sending emails have been disabled." } noticeList[len(noticeList)] = "Your email was successfully verified" pi := Page{"Email Manager","account-own-edit-email",user,noticeList,emailList,0} templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"account-own-edit-email.html", pi) } func route_logout(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Loggedin { errmsg := "You can't logout without logging in first." pi := Page{"Error","error",user,nList,tList,errmsg} var b bytes.Buffer templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b,"error.html", pi) errpage := b.String() w.WriteHeader(500) fmt.Fprintln(w,errpage) return } _, err := logout_stmt.Exec(user.ID) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } http.Redirect(w,r, "/", http.StatusSeeOther) } func route_login(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if user.Loggedin { errmsg := "You're already logged in." pi := Page{"Error","error",user,nList,tList,errmsg} var b bytes.Buffer templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b,"error.html", pi) errpage := b.String() w.WriteHeader(500) fmt.Fprintln(w,errpage) return } pi := Page{"Login","login",user,noticeList,tList,0} templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"login.html", pi) } func route_login_submit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if user.Loggedin { errmsg := "You're already logged in." pi := Page{"Error","error",user,nList,tList,errmsg} var b bytes.Buffer templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b,"error.html", pi) errpage := b.String() w.WriteHeader(500) fmt.Fprintln(w,errpage) return } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { LocalError("Bad Form", w, r, user) return } var uid int var real_password string var salt string var session string username := html.EscapeString(r.PostFormValue("username")) password := r.PostFormValue("password") err = login_stmt.QueryRow(username).Scan(&uid, &username, &real_password, &salt) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { errmsg := "That username doesn't exist." pi := Page{"Error","error",user,nList,tList,errmsg} var b bytes.Buffer templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b,"error.html", pi) errpage := b.String() w.WriteHeader(500) fmt.Fprintln(w,errpage) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } // Emergency password reset mechanism.. if salt == "" { if password != real_password { errmsg := "That's not the correct password." pi := Page{"Error","error",user,nList,tList,errmsg} var b bytes.Buffer templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b,"error.html", pi) errpage := b.String() w.WriteHeader(500) fmt.Fprintln(w,errpage) return } // Re-encrypt the password SetPassword(uid, password) } else { // Normal login.. password = password + salt if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } err := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(real_password), []byte(password)) if err == bcrypt.ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword { errmsg := "That's not the correct password." pi := Page{"Error","error",user,nList,tList,errmsg} var b bytes.Buffer templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b,"error.html", pi) errpage := b.String() w.WriteHeader(500) fmt.Fprintln(w,errpage) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } } session, err = GenerateSafeString(sessionLength) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } _, err = update_session_stmt.Exec(session, uid) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } cookie := http.Cookie{Name: "uid",Value: strconv.Itoa(uid),Path: "/",MaxAge: year} http.SetCookie(w,&cookie) cookie = http.Cookie{Name: "session",Value: session,Path: "/",MaxAge: year} http.SetCookie(w,&cookie) http.Redirect(w,r, "/", http.StatusSeeOther) } func route_register(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if user.Loggedin { errmsg := "You're already logged in." pi := Page{"Error","error",user,nList,tList,errmsg} var b bytes.Buffer templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b,"error.html", pi) errpage := b.String() w.WriteHeader(500) fmt.Fprintln(w,errpage) return } pi := Page{"Registration","register",user,noticeList,tList,0} templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"register.html", pi) } func route_register_submit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { LocalError("Bad Form", w, r, user) return } username := html.EscapeString(r.PostFormValue("username")) if username == "" { LocalError("You didn't put in a username.", w, r, user) return } email := html.EscapeString(r.PostFormValue("email")) if email == "" { LocalError("You didn't put in an email.", w, r, user) return } password := r.PostFormValue("password") if password == "" { LocalError("You didn't put in a password.", w, r, user) return } if password == "test" || password == "123456" || password == "123" || password == "password" { LocalError("Your password is too weak.", w, r, user) return } confirm_password := r.PostFormValue("confirm_password") log.Print("Registration Attempt! Username: " + username) // Do the two inputted passwords match..? if password != confirm_password { errmsg := "The two passwords don't match." pi := Page{"Password Mismatch","error",user,nList,tList,errmsg} var b bytes.Buffer templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b,"error.html", pi) errpage := b.String() w.WriteHeader(500) fmt.Fprintln(w,errpage) return } // Is this username already taken..? err = username_exists_stmt.QueryRow(username).Scan(&username) if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } else if err != sql.ErrNoRows { errmsg := "This username isn't available. Try another." pi := Page{"Username Taken","error",user,nList,tList,errmsg} var b bytes.Buffer templates.ExecuteTemplate(&b,"error.html", pi) errpage := b.String() w.WriteHeader(500) fmt.Fprintln(w,errpage) return } salt, err := GenerateSafeString(saltLength) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } session, err := GenerateSafeString(sessionLength) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } password = password + salt hashed_password, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), bcrypt.DefaultCost) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } var active int var group int switch settings["activation_type"] { case 1: // Activate All active = 1 group = default_group default: // Anything else. E.g. Admin Activation or Email Activation. group = activation_group } res, err := register_stmt.Exec(username,email,string(hashed_password),salt,group,session,active) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } lastId, err := res.LastInsertId() if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } // Check if this user actually owns this email, if email activation is on, automatically flip their account to active when the email is validated. Validation is also useful for determining whether this user should receive any alerts, etc. via email if enable_emails { token, err := GenerateSafeString(80) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } _, err = add_email_stmt.Exec(email, lastId, 0, token) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } if !SendValidationEmail(username, email, token) { LocalError("We were unable to send the email for you to confirm that this email address belongs to you. You may not have access to some functionality until you do so. Please ask an administrator for assistance.",w,r,user) return } } cookie := http.Cookie{Name: "uid",Value: strconv.FormatInt(lastId, 10),Path: "/",MaxAge: year} http.SetCookie(w,&cookie) cookie = http.Cookie{Name: "session",Value: session,Path: "/",MaxAge: year} http.SetCookie(w,&cookie) http.Redirect(w,r, "/", http.StatusSeeOther) }