// +build !no_ws /* * * Gosora WebSocket Subsystem * Copyright Azareal 2017 - 2019 * */ package common import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "net/http" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "github.com/Azareal/Gosora/common/phrases" "github.com/Azareal/gopsutil/cpu" "github.com/Azareal/gopsutil/mem" "github.com/gorilla/websocket" ) // TODO: Disable WebSockets on high load? Add a Control Panel interface for disabling it? var EnableWebsockets = true // Put this in caps for consistency with the other constants? var wsUpgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ReadBufferSize: 1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024} var errWsNouser = errors.New("This user isn't connected via WebSockets") func init() { adminStatsWatchers = make(map[*websocket.Conn]*WSUser) topicListWatchers = make(map[*WSUser]bool) topicWatchers = make(map[int]map[*WSUser]bool) } type WsTopicList struct { Topics []*WsTopicsRow } // TODO: How should we handle errors for this? // TODO: Move this out of common? func RouteWebsockets(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User) RouteError { // TODO: Spit out a 500 instead of nil? conn, err := wsUpgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) if err != nil { return nil } wsUser, err := WsHub.AddConn(user, conn) if err != nil { return nil } //conn.SetReadLimit(/* put the max request size from earlier here? */) //conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(60 * time.Second)) var currentPage string for { _, message, err := conn.ReadMessage() if err != nil { if user.ID == 0 { WsHub.GuestLock.Lock() delete(WsHub.OnlineGuests, wsUser) WsHub.GuestLock.Unlock() } else { // TODO: Make sure the admin is removed from the admin stats list in the case that an error happens WsHub.RemoveConn(wsUser, conn) } break } if conn == nil { panic("conn must not be nil") } messages := bytes.Split(message, []byte("\r")) for _, msg := range messages { //StoppedServer("Profile end") // A bit of code for me to profile the software if bytes.HasPrefix(msg, []byte("page ")) { msgblocks := bytes.SplitN(msg, []byte(" "), 2) if len(msgblocks) < 2 { continue } if !bytes.Equal(msgblocks[1], []byte(currentPage)) { wsLeavePage(wsUser, conn, currentPage) currentPage = string(msgblocks[1]) wsPageResponses(wsUser, conn, currentPage) } } /*if bytes.Equal(message,[]byte(`start-view`)) { } else if bytes.Equal(message,[]byte(`end-view`)) { }*/ } } conn.Close() DebugLog("Closing connection for user " + strconv.Itoa(user.ID)) return nil } // TODO: Copied from routes package for use in wsPageResponse, find a more elegant solution. func ParseSEOURL(urlBit string) (slug string, id int, err error) { halves := strings.Split(urlBit, ".") if len(halves) < 2 { halves = append(halves, halves[0]) } tid, err := strconv.Atoi(halves[1]) return halves[0], tid, err } // TODO: Use a map instead of a switch to make this more modular? func wsPageResponses(wsUser *WSUser, conn *websocket.Conn, page string) { if page == "/" { page = Config.DefaultPath } DebugLog("Entering page " + page) switch { // Live Topic List is an experimental feature // TODO: Optimise this to reduce the amount of contention case page == "/topics/": topicListMutex.Lock() topicListWatchers[wsUser] = true topicListMutex.Unlock() // TODO: Evict from page when permissions change? Or check user perms every-time before sending data? case strings.HasPrefix(page, "/topic/"): //fmt.Println("entering topic prefix websockets zone") _, tid, err := ParseSEOURL(page) if err != nil { return } topic, err := Topics.Get(tid) if err != nil { return } if !Forums.Exists(topic.ParentID) { return } var usercpy *User = BlankUser() *usercpy = *wsUser.User usercpy.Init() /*skip, rerr := header.Hooks.VhookSkippable("ws_topic_check_pre_perms", w, r, usercpy, &fid, &header) if skip || rerr != nil { return }*/ fperms, err := FPStore.Get(topic.ParentID, usercpy.Group) if err == ErrNoRows { fperms = BlankForumPerms() } else if err != nil { return } cascadeForumPerms(fperms, usercpy) if !usercpy.Perms.ViewTopic { return } topicMutex.Lock() _, ok := topicWatchers[topic.ID] if !ok { topicWatchers[topic.ID] = make(map[*WSUser]bool) } topicWatchers[topic.ID][wsUser] = true topicMutex.Unlock() case page == "/panel/": if !wsUser.User.IsSuperMod { return } // Listen for changes and inform the admins... adminStatsMutex.Lock() watchers := len(adminStatsWatchers) adminStatsWatchers[conn] = wsUser if watchers == 0 { go adminStatsTicker() } adminStatsMutex.Unlock() default: return } err := wsUser.SetPageForSocket(conn, page) if err != nil { LogError(err) } } // TODO: Use a map instead of a switch to make this more modular? func wsLeavePage(wsUser *WSUser, conn *websocket.Conn, page string) { if page == "/" { page = Config.DefaultPath } else if page != "" { DebugLog("Leaving page " + page) } switch { case page == "/topics/": wsUser.FinalizePage("/topics/", func() { topicListMutex.Lock() delete(topicListWatchers, wsUser) topicListMutex.Unlock() }) case strings.HasPrefix(page, "/topic/"): //fmt.Println("leaving topic prefix websockets zone") wsUser.FinalizePage(page, func() { _, tid, err := ParseSEOURL(page) if err != nil { return } topicMutex.Lock() defer topicMutex.Unlock() topic, ok := topicWatchers[tid] if !ok { return } _, ok = topic[wsUser] if !ok { return } delete(topic, wsUser) if len(topic) == 0 { delete(topicWatchers, tid) } }) case page == "/panel/": adminStatsMutex.Lock() delete(adminStatsWatchers, conn) adminStatsMutex.Unlock() } err := wsUser.SetPageForSocket(conn, "") if err != nil { LogError(err) } } // TODO: Abstract this // TODO: Use odd-even sharding var topicListWatchers map[*WSUser]bool var topicListMutex sync.RWMutex var topicWatchers map[int]map[*WSUser]bool // map[tid]watchers var topicMutex sync.RWMutex var adminStatsWatchers map[*websocket.Conn]*WSUser var adminStatsMutex sync.RWMutex func adminStatsTicker() { time.Sleep(time.Second) var lastUonline = -1 var lastGonline = -1 var lastTotonline = -1 var lastCPUPerc = -1 var lastAvailableRAM int64 = -1 var noStatUpdates, noRAMUpdates bool var onlineColour, onlineGuestsColour, onlineUsersColour, cpustr, cpuColour, ramstr, ramColour string var cpuerr, ramerr error var memres *mem.VirtualMemoryStat var cpuPerc []float64 var totunit, uunit, gunit string lessThanSwitch := func(number int, lowerBound int, midBound int) string { switch { case number < lowerBound: return "stat_green" case number < midBound: return "stat_orange" } return "stat_red" } greaterThanSwitch := func(number int, lowerBound int, midBound int) string { switch { case number > midBound: return "stat_green" case number > lowerBound: return "stat_orange" } return "stat_red" } AdminStatLoop: for { adminStatsMutex.RLock() watchCount := len(adminStatsWatchers) adminStatsMutex.RUnlock() if watchCount == 0 { break AdminStatLoop } cpuPerc, cpuerr = cpu.Percent(time.Second, true) memres, ramerr = mem.VirtualMemory() uonline := WsHub.UserCount() gonline := WsHub.GuestCount() totonline := uonline + gonline reqCount := 0 // It's far more likely that the CPU Usage will change than the other stats, so we'll optimise them separately... noStatUpdates = (uonline == lastUonline && gonline == lastGonline && totonline == lastTotonline) noRAMUpdates = (lastAvailableRAM == int64(memres.Available)) if int(cpuPerc[0]) == lastCPUPerc && noStatUpdates && noRAMUpdates { time.Sleep(time.Second) continue } if !noStatUpdates { onlineColour = greaterThanSwitch(totonline, 3, 10) onlineGuestsColour = greaterThanSwitch(gonline, 1, 10) onlineUsersColour = greaterThanSwitch(uonline, 1, 5) totonline, totunit = ConvertFriendlyUnit(totonline) uonline, uunit = ConvertFriendlyUnit(uonline) gonline, gunit = ConvertFriendlyUnit(gonline) } if cpuerr != nil { cpustr = "Unknown" } else { calcperc := int(cpuPerc[0]) / runtime.NumCPU() cpustr = strconv.Itoa(calcperc) switch { case calcperc < 30: cpuColour = "stat_green" case calcperc < 75: cpuColour = "stat_orange" default: cpuColour = "stat_red" } } if !noRAMUpdates { if ramerr != nil { ramstr = "Unknown" } else { totalCount, totalUnit := ConvertByteUnit(float64(memres.Total)) usedCount := ConvertByteInUnit(float64(memres.Total-memres.Available), totalUnit) // Round totals with .9s up, it's how most people see it anyway. Floats are notoriously imprecise, so do it off 0.85 var totstr string if (totalCount - float64(int(totalCount))) > 0.85 { usedCount += 1.0 - (totalCount - float64(int(totalCount))) totstr = strconv.Itoa(int(totalCount) + 1) } else { totstr = fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", totalCount) } if usedCount > totalCount { usedCount = totalCount } ramstr = fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", usedCount) + " / " + totstr + totalUnit ramperc := ((memres.Total - memres.Available) * 100) / memres.Total ramColour = lessThanSwitch(int(ramperc), 50, 75) } } // Acquire a write lock for now, so we can handle the delete() case below and the read one simultaneously // TODO: Stop taking a write lock here if it isn't necessary adminStatsMutex.Lock() for conn := range adminStatsWatchers { w, err := conn.NextWriter(websocket.TextMessage) if err != nil { delete(adminStatsWatchers, conn) continue } // nolint // TODO: Use JSON for this to make things more portable and easier to convert to MessagePack, if need be? if !noStatUpdates { w.Write([]byte("set #dash-totonline " + phrases.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_dashboard_online", totonline, totunit) + "\r")) w.Write([]byte("set #dash-gonline " + phrases.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_dashboard_guests_online", gonline, gunit) + "\r")) w.Write([]byte("set #dash-uonline " + phrases.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_dashboard_users_online", uonline, uunit) + "\r")) w.Write([]byte("set #dash-reqs " + strconv.Itoa(reqCount) + " reqs / second\r")) w.Write([]byte("set-class #dash-totonline grid_item grid_stat " + onlineColour + "\r")) w.Write([]byte("set-class #dash-gonline grid_item grid_stat " + onlineGuestsColour + "\r")) w.Write([]byte("set-class #dash-uonline grid_item grid_stat " + onlineUsersColour + "\r")) //w.Write([]byte("set-class #dash-reqs grid_item grid_stat grid_end_group \r")) } w.Write([]byte("set #dash-cpu CPU: " + cpustr + "%\r")) w.Write([]byte("set-class #dash-cpu grid_item grid_istat " + cpuColour + "\r")) if !noRAMUpdates { w.Write([]byte("set #dash-ram RAM: " + ramstr + "\r")) w.Write([]byte("set-class #dash-ram grid_item grid_istat " + ramColour + "\r")) } w.Close() } adminStatsMutex.Unlock() lastUonline = uonline lastGonline = gonline lastTotonline = totonline lastCPUPerc = int(cpuPerc[0]) lastAvailableRAM = int64(memres.Available) } }