package panel import ( "net/http" "runtime" "strconv" "time" c "" "" ) func Debug(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User) c.RouteError { basePage, ferr := buildBasePage(w, r, &user, "debug", "debug") if ferr != nil { return ferr } goVersion := runtime.Version() dbVersion := qgen.Builder.DbVersion() var uptime string upDuration := time.Since(c.StartTime) hours := int(upDuration.Hours()) minutes := int(upDuration.Minutes()) if hours > 24 { days := hours / 24 hours -= days * 24 uptime += strconv.Itoa(days) + "d" uptime += strconv.Itoa(hours) + "h" } else if hours >= 1 { uptime += strconv.Itoa(hours) + "h" } uptime += strconv.Itoa(minutes) + "m" dbStats := qgen.Builder.GetConn().Stats() openConnCount := dbStats.OpenConnections // Disk I/O? // TODO: Fetch the adapter from Builder rather than getting it from a global? goroutines := runtime.NumGoroutine() cpus := runtime.NumCPU() var memStats runtime.MemStats runtime.ReadMemStats(&memStats) var tlen, ulen, rlen int var tcap, ucap, rcap int tcache := c.Topics.GetCache() if tcache != nil { tlen = tcache.Length() tcap = tcache.GetCapacity() } ucache := c.Users.GetCache() if ucache != nil { ulen = ucache.Length() ucap = ucache.GetCapacity() } rcache := c.Rstore.GetCache() if rcache != nil { rlen = rcache.Length() rcap = rcache.GetCapacity() } topicListThawed := c.TopicListThaw.Thawed() debugCache := c.DebugPageCache{tlen, ulen, rlen, tcap, ucap, rcap, topicListThawed} var count = func(tbl string) (int, error) { return qgen.NewAcc().Count(tbl).Total() } // TODO: Implement a LikeStore and call Count on that instead likes, err := count("likes") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } // TODO: Call Count on an attachment store attachs, err := count("attachments") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } // TODO: Implement a PollStore and call Count on that instead polls, err := count("polls") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } loginLogs, err := count("login_logs") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } regLogs, err := count("registration_logs") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } modLogs, err := count("moderation_logs") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } adminLogs, err := count("administration_logs") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } views, err := count("viewchunks") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } viewsAgents, err := count("viewchunks_agents") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } viewsForums, err := count("viewchunks_forums") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } viewsLangs, err := count("viewchunks_langs") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } viewsReferrers, err := count("viewchunks_referrers") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } viewsSystems, err := count("viewchunks_systems") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } postChunks, err := count("postchunks") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } topicChunks, err := count("topicchunks") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } debugDatabase := c.DebugPageDatabase{c.Topics.Count(),c.Users.Count(),c.Rstore.Count(),c.Prstore.Count(),c.Activity.Count(),likes,attachs,polls,loginLogs,regLogs,modLogs,adminLogs,views,viewsAgents,viewsForums,viewsLangs,viewsReferrers,viewsSystems,postChunks,topicChunks} staticSize, err := c.DirSize("./public/") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } attachSize, err := c.DirSize("./attachs/") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } uploadsSize, err := c.DirSize("./uploads/") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } logsSize, err := c.DirSize("./logs/") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } backupsSize, err := c.DirSize("./backups/") if err != nil { return c.InternalError(err,w,r) } debugDisk := c.DebugPageDisk{staticSize,attachSize,uploadsSize,logsSize,backupsSize} pi := c.PanelDebugPage{basePage, goVersion, dbVersion, uptime, openConnCount, qgen.Builder.GetAdapter().GetName(), goroutines, cpus, memStats, debugCache, debugDatabase, debugDisk} return renderTemplate("panel", w, r, basePage.Header, c.Panel{basePage, "panel_dashboard_right", "debug_page", "panel_debug", pi}) }