We now have an Advanced Forum Permissions Editor providing more granular control over permissions.
Tweaked the button CSS and some other bits and pieces.
Added a details section to the View Count Graph.
Renamed a few template files for the sake of consistency and for an upcoming refactor.
Unknown user agents are now logged in debug mode.
Added GetCopy() to the forum permissions store.
Fixed a crash bug in the forum deletion action.
Refactored the permissions list in the group permissions editor.
Added ItemList microdata to /forum/, /forums/, and /topics.
Moved the meta description for /forums/ to the right place.
Began revamping the Control Panel menu.
Added the view counter, it currently collects data without exposing it to the admin.
Added an API for scheduling tasks which run once every second and once every fifteen minutes.
Added a generated map containing all the routes with the function names as keys.
Added the request counter to the generated router.
Added more ARIA Labels and moved various bits and pieces into the CSS files for flexibility.
Removed a bunch of redundant avatar checks in the templates.
Improved the mobile friendliness of Cosora.
Fixed various issues in the other themes.
Refactored the file listener.
Gosora now resyncs newly created theme files not just modified ones.
Gosora now resyncs renamed theme files not just modified ones.
Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places.
Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora.
You can now use maps in transpiled templates.
Made progress on Cosora's footer.
Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property.
Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile.
Renamed the FStore variable to Forums.
Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore.
Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups.
Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache.
Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache.
Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore.
Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache.
Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one.
Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one.
Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore.
Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type.
Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit.
Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit.
Moved the page titles into the english language pack.
Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go
Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time.
Added the LogStore interface.
Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore.
Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions.
Removed a redundant rank check.
Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds.
Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings.
Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors.
Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type.
Added the Update method to the SettingMap type.
BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache.
Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation.
Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines.
Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles.
Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme.
Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations.
Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication.
Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
Fixed a bug in MemoryForumStore's CacheSet where it requires new entries to exist, even though they don't need to.
Fixed a bug where the Reports could be deleted.
Fixed a bug in the JS where the inline forum editor stopped working.
Fixed a bug in Shadow where the Add Group header was pushed to the side by the previous element's margin.
Fixed a bug in the Forum Editor where the Active input's initial value was inverted.
Added more debug logging.
Renamed the label in the Forum Manager and Editor from Hidden to Active.
Fixed a bug in compileTemplates() where it only loads visible forums from the forum store possibly causing trouble.
Fixed a bug in the /topics/ route where super admin status wasn't being taken into consideration.
Dropped down a hotfix for the /topics/ route.
Removed the Uncategorised Forum.
Added the Backup Page for super admins. Not quite functional yet.
Forums are now sorted properly again.
Fixed a bug in DirtyGet() where invalid IDs would trigger a panic.
Fixed a bug where alternate themes wouldn't work without setting them as default first and restarting Gosora.
Added basic support for server sync.
Re-added a few missing defers.
Renamed TO-DO to TODO across the entire codebase.
Renamed StaticForumStore to MemoryForumStore.
The ForumStore is now built on a sync.Map with a view slice for generating /forums rather than a slice.
Renamed many more functions and variables to satisfy the linter.
increase_post_user_stats() and decrease_post_user_stats() are now methods on the User struct. We also fix a bug where they take the moderator's score rather than the target user's into account when recalculating their level after a post / topic is deleted.
Transitioned the topic list to CSS Grid for Tempra Simple, with a float fallback.
Cosmo and Cosmo Conflux are now hidden from the theme list.
Fixed more data races.
Added more debug data to the template compiler logs.
Added support for temporary bans.
Moved the Gosora specific template logic out of main.go and into template_init.go
Added an internal temporary group API.
We now use h1s in the theme headers. There may be some issues with the themes other than Shadow which we may need to resolve.
Added ARIA attributes in a few places for improved accessibility.
Added support for inputs in links for the .edit_field API.
Removed a few unneccesary prepared statements.
The alert list is now visible on the Shadow Theme.
The User Manager is now paginated.
The Moderation Logs are now paginated.
The Group Manager is now paginated.
The alert counter no longer shows up as undefined on Edge.
Added a cache control header to the static files.
Fixed a few bits of mangled HTML.
Fixed the Forum Manager CSS for the Shadow Theme.
Switched gopsutil with a temporary more stable fork.
Ping PostgreSQL upon connecting. We need a global solution for connection drops. A connection timeout, perhaps?
Added the rowmenu CSS class for styling sidebar menus.
Added the real_first_child CSS class, we might be able to get around using it by redoing the <form> nesting.
Added the rowlist CSS class.
Added the bgavatars CSS class.
Added avatars to the User Manager.
Added limited responsivity to the Shadow Theme, I might have broken some things in the other themes, I'll fix that soon!
A per-theme post-avatar-bg.jpg file is now used for the first topic layout rather than the global white-dot.jpg file.
Made a few improvements to the ForumStore, including bringing it's API closer in line with the other datastores, adding stubs for future subforum functionality, and improving efficiency in a few places.
The auth interface now handles all the authentication stuff.
Renamed the debug config variable to debug_mode.
Added the PluginPerms API.
Internal Errors will now dump the stack trace in the console.
Added support for installable plugins.
Refactored the routing logic so that the router now handles the common PreRoute logic(exc. /static/)
Added the CreateTable method to the query generator. It might need some tweaking to better support other database systems.
Added the same CreateTable method to the query builder.
Began work on PostgreSQL support.
Added the string-string hook type
Added the pre_render hook type.
Added the ParentID and ParentType fields to forums.
Added the get_forum_url_prefix function.
Added a more generic build_slug function.
Added the get_topic_url_prefix function.
Added the override_perms and override_forum_perms functions for bulk setting and unsetting permissions.
Added more ExtData fields in a few structs and removed them on the Perms struct as the PluginPerms API supersedes them there.
Plugins can now see the router instance.
The plugin initialisation handlers can now throw errors.
Plugins are now initialised after all the forum's subsystems are.
Refactored the unit test logic. For instance, we now use the proper .Log method rather than fmt.Println in many cases.
Sorry, we'll have to break Github's generated file detection, as the build instructions aren't working, unless I put them at the top, and they're far, far more important than getting Github to recognise the generated code as generated code.
Fixed an issue with mysql.go's _init_database() overwriting the dbpassword variable. Not a huge issue, but it is a "gotcha" for those not expecting a ':' at the start.
Fixed an issue with forum creation where the forum permissions didn't get cached.
Fixed a bug in plugin_bbcode where negative numbers in rand would crash Gosora.
Made the outputs of plugin_markdown and plugin_bbcode more compliant with the tests.
Revamped the phrase system to make it easier for us to add language pack related features in the future.
Added the WidgetMenu widget type.
Revamped the theme again. I'm experimenting to see which approach I like most.
- Excuse the little W3C rage. Some things about CSS drive me crazy :p
Added 22 bbcode_full_parse tests.
Added 19 bbcode_regex_parse tests.
Added 27 markdown_parse tests.
Added four UserStore tests. More to come when the test database functionality is added.
Added 18 name_to_slug tests.
Added the pre_render hook.
Added the pre_render_forum_list hook.
Added the pre_render_view_forum hook.
Added the pre_render_topic_list hook.
Added the pre_render_view_topic hook.
Added the pre_render_profile hook.
Added the pre_render_custom_page hook.
Added the pre_render_overview hook.
Added the pre_render_create_topic hook.
Added the pre_render_account_own_edit_critical hook.
Added the pre_render_account_own_edit_avatar hook.
Added the pre_render_account_own_edit_username hook.
Added the pre_render_account_own_edit_email hook.
Added the pre_render_login hook.
Added the pre_render_register hook.
Added the pre_render_ban hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_dashboard hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_forums hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_delete_forum hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_edit_forum hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_settings hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_setting hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_plugins hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_users hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_edit_user hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_groups hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_edit_group hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_edit_group_perms hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_themes hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_mod_log hook.
Added the pre_render_error hook.
Added the pre_render_security_error hook.
Added the create_group_preappend hook.
Added the intercept_build_widgets hook.
Added the simple_forum_check_pre_perms hook.
Added the forum_check_pre_perms hook.
Added forum descriptions.
Began work on the Advanced Forum Editor. Not to be confused with the Quick Forum Editor. You can access it by going to /panel/forums/edit/{forumid} We'll fix it so the Forum Manager links to it in the next commit.
Fixed the Linux shell scripts.
Fixed an issue with relative timess being off by an hour due to timezones.
Added reply count and author names to the topic list and forum pages.
Improved the look of the forum list, forum page, and topic list.
Added an overlay effect for when the alert list is open on mobile.
You can now close the alert list by clicking on the bell.
Removed the "Report:" prefix from report posts.
Fixed a bug in the template system where "and" and "or" wouldn't work on non-boolean values.
Improved the debug logging in the template system.
Fixed a bug in the forum creator where the "Hidden?" value was inverted.
Fixed a visual bug in the profile where the Ban button rendered in a glitchy way.
Added support for hidden fields to the JS Framework for inline editing rows.
Fixed a bug with the like counter rendering on-top of the alert list.
Atom's stripping trailing tabs for some reason, so don't be confused if there are a bunch of weird changes.
Each theme has more of a distinct feel in the control panel now. I moved a large portion of the inline CSS into global.css, tweaked some core code which didn't line up, and added CSS text insertions to make things more flexible.
Revamped the alerts interface. We have more changes coming up!
Added screenshots for Tempra Cursive and Tempra Conflux Mobile to the README.
Added a .htaccess file, just in case someone plops Gosora in Apache's /www/ folder to stop the contents of config.go from becoming publically visible. Never put Gosora in your /www/ folder, Gosora is a standalone program which does NOT use Apache or any other webserver.
Fixed a bug in the inline forum editor.
Added a hand-written Markdown parser which is much faster than the previous Regex based one. This is still a work in progress.
Added support for strikethrough and underline elements to the Markdown parser.
Fixed the missing semicolons in global.js
Revamped the form CSS.
Author bits on the theme manager now link to the author's website.
Improved the profiles a little.
The code in the stylesheets now have a more consistent style.
Fixed a bug in the Cosmo theme relating to the fact that Gosora doesn't have sidebars yet.
There are many more changes which aren't listed here.
If weirdness regarding lines or spacing occurs, I'm experimenting with a new text editor. I hope to have this fixed by the next commit.
Revamped the dual column layout CSS.
Improved the Control Panel Group List.
Fixed the email verification system.
Fixed some visual glitches in the Cosmo Conflux and Cosmo themes.
Added the EditGroup, EditGroupLocalPerms, EditGroupGlobalPerms, EditGroupSuperMod and EditGroup Admin permissions.
Added the group_exists function.
Added the EditGroupPage struct.
Swapped some log.Fatal calls out for InternalError calls to avoid whitescreens.
Added the Not Loggedin group.
The Reports Forum is now only available to staff.
Groups are now stored in a slice instead of a map for extra concurrency and speed.
Testing background SVGs.
You can now toggle a forum's visibility via the Forum Manager.
Added the Inline Form API to global.js
The reports forum can now be edited but not deleted.
Tempra Simple and Tempra Conflux now support backgrounds.
You can now use the left and right keyboard keys to go to the next and previous page.
Making the shell files a little friendlier. Needs testing.
The main executable will always be named gosora.exe or the Linux equivalent ./Gosora
Reports is now a physical forum and not a "virtual" one.
Added create_forum() and delete_forum() for creating and deleting forums.
Synced the installer's config.go with the main one.
Forums are now stored in slices rather than maps for improved performance and concurrency.
You can now set a forum as hidden when initially creating it.
BBCode tag names may only be seven characters long now. This is part of a new anti-overflow measure that's much faster and simpler than the previous one.
Updated the last block of code in routes.go which uses the antiquated "success = 0" error detection method.
Fixed a visual bug in the Control Panel CSS.
Seperated the system forums from the normal ones in the Forum Manager.
You can now see if a forum is marked as Hidden in the Forum Manager.
Fixed the position of the lock status indicator.
IP Addresses now have a simple title attribute explaining that this long incomprehensible string is in fact an IP Address.
Textareas look a little better now.
Next / Previous buttons are now visible on mobile.
.bat files always say what they're doing now.
Admins and mods can now see the IP Addresses of users.
The last IP Address of a user is now tracked.
The IP Addresses a user used to create replies and topics are now tracked.
Dramatically improved the speed of templates with the new Fragment System. More optimisations to come!
Decreased the memory usage of compiled templates with the new Fragment System.
build.bat now provides more information on what it's doing.
Added the `go generate` command to the .bat files in preparation for the future.
We're currently in the process of overhauling the benchmark system to run tests in parallel rather than serially. More news on that later.
We're also looking into the best way of integrating pprof with the benchmarks for detailed profiling.
The internal and notfound errors are now static pages.
Internal Error pages are now served properly.
Optimised most of the errors.
Added an internal flag for checking if the plugins have been initialised yet. Mainly for tests.
Decoupled the global initialisation code from the tests.
Removed URL Tags from Tempra Simple. We're pondering over how to re-introduce this in a less intrusive way.
Template file writing is now multi-threaded.
The number of maximum open connections is now explicitly set.
Removed the Name field from the page struct.
Turned some of the most frequently hit queries into prepared statements.
Added the [rand] BBCode.
Converted the NoticeList map into a slice.
Added the missing_tag error type to the [url] tag.
error_notfound is now used for when the router can't find a route.
Fixed a bug in the custom page route where both the page AND the error is served when the page doesn't exist.
Removed some deferrals.
Reduced the number of allocations on the topic page.
run.bat now provides more information on what it's doing.
The porting is still underway, part of it relies on functionality which hasn't be implemented in Gosora yet like sidebars and alerts.
Restructured the BBCode parser plugin.
Added the [code] tag to the BBCode parser. Disabled by default for now.
Added a benchmark for comparing performance between when [code] is enabled and when it isn't.
Tweaked the templates to make them more flexible, thus allowing a wider variety of themes.
Images of the themes can now be found in the Theme Manager.
There's an emoji on each theme row to show which themes are mobile friendly and which aren't.
Fixed editing and deleting posts on Tempra Conflux.
Moved a large portion of the inline CSS in the topic_alt template into the stylesheets.
The router is now benchmarked. The custom router we'll use to replace it will also be benchmarked once it's completed.
Added a placeholder page for the Control Panel Dashboard.
Tightened some of the control panel route permission checks.
Moved the Control Panel menu into it's own template.
Added permission checks to the links on the Control Panel menu.
Added the activation and deactivation handlers to plugins.
Experimenting to see the best way of implementing variadic hooks.
Added the ability to deactivate plugins.
Added the preparse_preassign and parse_assign parser hooks.
Added a simple Markdown plugin.
Added the group tag to the profiles.
Improved the open / close status on /topics/
Added the ability to report profile comments.
Added the report_preassign vhook. This is probably going to be changed.
Added the report system.
Rebranded the project.
Improved the installation instructions.
Changed the open / close status CSS.
Added the Hello World plugin.
Added the Skeleton plugin.
Added the ability for admins to delete forums.
Added the ability for admins to edit forums.
Added the Uncategorised Forum for topics with an ID of 0. Possibly for deleted forums in the future?
Added the uncategorised forum visibility switch.
Creating forums now has an anti-CSRF session check. The same is true with the newly implemented forum deletion and modification features.
Cleaned up some of the error code.
Added an executable file. Only works on Windows, if it doesn't work, then try building it for yourself with build.bat or go build
Tweaked run.bat to make it more firewall friendly. It now generates an executable.
Moved the files around to make it more organised.
Added build.bat which you can use to build the program for you and install the libraries the software depends on.