most viewed now works on dynamically loaded topic lists
show opts on empty forums
This commit is contained in:
@ -201,6 +201,7 @@ type TopicListPage struct {
ForumList []Forum
DefaultForum int
Sort TopicListSort
SelectedFids []int
@ -799,8 +800,8 @@ type AreYouSure struct {
// TODO: Write a test for this
func DefaultHeader(w http.ResponseWriter, user *User) *Header {
return &Header{Site: Site, Theme: Themes[fallbackTheme], CurrentUser: user, Writer: w}
func DefaultHeader(w http.ResponseWriter, u *User) *Header {
return &Header{Site: Site, Theme: Themes[fallbackTheme], CurrentUser: u, Writer: w}
func SimpleDefaultHeader(w http.ResponseWriter) *Header {
return &Header{Site: Site, Theme: Themes[fallbackTheme], CurrentUser: &GuestUser, Writer: w}
@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ func tmplInitHeaders(u, u2, u3 *User) (*Header, *Header, *Header) {
Theme: Themes[DefaultThemeBox.Load().(string)],
CurrentUser: u,
NoticeList: []string{"test"},
Stylesheets: []HScript{HScript{"panel.css",""}},
Scripts: []HScript{HScript{"whatever.js",""}},
PreScriptsAsync: []HScript{HScript{"whatever.js",""}},
ScriptsAsync: []HScript{HScript{"whatever.js",""}},
Stylesheets: []HScript{HScript{"panel.css", ""}},
Scripts: []HScript{HScript{"whatever.js", ""}},
PreScriptsAsync: []HScript{HScript{"whatever.js", ""}},
ScriptsAsync: []HScript{HScript{"whatever.js", ""}},
Widgets: PageWidgets{
LeftSidebar: template.HTML("lalala"),
@ -227,9 +227,9 @@ func compileCommons(c *tmpl.CTemplateSet, head, head2 *Header, forumList []Forum
var topicsList []TopicsRowMut
topic := Topic{1, "/topic/topic-title.1","Topic Title", "The topic content.", 1, false, false, now, now, user3.ID, 1, 1, "", "::1", 1, 0, 1, 1, "classname",0,"",nil}
topicsList = append(topicsList, TopicsRowMut{&TopicsRow{topic,1, user2, "", 0, user3, "General", "/forum/general.2"}, false})
topicListPage := TopicListPage{htitle("Topic List"), topicsList, forumList, Config.DefaultForum, TopicListSort{"lastupdated", false}, QuickTools{false, false, false}, Paginator{[]int{1}, 1, 1}}
topic := Topic{1, "/topic/topic-title.1", "Topic Title", "The topic content.", 1, false, false, now, now, user3.ID, 1, 1, "", "::1", 1, 0, 1, 1, "classname", 0, "", nil}
topicsList = append(topicsList, TopicsRowMut{&TopicsRow{topic, 1, user2, "", 0, user3, "General", "/forum/general.2"}, false})
topicListPage := TopicListPage{htitle("Topic List"), topicsList, forumList, Config.DefaultForum, TopicListSort{"lastupdated", false}, []int{1}, QuickTools{false, false, false}, Paginator{[]int{1}, 1, 1}}
o.Add("topics", "c.TopicListPage", topicListPage)
o.Add("topics_mini", "c.TopicListPage", topicListPage)
@ -311,9 +311,9 @@ func compileTemplates(wg *sync.WaitGroup, c *tmpl.CTemplateSet, themeName string
t.Add("profile", "c.ProfilePage", ppage)
var topicsList []TopicsRowMut
topic := Topic{1, "topic-title", "Topic Title", "The topic content.", 1, false, false, now, now, user3.ID, 1, 1, "", "::1", 1, 0, 1, 1, "classname",0,"",nil}
topicsList = append(topicsList, TopicsRowMut{&TopicsRow{topic,0, user2, "", 0, user3, "General", "/forum/general.2"}, false})
topicListPage := TopicListPage{htitle("Topic List"), topicsList, forumList, Config.DefaultForum, TopicListSort{"lastupdated", false}, QuickTools{false, false, false}, Paginator{[]int{1}, 1, 1}}
topic := Topic{1, "topic-title", "Topic Title", "The topic content.", 1, false, false, now, now, user3.ID, 1, 1, "", "::1", 1, 0, 1, 1, "classname", 0, "", nil}
topicsList = append(topicsList, TopicsRowMut{&TopicsRow{topic, 0, user2, "", 0, user3, "General", "/forum/general.2"}, false})
topicListPage := TopicListPage{htitle("Topic List"), topicsList, forumList, Config.DefaultForum, TopicListSort{"lastupdated", false}, []int{1}, QuickTools{false, false, false}, Paginator{[]int{1}, 1, 1}}
forumItem := BlankForum(1, "general-forum.1", "General Forum", "Where the general stuff happens", true, "all", 0, "", 0)
forumPage := ForumPage{htitle("General Forum"), topicsList, forumItem, false, false, Paginator{[]int{1}, 1, 1}}
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ func compileTemplates(wg *sync.WaitGroup, c *tmpl.CTemplateSet, themeName string
t.AddStd("login", "c.Page", Page{htitle("Login Page"), tList, nil})
t.AddStd("register", "c.RegisterPage", RegisterPage{htitle("Registration Page"), false, "",[]RegisterVerify{RegisterVerify{true,&RegisterVerifyImageGrid{"What?",[]RegisterVerifyImageGridImage{RegisterVerifyImageGridImage{"something.png"}}}}}})
t.AddStd("register", "c.RegisterPage", RegisterPage{htitle("Registration Page"), false, "", []RegisterVerify{RegisterVerify{true, &RegisterVerifyImageGrid{"What?", []RegisterVerifyImageGridImage{RegisterVerifyImageGridImage{"something.png"}}}}}})
t.AddStd("error", "c.ErrorPage", ErrorPage{htitle("Error"), "A problem has occurred in the system."})
ipSearchPage := IPSearchPage{htitle("IP Search"), map[int]*User{1: user2}, "::1"}
@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ func compileJSTemplates(wg *sync.WaitGroup, c *tmpl.CTemplateSet, themeName stri
t := TItemHold(make(map[string]TItem))
topic := Topic{1, "topic-title", "Topic Title", "The topic content.", 1, false, false, now, now, user3.ID, 1, 1, "", "::1", 1, 0, 1, 0, "classname",1,"",nil}
topic := Topic{1, "topic-title", "Topic Title", "The topic content.", 1, false, false, now, now, user3.ID, 1, 1, "", "::1", 1, 0, 1, 0, "classname", 1, "", nil}
topicsRow := TopicsRowMut{&TopicsRow{topic, 0, user2, "", 0, user3, "General", "/forum/general.2"}, false}
t.AddStd("topics_topic", "c.TopicsRowMut", topicsRow)
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ func (tList *DefaultTopicList) GetListByForum(f *Forum, page, orderby int) (topi
// TODO: Use something other than TopicsRow as we don't need to store the forum name and link on each and every topic item?
reqUserList := make(map[int]bool)
for rows.Next() {
t := TopicsRow{Topic:Topic{ID: 0}}
t := TopicsRow{Topic: Topic{ID: 0}}
err := rows.Scan(&t.ID, &t.Title, &t.Content, &t.CreatedBy, &t.IsClosed, &t.Sticky, &t.CreatedAt, &t.LastReplyAt, &t.LastReplyBy, &t.LastReplyID, &t.ViewCount, &t.PostCount, &t.LikeCount)
if err != nil {
return nil, Paginator{nil, 1, 1}, err
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ func (tList *DefaultTopicList) GetListByCanSee(canSee []int, page, orderby int,
// ? - Would it be useful, if we could post in social groups from /topics/?
for _, fid := range canSee {
f := Forums.DirtyGet(fid)
if f.Name != "" && f.Active && (f.ParentType == "" || f.ParentType == "forum") && f.TopicCount != 0 {
if f.Name != "" && f.Active && (f.ParentType == "" || f.ParentType == "forum") /*&& f.TopicCount != 0*/ {
fcopy := f.Copy()
// TODO: Add a hook here for plugin_guilds !!
forumList = append(forumList, fcopy)
@ -397,8 +397,8 @@ func (tList *DefaultTopicList) GetListByCanSee(canSee []int, page, orderby int,
inSlice := func(haystack []int, needle int) bool {
for _, item := range haystack {
if needle == item {
for _, it := range haystack {
if needle == it {
return true
@ -443,10 +443,10 @@ func (tList *DefaultTopicList) GetList(page, orderby int, filterIDs []int) (topi
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, Paginator{nil, 1, 1}, err
//log.Printf("cCanSee: %+v\n", cCanSee)
inSlice := func(haystack []int, needle int) bool {
for _, item := range haystack {
if needle == item {
for _, it := range haystack {
if needle == it {
return true
@ -463,13 +463,14 @@ func (tList *DefaultTopicList) GetList(page, orderby int, filterIDs []int) (topi
} else {
canSee = cCanSee
//log.Printf("canSee: %+v\n", canSee)
// We need a list of the visible forums for Quick Topic
// ? - Would it be useful, if we could post in social groups from /topics/?
var topicCount int
for _, fid := range canSee {
f := Forums.DirtyGet(fid)
if f.Name != "" && f.Active && (f.ParentType == "" || f.ParentType == "forum") && f.TopicCount != 0 {
if f.Name != "" && f.Active && (f.ParentType == "" || f.ParentType == "forum") /*&& f.TopicCount != 0*/ {
fcopy := f.Copy()
// TODO: Add a hook here for plugin_guilds
forumList = append(forumList, fcopy)
@ -495,6 +496,9 @@ func (tList *DefaultTopicList) GetList(page, orderby int, filterIDs []int) (topi
// TODO: Rename this to TopicListStore and pass back a TopicList instance holding the pagination data and topic list rather than passing them back one argument at a time
// TODO: Make orderby an enum of sorts
func (tList *DefaultTopicList) getList(page, orderby, topicCount int, argList []interface{}, qlist string) (topicList []*TopicsRow, paginator Paginator, err error) {
if topicCount == 0 {
return nil, Paginator{nil, 1, 1}, err
//log.Printf("argList: %+v\n",argList)
//log.Printf("qlist: %+v\n",qlist)
var orderq string
@ -554,12 +554,12 @@ function mainInit(){
// TODO: Try to de-duplicate some of these fetch calls
.then(resp => {
if(!resp.ok) throw(url+q+"&js=1 failed to load");
return resp.json();
}).then(dat => {
if(!"Topics" in dat) throw("no Topics in data");
let topics = dat["Topics"];
.then(r => {
if(!r.ok) throw(url+q+"&js=1 failed to load");
return r.json();
}).then(d => {
if(!"Topics" in d) throw("no Topics in data");
let topics = d["Topics"];
log("ajax navigated to different page");
// TODO: Fix the data race where the function hasn't been loaded yet
@ -569,10 +569,10 @@ function mainInit(){
let obj = {Title:document.title,Url:url+q};
}).catch(e => {
log("Unable to get script '"+url+q+"&js=1"+"'",e);
log("Unable to get script "+url+q+"&js=1",e);
@ -587,14 +587,14 @@ function mainInit(){
// TODO: Take mostviewed into account
let url = "//""/topics/?fids="+fid;
fetch(url+"&js=1",{credentials: "same-origin"})
.then(resp => {
if(!resp.ok) throw(url+"&js=1 failed to load");
return resp.json();
}).then(dat => {
if(!"Topics" in dat) throw("no Topics in data");
let topics = dat["Topics"];
.then(r => {
if(!r.ok) throw(url+"&js=1 failed to load");
return r.json();
}).then(d => {
if(!"Topics" in d) throw("no Topics in data");
let topics = d["Topics"];
log("ajax navigated to "+that.innerText);
// TODO: Fix the data race where the function hasn't been loaded yet
@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ function mainInit(){
else document.title = baseTitle;
let obj = {Title:document.title,Url:url};
@ -616,16 +616,18 @@ function mainInit(){
$(".topic_list_title h1").text(that.innerText);
$(".link_select .link_option .link_recent").attr("href","//""/topics/?fids="+fid);
$(".link_select .link_option .link_most_viewed").attr("href","//""/topics/most-viewed/?fids="+fid);
}).catch(e => {
log("Unable to get script '"+url+"&js=1"+"'",e);
log("Unable to get script "+url+"&js=1",e);
if (document.getElementById("topicsItemList")!==null) rebindPaginator();
if (document.getElementById("forumItemList")!==null) rebindPaginator();
if(document.getElementById("topicsItemList")!==null) rebindPaginator();
if(document.getElementById("forumItemList")!==null) rebindPaginator();
// TODO: Show a search button when JS is disabled?
$(".widget_search_input").keypress(function(e) {
@ -642,12 +644,12 @@ function mainInit(){
// TODO: Try to de-duplicate some of these fetch calls
.then(resp => {
if(!resp.ok) throw(url+q+"&js=1 failed to load");
return resp.json();
}).then(data => {
if(!"Topics" in data) throw("no Topics in data");
let topics = data["Topics"];
.then(r => {
if(!r.ok) throw(url+q+"&js=1 failed to load");
return r.json();
}).then(d => {
if(!"Topics" in d) throw("no Topics in data");
let topics = d["Topics"];
log("ajax navigated to search page");
// TODO: Fix the data race where the function hasn't been loaded yet
@ -661,10 +663,10 @@ function mainInit(){
else document.title = baseTitle;
let obj = {Title: document.title, Url: url+q};
}).catch(e => {
log("Unable to get script '"+url+q+"&js=1"+"'",e);
log("Unable to get script "+url+q+"&js=1",e);
@ -906,14 +908,14 @@ function mainInit(){
return resp.text();
}).then(dat => {
document.querySelector("#back").outerHTML = dat;
if(h!==null) h(dat);
}).then(d => {
document.querySelector("#back").outerHTML = d;
if(h!==null) h(d);
let obj = {Title:document.title,Url:base};
}).catch(e => {
log("Unable to get script '"+href+""+"'",e);
log("Unable to get script "+href,e);
@ -239,7 +239,8 @@ func TopicListCommon(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *c.User, h *c.
h.Title = phrases.GetTitlePhrase("topics_search")
pi := c.TopicListPage{h, topicList2, forumList, c.Config.DefaultForum, c.TopicListSort{torder, false}, c.QuickTools{canDelete, canLock, canMove}, pagi}
//log.Printf("cfids: %+v\n", cfids)
pi := c.TopicListPage{h, topicList2, forumList, c.Config.DefaultForum, c.TopicListSort{torder, false}, cfids, c.QuickTools{canDelete, canLock, canMove}, pagi}
return renderTemplate("topics", w, r, h, pi)
@ -305,7 +306,7 @@ func TopicListCommon(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *c.User, h *c.
topicList2[i] = c.TopicsRowMut{t, canMod}
pi := c.TopicListPage{h, topicList2, forumList, c.Config.DefaultForum, c.TopicListSort{torder, false}, c.QuickTools{canDelete, canLock, canMove}, pagi}
pi := c.TopicListPage{h, topicList2, forumList, c.Config.DefaultForum, c.TopicListSort{torder, false}, fids, c.QuickTools{canDelete, canLock, canMove}, pagi}
if r.FormValue("i") == "1" {
return renderTemplate("topics_mini", w, r, h, pi)
@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
<a href="#"class="filter_opt_label link_label"data-for="topic_list_filter_select">{{if eq .Sort.SortBy "mostviewed"}}{{lang "topic_list.most_viewed_filter"}}{{else}}{{lang "topic_list.most_recent_filter"}}{{end}} <span class="filter_opt_pointy">▾</span></a>
<div id="topic_list_filter_select"class="link_select">
<div class="link_option link_selected">
<a href="/topics/">{{lang "topic_list.most_recent_filter"}}</a>
<a class="link_recent"href="/topics/{{if .SelectedFids}}?fids={{range .SelectedFids}}{{.}}{{end}}{{end}}">{{lang "topic_list.most_recent_filter"}}</a>
<div class="link_option">
<a href="/topics/most-viewed/">{{lang "topic_list.most_viewed_filter"}}</a>
<a class="link_most_viewed"href="/topics/most-viewed/{{if .SelectedFids}}?fids={{range .SelectedFids}}{{.}}{{end}}{{end}}">{{lang "topic_list.most_viewed_filter"}}</a>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user