Fix undefined buttons on edit reply.
Move some logic from files.go into templates.go Shorten some things in templates.go Fixes #63
This commit is contained in:
@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ func (list SFileList) JSTmplInit() error {
return bytes.Replace(data, []byte(replaceThis), []byte(withThis), -1)
startIndex, hasFunc := skipAllUntilCharsExist(data, 0, []byte("func init() {"))
startIndex, hasFunc := skipAllUntilCharsExist(data, 0, []byte("if(tmplInits===undefined)"))
if !hasFunc {
return errors.New("no init function found")
return errors.New("no init map found")
data = data[startIndex-len([]byte("func init() {")):]
data = data[startIndex-len([]byte("if(tmplInits===undefined)")):]
data = replace(data, "// nolint", "")
data = replace(data, "func ", "function ")
data = replace(data, "function init() {", "if(tmplInits===undefined) var tmplInits = {};\ntmplInits[\""+tmplName+"\"] = ")
data = replace(data, " error {\n", " {\nlet out = \"\"\n")
funcIndex, hasFunc := skipAllUntilCharsExist(data, 0, []byte("function Template_"))
if !hasFunc {
@ -180,11 +180,10 @@ func (list SFileList) JSTmplInit() error {
data = replace(data, "w.Write(", "out += ")
data = replace(data, "strconv.Itoa(", "")
data = replace(data, "strconv.FormatInt(", "")
data = replace(data, "c.", "")
data = replace(data, " c.", "")
data = replace(data, "phrases.", "")
data = replace(data, ", 10;", "")
data = replace(data, shortName+"_tmpl_phrase_id = RegisterTmplPhraseNames([]string{", "[")
data = replace(data, "var plist = GetTmplPhrasesBytes("+shortName+"_tmpl_phrase_id)", "let plist = tmplPhrases[\""+tmplName+"\"];")
data = replace(data, "var plist = GetTmplPhrasesBytes("+shortName+"_tmpl_phrase_id)", "const plist = tmplPhrases[\""+tmplName+"\"];")
data = replace(data, "var cached_var_", "let cached_var_")
data = replace(data, `tmpl_`+shortName+`_vars, ok := tmpl_`+shortName+`_i.`, `/*`)
data = replace(data, "[]byte(", "")
@ -447,7 +447,19 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compile(name string, content string, expects string, expe
fout += "// Code generated by Gosora. More below:\n/* This file was automatically generated by the software. Please don't edit it as your changes may be overwritten at any moment. */\n"
fout += "package " + c.config.PackageName + "\n" + importList + "\n"
if !c.config.SkipInitBlock {
if c.lang == "js" {
var l string
if len(c.langIndexToName) > 0 {
for _, name := range c.langIndexToName {
l += "\t" + `"` + name + `"` + ",\n"
if len(l) > 0 {
l = "\n" + l
fout += "if(tmplInits===undefined) var tmplInits = {}\n"
fout += "tmplInits[\"template_" + fname + "\"] = [" + l + "]\n"
} else if !c.config.SkipInitBlock {
if len(c.langIndexToName) > 0 {
fout += "var " + fname + "_tmpl_phrase_id int\n\n"
@ -969,8 +981,9 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compileExprSwitch(con CContext, node *parse.CommandNode)
func (c *CTemplateSet) unknownNode(node parse.Node) {
c.logger.Println("Unknown Kind:", reflect.ValueOf(node).Elem().Kind())
c.logger.Println("Unknown Type:", reflect.ValueOf(node).Elem().Type().Name())
elem := reflect.ValueOf(node).Elem()
c.logger.Println("Unknown Kind:", elem.Kind())
c.logger.Println("Unknown Type:", elem.Type().Name())
panic("I don't know what node this is! Grr...")
@ -982,8 +995,8 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compileIdentSwitchN(con CContext, node *parse.CommandNode
func (c *CTemplateSet) dumpSymbol(pos int, node *parse.CommandNode, symbol string) {
c.detail("symbol: ", symbol)
c.detail("node.Args[pos + 1]", node.Args[pos+1])
c.detail("node.Args[pos + 2]", node.Args[pos+2])
c.detail("node.Args[pos+1]", node.Args[pos+1])
c.detail("node.Args[pos+2]", node.Args[pos+2])
func (c *CTemplateSet) compareFunc(con CContext, pos int, node *parse.CommandNode, compare string) (out string) {
@ -994,7 +1007,6 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compareFunc(con CContext, pos int, node *parse.CommandNod
func (c *CTemplateSet) simpleMath(con CContext, pos int, node *parse.CommandNode, symbol string) (out string, val reflect.Value) {
leftParam, val2 := c.compileIfVarSub(con, node.Args[pos+1].String())
rightParam, val3 := c.compileIfVarSub(con, node.Args[pos+2].String())
if val2.IsValid() {
val = val2
} else if val3.IsValid() {
@ -1070,8 +1082,8 @@ ArgLoop:
val = rval
break ArgLoop
case "elapsed":
leftOperand := node.Args[pos+1].String()
leftParam, _ := c.compileIfVarSub(con, leftOperand)
leftOp := node.Args[pos+1].String()
leftParam, _ := c.compileIfVarSub(con, leftOp)
// TODO: Refactor this
// TODO: Validate that this is actually a time.Time
litString("time.Since("+leftParam+").String()", false)
@ -1079,19 +1091,19 @@ ArgLoop:
break ArgLoop
case "dock":
// TODO: Implement string literals properly
leftOperand := node.Args[pos+1].String()
rightOperand := node.Args[pos+2].String()
if len(leftOperand) == 0 || len(rightOperand) == 0 {
leftOp := node.Args[pos+1].String()
rightOp := node.Args[pos+2].String()
if len(leftOp) == 0 || len(rightOp) == 0 {
panic("The left or right operand for function dock cannot be left blank")
leftParam := leftOperand
if leftOperand[0] != '"' {
leftParam := leftOp
if leftOp[0] != '"' {
leftParam, _ = c.compileIfVarSub(con, leftParam)
if rightOperand[0] == '"' {
if rightOp[0] == '"' {
panic("The right operand for function dock cannot be a string")
rightParam, val3 := c.compileIfVarSub(con, rightOperand)
rightParam, val3 := c.compileIfVarSub(con, rightOp)
if !val3.IsValid() {
panic("val3 is invalid")
@ -1102,19 +1114,19 @@ ArgLoop:
break ArgLoop
case "hasWidgets":
// TODO: Implement string literals properly
leftOperand := node.Args[pos+1].String()
rightOperand := node.Args[pos+2].String()
if len(leftOperand) == 0 || len(rightOperand) == 0 {
leftOp := node.Args[pos+1].String()
rightOp := node.Args[pos+2].String()
if len(leftOp) == 0 || len(rightOp) == 0 {
panic("The left or right operand for function dock cannot be left blank")
leftParam := leftOperand
if leftOperand[0] != '"' {
leftParam := leftOp
if leftOp[0] != '"' {
leftParam, _ = c.compileIfVarSub(con, leftParam)
if rightOperand[0] == '"' {
if rightOp[0] == '"' {
panic("The right operand for function dock cannot be a string")
rightParam, val3 := c.compileIfVarSub(con, rightOperand)
rightParam, val3 := c.compileIfVarSub(con, rightOp)
if !val3.IsValid() {
panic("val3 is invalid")
@ -1126,19 +1138,19 @@ ArgLoop:
break ArgLoop
case "lang":
// TODO: Implement string literals properly
leftOperand := node.Args[pos+1].String()
if len(leftOperand) == 0 {
leftOp := node.Args[pos+1].String()
if len(leftOp) == 0 {
panic("The left operand for the language string cannot be left blank")
if leftOperand[0] == '"' {
if leftOp[0] == '"' {
// ! Slightly crude but it does the job
leftParam := strings.Replace(leftOperand, "\"", "", -1)
leftParam := strings.Replace(leftOp, "\"", "", -1)
c.langIndexToName = append(c.langIndexToName, leftParam)
notident = true
con.PushPhrase(len(c.langIndexToName) - 1)
} else {
leftParam := leftOperand
if leftOperand[0] != '"' {
leftParam := leftOp
if leftOp[0] != '"' {
leftParam, _ = c.compileIfVarSub(con, leftParam)
// TODO: Add an optimisation if it's a string literal passsed in from a parent template rather than a true dynamic
@ -1148,11 +1160,11 @@ ArgLoop:
break ArgLoop
case "langf":
// TODO: Implement string literals properly
leftOperand := node.Args[pos+1].String()
if len(leftOperand) == 0 {
leftOp := node.Args[pos+1].String()
if len(leftOp) == 0 {
panic("The left operand for the language string cannot be left blank")
if leftOperand[0] != '"' {
if leftOp[0] != '"' {
panic("Phrase names cannot be dynamic")
@ -1193,27 +1205,27 @@ ArgLoop:
// TODO: Implement string literals properly
// ! Slightly crude but it does the job
litString("phrases.GetTmplPhrasef("+leftOperand+ob+")", false)
litString("phrases.GetTmplPhrasef("+leftOp+ob+")", false)
c.importMap[langPkg] = langPkg
break ArgLoop
case "level":
// TODO: Implement level literals
leftOperand := node.Args[pos+1].String()
if len(leftOperand) == 0 {
leftOp := node.Args[pos+1].String()
if len(leftOp) == 0 {
panic("The leftoperand for function level cannot be left blank")
leftParam, _ := c.compileIfVarSub(con, leftOperand)
leftParam, _ := c.compileIfVarSub(con, leftOp)
// TODO: Refactor this
litString("phrases.GetLevelPhrase("+leftParam+")", false)
c.importMap[langPkg] = langPkg
break ArgLoop
case "bunit":
// TODO: Implement bunit literals
leftOperand := node.Args[pos+1].String()
if len(leftOperand) == 0 {
leftOp := node.Args[pos+1].String()
if len(leftOp) == 0 {
panic("The leftoperand for function buint cannot be left blank")
leftParam, _ := c.compileIfVarSub(con, leftOperand)
leftParam, _ := c.compileIfVarSub(con, leftOp)
out = "{\nbyteFloat, unit := c.ConvertByteUnit(float64(" + leftParam + "))\n"
out += "w.Write(StringToBytes(fmt.Sprintf(\"%.1f\", byteFloat) + unit))\n}\n"
literal = true
@ -1221,21 +1233,21 @@ ArgLoop:
break ArgLoop
case "abstime":
// TODO: Implement level literals
leftOperand := node.Args[pos+1].String()
if len(leftOperand) == 0 {
leftOp := node.Args[pos+1].String()
if len(leftOp) == 0 {
panic("The leftoperand for function abstime cannot be left blank")
leftParam, _ := c.compileIfVarSub(con, leftOperand)
leftParam, _ := c.compileIfVarSub(con, leftOp)
// TODO: Refactor this
litString(leftParam+".Format(\"2006-01-02 15:04:05\")", false)
break ArgLoop
case "reltime":
// TODO: Implement level literals
leftOperand := node.Args[pos+1].String()
if len(leftOperand) == 0 {
leftOp := node.Args[pos+1].String()
if len(leftOp) == 0 {
panic("The leftoperand for function reltime cannot be left blank")
leftParam, _ := c.compileIfVarSub(con, leftOperand)
leftParam, _ := c.compileIfVarSub(con, leftOp)
// TODO: Refactor this
litString("c.RelativeTime("+leftParam+")", false)
break ArgLoop
@ -1246,28 +1258,28 @@ ArgLoop:
var pageParam, headParam string
// TODO: Implement string literals properly
// TODO: Should we check to see if pos+3 is within the bounds of the slice?
nameOperand := node.Args[pos+1].String()
pageOperand := node.Args[pos+2].String()
headOperand := node.Args[pos+3].String()
if len(nameOperand) == 0 || len(pageOperand) == 0 || len(headOperand) == 0 {
nameOp := node.Args[pos+1].String()
pageOp := node.Args[pos+2].String()
headOp := node.Args[pos+3].String()
if len(nameOp) == 0 || len(pageOp) == 0 || len(headOp) == 0 {
panic("None of the three operands for function dyntmpl can be left blank")
nameParam := nameOperand
if nameOperand[0] != '"' {
nameParam := nameOp
if nameOp[0] != '"' {
nameParam, _ = c.compileIfVarSub(con, nameParam)
if pageOperand[0] == '"' {
if pageOp[0] == '"' {
panic("The page operand for function dyntmpl cannot be a string")
if headOperand[0] == '"' {
if headOp[0] == '"' {
panic("The head operand for function dyntmpl cannot be a string")
pageParam, val3 := c.compileIfVarSub(con, pageOperand)
pageParam, val3 := c.compileIfVarSub(con, pageOp)
if !val3.IsValid() {
panic("val3 is invalid")
headParam, val4 := c.compileIfVarSub(con, headOperand)
headParam, val4 := c.compileIfVarSub(con, headOp)
if !val4.IsValid() {
panic("val4 is invalid")
@ -1283,9 +1295,7 @@ ArgLoop:
if c.lang == "js" {
out = "if fl, ok := iw.(http.Flusher); ok {\n"
out += "fl.Flush()\n"
out += "}\n"
out = "if fl, ok := iw.(http.Flusher); ok {\nfl.Flush()\n}\n"
literal = true
c.importMap["net/http"] = "net/http"
break ArgLoop
Reference in New Issue
Block a user