more attachment tests
Add UpdateLinked method to AttachmentStore.
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ package common
import (
@ -34,6 +36,8 @@ type AttachmentStore interface {
CountIn(originTable string, oid int) int
CountInPath(path string) int
Delete(id int) error
UpdateLinked(otable string, oid int) (err error)
type DefaultAttachmentStore struct {
@ -46,6 +50,9 @@ type DefaultAttachmentStore struct {
move *sql.Stmt
moveByExtra *sql.Stmt
delete *sql.Stmt
replyUpdateAttachs *sql.Stmt
topicUpdateAttachs *sql.Stmt
func NewDefaultAttachmentStore(acc *qgen.Accumulator) (*DefaultAttachmentStore, error) {
@ -60,6 +67,10 @@ func NewDefaultAttachmentStore(acc *qgen.Accumulator) (*DefaultAttachmentStore,
move: acc.Update(a).Set("sectionID=?").Where("originID=? AND originTable=?").Prepare(),
moveByExtra: acc.Update(a).Set("sectionID=?").Where("originTable=? AND extra=?").Prepare(),
delete: acc.Delete(a).Where("attachID=?").Prepare(),
// TODO: Less race-y attachment count updates
replyUpdateAttachs: acc.Update("replies").Set("attachCount=?").Where("rid=?").Prepare(),
topicUpdateAttachs: acc.Update("topics").Set("attachCount=?").Where("tid=?").Prepare(),
}, acc.FirstError()
@ -80,7 +91,14 @@ func (s *DefaultAttachmentStore) MiniGetList(originTable string, originID int) (
a.Image = ImageFileExts.Contains(a.Ext)
alist = append(alist, a)
return alist, rows.Err()
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(alist) == 0 {
err = sql.ErrNoRows
return alist, err
func (s *DefaultAttachmentStore) BulkMiniGetList(originTable string, ids []int) (amap map[int][]*MiniAttachment, err error) {
@ -190,14 +208,34 @@ func (s *DefaultAttachmentStore) Delete(id int) error {
return err
// TODO: Split this out of this store
func (s *DefaultAttachmentStore) UpdateLinked(otable string, oid int) (err error) {
switch otable {
case "topics":
_, err = s.topicUpdateAttachs.Exec(s.CountIn(otable, oid), oid)
if err != nil {
return err
err = Topics.Reload(oid)
case "replies":
_, err = s.replyUpdateAttachs.Exec(s.CountIn(otable, oid), oid)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// TODO: Add a table for the files and lock the file row when performing tasks related to the file
func DeleteAttachment(aid int) error {
attach, err := Attachments.Get(aid)
if err != nil {
return err
err = Attachments.Delete(aid)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -205,9 +243,11 @@ func DeleteAttachment(aid int) error {
if count == 0 {
err := os.Remove("./attachs/" + attach.Path)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
@ -90,10 +90,11 @@ type DefaultPageStore struct {
func NewDefaultPageStore(acc *qgen.Accumulator) (*DefaultPageStore, error) {
pa := "pages"
allCols := "pid, name, title, body, allowedGroups, menuID"
return &DefaultPageStore{
get: acc.Select(pa).Columns("name, title, body, allowedGroups, menuID").Where("pid=?").Prepare(),
getByName: acc.Select(pa).Columns("pid, name, title, body, allowedGroups, menuID").Where("name=?").Prepare(),
getOffset: acc.Select(pa).Columns("pid, name, title, body, allowedGroups, menuID").Orderby("pid DESC").Limit("?,?").Prepare(),
getByName: acc.Select(pa).Columns(allCols).Where("name=?").Prepare(),
getOffset: acc.Select(pa).Columns(allCols).Orderby("pid DESC").Limit("?,?").Prepare(),
count: acc.Count(pa).Prepare(),
delete: acc.Delete(pa).Where("pid=?").Prepare(),
}, acc.FirstError()
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ LastIPCutoff - The number of months which need to pass before the last IP stored
PostIPCutoff - The number of days which need to pass before the IP data for a post is automatically deleted. 0 defaults to whatever the current default is, currently 120 and -1 disables this feature.
PollIPCutoff - The number of days which need to pass before the IP data for a poll is automatically deleted. 0 defaults to whatever the current default is, currently 365 and -1 disables this feature.
PollIPCutoff - The number of days which need to pass before the IP data for a poll is automatically deleted. 0 defaults to whatever the current default is, currently 90 and -1 disables this feature.
DisableLastIP - Disable storing last IPs for users and purge any existing user last IP data. Default: false
@ -561,92 +561,6 @@ func topicStoreTest(t *testing.T, newID int, ip string) {
// TODO: Test topic creation and retrieving that created topic plus reload and inspecting the cache
// TODO: Implement this
func TestAttachments(t *testing.T) {
if !c.PluginsInited {
filename := "n0-48.png"
srcFile := "./test_data/" + filename
destFile := "./attachs/" + filename
expect(t, c.Attachments.Count() == 0, "the number of attachments should be 0")
expect(t, c.Attachments.CountIn("topics", 1) == 0, "the number of attachments in topic 1 should be 0")
expect(t, c.Attachments.CountInPath(filename) == 0, fmt.Sprintf("the number of attachments with path '%s' should be 0", filename))
_, err := c.Attachments.Get(1)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
expect(t, err == sql.ErrNoRows, ".Get should have no results")
// Sim an upload, try a proper upload through the proper pathway later on
_, err = os.Stat(destFile)
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
expectNilErr(t, err)
} else if err == nil {
err := os.Remove(destFile)
expectNilErr(t, err)
input, err := ioutil.ReadFile(srcFile)
expectNilErr(t, err)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(destFile, input, 0644)
expectNilErr(t, err)
tid, err := c.Topics.Create(2, "Attach Test", "Fillter Body", 1, "")
expectNilErr(t, err)
aid, err := c.Attachments.Add(2, "forums", tid, "topics", 1, filename, "")
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, c.Attachments.Count() == 1, "the number of attachments should be 1")
expect(t, c.Attachments.CountIn("topics", tid) == 1, fmt.Sprintf("the number of attachments in topic %d should be 1", tid))
expect(t, c.Attachments.CountInPath(filename) == 1, fmt.Sprintf("the number of attachments with path '%s' should be 1", filename))
a, err := c.Attachments.Get(aid)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, a.ID == aid, fmt.Sprintf("a.ID should be %d not %d", aid, a.ID))
expect(t, a.SectionID == 2, fmt.Sprintf("a.SectionID should be %d not %d", 2, a.SectionID))
expect(t, a.OriginID == tid, fmt.Sprintf("a.OriginID should be %d not %d", tid, a.OriginID))
expect(t, a.UploadedBy == 1, fmt.Sprintf("a.UploadedBy should be %d not %d", 1, a.UploadedBy))
expect(t, a.Path == filename, fmt.Sprintf("a.Path should be %s not %s", filename, a.Path))
expect(t, a.Extra == "", fmt.Sprintf("a.Extra should be blank not %s", a.Extra))
expect(t, a.Image, "a.Image should be true")
expect(t, a.Ext == "png", fmt.Sprintf("a.Ext should be png not %s", a.Ext))
alist, err := c.Attachments.MiniGetList("topics", tid)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, len(alist) == 1, fmt.Sprintf("len(alist) should be 1 not %d", len(alist)))
a = alist[0]
expect(t, a.ID == aid, fmt.Sprintf("a.ID should be %d not %d", aid, a.ID))
expect(t, a.SectionID == 2, fmt.Sprintf("a.SectionID should be %d not %d", 2, a.SectionID))
expect(t, a.OriginID == tid, fmt.Sprintf("a.OriginID should be %d not %d", tid, a.OriginID))
expect(t, a.UploadedBy == 1, fmt.Sprintf("a.UploadedBy should be %d not %d", 1, a.UploadedBy))
expect(t, a.Path == filename, fmt.Sprintf("a.Path should be %s not %s", filename, a.Path))
expect(t, a.Extra == "", fmt.Sprintf("a.Extra should be blank not %s", a.Extra))
expect(t, a.Image, "a.Image should be true")
expect(t, a.Ext == "png", fmt.Sprintf("a.Ext should be png not %s", a.Ext))
// TODO: Cover the other bits of creation / deletion not covered in the AttachmentStore like updating the reply / topic attachCount
// TODO: Get attachment tests
// TODO: Move attachment tests
expectNilErr(t, c.Attachments.Delete(aid))
expect(t, c.Attachments.Count() == 0, "the number of attachments should be 0")
expect(t, c.Attachments.CountIn("topics", tid) == 0, fmt.Sprintf("the number of attachments in topic %d should be 0", tid))
expect(t, c.Attachments.CountInPath(filename) == 0, fmt.Sprintf("the number of attachments with path '%s' should be 0", filename))
_, err = c.Attachments.Get(aid)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
expect(t, err == sql.ErrNoRows, ".Get should have no results")
// TODO: Reply attachment test
// TODO: Delete reply attachment
// TODO: Path overlap tests
func TestForumStore(t *testing.T) {
if !c.PluginsInited {
@ -656,7 +570,6 @@ func TestForumStore(t *testing.T) {
fcache, ok := c.Forums.(c.ForumCache)
expect(t, ok, "Unable to cast ForumStore to ForumCache")
expect(t, c.Forums.Count() == 2, "The forumstore global count should be 2")
expect(t, fcache.Length() == 2, "The forum cache length should be 2")
@ -861,16 +774,16 @@ func TestGroupStore(t *testing.T) {
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "GID #-1 shouldn't exist")
// TODO: Refactor the group store to remove GID #0
group, err := c.Groups.Get(0)
g, err := c.Groups.Get(0)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find GID #0")
expect(t, group.ID == 0, fmt.Sprintf("group.ID doesn't not match the requested GID. Got '%d' instead.", group.ID))
expect(t, group.Name == "Unknown", fmt.Sprintf("GID #0 is named '%s' and not 'Unknown'", group.Name))
expect(t, g.ID == 0, fmt.Sprintf("g.ID doesn't not match the requested GID. Got '%d' instead.", g.ID))
expect(t, g.Name == "Unknown", fmt.Sprintf("GID #0 is named '%s' and not 'Unknown'", g.Name))
group, err = c.Groups.Get(1)
g, err = c.Groups.Get(1)
recordMustExist(t, err, "Couldn't find GID #1")
expect(t, group.ID == 1, fmt.Sprintf("group.ID doesn't not match the requested GID. Got '%d' instead.'", group.ID))
expect(t, len(group.CanSee) > 0, "group.CanSee should not be zero")
expect(t, g.ID == 1, fmt.Sprintf("g.ID doesn't not match the requested GID. Got '%d' instead.'", g.ID))
expect(t, len(g.CanSee) > 0, "g.CanSee should not be zero")
expect(t, !c.Groups.Exists(-1), "GID #-1 shouldn't exist")
// 0 aka Unknown, for system posts and other oddities
@ -884,13 +797,13 @@ func TestGroupStore(t *testing.T) {
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, c.Groups.Exists(gid), "The group we just made doesn't exist")
group, err = c.Groups.Get(gid)
g, err = c.Groups.Get(gid)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, group.ID == gid, "The group ID should match the requested ID")
expect(t, group.IsAdmin, "This should be an admin group")
expect(t, group.IsMod, "This should be a mod group")
expect(t, !group.IsBanned, "This shouldn't be a ban group")
expect(t, len(group.CanSee) == 0, "group.CanSee should be empty")
expect(t, g.ID == gid, "The group ID should match the requested ID")
expect(t, g.IsAdmin, "This should be an admin group")
expect(t, g.IsMod, "This should be a mod group")
expect(t, !g.IsBanned, "This shouldn't be a ban group")
expect(t, len(g.CanSee) == 0, "g.CanSee should be empty")
isAdmin = false
isMod = true
@ -899,36 +812,36 @@ func TestGroupStore(t *testing.T) {
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, c.Groups.Exists(gid), "The group we just made doesn't exist")
group, err = c.Groups.Get(gid)
g, err = c.Groups.Get(gid)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, group.ID == gid, "The group ID should match the requested ID")
expect(t, !group.IsAdmin, "This should not be an admin group")
expect(t, group.IsMod, "This should be a mod group")
expect(t, !group.IsBanned, "This shouldn't be a ban group")
expect(t, g.ID == gid, "The group ID should match the requested ID")
expect(t, !g.IsAdmin, "This should not be an admin group")
expect(t, g.IsMod, "This should be a mod group")
expect(t, !g.IsBanned, "This shouldn't be a ban group")
// TODO: Make sure this pointer doesn't change once we refactor the group store to stop updating the pointer
err = group.ChangeRank(false, false, true)
err = g.ChangeRank(false, false, true)
expectNilErr(t, err)
group, err = c.Groups.Get(gid)
g, err = c.Groups.Get(gid)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, group.ID == gid, "The group ID should match the requested ID")
expect(t, !group.IsAdmin, "This shouldn't be an admin group")
expect(t, !group.IsMod, "This shouldn't be a mod group")
expect(t, group.IsBanned, "This should be a ban group")
expect(t, g.ID == gid, "The group ID should match the requested ID")
expect(t, !g.IsAdmin, "This shouldn't be an admin group")
expect(t, !g.IsMod, "This shouldn't be a mod group")
expect(t, g.IsBanned, "This should be a ban group")
err = group.ChangeRank(true, true, true)
err = g.ChangeRank(true, true, true)
expectNilErr(t, err)
group, err = c.Groups.Get(gid)
g, err = c.Groups.Get(gid)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, group.ID == gid, "The group ID should match the requested ID")
expect(t, group.IsAdmin, "This should be an admin group")
expect(t, group.IsMod, "This should be a mod group")
expect(t, !group.IsBanned, "This shouldn't be a ban group")
expect(t, len(group.CanSee) == 0, "len(group.CanSee) should be 0")
expect(t, g.ID == gid, "The group ID should match the requested ID")
expect(t, g.IsAdmin, "This should be an admin group")
expect(t, g.IsMod, "This should be a mod group")
expect(t, !g.IsBanned, "This shouldn't be a ban group")
expect(t, len(g.CanSee) == 0, "len(g.CanSee) should be 0")
err = group.ChangeRank(false, true, true)
err = g.ChangeRank(false, true, true)
expectNilErr(t, err)
forum, err := c.Forums.Get(2)
@ -944,26 +857,26 @@ func TestGroupStore(t *testing.T) {
err = forum.SetPerms(&forumPerms, "custom", gid)
expectNilErr(t, err)
group, err = c.Groups.Get(gid)
g, err = c.Groups.Get(gid)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, group.ID == gid, "The group ID should match the requested ID")
expect(t, !group.IsAdmin, "This shouldn't be an admin group")
expect(t, group.IsMod, "This should be a mod group")
expect(t, !group.IsBanned, "This shouldn't be a ban group")
expect(t, group.CanSee != nil, "group.CanSee must not be nil")
expect(t, len(group.CanSee) == 1, "len(group.CanSee) should not be one")
expect(t, group.CanSee[0] == 2, "group.CanSee[0] should be 2")
canSee := group.CanSee
expect(t, g.ID == gid, "The group ID should match the requested ID")
expect(t, !g.IsAdmin, "This shouldn't be an admin group")
expect(t, g.IsMod, "This should be a mod group")
expect(t, !g.IsBanned, "This shouldn't be a ban group")
expect(t, g.CanSee != nil, "g.CanSee must not be nil")
expect(t, len(g.CanSee) == 1, "len(g.CanSee) should not be one")
expect(t, g.CanSee[0] == 2, "g.CanSee[0] should be 2")
canSee := g.CanSee
// Make sure the data is static
group, err = c.Groups.Get(gid)
g, err = c.Groups.Get(gid)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, group.ID == gid, "The group ID should match the requested ID")
expect(t, !group.IsAdmin, "This shouldn't be an admin group")
expect(t, group.IsMod, "This should be a mod group")
expect(t, !group.IsBanned, "This shouldn't be a ban group")
expect(t, g.ID == gid, "The group ID should match the requested ID")
expect(t, !g.IsAdmin, "This shouldn't be an admin group")
expect(t, g.IsMod, "This should be a mod group")
expect(t, !g.IsBanned, "This shouldn't be a ban group")
// TODO: Don't enforce a specific order here
canSeeTest := func(a, b []int) bool {
@ -981,7 +894,7 @@ func TestGroupStore(t *testing.T) {
return true
expect(t, canSeeTest(group.CanSee, canSee), "group.CanSee is not being reused")
expect(t, canSeeTest(g.CanSee, canSee), "g.CanSee is not being reused")
// TODO: Test group deletion
// TODO: Test group reload
@ -1051,7 +964,6 @@ func TestReplyStore(t *testing.T) {
if !c.PluginsInited {
_, err := c.Rstore.Get(-1)
recordMustNotExist(t, err, "RID #-1 shouldn't exist")
_, err = c.Rstore.Get(0)
@ -1074,10 +986,10 @@ func testReplyStore(t *testing.T, newID, newPostCount int, ip string) {
replyTest := func(rid, parentID, createdBy int, content, ip string) {
reply, err := c.Rstore.Get(rid)
replyTest2(reply, err, rid, parentID, createdBy, content, ip)
reply, err = c.Rstore.GetCache().Get(rid)
replyTest2(reply, err, rid, parentID, createdBy, content, ip)
r, err := c.Rstore.Get(rid)
replyTest2(r, err, rid, parentID, createdBy, content, ip)
r, err = c.Rstore.GetCache().Get(rid)
replyTest2(r, err, rid, parentID, createdBy, content, ip)
replyTest(1, 1, 1, "A reply!", "::1")
@ -1145,6 +1057,143 @@ func testReplyStore(t *testing.T, newID, newPostCount int, ip string) {
// TODO: Add tests for ReplyCache
// TODO: Implement this
func TestAttachments(t *testing.T) {
if !c.PluginsInited {
filename := "n0-48.png"
srcFile := "./test_data/" + filename
destFile := "./attachs/" + filename
expect(t, c.Attachments.Count() == 0, "the number of attachments should be 0")
expect(t, c.Attachments.CountIn("topics", 1) == 0, "the number of attachments in topic 1 should be 0")
expect(t, c.Attachments.CountInPath(filename) == 0, fmt.Sprintf("the number of attachments with path '%s' should be 0", filename))
_, err := c.Attachments.Get(1)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
expect(t, err == sql.ErrNoRows, ".Get should have no results")
_, err = c.Attachments.MiniGetList("topics", 1)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
expect(t, err == sql.ErrNoRows, ".MiniGetList should have no results")
_, err = c.Attachments.BulkMiniGetList("topics", []int{1})
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
expect(t, err == sql.ErrNoRows, ".BulkMiniGetList should have no results")
// Sim an upload, try a proper upload through the proper pathway later on
_, err = os.Stat(destFile)
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
expectNilErr(t, err)
} else if err == nil {
err := os.Remove(destFile)
expectNilErr(t, err)
input, err := ioutil.ReadFile(srcFile)
expectNilErr(t, err)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(destFile, input, 0644)
expectNilErr(t, err)
tid, err := c.Topics.Create(2, "Attach Test", "Fillter Body", 1, "")
expectNilErr(t, err)
aid, err := c.Attachments.Add(2, "forums", tid, "topics", 1, filename, "")
expectNilErr(t, err)
expectNilErr(t, c.Attachments.UpdateLinked("topics", tid))
expect(t, c.Attachments.Count() == 1, "the number of attachments should be 1")
expect(t, c.Attachments.CountIn("topics", tid) == 1, fmt.Sprintf("the number of attachments in topic %d should be 1", tid))
expect(t, c.Attachments.CountInPath(filename) == 1, fmt.Sprintf("the number of attachments with path '%s' should be 1", filename))
var a *c.MiniAttachment
f := func(aid, sid, oid, uploadedBy int, path, extra, ext string) {
expect(t, a.ID == aid, fmt.Sprintf("ID should be %d not %d", aid, a.ID))
expect(t, a.SectionID == sid, fmt.Sprintf("SectionID should be %d not %d", sid, a.SectionID))
expect(t, a.OriginID == oid, fmt.Sprintf("OriginID should be %d not %d", oid, a.OriginID))
expect(t, a.UploadedBy == uploadedBy, fmt.Sprintf("UploadedBy should be %d not %d", uploadedBy, a.UploadedBy))
expect(t, a.Path == path, fmt.Sprintf("Path should be %s not %s", path, a.Path))
expect(t, a.Extra == extra, fmt.Sprintf("Extra should be %s not %s", extra, a.Extra))
expect(t, a.Image, "Image should be true")
expect(t, a.Ext == ext, fmt.Sprintf("Ext should be %s not %s", ext, a.Ext))
f2 := func(aid, oid int, extra string, topic bool) {
var tbl string
if topic {
tbl = "topics"
} else {
tbl = "replies"
a, err = c.Attachments.Get(aid)
expectNilErr(t, err)
f(aid, 2, oid, 1, filename, extra, "png")
alist, err := c.Attachments.MiniGetList(tbl, oid)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, len(alist) == 1, fmt.Sprintf("len(alist) should be 1 not %d", len(alist)))
a = alist[0]
f(aid, 2, oid, 1, filename, extra, "png")
amap, err := c.Attachments.BulkMiniGetList(tbl, []int{oid})
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, len(amap) == 1, fmt.Sprintf("len(amap) should be 1 not %d", len(amap)))
alist, ok := amap[oid]
if !ok {
t.Logf("key %d not found in amap", oid)
expect(t, len(alist) == 1, fmt.Sprintf("len(alist) should be 1 not %d", len(alist)))
a = alist[0]
f(aid, 2, oid, 1, filename, extra, "png")
topic, err := c.Topics.Get(tid)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, topic.AttachCount == 1, fmt.Sprintf("topic.AttachCount should be 1 not %d", topic.AttachCount))
f2(aid, tid, "", true)
// TODO: Cover the other bits of creation / deletion not covered in the AttachmentStore like updating the reply / topic attachCount
// TODO: Move attachment tests
expectNilErr(t, c.Attachments.Delete(aid))
expect(t, c.Attachments.Count() == 0, "the number of attachments should be 0")
expect(t, c.Attachments.CountIn("topics", tid) == 0, fmt.Sprintf("the number of attachments in topic %d should be 0", tid))
expect(t, c.Attachments.CountInPath(filename) == 0, fmt.Sprintf("the number of attachments with path '%s' should be 0", filename))
_, err = c.Attachments.Get(aid)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
expect(t, err == sql.ErrNoRows, ".Get should have no results")
_, err = c.Attachments.MiniGetList("topics", tid)
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
expect(t, err == sql.ErrNoRows, ".MiniGetList should have no results")
_, err = c.Attachments.BulkMiniGetList("topics", []int{tid})
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
expect(t, err == sql.ErrNoRows, ".BulkMiniGetList should have no results")
rid, err := c.Rstore.Create(topic, "Reply Filler", "", 1)
expectNilErr(t, err)
aid, err = c.Attachments.Add(2, "forums", rid, "replies", 1, filename, strconv.Itoa(topic.ID))
expectNilErr(t, err)
expectNilErr(t, c.Attachments.UpdateLinked("replies", rid))
r, err := c.Rstore.Get(rid)
expectNilErr(t, err)
expect(t, r.AttachCount == 1, fmt.Sprintf("r.AttachCount should be 1 not %d", r.AttachCount))
f2(aid, rid, strconv.Itoa(topic.ID), false)
// TODO: Delete reply attachment
// TODO: Path overlap tests
func TestProfileReplyStore(t *testing.T) {
if !c.PluginsInited {
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ func deleteAttachment(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User, aid i
// TODO: Stop duplicating this code
// TODO: Use a transaction here
// TODO: Move this function to neutral ground
func uploadAttachment(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User, sid int, sectionTable string, oid int, originTable, extra string) (pathMap map[string]string, rerr c.RouteError) {
func uploadAttachment(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User, sid int, stable string, oid int, otable, extra string) (pathMap map[string]string, rerr c.RouteError) {
pathMap = make(map[string]string)
files, rerr := uploadFilesWithHash(w, r, user, "./attachs/")
if rerr != nil {
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ func uploadAttachment(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User, sid i
for _, filename := range files {
aid, err := c.Attachments.Add(sid, sectionTable, oid, originTable, user.ID, filename, extra)
aid, err := c.Attachments.Add(sid, stable, oid, otable, user.ID, filename, extra)
if err != nil {
return nil, c.InternalError(err, w, r)
@ -121,22 +121,10 @@ func uploadAttachment(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User, sid i
pathMap[filename] = strconv.Itoa(aid)
switch originTable {
case "topics":
_, err = topicStmts.updateAttachs.Exec(c.Attachments.CountIn(originTable, oid), oid)
err = c.Attachments.UpdateLinked(otable, oid)
if err != nil {
return nil, c.InternalError(err, w, r)
err = c.Topics.Reload(oid)
if err != nil {
return nil, c.InternalError(err, w, r)
case "replies":
_, err = replyStmts.updateAttachs.Exec(c.Attachments.CountIn(originTable, oid), oid)
if err != nil {
return nil, c.InternalError(err, w, r)
return pathMap, nil
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import (
type ReplyStmts struct {
updateAttachs *sql.Stmt
createReplyPaging *sql.Stmt
@ -25,8 +24,6 @@ var replyStmts ReplyStmts
func init() {
c.DbInits.Add(func(acc *qgen.Accumulator) error {
replyStmts = ReplyStmts{
// TODO: Less race-y attachment count updates
updateAttachs: acc.Update("replies").Set("attachCount=?").Where("rid=?").Prepare(),
createReplyPaging: acc.Select("replies").Cols("rid").Where("rid >= ? - 1 AND tid=?").Orderby("rid ASC").Prepare(),
return acc.FirstError()
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import (
type TopicStmts struct {
getLikedTopic *sql.Stmt
updateAttachs *sql.Stmt
var topicStmts TopicStmts
@ -40,8 +39,6 @@ func init() {
c.DbInits.Add(func(acc *qgen.Accumulator) error {
topicStmts = TopicStmts{
getLikedTopic: acc.Select("likes").Columns("targetItem").Where("sentBy=? && targetItem=? && targetType='topics'").Prepare(),
// TODO: Less race-y attachment count updates
updateAttachs: acc.Update("topics").Set("attachCount=?").Where("tid=?").Prepare(),
return acc.FirstError()
@ -134,7 +131,7 @@ func ViewTopic(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User, header *c.He
if topic.AttachCount > 0 {
attachs, err := c.Attachments.MiniGetList("topics", topic.ID)
if err != nil {
if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
// TODO: We might want to be a little permissive here in-case of a desync?
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
@ -452,6 +449,7 @@ func CreateTopicSubmit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User) c.Ro
return nil
// TODO: Move this function
func uploadFilesWithHash(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User, dir string) (filenames []string, rerr c.RouteError) {
files, ok := r.MultipartForm.File["upload_files"]
if !ok {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user