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var topic_alt_149 = []byte(`
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var profile_0 = []byte(`
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
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var profile_2 = []byte(`'s Avatar" title="`)
var profile_3 = []byte(`'s Avatar" />
<div class="rowitem nameRow">
<span class="profileName">`)
var profile_4 = []byte(`</span>`)
var profile_5 = []byte(`<span class="username">`)
var profile_6 = []byte(`</span>`)
var profile_7 = []byte(`
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var profile_8 = []byte(`<div class="rowitem passive">
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var profile_9 = []byte(`
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var profile_10 = []byte(`<div class="rowitem passive">
var profile_11 = []byte(`<a href="/users/unban/`)
var profile_12 = []byte(`?session=`)
var profile_13 = []byte(`" class="profile_menu_item">Unban</a>
var profile_14 = []byte(`<a href="#ban_user" class="profile_menu_item">Ban</a>`)
var profile_15 = []byte(`
var profile_16 = []byte(`
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var profile_17 = []byte(`?session=`)
var profile_18 = []byte(`&type=user" class="profile_menu_item report_item" aria-label="Report User" title="Report User"></a>
var profile_19 = []byte(`
<div id="profile_right_lane" class="colstack_right">
var profile_20 = []byte(`
<!-- TODO: Inline the display: none; CSS -->
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<div class="rowitem"><h1><a>Ban User</a></h1></div>
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var profile_21 = []byte(`?session=`)
var profile_22 = []byte(`" method="post" style="display: none;">
var profile_23 = []byte(`
<div class="colline">If all the fields are left blank, the ban will be permanent.</div>
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<input name="ban-duration-weeks" type="number" value="0" min="0" />
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<div class="formitem formlabel"><a>Reason</a></div>
<div class="formitem"><textarea name="ban-reason" placeholder="A really horrible person" required></textarea></div>
<div class="formrow">
<div class="formitem"><button name="ban-button" class="formbutton form_middle_button">Ban User</button></div>
var profile_24 = []byte(`
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<div class="rowitem"><h1><a>Comments</a></h1></div>
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var profile_comments_row_7 = []byte(`</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
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var profile_comments_row_9 = []byte(`?session=`)
var profile_comments_row_10 = []byte(`" class="mod_button" title="Edit Item"><button class="username edit_item edit_label"></button></a>
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var profile_comments_row_28 = []byte(`
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var profile_29 = []byte(`
var profile_30 = []byte(`
<script type="text/javascript">
function handle_profile_hashbit() {
var hash_class = ""
switch(window.location.hash.substr(1)) {
case "ban_user":
hash_class = "ban_user_hash"
console.log("Unknown hashbit")
$("." + hash_class).show()
if(window.location.hash) handle_profile_hashbit()
window.addEventListener("hashchange", handle_profile_hashbit, false)
var forums_0 = []byte(`
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2018-01-26 07:57:53 +00:00
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2018-01-26 07:57:53 +00:00
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2018-01-26 07:57:53 +00:00
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var topics_71 = []byte(`" />
<div class="pageitem"><a href="?page=`)
var topics_72 = []byte(`" rel="next" aria-label="Go to the next page">Next</a></div>`)
var topics_73 = []byte(`
2018-01-26 07:57:53 +00:00
var topics_74 = []byte(`
var forum_0 = []byte(`<div id="prevFloat" class="prev_button"><a class="prev_link" aria-label="Go to the previous page" rel="prev" href="/forum/`)
var forum_1 = []byte(`?page=`)
var forum_2 = []byte(`">&lt;</a></div>`)
var forum_3 = []byte(`<div id="nextFloat" class="next_button"><a class="next_link" aria-label="Go to the next page" rel="next" href="/forum/`)
var forum_4 = []byte(`?page=`)
var forum_5 = []byte(`">&gt;</a></div>`)
var forum_6 = []byte(`
<main itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ItemList">
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<div id="forum_head_block" class="rowblock rowhead topic_list_title_block">
<div class="rowitem forum_title`)
var forum_7 = []byte(` has_opt`)
var forum_8 = []byte(`">
<h1 itemprop="name">`)
var forum_9 = []byte(`</h1>
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
var forum_10 = []byte(`
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<div class="pre_opt auto_hide"></div>
<div class="opt create_topic_opt" title="Create Topic" aria-label="Create a topic"><a class="create_topic_link" href="/topics/create/`)
var forum_11 = []byte(`"></a></div>
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
var forum_12 = []byte(`
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<div class="opt mod_opt" title="Moderate">
<a class="moderate_link" href="#" aria-label="Moderate Posts"></a>
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
var forum_13 = []byte(`<div class="opt locked_opt" title="You don't have the permissions needed to create a topic" aria-label="You don't have the permissions needed to make a topic in this forum"><a></a></div>`)
var forum_14 = []byte(`
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
var forum_15 = []byte(`
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
var forum_16 = []byte(`
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<div class="mod_floater auto_hide">
<form method="post">
<div class="mod_floater_head">
<span>What do you want to do with these 18 topics?</span>
<div class="mod_floater_body">
<select class="mod_floater_options">
<option val="delete">Delete them</option>
<option val="lock">Lock them</option>
<option val="move">Move them</option>
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
var forum_17 = []byte(`
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<div id="forum_topic_create_form" class="rowblock topic_create_form quick_create_form" style="display: none;" aria-label="Quick Topic Form">
<form id="quick_post_form" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/topic/create/submit/" method="post"></form>
<img class="little_row_avatar" src="`)
var forum_18 = []byte(`" height="64" alt="Your Avatar" title="Your Avatar" />
<input form="quick_post_form" id="topic_board_input" name="topic-board" value="`)
var forum_19 = []byte(`" type="hidden">
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<div class="main_form">
<div class="topic_meta">
<div class="formrow topic_name_row real_first_child">
<div class="formitem">
<input form="quick_post_form" name="topic-name" placeholder="What's up?" required>
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<div class="formrow topic_content_row">
<div class="formitem">
<textarea form="quick_post_form" id="input_content" name="topic-content" placeholder="Insert post here" required></textarea>
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<div class="formrow poll_content_row auto_hide">
<div class="formitem">
Poll stuff
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<div class="formrow quick_button_row">
<div class="formitem">
<button form="quick_post_form" name="topic-button" class="formbutton">Create Topic</button>
<button form="quick_post_form" class="formbutton" id="add_poll_button">Add Poll</button>
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
var forum_20 = []byte(`
<input name="upload_files" form="quick_post_form" id="upload_files" multiple type="file" style="display: none;" />
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<label for="upload_files" class="formbutton add_file_button">Add File</label>
<div id="upload_file_dock"></div>`)
var forum_21 = []byte(`
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<button class="formbutton close_form">Cancel</button>
var forum_22 = []byte(`
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<div id="forum_topic_list" class="rowblock topic_list">
var forum_23 = []byte(`<div class="topic_row" data-tid="`)
var forum_24 = []byte(`">
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<div class="rowitem topic_left passive datarow `)
var forum_25 = []byte(`topic_sticky`)
var forum_26 = []byte(`topic_closed`)
var forum_27 = []byte(`">
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<span class="selector"></span>
<a href="`)
var forum_28 = []byte(`"><img src="`)
var forum_29 = []byte(`" height="64" alt="`)
var forum_30 = []byte(`'s Avatar" title="`)
var forum_31 = []byte(`'s Avatar" /></a>
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<span class="topic_inner_left">
<a class="rowtopic" href="`)
var forum_32 = []byte(`" itemprop="itemListElement"><span>`)
var forum_33 = []byte(`</span></a>
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<br /><a class="rowsmall starter" href="`)
var forum_34 = []byte(`">`)
var forum_35 = []byte(`</a>
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
var forum_36 = []byte(`<span class="rowsmall topic_status_e topic_status_closed" title="Status: Closed"> | &#x1F512;&#xFE0E</span>`)
var forum_37 = []byte(`<span class="rowsmall topic_status_e topic_status_sticky" title="Status: Pinned"> | &#x1F4CD;&#xFE0E</span>`)
var forum_38 = []byte(`
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<span class="topic_inner_right rowsmall" style="float: right;">
<span class="replyCount">`)
var forum_39 = []byte(`</span><br />
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<span class="likeCount">`)
var forum_40 = []byte(`</span>
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<div class="rowitem topic_right passive datarow `)
var forum_41 = []byte(`topic_sticky`)
var forum_42 = []byte(`topic_closed`)
var forum_43 = []byte(`">
<a href="`)
var forum_44 = []byte(`"><img src="`)
var forum_45 = []byte(`" height="64" alt="`)
var forum_46 = []byte(`'s Avatar" title="`)
var forum_47 = []byte(`'s Avatar" /></a>
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<a href="`)
var forum_48 = []byte(`" class="lastName" style="font-size: 14px;">`)
var forum_49 = []byte(`</a><br>
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
<span class="rowsmall lastReplyAt">`)
var forum_50 = []byte(`</span>
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
var forum_51 = []byte(`<div class="rowitem passive rowmsg">There aren't any topics in this forum yet.`)
var forum_52 = []byte(` <a href="/topics/create/`)
var forum_53 = []byte(`">Start one?</a>`)
var forum_54 = []byte(`</div>`)
var forum_55 = []byte(`
Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit. Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places. Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora. You can now use maps in transpiled templates. Made progress on Cosora's footer. Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property. Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile. Renamed the FStore variable to Forums. Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore. Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups. Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache. Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache. Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore. Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache. Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one. Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one. Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore. Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type. Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit. Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit. Moved the page titles into the english language pack. Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time. Added the LogStore interface. Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore. Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions. Removed a redundant rank check. Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds. Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings. Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors. Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type. Added the Update method to the SettingMap type. BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache. Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation. Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines. Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles. Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme. Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations. Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication. Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
var forum_56 = []byte(`
<div class="pageset">
var forum_57 = []byte(`<div class="pageitem"><a href="?page=`)
var forum_58 = []byte(`" rel="prev" aria-label="Go to the previous page">Prev</a></div>
<link rel="prev" href="?page=`)
var forum_59 = []byte(`" />`)
var forum_60 = []byte(`
<div class="pageitem"><a href="?page=`)
var forum_61 = []byte(`">`)
var forum_62 = []byte(`</a></div>
var forum_63 = []byte(`
<link rel="next" href="?page=`)
var forum_64 = []byte(`" />
<div class="pageitem"><a href="?page=`)
var forum_65 = []byte(`" rel="next" aria-label="Go to the next page">Next</a></div>`)
var forum_66 = []byte(`
var forum_67 = []byte(`
var guilds_guild_list_0 = []byte(`
<div class="rowblock opthead">
<div class="rowitem"><a>Guild List</a></div>
<div class="rowblock">
var guilds_guild_list_1 = []byte(`<div class="rowitem datarow">
<span style="float: left;">
<a href="`)
var guilds_guild_list_2 = []byte(`" style="">`)
var guilds_guild_list_3 = []byte(`</a>
<br /><span class="rowsmall">`)
var guilds_guild_list_4 = []byte(`</span>
<span style="float: right;">
<span style="float: right;font-size: 14px;">`)
var guilds_guild_list_5 = []byte(` members</span>
<br /><span class="rowsmall">`)
var guilds_guild_list_6 = []byte(`</span>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
var guilds_guild_list_7 = []byte(`<div class="rowitem passive">There aren't any visible guilds.</div>`)
var guilds_guild_list_8 = []byte(`