/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { promises as fs, exists, realpath } from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as cp from 'child_process'; import * as which from 'which'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import * as iconv from 'iconv-lite-umd'; import * as filetype from 'file-type'; import { assign, groupBy, IDisposable, toDisposable, dispose, mkdirp, readBytes, detectUnicodeEncoding, Encoding, onceEvent, splitInChunks, Limiter } from './util'; import { CancellationToken, Progress, Uri } from 'vscode'; import { detectEncoding } from './encoding'; import { Ref, RefType, Branch, Remote, GitErrorCodes, LogOptions, Change, Status, CommitOptions, BranchQuery } from './api/git'; import * as byline from 'byline'; import { StringDecoder } from 'string_decoder'; // https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/65693 const MAX_CLI_LENGTH = 30000; const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32'; export interface IGit { path: string; version: string; } export interface IFileStatus { x: string; y: string; path: string; rename?: string; } export interface Stash { index: number; description: string; } interface MutableRemote extends Remote { fetchUrl?: string; pushUrl?: string; isReadOnly: boolean; } // TODO@eamodio: Move to git.d.ts once we are good with the api /** * Log file options. */ export interface LogFileOptions { /** Optional. The maximum number of log entries to retrieve. */ readonly maxEntries?: number | string; /** Optional. The Git sha (hash) to start retrieving log entries from. */ readonly hash?: string; /** Optional. Specifies whether to start retrieving log entries in reverse order. */ readonly reverse?: boolean; readonly sortByAuthorDate?: boolean; } function parseVersion(raw: string): string { return raw.replace(/^git version /, ''); } function findSpecificGit(path: string, onLookup: (path: string) => void): Promise { return new Promise((c, e) => { onLookup(path); const buffers: Buffer[] = []; const child = cp.spawn(path, ['--version']); child.stdout.on('data', (b: Buffer) => buffers.push(b)); child.on('error', cpErrorHandler(e)); child.on('exit', code => code ? e(new Error('Not found')) : c({ path, version: parseVersion(Buffer.concat(buffers).toString('utf8').trim()) })); }); } function findGitDarwin(onLookup: (path: string) => void): Promise { return new Promise((c, e) => { cp.exec('which git', (err, gitPathBuffer) => { if (err) { return e('git not found'); } const path = gitPathBuffer.toString().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); function getVersion(path: string) { onLookup(path); // make sure git executes cp.exec('git --version', (err, stdout) => { if (err) { return e('git not found'); } return c({ path, version: parseVersion(stdout.trim()) }); }); } if (path !== '/usr/bin/git') { return getVersion(path); } // must check if XCode is installed cp.exec('xcode-select -p', (err: any) => { if (err && err.code === 2) { // git is not installed, and launching /usr/bin/git // will prompt the user to install it return e('git not found'); } getVersion(path); }); }); }); } function findSystemGitWin32(base: string, onLookup: (path: string) => void): Promise { if (!base) { return Promise.reject('Not found'); } return findSpecificGit(path.join(base, 'Git', 'cmd', 'git.exe'), onLookup); } function findGitWin32InPath(onLookup: (path: string) => void): Promise { const whichPromise = new Promise((c, e) => which('git.exe', (err, path) => err ? e(err) : c(path))); return whichPromise.then(path => findSpecificGit(path, onLookup)); } function findGitWin32(onLookup: (path: string) => void): Promise { return findSystemGitWin32(process.env['ProgramW6432'] as string, onLookup) .then(undefined, () => findSystemGitWin32(process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'] as string, onLookup)) .then(undefined, () => findSystemGitWin32(process.env['ProgramFiles'] as string, onLookup)) .then(undefined, () => findSystemGitWin32(path.join(process.env['LocalAppData'] as string, 'Programs'), onLookup)) .then(undefined, () => findGitWin32InPath(onLookup)); } export async function findGit(hint: string | string[] | undefined, onLookup: (path: string) => void): Promise { const hints = Array.isArray(hint) ? hint : hint ? [hint] : []; for (const hint of hints) { try { return await findSpecificGit(hint, onLookup); } catch { // noop } } try { switch (process.platform) { case 'darwin': return await findGitDarwin(onLookup); case 'win32': return await findGitWin32(onLookup); default: return await findSpecificGit('git', onLookup); } } catch { // noop } throw new Error('Git installation not found.'); } export interface IExecutionResult { exitCode: number; stdout: T; stderr: string; } function cpErrorHandler(cb: (reason?: any) => void): (reason?: any) => void { return err => { if (/ENOENT/.test(err.message)) { err = new GitError({ error: err, message: 'Failed to execute git (ENOENT)', gitErrorCode: GitErrorCodes.NotAGitRepository }); } cb(err); }; } export interface SpawnOptions extends cp.SpawnOptions { input?: string; encoding?: string; log?: boolean; cancellationToken?: CancellationToken; onSpawn?: (childProcess: cp.ChildProcess) => void; } async function exec(child: cp.ChildProcess, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): Promise> { if (!child.stdout || !child.stderr) { throw new GitError({ message: 'Failed to get stdout or stderr from git process.' }); } if (cancellationToken && cancellationToken.isCancellationRequested) { throw new GitError({ message: 'Cancelled' }); } const disposables: IDisposable[] = []; const once = (ee: NodeJS.EventEmitter, name: string, fn: (...args: any[]) => void) => { ee.once(name, fn); disposables.push(toDisposable(() => ee.removeListener(name, fn))); }; const on = (ee: NodeJS.EventEmitter, name: string, fn: (...args: any[]) => void) => { ee.on(name, fn); disposables.push(toDisposable(() => ee.removeListener(name, fn))); }; let result = Promise.all([ new Promise((c, e) => { once(child, 'error', cpErrorHandler(e)); once(child, 'exit', c); }), new Promise(c => { const buffers: Buffer[] = []; on(child.stdout!, 'data', (b: Buffer) => buffers.push(b)); once(child.stdout!, 'close', () => c(Buffer.concat(buffers))); }), new Promise(c => { const buffers: Buffer[] = []; on(child.stderr!, 'data', (b: Buffer) => buffers.push(b)); once(child.stderr!, 'close', () => c(Buffer.concat(buffers).toString('utf8'))); }) ]) as Promise<[number, Buffer, string]>; if (cancellationToken) { const cancellationPromise = new Promise<[number, Buffer, string]>((_, e) => { onceEvent(cancellationToken.onCancellationRequested)(() => { try { child.kill(); } catch (err) { // noop } e(new GitError({ message: 'Cancelled' })); }); }); result = Promise.race([result, cancellationPromise]); } try { const [exitCode, stdout, stderr] = await result; return { exitCode, stdout, stderr }; } finally { dispose(disposables); } } export interface IGitErrorData { error?: Error; message?: string; stdout?: string; stderr?: string; exitCode?: number; gitErrorCode?: string; gitCommand?: string; gitArgs?: string[]; } export class GitError { error?: Error; message: string; stdout?: string; stderr?: string; exitCode?: number; gitErrorCode?: string; gitCommand?: string; gitArgs?: string[]; constructor(data: IGitErrorData) { if (data.error) { this.error = data.error; this.message = data.error.message; } else { this.error = undefined; this.message = ''; } this.message = this.message || data.message || 'Git error'; this.stdout = data.stdout; this.stderr = data.stderr; this.exitCode = data.exitCode; this.gitErrorCode = data.gitErrorCode; this.gitCommand = data.gitCommand; this.gitArgs = data.gitArgs; } toString(): string { let result = this.message + ' ' + JSON.stringify({ exitCode: this.exitCode, gitErrorCode: this.gitErrorCode, gitCommand: this.gitCommand, stdout: this.stdout, stderr: this.stderr }, null, 2); if (this.error) { result += (this.error).stack; } return result; } } export interface IGitOptions { gitPath: string; version: string; env?: any; } function getGitErrorCode(stderr: string): string | undefined { if (/Another git process seems to be running in this repository|If no other git process is currently running/.test(stderr)) { return GitErrorCodes.RepositoryIsLocked; } else if (/Authentication failed/i.test(stderr)) { return GitErrorCodes.AuthenticationFailed; } else if (/Not a git repository/i.test(stderr)) { return GitErrorCodes.NotAGitRepository; } else if (/bad config file/.test(stderr)) { return GitErrorCodes.BadConfigFile; } else if (/cannot make pipe for command substitution|cannot create standard input pipe/.test(stderr)) { return GitErrorCodes.CantCreatePipe; } else if (/Repository not found/.test(stderr)) { return GitErrorCodes.RepositoryNotFound; } else if (/unable to access/.test(stderr)) { return GitErrorCodes.CantAccessRemote; } else if (/branch '.+' is not fully merged/.test(stderr)) { return GitErrorCodes.BranchNotFullyMerged; } else if (/Couldn\'t find remote ref/.test(stderr)) { return GitErrorCodes.NoRemoteReference; } else if (/A branch named '.+' already exists/.test(stderr)) { return GitErrorCodes.BranchAlreadyExists; } else if (/'.+' is not a valid branch name/.test(stderr)) { return GitErrorCodes.InvalidBranchName; } else if (/Please,? commit your changes or stash them/.test(stderr)) { return GitErrorCodes.DirtyWorkTree; } return undefined; } // https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/89373 // https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/issues/2478 function sanitizePath(path: string): string { return path.replace(/^([a-z]):\\/i, (_, letter) => `${letter.toUpperCase()}:\\`); } const COMMIT_FORMAT = '%H%n%aN%n%aE%n%at%n%ct%n%P%n%B'; export interface ICloneOptions { readonly parentPath: string; readonly progress: Progress<{ increment: number }>; readonly recursive?: boolean; } export class Git { readonly path: string; private env: any; private _onOutput = new EventEmitter(); get onOutput(): EventEmitter { return this._onOutput; } constructor(options: IGitOptions) { this.path = options.gitPath; this.env = options.env || {}; } open(repository: string, dotGit: string): Repository { return new Repository(this, repository, dotGit); } async init(repository: string): Promise { await this.exec(repository, ['init']); return; } async clone(url: string, options: ICloneOptions, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): Promise { let baseFolderName = decodeURI(url).replace(/[\/]+$/, '').replace(/^.*[\/\\]/, '').replace(/\.git$/, '') || 'repository'; let folderName = baseFolderName; let folderPath = path.join(options.parentPath, folderName); let count = 1; while (count < 20 && await new Promise(c => exists(folderPath, c))) { folderName = `${baseFolderName}-${count++}`; folderPath = path.join(options.parentPath, folderName); } await mkdirp(options.parentPath); const onSpawn = (child: cp.ChildProcess) => { const decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8'); const lineStream = new byline.LineStream({ encoding: 'utf8' }); child.stderr!.on('data', (buffer: Buffer) => lineStream.write(decoder.write(buffer))); let totalProgress = 0; let previousProgress = 0; lineStream.on('data', (line: string) => { let match: RegExpMatchArray | null = null; if (match = /Counting objects:\s*(\d+)%/i.exec(line)) { totalProgress = Math.floor(parseInt(match[1]) * 0.1); } else if (match = /Compressing objects:\s*(\d+)%/i.exec(line)) { totalProgress = 10 + Math.floor(parseInt(match[1]) * 0.1); } else if (match = /Receiving objects:\s*(\d+)%/i.exec(line)) { totalProgress = 20 + Math.floor(parseInt(match[1]) * 0.4); } else if (match = /Resolving deltas:\s*(\d+)%/i.exec(line)) { totalProgress = 60 + Math.floor(parseInt(match[1]) * 0.4); } if (totalProgress !== previousProgress) { options.progress.report({ increment: totalProgress - previousProgress }); previousProgress = totalProgress; } }); }; try { let command = ['clone', url.includes(' ') ? encodeURI(url) : url, folderPath, '--progress']; if (options.recursive) { command.push('--recursive'); } await this.exec(options.parentPath, command, { cancellationToken, onSpawn }); } catch (err) { if (err.stderr) { err.stderr = err.stderr.replace(/^Cloning.+$/m, '').trim(); err.stderr = err.stderr.replace(/^ERROR:\s+/, '').trim(); } throw err; } return folderPath; } async getRepositoryRoot(repositoryPath: string): Promise { const result = await this.exec(repositoryPath, ['rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'], { log: false }); // Keep trailing spaces which are part of the directory name const repoPath = path.normalize(result.stdout.trimLeft().replace(/[\r\n]+$/, '')); if (isWindows) { // On Git 2.25+ if you call `rev-parse --show-toplevel` on a mapped drive, instead of getting the mapped drive path back, you get the UNC path for the mapped drive. // So we will try to normalize it back to the mapped drive path, if possible const repoUri = Uri.file(repoPath); const pathUri = Uri.file(repositoryPath); if (repoUri.authority.length !== 0 && pathUri.authority.length === 0) { let match = /(?<=^\/?)([a-zA-Z])(?=:\/)/.exec(pathUri.path); if (match !== null) { const [, letter] = match; try { const networkPath = await new Promise(resolve => realpath.native(`${letter}:`, { encoding: 'utf8' }, (err, resolvedPath) => resolve(err !== null ? undefined : resolvedPath), ), ); if (networkPath !== undefined) { return path.normalize( repoUri.fsPath.replace( networkPath, `${letter.toLowerCase()}:${networkPath.endsWith('\\') ? '\\' : ''}` ), ); } } catch { } } return path.normalize(pathUri.fsPath); } } return repoPath; } async getRepositoryDotGit(repositoryPath: string): Promise { const result = await this.exec(repositoryPath, ['rev-parse', '--git-dir']); let dotGitPath = result.stdout.trim(); if (!path.isAbsolute(dotGitPath)) { dotGitPath = path.join(repositoryPath, dotGitPath); } return path.normalize(dotGitPath); } async exec(cwd: string, args: string[], options: SpawnOptions = {}): Promise> { options = assign({ cwd }, options || {}); return await this._exec(args, options); } async exec2(args: string[], options: SpawnOptions = {}): Promise> { return await this._exec(args, options); } stream(cwd: string, args: string[], options: SpawnOptions = {}): cp.ChildProcess { options = assign({ cwd }, options || {}); return this.spawn(args, options); } private async _exec(args: string[], options: SpawnOptions = {}): Promise> { const child = this.spawn(args, options); if (options.onSpawn) { options.onSpawn(child); } if (options.input) { child.stdin!.end(options.input, 'utf8'); } const bufferResult = await exec(child, options.cancellationToken); if (options.log !== false && bufferResult.stderr.length > 0) { this.log(`${bufferResult.stderr}\n`); } let encoding = options.encoding || 'utf8'; encoding = iconv.encodingExists(encoding) ? encoding : 'utf8'; const result: IExecutionResult = { exitCode: bufferResult.exitCode, stdout: iconv.decode(bufferResult.stdout, encoding), stderr: bufferResult.stderr }; if (bufferResult.exitCode) { return Promise.reject>(new GitError({ message: 'Failed to execute git', stdout: result.stdout, stderr: result.stderr, exitCode: result.exitCode, gitErrorCode: getGitErrorCode(result.stderr), gitCommand: args[0], gitArgs: args })); } return result; } spawn(args: string[], options: SpawnOptions = {}): cp.ChildProcess { if (!this.path) { throw new Error('git could not be found in the system.'); } if (!options) { options = {}; } if (!options.stdio && !options.input) { options.stdio = ['ignore', null, null]; // Unless provided, ignore stdin and leave default streams for stdout and stderr } options.env = assign({}, process.env, this.env, options.env || {}, { VSCODE_GIT_COMMAND: args[0], LC_ALL: 'en_US.UTF-8', LANG: 'en_US.UTF-8', GIT_PAGER: 'cat' }); if (options.cwd) { options.cwd = sanitizePath(options.cwd); } if (options.log !== false) { this.log(`> git ${args.join(' ')}\n`); } return cp.spawn(this.path, args, options); } private log(output: string): void { this._onOutput.emit('log', output); } } export interface Commit { hash: string; message: string; parents: string[]; authorDate?: Date; authorName?: string; authorEmail?: string; commitDate?: Date; } export class GitStatusParser { private lastRaw = ''; private result: IFileStatus[] = []; get status(): IFileStatus[] { return this.result; } update(raw: string): void { let i = 0; let nextI: number | undefined; raw = this.lastRaw + raw; while ((nextI = this.parseEntry(raw, i)) !== undefined) { i = nextI; } this.lastRaw = raw.substr(i); } private parseEntry(raw: string, i: number): number | undefined { if (i + 4 >= raw.length) { return; } let lastIndex: number; const entry: IFileStatus = { x: raw.charAt(i++), y: raw.charAt(i++), rename: undefined, path: '' }; // space i++; if (entry.x === 'R' || entry.x === 'C') { lastIndex = raw.indexOf('\0', i); if (lastIndex === -1) { return; } entry.rename = raw.substring(i, lastIndex); i = lastIndex + 1; } lastIndex = raw.indexOf('\0', i); if (lastIndex === -1) { return; } entry.path = raw.substring(i, lastIndex); // If path ends with slash, it must be a nested git repo if (entry.path[entry.path.length - 1] !== '/') { this.result.push(entry); } return lastIndex + 1; } } export interface Submodule { name: string; path: string; url: string; } export function parseGitmodules(raw: string): Submodule[] { const regex = /\r?\n/g; let position = 0; let match: RegExpExecArray | null = null; const result: Submodule[] = []; let submodule: Partial = {}; function parseLine(line: string): void { const sectionMatch = /^\s*\[submodule "([^"]+)"\]\s*$/.exec(line); if (sectionMatch) { if (submodule.name && submodule.path && submodule.url) { result.push(submodule as Submodule); } const name = sectionMatch[1]; if (name) { submodule = { name }; return; } } if (!submodule) { return; } const propertyMatch = /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/.exec(line); if (!propertyMatch) { return; } const [, key, value] = propertyMatch; switch (key) { case 'path': submodule.path = value; break; case 'url': submodule.url = value; break; } } while (match = regex.exec(raw)) { parseLine(raw.substring(position, match.index)); position = match.index + match[0].length; } parseLine(raw.substring(position)); if (submodule.name && submodule.path && submodule.url) { result.push(submodule as Submodule); } return result; } const commitRegex = /([0-9a-f]{40})\n(.*)\n(.*)\n(.*)\n(.*)\n(.*)(?:\n([^]*?))?(?:\x00)/gm; export function parseGitCommits(data: string): Commit[] { let commits: Commit[] = []; let ref; let authorName; let authorEmail; let authorDate; let commitDate; let parents; let message; let match; do { match = commitRegex.exec(data); if (match === null) { break; } [, ref, authorName, authorEmail, authorDate, commitDate, parents, message] = match; if (message[message.length - 1] === '\n') { message = message.substr(0, message.length - 1); } // Stop excessive memory usage by using substr -- https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=2869 commits.push({ hash: ` ${ref}`.substr(1), message: ` ${message}`.substr(1), parents: parents ? parents.split(' ') : [], authorDate: new Date(Number(authorDate) * 1000), authorName: ` ${authorName}`.substr(1), authorEmail: ` ${authorEmail}`.substr(1), commitDate: new Date(Number(commitDate) * 1000), }); } while (true); return commits; } interface LsTreeElement { mode: string; type: string; object: string; size: string; file: string; } export function parseLsTree(raw: string): LsTreeElement[] { return raw.split('\n') .filter(l => !!l) .map(line => /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$/.exec(line)!) .filter(m => !!m) .map(([, mode, type, object, size, file]) => ({ mode, type, object, size, file })); } interface LsFilesElement { mode: string; object: string; stage: string; file: string; } export function parseLsFiles(raw: string): LsFilesElement[] { return raw.split('\n') .filter(l => !!l) .map(line => /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$/.exec(line)!) .filter(m => !!m) .map(([, mode, object, stage, file]) => ({ mode, object, stage, file })); } export interface PullOptions { unshallow?: boolean; tags?: boolean; readonly cancellationToken?: CancellationToken; } export enum ForcePushMode { Force, ForceWithLease } export class Repository { constructor( private _git: Git, private repositoryRoot: string, readonly dotGit: string ) { } get git(): Git { return this._git; } get root(): string { return this.repositoryRoot; } // TODO@Joao: rename to exec async run(args: string[], options: SpawnOptions = {}): Promise> { return await this.git.exec(this.repositoryRoot, args, options); } stream(args: string[], options: SpawnOptions = {}): cp.ChildProcess { return this.git.stream(this.repositoryRoot, args, options); } spawn(args: string[], options: SpawnOptions = {}): cp.ChildProcess { return this.git.spawn(args, options); } async config(scope: string, key: string, value: any = null, options: SpawnOptions = {}): Promise { const args = ['config']; if (scope) { args.push('--' + scope); } args.push(key); if (value) { args.push(value); } const result = await this.run(args, options); return result.stdout.trim(); } async getConfigs(scope: string): Promise<{ key: string; value: string; }[]> { const args = ['config']; if (scope) { args.push('--' + scope); } args.push('-l'); const result = await this.run(args); const lines = result.stdout.trim().split(/\r|\r\n|\n/); return lines.map(entry => { const equalsIndex = entry.indexOf('='); return { key: entry.substr(0, equalsIndex), value: entry.substr(equalsIndex + 1) }; }); } async log(options?: LogOptions): Promise { const maxEntries = options?.maxEntries ?? 32; const args = ['log', `-n${maxEntries}`, `--format=${COMMIT_FORMAT}`, '-z', '--']; if (options?.path) { args.push(options.path); } const result = await this.run(args); if (result.exitCode) { // An empty repo return []; } return parseGitCommits(result.stdout); } async logFile(uri: Uri, options?: LogFileOptions): Promise { const args = ['log', `--format=${COMMIT_FORMAT}`, '-z']; if (options?.maxEntries && !options?.reverse) { args.push(`-n${options.maxEntries}`); } if (options?.hash) { // If we are reversing, we must add a range (with HEAD) because we are using --ancestry-path for better reverse walking if (options?.reverse) { args.push('--reverse', '--ancestry-path', `${options.hash}..HEAD`); } else { args.push(options.hash); } } if (options?.sortByAuthorDate) { args.push('--author-date-order'); } args.push('--', uri.fsPath); const result = await this.run(args); if (result.exitCode) { // No file history, e.g. a new file or untracked return []; } return parseGitCommits(result.stdout); } async bufferString(object: string, encoding: string = 'utf8', autoGuessEncoding = false): Promise { const stdout = await this.buffer(object); if (autoGuessEncoding) { encoding = detectEncoding(stdout) || encoding; } encoding = iconv.encodingExists(encoding) ? encoding : 'utf8'; return iconv.decode(stdout, encoding); } async buffer(object: string): Promise { const child = this.stream(['show', '--textconv', object]); if (!child.stdout) { return Promise.reject('Can\'t open file from git'); } const { exitCode, stdout, stderr } = await exec(child); if (exitCode) { const err = new GitError({ message: 'Could not show object.', exitCode }); if (/exists on disk, but not in/.test(stderr)) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.WrongCase; } return Promise.reject(err); } return stdout; } async getObjectDetails(treeish: string, path: string): Promise<{ mode: string, object: string, size: number }> { if (!treeish) { // index const elements = await this.lsfiles(path); if (elements.length === 0) { throw new GitError({ message: 'Path not known by git', gitErrorCode: GitErrorCodes.UnknownPath }); } const { mode, object } = elements[0]; const catFile = await this.run(['cat-file', '-s', object]); const size = parseInt(catFile.stdout); return { mode, object, size }; } const elements = await this.lstree(treeish, path); if (elements.length === 0) { throw new GitError({ message: 'Path not known by git', gitErrorCode: GitErrorCodes.UnknownPath }); } const { mode, object, size } = elements[0]; return { mode, object, size: parseInt(size) }; } async lstree(treeish: string, path: string): Promise { const { stdout } = await this.run(['ls-tree', '-l', treeish, '--', sanitizePath(path)]); return parseLsTree(stdout); } async lsfiles(path: string): Promise { const { stdout } = await this.run(['ls-files', '--stage', '--', sanitizePath(path)]); return parseLsFiles(stdout); } async getGitRelativePath(ref: string, relativePath: string): Promise { const relativePathLowercase = relativePath.toLowerCase(); const dirname = path.posix.dirname(relativePath) + '/'; const elements: { file: string; }[] = ref ? await this.lstree(ref, dirname) : await this.lsfiles(dirname); const element = elements.filter(file => file.file.toLowerCase() === relativePathLowercase)[0]; if (!element) { throw new GitError({ message: 'Git relative path not found.' }); } return element.file; } async detectObjectType(object: string): Promise<{ mimetype: string, encoding?: string }> { const child = await this.stream(['show', '--textconv', object]); const buffer = await readBytes(child.stdout!, 4100); try { child.kill(); } catch (err) { // noop } const encoding = detectUnicodeEncoding(buffer); let isText = true; if (encoding !== Encoding.UTF16be && encoding !== Encoding.UTF16le) { for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { if (buffer.readInt8(i) === 0) { isText = false; break; } } } if (!isText) { const result = filetype(buffer); if (!result) { return { mimetype: 'application/octet-stream' }; } else { return { mimetype: result.mime }; } } if (encoding) { return { mimetype: 'text/plain', encoding }; } else { // TODO@JOAO: read the setting OUTSIDE! return { mimetype: 'text/plain' }; } } async apply(patch: string, reverse?: boolean): Promise { const args = ['apply', patch]; if (reverse) { args.push('-R'); } try { await this.run(args); } catch (err) { if (/patch does not apply/.test(err.stderr)) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.PatchDoesNotApply; } throw err; } } async diff(cached = false): Promise { const args = ['diff']; if (cached) { args.push('--cached'); } const result = await this.run(args); return result.stdout; } diffWithHEAD(): Promise; diffWithHEAD(path: string): Promise; diffWithHEAD(path?: string | undefined): Promise; async diffWithHEAD(path?: string | undefined): Promise { if (!path) { return await this.diffFiles(false); } const args = ['diff', '--', sanitizePath(path)]; const result = await this.run(args); return result.stdout; } diffWith(ref: string): Promise; diffWith(ref: string, path: string): Promise; diffWith(ref: string, path?: string | undefined): Promise; async diffWith(ref: string, path?: string): Promise { if (!path) { return await this.diffFiles(false, ref); } const args = ['diff', ref, '--', sanitizePath(path)]; const result = await this.run(args); return result.stdout; } diffIndexWithHEAD(): Promise; diffIndexWithHEAD(path: string): Promise; diffIndexWithHEAD(path?: string | undefined): Promise; async diffIndexWithHEAD(path?: string): Promise { if (!path) { return await this.diffFiles(true); } const args = ['diff', '--cached', '--', sanitizePath(path)]; const result = await this.run(args); return result.stdout; } diffIndexWith(ref: string): Promise; diffIndexWith(ref: string, path: string): Promise; diffIndexWith(ref: string, path?: string | undefined): Promise; async diffIndexWith(ref: string, path?: string): Promise { if (!path) { return await this.diffFiles(true, ref); } const args = ['diff', '--cached', ref, '--', sanitizePath(path)]; const result = await this.run(args); return result.stdout; } async diffBlobs(object1: string, object2: string): Promise { const args = ['diff', object1, object2]; const result = await this.run(args); return result.stdout; } diffBetween(ref1: string, ref2: string): Promise; diffBetween(ref1: string, ref2: string, path: string): Promise; diffBetween(ref1: string, ref2: string, path?: string | undefined): Promise; async diffBetween(ref1: string, ref2: string, path?: string): Promise { const range = `${ref1}...${ref2}`; if (!path) { return await this.diffFiles(false, range); } const args = ['diff', range, '--', sanitizePath(path)]; const result = await this.run(args); return result.stdout.trim(); } private async diffFiles(cached: boolean, ref?: string): Promise { const args = ['diff', '--name-status', '-z', '--diff-filter=ADMR']; if (cached) { args.push('--cached'); } if (ref) { args.push(ref); } const gitResult = await this.run(args); if (gitResult.exitCode) { return []; } const entries = gitResult.stdout.split('\x00'); let index = 0; const result: Change[] = []; entriesLoop: while (index < entries.length - 1) { const change = entries[index++]; const resourcePath = entries[index++]; if (!change || !resourcePath) { break; } const originalUri = Uri.file(path.isAbsolute(resourcePath) ? resourcePath : path.join(this.repositoryRoot, resourcePath)); let status: Status = Status.UNTRACKED; // Copy or Rename status comes with a number, e.g. 'R100'. We don't need the number, so we use only first character of the status. switch (change[0]) { case 'M': status = Status.MODIFIED; break; case 'A': status = Status.INDEX_ADDED; break; case 'D': status = Status.DELETED; break; // Rename contains two paths, the second one is what the file is renamed/copied to. case 'R': if (index >= entries.length) { break; } const newPath = entries[index++]; if (!newPath) { break; } const uri = Uri.file(path.isAbsolute(newPath) ? newPath : path.join(this.repositoryRoot, newPath)); result.push({ uri, renameUri: uri, originalUri, status: Status.INDEX_RENAMED }); continue; default: // Unknown status break entriesLoop; } result.push({ status, originalUri, uri: originalUri, renameUri: originalUri, }); } return result; } async getMergeBase(ref1: string, ref2: string): Promise { const args = ['merge-base', ref1, ref2]; const result = await this.run(args); return result.stdout.trim(); } async hashObject(data: string): Promise { const args = ['hash-object', '-w', '--stdin']; const result = await this.run(args, { input: data }); return result.stdout.trim(); } async add(paths: string[], opts?: { update?: boolean }): Promise { const args = ['add']; if (opts && opts.update) { args.push('-u'); } else { args.push('-A'); } if (paths && paths.length) { for (const chunk of splitInChunks(paths.map(sanitizePath), MAX_CLI_LENGTH)) { await this.run([...args, '--', ...chunk]); } } else { await this.run([...args, '--', '.']); } } async rm(paths: string[]): Promise { const args = ['rm', '--']; if (!paths || !paths.length) { return; } args.push(...paths.map(sanitizePath)); await this.run(args); } async stage(path: string, data: string): Promise { const child = this.stream(['hash-object', '--stdin', '-w', '--path', sanitizePath(path)], { stdio: [null, null, null] }); child.stdin!.end(data, 'utf8'); const { exitCode, stdout } = await exec(child); const hash = stdout.toString('utf8'); if (exitCode) { throw new GitError({ message: 'Could not hash object.', exitCode: exitCode }); } const treeish = await this.getCommit('HEAD').then(() => 'HEAD', () => ''); let mode: string; let add: string = ''; try { const details = await this.getObjectDetails(treeish, path); mode = details.mode; } catch (err) { if (err.gitErrorCode !== GitErrorCodes.UnknownPath) { throw err; } mode = '100644'; add = '--add'; } await this.run(['update-index', add, '--cacheinfo', mode, hash, path]); } async checkout(treeish: string, paths: string[], opts: { track?: boolean, detached?: boolean } = Object.create(null)): Promise { const args = ['checkout', '-q']; if (opts.track) { args.push('--track'); } if (opts.detached) { args.push('--detach'); } if (treeish) { args.push(treeish); } try { if (paths && paths.length > 0) { for (const chunk of splitInChunks(paths.map(sanitizePath), MAX_CLI_LENGTH)) { await this.run([...args, '--', ...chunk]); } } else { await this.run(args); } } catch (err) { if (/Please,? commit your changes or stash them/.test(err.stderr || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.DirtyWorkTree; err.gitTreeish = treeish; } throw err; } } async commit(message: string | undefined, opts: CommitOptions = Object.create(null)): Promise { const args = ['commit', '--quiet', '--allow-empty-message']; if (opts.all) { args.push('--all'); } if (opts.amend && message) { args.push('--amend'); } if (opts.amend && !message) { args.push('--amend', '--no-edit'); } else { args.push('--file', '-'); } if (opts.signoff) { args.push('--signoff'); } if (opts.signCommit) { args.push('-S'); } if (opts.empty) { args.push('--allow-empty'); } if (opts.noVerify) { args.push('--no-verify'); } // Stops git from guessing at user/email args.splice(0, 0, '-c', 'user.useConfigOnly=true'); try { await this.run(args, !opts.amend || message ? { input: message || '' } : {}); } catch (commitErr) { await this.handleCommitError(commitErr); } } async rebaseAbort(): Promise { await this.run(['rebase', '--abort']); } async rebaseContinue(): Promise { const args = ['rebase', '--continue']; try { await this.run(args); } catch (commitErr) { await this.handleCommitError(commitErr); } } private async handleCommitError(commitErr: any): Promise { if (/not possible because you have unmerged files/.test(commitErr.stderr || '')) { commitErr.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.UnmergedChanges; throw commitErr; } try { await this.run(['config', '--get-all', 'user.name']); } catch (err) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.NoUserNameConfigured; throw err; } try { await this.run(['config', '--get-all', 'user.email']); } catch (err) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.NoUserEmailConfigured; throw err; } throw commitErr; } async branch(name: string, checkout: boolean, ref?: string): Promise { const args = checkout ? ['checkout', '-q', '-b', name, '--no-track'] : ['branch', '-q', name]; if (ref) { args.push(ref); } await this.run(args); } async deleteBranch(name: string, force?: boolean): Promise { const args = ['branch', force ? '-D' : '-d', name]; await this.run(args); } async renameBranch(name: string): Promise { const args = ['branch', '-m', name]; await this.run(args); } async move(from: string, to: string): Promise { const args = ['mv', from, to]; await this.run(args); } async setBranchUpstream(name: string, upstream: string): Promise { const args = ['branch', '--set-upstream-to', upstream, name]; await this.run(args); } async deleteRef(ref: string): Promise { const args = ['update-ref', '-d', ref]; await this.run(args); } async merge(ref: string): Promise { const args = ['merge', ref]; try { await this.run(args); } catch (err) { if (/^CONFLICT /m.test(err.stdout || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.Conflict; } throw err; } } async tag(name: string, message?: string): Promise { let args = ['tag']; if (message) { args = [...args, '-a', name, '-m', message]; } else { args = [...args, name]; } await this.run(args); } async deleteTag(name: string): Promise { let args = ['tag', '-d', name]; await this.run(args); } async clean(paths: string[]): Promise { const pathsByGroup = groupBy(paths.map(sanitizePath), p => path.dirname(p)); const groups = Object.keys(pathsByGroup).map(k => pathsByGroup[k]); const limiter = new Limiter(5); const promises: Promise[] = []; const args = ['clean', '-f', '-q']; for (const paths of groups) { for (const chunk of splitInChunks(paths.map(sanitizePath), MAX_CLI_LENGTH)) { promises.push(limiter.queue(() => this.run([...args, '--', ...chunk]))); } } await Promise.all(promises); } async undo(): Promise { await this.run(['clean', '-fd']); try { await this.run(['checkout', '--', '.']); } catch (err) { if (/did not match any file\(s\) known to git\./.test(err.stderr || '')) { return; } throw err; } } async reset(treeish: string, hard: boolean = false): Promise { const args = ['reset', hard ? '--hard' : '--soft', treeish]; await this.run(args); } async revert(treeish: string, paths: string[]): Promise { const result = await this.run(['branch']); let args: string[]; // In case there are no branches, we must use rm --cached if (!result.stdout) { args = ['rm', '--cached', '-r']; } else { args = ['reset', '-q', treeish]; } try { if (paths && paths.length > 0) { for (const chunk of splitInChunks(paths.map(sanitizePath), MAX_CLI_LENGTH)) { await this.run([...args, '--', ...chunk]); } } else { await this.run([...args, '--', '.']); } } catch (err) { // In case there are merge conflicts to be resolved, git reset will output // some "needs merge" data. We try to get around that. if (/([^:]+: needs merge\n)+/m.test(err.stdout || '')) { return; } throw err; } } async addRemote(name: string, url: string): Promise { const args = ['remote', 'add', name, url]; await this.run(args); } async removeRemote(name: string): Promise { const args = ['remote', 'remove', name]; await this.run(args); } async renameRemote(name: string, newName: string): Promise { const args = ['remote', 'rename', name, newName]; await this.run(args); } async fetch(options: { remote?: string, ref?: string, all?: boolean, prune?: boolean, depth?: number, silent?: boolean, readonly cancellationToken?: CancellationToken } = {}): Promise { const args = ['fetch']; const spawnOptions: SpawnOptions = { cancellationToken: options.cancellationToken, }; if (options.remote) { args.push(options.remote); if (options.ref) { args.push(options.ref); } } else if (options.all) { args.push('--all'); } if (options.prune) { args.push('--prune'); } if (typeof options.depth === 'number') { args.push(`--depth=${options.depth}`); } if (options.silent) { spawnOptions.env = { 'VSCODE_GIT_FETCH_SILENT': 'true' }; } try { await this.run(args, spawnOptions); } catch (err) { if (/No remote repository specified\./.test(err.stderr || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.NoRemoteRepositorySpecified; } else if (/Could not read from remote repository/.test(err.stderr || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.RemoteConnectionError; } throw err; } } async pull(rebase?: boolean, remote?: string, branch?: string, options: PullOptions = {}): Promise { const args = ['pull']; if (options.tags) { args.push('--tags'); } if (options.unshallow) { args.push('--unshallow'); } if (rebase) { args.push('-r'); } if (remote && branch) { args.push(remote); args.push(branch); } try { await this.run(args, options); } catch (err) { if (/^CONFLICT \([^)]+\): \b/m.test(err.stdout || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.Conflict; } else if (/Please tell me who you are\./.test(err.stderr || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.NoUserNameConfigured; } else if (/Could not read from remote repository/.test(err.stderr || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.RemoteConnectionError; } else if (/Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files|Cannot pull with rebase: You have unstaged changes|Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten|Please, commit your changes before you can merge/i.test(err.stderr)) { err.stderr = err.stderr.replace(/Cannot pull with rebase: You have unstaged changes/i, 'Cannot pull with rebase, you have unstaged changes'); err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.DirtyWorkTree; } else if (/cannot lock ref|unable to update local ref/i.test(err.stderr || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.CantLockRef; } else if (/cannot rebase onto multiple branches/i.test(err.stderr || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.CantRebaseMultipleBranches; } throw err; } } async rebase(branch: string, options: PullOptions = {}): Promise { const args = ['rebase']; args.push(branch); try { await this.run(args, options); } catch (err) { if (/^CONFLICT \([^)]+\): \b/m.test(err.stdout || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.Conflict; } else if (/cannot rebase onto multiple branches/i.test(err.stderr || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.CantRebaseMultipleBranches; } throw err; } } async push(remote?: string, name?: string, setUpstream: boolean = false, followTags = false, forcePushMode?: ForcePushMode, tags = false): Promise { const args = ['push']; if (forcePushMode === ForcePushMode.ForceWithLease) { args.push('--force-with-lease'); } else if (forcePushMode === ForcePushMode.Force) { args.push('--force'); } if (setUpstream) { args.push('-u'); } if (followTags) { args.push('--follow-tags'); } if (tags) { args.push('--tags'); } if (remote) { args.push(remote); } if (name) { args.push(name); } try { await this.run(args); } catch (err) { if (/^error: failed to push some refs to\b/m.test(err.stderr || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.PushRejected; } else if (/Could not read from remote repository/.test(err.stderr || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.RemoteConnectionError; } else if (/^fatal: The current branch .* has no upstream branch/.test(err.stderr || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.NoUpstreamBranch; } else if (/Permission.*denied/.test(err.stderr || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.PermissionDenied; } throw err; } } async cherryPick(commitHash: string): Promise { const args = ['cherry-pick', commitHash]; await this.run(args); } async blame(path: string): Promise { try { const args = ['blame', sanitizePath(path)]; const result = await this.run(args); return result.stdout.trim(); } catch (err) { if (/^fatal: no such path/.test(err.stderr || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.NoPathFound; } throw err; } } async createStash(message?: string, includeUntracked?: boolean): Promise { try { const args = ['stash', 'push']; if (includeUntracked) { args.push('-u'); } if (message) { args.push('-m', message); } await this.run(args); } catch (err) { if (/No local changes to save/.test(err.stderr || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.NoLocalChanges; } throw err; } } async popStash(index?: number): Promise { const args = ['stash', 'pop']; await this.popOrApplyStash(args, index); } async applyStash(index?: number): Promise { const args = ['stash', 'apply']; await this.popOrApplyStash(args, index); } private async popOrApplyStash(args: string[], index?: number): Promise { try { if (typeof index === 'number') { args.push(`stash@{${index}}`); } await this.run(args); } catch (err) { if (/No stash found/.test(err.stderr || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.NoStashFound; } else if (/error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten/.test(err.stderr || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.LocalChangesOverwritten; } else if (/^CONFLICT/m.test(err.stdout || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.StashConflict; } throw err; } } async dropStash(index?: number): Promise { const args = ['stash', 'drop']; if (typeof index === 'number') { args.push(`stash@{${index}}`); } try { await this.run(args); } catch (err) { if (/No stash found/.test(err.stderr || '')) { err.gitErrorCode = GitErrorCodes.NoStashFound; } throw err; } } getStatus(opts?: { limit?: number, ignoreSubmodules?: boolean }): Promise<{ status: IFileStatus[]; didHitLimit: boolean; }> { return new Promise<{ status: IFileStatus[]; didHitLimit: boolean; }>((c, e) => { const parser = new GitStatusParser(); const env = { GIT_OPTIONAL_LOCKS: '0' }; const args = ['status', '-z', '-u']; if (opts?.ignoreSubmodules) { args.push('--ignore-submodules'); } const child = this.stream(args, { env }); const onExit = (exitCode: number) => { if (exitCode !== 0) { const stderr = stderrData.join(''); return e(new GitError({ message: 'Failed to execute git', stderr, exitCode, gitErrorCode: getGitErrorCode(stderr), gitCommand: 'status', gitArgs: args })); } c({ status: parser.status, didHitLimit: false }); }; const limit = opts?.limit ?? 5000; const onStdoutData = (raw: string) => { parser.update(raw); if (parser.status.length > limit) { child.removeListener('exit', onExit); child.stdout!.removeListener('data', onStdoutData); child.kill(); c({ status: parser.status.slice(0, limit), didHitLimit: true }); } }; child.stdout!.setEncoding('utf8'); child.stdout!.on('data', onStdoutData); const stderrData: string[] = []; child.stderr!.setEncoding('utf8'); child.stderr!.on('data', raw => stderrData.push(raw as string)); child.on('error', cpErrorHandler(e)); child.on('exit', onExit); }); } async getHEAD(): Promise { try { const result = await this.run(['symbolic-ref', '--short', 'HEAD']); if (!result.stdout) { throw new Error('Not in a branch'); } return { name: result.stdout.trim(), commit: undefined, type: RefType.Head }; } catch (err) { const result = await this.run(['rev-parse', 'HEAD']); if (!result.stdout) { throw new Error('Error parsing HEAD'); } return { name: undefined, commit: result.stdout.trim(), type: RefType.Head }; } } async findTrackingBranches(upstreamBranch: string): Promise { const result = await this.run(['for-each-ref', '--format', '%(refname:short)%00%(upstream:short)', 'refs/heads']); return result.stdout.trim().split('\n') .map(line => line.trim().split('\0')) .filter(([_, upstream]) => upstream === upstreamBranch) .map(([ref]) => ({ name: ref, type: RefType.Head } as Branch)); } async getRefs(opts?: { sort?: 'alphabetically' | 'committerdate', contains?: string, pattern?: string, count?: number }): Promise { const args = ['for-each-ref']; if (opts?.count) { args.push(`--count=${opts.count}`); } if (opts && opts.sort && opts.sort !== 'alphabetically') { args.push('--sort', `-${opts.sort}`); } args.push('--format', '%(refname) %(objectname) %(*objectname)'); if (opts?.pattern) { args.push(opts.pattern); } if (opts?.contains) { args.push('--contains', opts.contains); } const result = await this.run(args); const fn = (line: string): Ref | null => { let match: RegExpExecArray | null; if (match = /^refs\/heads\/([^ ]+) ([0-9a-f]{40}) ([0-9a-f]{40})?$/.exec(line)) { return { name: match[1], commit: match[2], type: RefType.Head }; } else if (match = /^refs\/remotes\/([^/]+)\/([^ ]+) ([0-9a-f]{40}) ([0-9a-f]{40})?$/.exec(line)) { return { name: `${match[1]}/${match[2]}`, commit: match[3], type: RefType.RemoteHead, remote: match[1] }; } else if (match = /^refs\/tags\/([^ ]+) ([0-9a-f]{40}) ([0-9a-f]{40})?$/.exec(line)) { return { name: match[1], commit: match[3] ?? match[2], type: RefType.Tag }; } return null; }; return result.stdout.trim().split('\n') .filter(line => !!line) .map(fn) .filter(ref => !!ref) as Ref[]; } async getStashes(): Promise { const result = await this.run(['stash', 'list']); const regex = /^stash@{(\d+)}:(.+)$/; const rawStashes = result.stdout.trim().split('\n') .filter(b => !!b) .map(line => regex.exec(line) as RegExpExecArray) .filter(g => !!g) .map(([, index, description]: RegExpExecArray) => ({ index: parseInt(index), description })); return rawStashes; } async getRemotes(): Promise { const result = await this.run(['remote', '--verbose']); const lines = result.stdout.trim().split('\n').filter(l => !!l); const remotes: MutableRemote[] = []; for (const line of lines) { const parts = line.split(/\s/); const [name, url, type] = parts; let remote = remotes.find(r => r.name === name); if (!remote) { remote = { name, isReadOnly: false }; remotes.push(remote); } if (/fetch/i.test(type)) { remote.fetchUrl = url; } else if (/push/i.test(type)) { remote.pushUrl = url; } else { remote.fetchUrl = url; remote.pushUrl = url; } // https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/45271 remote.isReadOnly = remote.pushUrl === undefined || remote.pushUrl === 'no_push'; } return remotes; } async getBranch(name: string): Promise { if (name === 'HEAD') { return this.getHEAD(); } let result = await this.run(['rev-parse', name]); if (!result.stdout && /^@/.test(name)) { const symbolicFullNameResult = await this.run(['rev-parse', '--symbolic-full-name', name]); name = symbolicFullNameResult.stdout.trim(); result = await this.run(['rev-parse', name]); } if (!result.stdout) { return Promise.reject(new Error('No such branch')); } const commit = result.stdout.trim(); try { const res2 = await this.run(['rev-parse', '--symbolic-full-name', name + '@{u}']); const fullUpstream = res2.stdout.trim(); const match = /^refs\/remotes\/([^/]+)\/(.+)$/.exec(fullUpstream); if (!match) { throw new Error(`Could not parse upstream branch: ${fullUpstream}`); } const upstream = { remote: match[1], name: match[2] }; const res3 = await this.run(['rev-list', '--left-right', name + '...' + fullUpstream]); let ahead = 0, behind = 0; let i = 0; while (i < res3.stdout.length) { switch (res3.stdout.charAt(i)) { case '<': ahead++; break; case '>': behind++; break; default: i++; break; } while (res3.stdout.charAt(i++) !== '\n') { /* no-op */ } } return { name, type: RefType.Head, commit, upstream, ahead, behind }; } catch (err) { return { name, type: RefType.Head, commit }; } } async getBranches(query: BranchQuery): Promise { const refs = await this.getRefs({ contains: query.contains, pattern: query.pattern ? `refs/${query.pattern}` : undefined, count: query.count }); return refs.filter(value => (value.type !== RefType.Tag) && (query.remote || !value.remote)); } // TODO: Support core.commentChar stripCommitMessageComments(message: string): string { return message.replace(/^\s*#.*$\n?/gm, '').trim(); } async getSquashMessage(): Promise { const squashMsgPath = path.join(this.repositoryRoot, '.git', 'SQUASH_MSG'); try { const raw = await fs.readFile(squashMsgPath, 'utf8'); return this.stripCommitMessageComments(raw); } catch { return undefined; } } async getMergeMessage(): Promise { const mergeMsgPath = path.join(this.repositoryRoot, '.git', 'MERGE_MSG'); try { const raw = await fs.readFile(mergeMsgPath, 'utf8'); return this.stripCommitMessageComments(raw); } catch { return undefined; } } async getCommitTemplate(): Promise { try { const result = await this.run(['config', '--get', 'commit.template']); if (!result.stdout) { return ''; } // https://github.com/git/git/blob/3a0f269e7c82aa3a87323cb7ae04ac5f129f036b/path.c#L612 const homedir = os.homedir(); let templatePath = result.stdout.trim() .replace(/^~([^\/]*)\//, (_, user) => `${user ? path.join(path.dirname(homedir), user) : homedir}/`); if (!path.isAbsolute(templatePath)) { templatePath = path.join(this.repositoryRoot, templatePath); } const raw = await fs.readFile(templatePath, 'utf8'); return this.stripCommitMessageComments(raw); } catch (err) { return ''; } } async getCommit(ref: string): Promise { const result = await this.run(['show', '-s', `--format=${COMMIT_FORMAT}`, '-z', ref]); const commits = parseGitCommits(result.stdout); if (commits.length === 0) { return Promise.reject('bad commit format'); } return commits[0]; } async updateSubmodules(paths: string[]): Promise { const args = ['submodule', 'update']; for (const chunk of splitInChunks(paths.map(sanitizePath), MAX_CLI_LENGTH)) { await this.run([...args, '--', ...chunk]); } } async getSubmodules(): Promise { const gitmodulesPath = path.join(this.root, '.gitmodules'); try { const gitmodulesRaw = await fs.readFile(gitmodulesPath, 'utf8'); return parseGitmodules(gitmodulesRaw); } catch (err) { if (/ENOENT/.test(err.message)) { return []; } throw err; } } }