import { Module as ProtoModule, WorkingInitMessage } from "../proto"; import { OperatingSystem } from "../common/connection"; import { Module, ServerProxy } from "./proxy"; // tslint:disable no-any /** * Return true if we're in a browser environment (including web workers). */ export const isBrowserEnvironment = (): boolean => { return typeof process === "undefined" || typeof process.stdout === "undefined"; }; /** * Escape a path. This prevents any issues with file names that have quotes, * spaces, braces, etc. */ export const escapePath = (path: string): string => { return `'${path.replace(/'/g, "'\\''")}'`; }; export type IEncodingOptions = { encoding?: BufferEncoding | null; flag?: string; mode?: string; persistent?: boolean; recursive?: boolean; } | BufferEncoding | undefined | null; export type IEncodingOptionsCallback = IEncodingOptions | ((err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, ...args: any[]) => void); interface StringifiedError { type: "error"; data: { message: string; stack?: string; code?: string; }; } interface StringifiedBuffer { type: "buffer"; data: number[]; } interface StringifiedObject { type: "object"; data: { [key: string]: StringifiedValue }; } interface StringifiedArray { type: "array"; data: StringifiedValue[]; } interface StringifiedProxy { type: "proxy"; data: { id: number; }; } interface StringifiedFunction { type: "function"; data: { id: number; }; } interface StringifiedUndefined { type: "undefined"; } type StringifiedValue = StringifiedFunction | StringifiedProxy | StringifiedUndefined | StringifiedObject | StringifiedArray | StringifiedBuffer | StringifiedError | number | string | boolean | null; const isPrimitive = (value: any): value is number | string | boolean | null => { return typeof value === "number" || typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "boolean" || value === null; }; /** * Stringify an argument or a return value. * If sending a function is possible, provide `storeFunction`. * If sending a proxy is possible, provide `storeProxy`. */ export const stringify = ( value: any, storeFunction?: (fn: () => void) => number, storeProxy?: (proxy: ServerProxy) => number, ): string => { const convert = (currentValue: any): StringifiedValue => { // Errors don't stringify at all. They just become "{}". // For some reason when running in Jest errors aren't instances of Error, // so also check against the values. if (currentValue instanceof Error || (currentValue && typeof currentValue.message !== "undefined" && typeof currentValue.stack !== "undefined")) { return { type: "error", data: { message: currentValue.message, stack: currentValue.stack, code: (currentValue as NodeJS.ErrnoException).code, }, }; } // With stringify, Uint8Array gets turned into objects with each index // becoming a key for some reason. Then trying to do something like write // that data results in [object Object] being written. Stringify them like // a Buffer instead. Also handle Buffer so it doesn't get caught by the // object check and to get the same type. if (currentValue instanceof Uint8Array || currentValue instanceof Buffer) { return { type: "buffer", data: Array.from(currentValue), }; } if (Array.isArray(currentValue)) { return { type: "array", data: => convert(a)), }; } if (isProxy(currentValue)) { if (!storeProxy) { throw new Error("no way to serialize proxy"); } return { type: "proxy", data: { id: storeProxy(currentValue), }, }; } if (currentValue !== null && typeof currentValue === "object") { const converted: { [key: string]: StringifiedValue } = {}; Object.keys(currentValue).forEach((key) => { converted[key] = convert(currentValue[key]); }); return { type: "object", data: converted, }; } // `undefined` can't be stringified. if (typeof currentValue === "undefined") { return { type: "undefined", }; } if (typeof currentValue === "function") { if (!storeFunction) { throw new Error("no way to serialize function"); } return { type: "function", data: { id: storeFunction(currentValue), }, }; } if (!isPrimitive(currentValue)) { throw new Error(`cannot stringify ${typeof currentValue}`); } return currentValue; }; return JSON.stringify(convert(value)); }; /** * Parse an argument. * If running a remote callback is supported, provide `runCallback`. * If using a remote proxy is supported, provide `createProxy`. */ export const parse = ( value?: string, runCallback?: (id: number, args: any[]) => void, createProxy?: (id: number) => ServerProxy, ): any => { const convert = (currentValue: StringifiedValue): any => { if (currentValue && !isPrimitive(currentValue)) { // Would prefer a switch but the types don't seem to work. if (currentValue.type === "buffer") { return Buffer.from(; } if (currentValue.type === "error") { const error = new Error(; if (typeof !== "undefined") { (error as NodeJS.ErrnoException).code =; } (error as any).originalStack =; return error; } if (currentValue.type === "object") { const converted: { [key: string]: any } = {}; Object.keys( => { converted[key] = convert([key]); }); return converted; } if (currentValue.type === "array") { return; } if (currentValue.type === "undefined") { return undefined; } if (currentValue.type === "function") { if (!runCallback) { throw new Error("no way to run remote callback"); } return (...args: any[]): void => { return runCallback(, args); }; } if (currentValue.type === "proxy") { if (!createProxy) { throw new Error("no way to create proxy"); } return createProxy(; } } return currentValue; }; return value && convert(JSON.parse(value)); }; export const protoToModule = (protoModule: ProtoModule): Module => { switch (protoModule) { case ProtoModule.CHILDPROCESS: return Module.ChildProcess; case ProtoModule.FS: return Module.Fs; case ProtoModule.NET: return Module.Net; case ProtoModule.NODEPTY: return Module.NodePty; case ProtoModule.SPDLOG: return Module.Spdlog; case ProtoModule.TRASH: return Module.Trash; default: throw new Error(`invalid module ${protoModule}`); } }; export const moduleToProto = (moduleName: Module): ProtoModule => { switch (moduleName) { case Module.ChildProcess: return ProtoModule.CHILDPROCESS; case Module.Fs: return ProtoModule.FS; case Module.Net: return ProtoModule.NET; case Module.NodePty: return ProtoModule.NODEPTY; case Module.Spdlog: return ProtoModule.SPDLOG; case Module.Trash: return ProtoModule.TRASH; default: throw new Error(`invalid module "${moduleName}"`); } }; export const protoToOperatingSystem = (protoOp: WorkingInitMessage.OperatingSystem): OperatingSystem => { switch (protoOp) { case WorkingInitMessage.OperatingSystem.WINDOWS: return OperatingSystem.Windows; case WorkingInitMessage.OperatingSystem.LINUX: return OperatingSystem.Linux; case WorkingInitMessage.OperatingSystem.MAC: return OperatingSystem.Mac; default: throw new Error(`unsupported operating system ${protoOp}`); } }; export const platformToProto = (platform: NodeJS.Platform): WorkingInitMessage.OperatingSystem => { switch (platform) { case "win32": return WorkingInitMessage.OperatingSystem.WINDOWS; case "linux": return WorkingInitMessage.OperatingSystem.LINUX; case "darwin": return WorkingInitMessage.OperatingSystem.MAC; default: throw new Error(`unrecognized platform "${platform}"`); } }; export const isProxy = (value: any): value is ServerProxy => { return value && typeof value === "object" && typeof value.onEvent === "function"; }; export const isPromise = (value: any): value is Promise => { return typeof value.then === "function" && typeof value.catch === "function"; }; /** * When spawning VS Code tries to preserve the environment but since it's in * the browser, it doesn't work. */ export const preserveEnv = (options?: { env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv } | null): void => { if (options && options.env) { options.env = { ...process.env, ...options.env }; } };