import { logger } from "@coder/logger" import { Args, optionDescriptions, parse } from "./cli" import { ApiHttpProvider } from "./app/api" import { MainHttpProvider } from "./app/app" import { LoginHttpProvider } from "./app/login" import { VscodeHttpProvider } from "./app/vscode" import { AuthType, HttpServer } from "./http" import { generateCertificate, generatePassword, hash, open } from "./util" import { ipcMain, wrap } from "./wrapper" const main = async (args: Args): Promise => { // For any future forking bypass nbin and drop straight to Node. process.env.NBIN_BYPASS = "true" const auth = args.auth || AuthType.Password const originalPassword = auth === AuthType.Password && (process.env.PASSWORD || (await generatePassword())) let commit: string | undefined try { commit = require("../../package.json").commit } catch (error) { logger.warn(error.message) } // Spawn the main HTTP server. const options = { auth, cert: args.cert ? args.cert.value : undefined, certKey: args["cert-key"], commit: commit || "development", host: || (args.auth === AuthType.Password && typeof args.cert !== "undefined" ? "" : "localhost"), password: originalPassword ? hash(originalPassword) : undefined, port: typeof args.port !== "undefined" ? args.port : 8080, socket: args.socket, } if (!options.cert && args.cert) { const { cert, certKey } = await generateCertificate() options.cert = cert options.certKey = certKey } const httpServer = new HttpServer(options) const api = httpServer.registerHttpProvider("/api", ApiHttpProvider, httpServer) httpServer.registerHttpProvider("/vscode", VscodeHttpProvider, args) httpServer.registerHttpProvider("/login", LoginHttpProvider) httpServer.registerHttpProvider("/", MainHttpProvider, api) ipcMain().onDispose(() => httpServer.dispose()) const serverAddress = await httpServer.listen()`Server listening on ${serverAddress}`) if (auth === AuthType.Password && !process.env.PASSWORD) {` - Password is ${originalPassword}`)" - To use your own password, set the PASSWORD environment variable") if (!args.auth) {" - To disable use `--auth none`") } } else if (auth === AuthType.Password) {" - Using custom password for authentication") } else {" - No authentication") } if (httpServer.protocol === "https") { typeof args.cert === "string" ? ` - Using provided certificate${args["cert-key"] ? " and key" : ""} for HTTPS` : ` - Using generated certificate and key for HTTPS`, ) } else {" - Not serving HTTPS") } if (serverAddress && !options.socket && { // The web socket doesn't seem to work if browsing with const openAddress = serverAddress.replace(/:\/\/, "://localhost") await open(openAddress).catch(console.error)` - Opened ${openAddress}`) } } const args = parse(process.argv.slice(2)) if ( { console.log("code-server", require("../../package.json").version) console.log("") console.log(`Usage: code-server [options] [path]`) console.log("") console.log("Options") optionDescriptions().forEach((description) => { console.log("", description) }) } else if (args.version) { const version = require("../../package.json").version if (args.json) { console.log({ codeServer: version, vscode: require("../../lib/vscode/package.json").version, }) } else { console.log(version) } process.exit(0) } else { wrap(() => main(args)) }