import { Argument, Module as ProtoModule, WorkingInit } from "../proto"; import { OperatingSystem } from "../common/connection"; import { Module, ServerProxy } from "./proxy"; // tslint:disable no-any /** * Return true if we're in a browser environment (including web workers). */ export const isBrowserEnvironment = (): boolean => { return typeof process === "undefined" || typeof process.stdout === "undefined"; }; /** * Escape a path. This prevents any issues with file names that have quotes, * spaces, braces, etc. */ export const escapePath = (path: string): string => { return `'${path.replace(/'/g, "'\\''")}'`; }; export type IEncodingOptions = { encoding?: BufferEncoding | null; flag?: string; mode?: string; persistent?: boolean; recursive?: boolean; } | BufferEncoding | undefined | null; export type IEncodingOptionsCallback = IEncodingOptions | ((err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, ...args: any[]) => void); /** * Convert an argument to proto. * If sending a function is possible, provide `storeFunction`. * If sending a proxy is possible, provide `storeProxy`. */ export const argumentToProto = ( value: any, storeFunction?: (fn: () => void) => number, storeProxy?: (proxy: ServerProxy) => number, ): Argument => { const convert = (currentValue: any): Argument => { const message = new Argument(); if (currentValue instanceof Error || (currentValue && typeof currentValue.message !== "undefined" && typeof currentValue.stack !== "undefined")) { const arg = new Argument.ErrorValue(); arg.setMessage(currentValue.message); arg.setStack(currentValue.stack); arg.setCode(currentValue.code); message.setError(arg); } else if (currentValue instanceof Uint8Array || currentValue instanceof Buffer) { const arg = new Argument.BufferValue(); arg.setData(currentValue); message.setBuffer(arg); } else if (Array.isArray(currentValue)) { const arg = new Argument.ArrayValue(); arg.setDataList(; message.setArray(arg); } else if (isProxy(currentValue)) { if (!storeProxy) { throw new Error("no way to serialize proxy"); } const arg = new Argument.ProxyValue(); arg.setId(storeProxy(currentValue)); message.setProxy(arg); } else if (currentValue !== null && typeof currentValue === "object") { const arg = new Argument.ObjectValue(); const map = arg.getDataMap(); Object.keys(currentValue).forEach((key) => { map.set(key, convert(currentValue[key])); }); message.setObject(arg); } else if (currentValue === null) { message.setNull(new Argument.NullValue()); } else { switch (typeof currentValue) { case "undefined": message.setUndefined(new Argument.UndefinedValue()); break; case "function": if (!storeFunction) { throw new Error("no way to serialize function"); } const arg = new Argument.FunctionValue(); arg.setId(storeFunction(currentValue)); message.setFunction(arg); break; case "number": message.setNumber(currentValue); break; case "string": message.setString(currentValue); break; case "boolean": message.setBoolean(currentValue); break; default: throw new Error(`cannot convert ${typeof currentValue} to proto`); } } return message; }; return convert(value); }; /** * Convert proto to an argument. * If running a remote callback is supported, provide `runCallback`. * If using a remote proxy is supported, provide `createProxy`. */ export const protoToArgument = ( message?: Argument, runCallback?: (id: number, args: any[]) => void, createProxy?: (id: number) => ServerProxy, ): any => { const convert = (currentMessage: Argument): any => { switch (currentMessage.getMsgCase()) { case Argument.MsgCase.ERROR: const errorMessage = currentMessage.getError()!; const error = new Error(errorMessage.getMessage()); (error as NodeJS.ErrnoException).code = errorMessage.getCode(); (error as any).originalStack = errorMessage.getStack(); return error; case Argument.MsgCase.BUFFER: return Buffer.from(currentMessage.getBuffer()!.getData() as Uint8Array); case Argument.MsgCase.ARRAY: return currentMessage.getArray()!.getDataList().map((a) => convert(a)); case Argument.MsgCase.PROXY: if (!createProxy) { throw new Error("no way to create proxy"); } return createProxy(currentMessage.getProxy()!.getId()); case Argument.MsgCase.OBJECT: const obj: { [Key: string]: any } = {}; currentMessage.getObject()!.getDataMap().forEach((argument, key) => { obj[key] = convert(argument); }); return obj; case Argument.MsgCase.UNDEFINED: return undefined; case Argument.MsgCase.NULL: return null; case Argument.MsgCase.FUNCTION: if (!runCallback) { throw new Error("no way to run remote callback"); } return (...args: any[]): void => { return runCallback(currentMessage.getFunction()!.getId(), args); }; case Argument.MsgCase.NUMBER: return currentMessage.getNumber(); case Argument.MsgCase.STRING: return currentMessage.getString(); case Argument.MsgCase.BOOLEAN: return currentMessage.getBoolean(); default: throw new Error("cannot convert unexpected proto to argument"); } }; return message && convert(message); }; export const protoToModule = (protoModule: ProtoModule): Module => { switch (protoModule) { case ProtoModule.CHILDPROCESS: return Module.ChildProcess; case ProtoModule.FS: return Module.Fs; case ProtoModule.NET: return Module.Net; case ProtoModule.NODEPTY: return Module.NodePty; case ProtoModule.SPDLOG: return Module.Spdlog; case ProtoModule.TRASH: return Module.Trash; default: throw new Error(`invalid module ${protoModule}`); } }; export const moduleToProto = (moduleName: Module): ProtoModule => { switch (moduleName) { case Module.ChildProcess: return ProtoModule.CHILDPROCESS; case Module.Fs: return ProtoModule.FS; case Module.Net: return ProtoModule.NET; case Module.NodePty: return ProtoModule.NODEPTY; case Module.Spdlog: return ProtoModule.SPDLOG; case Module.Trash: return ProtoModule.TRASH; default: throw new Error(`invalid module "${moduleName}"`); } }; export const protoToOperatingSystem = (protoOp: WorkingInit.OperatingSystem): OperatingSystem => { switch (protoOp) { case WorkingInit.OperatingSystem.WINDOWS: return OperatingSystem.Windows; case WorkingInit.OperatingSystem.LINUX: return OperatingSystem.Linux; case WorkingInit.OperatingSystem.MAC: return OperatingSystem.Mac; default: throw new Error(`unsupported operating system ${protoOp}`); } }; export const platformToProto = (platform: NodeJS.Platform): WorkingInit.OperatingSystem => { switch (platform) { case "win32": return WorkingInit.OperatingSystem.WINDOWS; case "linux": return WorkingInit.OperatingSystem.LINUX; case "darwin": return WorkingInit.OperatingSystem.MAC; default: throw new Error(`unrecognized platform "${platform}"`); } }; export const isProxy = (value: any): value is ServerProxy => { return value && typeof value === "object" && typeof value.onEvent === "function"; }; export const isPromise = (value: any): value is Promise => { return typeof value.then === "function" && typeof value.catch === "function"; }; /** * When spawning VS Code tries to preserve the environment but since it's in * the browser, it doesn't work. */ export const preserveEnv = (options?: { env?: NodeJS.ProcessEnv } | null): void => { if (options && options.env) { options.env = { ...process.env, ...options.env }; } };