import * as fs from "fs"; import * as path from "path"; import * as util from "util"; import { Emitter, Event } from "@coder/events"; import { $, addClass, append } from "vs/base/browser/dom"; import { HighlightedLabel } from "vs/base/browser/ui/highlightedlabel/highlightedLabel"; import { ObjectTree } from "vs/base/browser/ui/tree/objectTree"; import { ITreeElement, ITreeNode, ITreeRenderer, TreeFilterResult, TreeVisibility } from "vs/base/browser/ui/tree/tree"; import { KeyCode } from "vs/base/common/keyCodes"; import { URI } from "vs/base/common/uri"; import { getIconClasses } from "vs/editor/common/services/getIconClasses"; import { IModelService } from "vs/editor/common/services/modelService"; import { IModeService } from "vs/editor/common/services/modeService"; import { FileKind } from "vs/platform/files/common/files"; import { IThemeService } from "vs/platform/theme/common/themeService"; import { workbench } from "./workbench"; import "./dialog.scss"; export enum DialogType { NewFolder, Save, Open, } export interface CommonDialogOptions { readonly title?: string; readonly defaultPath?: string; readonly buttonLabel?: string; } export interface OpenDialogOptions extends CommonDialogOptions { readonly properties: { readonly openFile: true; readonly openDirectory?: boolean; readonly showHiddenFiles?: boolean; } | { readonly openDirectory: true; readonly showHiddenFiles?: boolean; readonly openFile?: boolean; }; } export interface SaveDialogOptions extends CommonDialogOptions { readonly type: DialogType.Save; readonly nameFieldLabel?: string; } export type DialogOptions = OpenDialogOptions | SaveDialogOptions; export const showOpenDialog = (options: OpenDialogOptions): Promise => { return new Promise((resolve, reject): void => { const dialog = new Dialog(DialogType.Open, options); dialog.onSelect((e) => { dialog.dispose(); resolve(e); }); dialog.onError((e) => { dialog.dispose(); reject(e); }); }); }; interface DialogEntry { readonly fullPath: string; readonly name: string; readonly isDirectory: boolean; readonly size: number; readonly lastModified: string; } class Dialog { private _path: string | undefined; private static readonly UpperDirId = ".."; private readonly filesNode: HTMLElement; private readonly pathNode: HTMLElement; private readonly entryList: ObjectTree; private readonly background: HTMLElement; private readonly root: HTMLElement; private readonly selectEmitter: Emitter; private readonly errorEmitter: Emitter; public constructor( private readonly type: DialogType, private readonly options: DialogOptions, ) { this.selectEmitter = new Emitter(); this.errorEmitter = new Emitter(); this.background = document.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; = "0"; = "0"; = "0"; = "0"; = "5"; = "flex"; = "center"; = "center"; = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)"; this.root = document.createElement("div"); = "850px"; = "600px"; this.background.appendChild(this.root); (document.querySelector(".monaco-workbench") || document.body).appendChild(this.background); this.root.classList.add("dialog"); const setProperty = (vari: string, id: string): void => { const getColor = (id: string): string | undefined => { const ts = workbench.serviceCollection.get(IThemeService) as IThemeService; const c = ts.getTheme().getColor(id); if (!c) { return; } return c.toString(); }; const c = getColor(id); if (c) {, c); } }; setProperty("--primary", "sideBar.background"); setProperty("--list-active-selection-background", "list.activeSelectionBackground"); setProperty("--list-active-selection-foreground", "list.activeSelectionForeground"); setProperty("--list-hover-background", "list.hoverBackground"); setProperty("--header-background", "sideBarSectionHeader.background"); setProperty("--header-foreground", "sideBarSectionHeader.foreground"); setProperty("--border", "panel.border"); this.background.addEventListener("contextmenu", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); }); const titleNode = document.createElement("div"); titleNode.classList.add("title"); let title: string | undefined; switch (this.type) { // case DialogType.NewFolder: // title = "New Folder"; // break; case DialogType.Open: title = "Open File"; break; case DialogType.Save: title = "Save File"; break; default: throw new Error("Uncased type"); } titleNode.innerText = options.title || title; this.root.appendChild(titleNode); const navItems = document.createElement("div"); navItems.classList.add("nav"); this.pathNode = document.createElement("div"); this.pathNode.classList.add("path"); navItems.appendChild(this.pathNode); this.root.appendChild(navItems); const headingsNode = document.createElement("div"); headingsNode.className = "headings dialog-grid"; ["Name", "Size", "Last Modified"].forEach(e => { const header = document.createElement("div"); header.innerText = e; headingsNode.appendChild(header); }); this.root.appendChild(headingsNode); const fileAreaNode = document.createElement("div"); fileAreaNode.classList.add("file-area"); fileAreaNode.classList.add("show-file-icons"); this.filesNode = document.createElement("div"); this.filesNode.className = "files-list"; this.entryList = new ObjectTree(this.filesNode, { getHeight: (_entry: DialogEntry): number => { return 20; }, getTemplateId: (_entry: DialogEntry): string => { return "dialog-entry"; }, }, [new DialogEntryRenderer()], { openController: { shouldOpen: (_event): boolean => { return true; }, }, keyboardNavigationLabelProvider: { getKeyboardNavigationLabel: (element): string => { return; }, mightProducePrintableCharacter: (event): boolean => { if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) { // ignore ctrl/cmd-combination but not shift/alt-combinatios return false; } // weak check for certain ranges. this is properly implemented in a subclass // with access to the KeyboardMapperFactory. if ((event.keyCode >= KeyCode.KEY_A && event.keyCode <= KeyCode.KEY_Z) || (event.keyCode >= KeyCode.KEY_0 && event.keyCode <= KeyCode.KEY_9) || event.keyCode === KeyCode.US_DOT || event.keyCode === KeyCode.US_SLASH || event.keyCode === KeyCode.US_MINUS) { return true; } return false; }, }, automaticKeyboardNavigation: true, enableKeyboardNavigation: true, multipleSelectionSupport: false, openOnSingleClick: false, filter: { filter: (): TreeFilterResult => { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any (this.entryList)._options.simpleKeyboardNavigation = true; // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any const pat = (this.entryList).typeFilterController.filter._pattern; return { data: pat, visibility: TreeVisibility.Visible, }; }, }, filterOnType: true, }); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any (this.entryList).focusNavigationFilter = (node: ITreeNode): boolean => { if (node.filterData) { return!); } return false; }; this.entryList.onDidOpen((event) => { const element = event.elements[0]!; if (!element) { const fv = this.filterValue; if (fv === Dialog.UpperDirId) { this.path = path.dirname(this._path!); } if (fv.startsWith("/")) { fs.stat(fv, (err, stats) => { if (err) { return; } if (stats.isDirectory()) { this.path = fv; } }); } return; } if (element.isDirectory) { this.path = element.fullPath; } else { // Open this.selectEmitter.emit(element.fullPath); } }); fileAreaNode.appendChild(this.entryList.getHTMLElement()); this.root.appendChild(fileAreaNode); const buttonsNode = document.createElement("div"); buttonsNode.className = "buttons"; const cancelBtn = document.createElement("button"); cancelBtn.innerText = "Cancel"; cancelBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { this.errorEmitter.emit(new Error("Cancelled")); }); buttonsNode.appendChild(cancelBtn); const confirmBtn = document.createElement("button"); confirmBtn.innerText = "Confirm"; confirmBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { if (this._path) { this.selectEmitter.emit(this._path); } }); buttonsNode.appendChild(confirmBtn); this.root.appendChild(buttonsNode); this.entryList.layout(); this.path = options.defaultPath || "/"; } public get onSelect(): Event { return this.selectEmitter.event; } public get onError(): Event { return this.errorEmitter.event; } public dispose(): void { this.selectEmitter.dispose(); this.errorEmitter.dispose(); this.entryList.dispose(); this.background.remove(); } private buildPath(): void { while (this.pathNode.lastChild) { this.pathNode.removeChild(this.pathNode.lastChild); } if (!this._path) { throw new Error("cannot build path node without valid path"); } const pathParts = ["", ...this._path.split("/").filter((p) => p.length > 0)]; for (let i = 0; i < pathParts.length; i++) { const pathPartNode = document.createElement("div"); pathPartNode.classList.add("path-part"); pathPartNode.innerText = pathParts[i].length > 0 ? pathParts[i] : "/"; if (i === pathParts.length - 1) { pathPartNode.classList.add("active"); } pathPartNode.addEventListener("click", () => { this.path = "/" + pathParts.slice(0, i + 1).join("/"); }); this.pathNode.appendChild(pathPartNode); } } private set path(directory: string) { this.list(directory).then((value) => { this._path = directory; this.buildPath(); while (this.filesNode.lastChild) { this.filesNode.removeChild(this.filesNode.lastChild); } const items = value.filter((v) => { if (".")) { const props = (this.options as OpenDialogOptions).properties; if (props && props.showHiddenFiles) { return true; } return false; } return true; }); this.entryList.setChildren(null, DialogEntry): ITreeElement => ({ element: i }))); this.entryList.domFocus(); this.entryList.setFocus([null]); // Clears the input on refresh // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any (this.entryList).typeFilterController.onInput(""); }).catch((ex) => { this.errorEmitter.emit(ex); }); } private get filterValue(): string { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any return (this.entryList).typeFilterController.filter._pattern; } private async list(directory: string): Promise> { const paths = (await util.promisify(fs.readdir)(directory)).sort(); const stats = await Promise.all( => util.promisify(fs.stat)(path.join(directory, p)))); return, index): DialogEntry => ({ fullPath: path.join(directory, paths[index]), name: paths[index], isDirectory: stat.isDirectory(), lastModified: stat.mtime.toDateString(), size: stat.size, })); } } interface DialogEntryData { icon: HTMLElement; size: HTMLElement; lastModified: HTMLElement; label: HighlightedLabel; } class DialogEntryRenderer implements ITreeRenderer { public get templateId(): string { return "dialog-entry"; } public renderTemplate(container: HTMLElement): DialogEntryData { addClass(container, "dialog-entry"); addClass(container, "dialog-grid"); const wrapper = append(container, $(".dialog-entry-info")); const icon: HTMLElement = append(wrapper, $("div")); const name = append(wrapper, $(".dialog-entry-name")); const label = new HighlightedLabel(name, false); append(container, wrapper); const size = append(container, $(".dialog-entry-size")); const mtime = append(container, $(".dialog-entry-mtime")); return { icon, size, lastModified: mtime, label, }; } public renderElement(node: ITreeNode, _index: number, templateData: DialogEntryData): void { templateData.icon.className = "dialog-entry-icon monaco-icon-label"; const classes = getIconClasses( workbench.serviceCollection.get(IModelService) as IModelService, workbench.serviceCollection.get(IModeService) as IModeService, URI.file(, node.element.isDirectory ? FileKind.FOLDER : FileKind.FILE, ); templateData.icon.hidden = classes.length === 0; classes.forEach((c) => { try { templateData.icon.classList.add(c); } catch (ex) { // Nothin needed. Sometimes bad classes are given } }); templateData.label.set(, typeof node.filterData === "string" && ? [{ start: 0, end: node.filterData.length, }] : []); templateData.size.innerText = node.element.size.toString(); templateData.lastModified.innerText = node.element.lastModified; } public disposeTemplate(_templateData: DialogEntryData): void { // throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } }