
205 lines
7.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { MarkdownString, CompletionItemKind, CompletionItem, DocumentSelector, SnippetString, workspace } from 'vscode';
import { IJSONContribution, ISuggestionsCollector } from './jsonContributions';
import { XHRRequest } from 'request-light';
import { Location } from 'jsonc-parser';
import * as nls from 'vscode-nls';
const localize = nls.loadMessageBundle();
const USER_AGENT = 'Visual Studio Code';
export class BowerJSONContribution implements IJSONContribution {
private topRanked = ['twitter', 'bootstrap', 'angular-1.1.6', 'angular-latest', 'angulerjs', 'd3', 'myjquery', 'jq', 'abcdef1234567890', 'jQuery', 'jquery-1.11.1', 'jquery',
'sushi-vanilla-x-data', 'font-awsome', 'Font-Awesome', 'font-awesome', 'fontawesome', 'html5-boilerplate', 'impress.js', 'homebrew',
'backbone', 'moment1', 'momentjs', 'moment', 'linux', 'animate.css', 'animate-css', 'reveal.js', 'jquery-file-upload', 'blueimp-file-upload', 'threejs', 'express', 'chosen',
'normalize-css', 'normalize.css', 'semantic', 'semantic-ui', 'Semantic-UI', 'modernizr', 'underscore', 'underscore1',
'material-design-icons', 'ionic', 'chartjs', 'Chart.js', 'nnnick-chartjs', 'select2-ng', 'select2-dist', 'phantom', 'skrollr', 'scrollr', 'less.js', 'leancss', 'parser-lib',
'hui', 'bootstrap-languages', 'async', 'gulp', 'jquery-pjax', 'coffeescript', 'hammer.js', 'ace', 'leaflet', 'jquery-mobile', 'sweetalert', 'typeahead.js', 'soup', 'typehead.js',
'sails', 'codeigniter2'];
private xhr: XHRRequest;
public constructor(xhr: XHRRequest) {
this.xhr = xhr;
public getDocumentSelector(): DocumentSelector {
return [{ language: 'json', scheme: '*', pattern: '**/bower.json' }, { language: 'json', scheme: '*', pattern: '**/.bower.json' }];
private isEnabled() {
return !!workspace.getConfiguration('npm').get('fetchOnlinePackageInfo');
public collectDefaultSuggestions(_resource: string, collector: ISuggestionsCollector): Thenable<any> {
const defaultValue = {
'name': '${1:name}',
'description': '${2:description}',
'authors': ['${3:author}'],
'version': '${4:1.0.0}',
'main': '${5:pathToMain}',
'dependencies': {}
const proposal = new CompletionItem(localize('json.bower.default', 'Default bower.json'));
proposal.kind = CompletionItemKind.Class;
proposal.insertText = new SnippetString(JSON.stringify(defaultValue, null, '\t'));
return Promise.resolve(null);
public collectPropertySuggestions(_resource: string, location: Location, currentWord: string, addValue: boolean, isLast: boolean, collector: ISuggestionsCollector): Thenable<any> | null {
if (!this.isEnabled()) {
return null;
if ((location.matches(['dependencies']) || location.matches(['devDependencies']))) {
if (currentWord.length > 0) {
const queryUrl = '' + encodeURIComponent(currentWord);
return this.xhr({
url: queryUrl,
}).then((success) => {
if (success.status === 200) {
try {
const obj = JSON.parse(success.responseText);
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
const results = <{ name: string; description: string; }[]>obj;
for (const result of results) {
const name =;
const description = result.description || '';
const insertText = new SnippetString().appendText(JSON.stringify(name));
if (addValue) {
insertText.appendText(': ').appendPlaceholder('latest');
if (!isLast) {
const proposal = new CompletionItem(name);
proposal.kind = CompletionItemKind.Property;
proposal.insertText = insertText;
proposal.filterText = JSON.stringify(name);
proposal.documentation = description;
} catch (e) {
// ignore
} else {
collector.error(localize('json.bower.error.repoaccess', 'Request to the bower repository failed: {0}', success.responseText));
return 0;
return undefined;
}, (error) => {
collector.error(localize('json.bower.error.repoaccess', 'Request to the bower repository failed: {0}', error.responseText));
return 0;
} else {
this.topRanked.forEach((name) => {
const insertText = new SnippetString().appendText(JSON.stringify(name));
if (addValue) {
insertText.appendText(': ').appendPlaceholder('latest');
if (!isLast) {
const proposal = new CompletionItem(name);
proposal.kind = CompletionItemKind.Property;
proposal.insertText = insertText;
proposal.filterText = JSON.stringify(name);
proposal.documentation = '';
return Promise.resolve(null);
return null;
public collectValueSuggestions(_resource: string, location: Location, collector: ISuggestionsCollector): Promise<any> | null {
if (!this.isEnabled()) {
return null;
if ((location.matches(['dependencies', '*']) || location.matches(['devDependencies', '*']))) {
// not implemented. Could be do done calling the bower command. Waiting for web API:
const proposal = new CompletionItem(localize('json.bower.latest.version', 'latest'));
proposal.insertText = new SnippetString('"${1:latest}"');
proposal.filterText = '""';
proposal.kind = CompletionItemKind.Value;
proposal.documentation = 'The latest version of the package';
return null;
public resolveSuggestion(item: CompletionItem): Thenable<CompletionItem | null> | null {
if (item.kind === CompletionItemKind.Property && item.documentation === '') {
return this.getInfo(item.label).then(documentation => {
if (documentation) {
item.documentation = documentation;
return item;
return null;
return null;
private getInfo(pack: string): Thenable<string | undefined> {
const queryUrl = '' + encodeURIComponent(pack);
return this.xhr({
url: queryUrl,
}).then((success) => {
try {
const obj = JSON.parse(success.responseText);
if (obj && obj.url) {
let url: string = obj.url;
if (url.indexOf('git://') === 0) {
url = url.substring(6);
if (url.length >= 4 && url.substr(url.length - 4) === '.git') {
url = url.substring(0, url.length - 4);
return url;
} catch (e) {
// ignore
return undefined;
}, () => {
return undefined;
public getInfoContribution(_resource: string, location: Location): Thenable<MarkdownString[] | null> | null {
if (!this.isEnabled()) {
return null;
if ((location.matches(['dependencies', '*']) || location.matches(['devDependencies', '*']))) {
const pack = location.path[location.path.length - 1];
if (typeof pack === 'string') {
return this.getInfo(pack).then(documentation => {
if (documentation) {
const str = new MarkdownString();
return [str];
return null;
return null;