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synced 2025-01-08 01:28:46 +00:00
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386 lines
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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { MarkedString, CompletionItemKind, CompletionItem, DocumentSelector, SnippetString, workspace, MarkdownString, Uri } from 'vscode';
import { IJSONContribution, ISuggestionsCollector } from './jsonContributions';
import { XHRRequest } from 'request-light';
import { Location } from 'jsonc-parser';
import * as cp from 'child_process';
import * as nls from 'vscode-nls';
import { dirname } from 'path';
const localize = nls.loadMessageBundle();
const LIMIT = 40;
const SCOPED_LIMIT = 250;
const USER_AGENT = 'Visual Studio Code';
export class PackageJSONContribution implements IJSONContribution {
private mostDependedOn = ['lodash', 'async', 'underscore', 'request', 'commander', 'express', 'debug', 'chalk', 'colors', 'q', 'coffee-script',
'mkdirp', 'optimist', 'through2', 'yeoman-generator', 'moment', 'bluebird', 'glob', 'gulp-util', 'minimist', 'cheerio', 'pug', 'redis', 'node-uuid',
'socket', 'io', 'uglify-js', 'winston', 'through', 'fs-extra', 'handlebars', 'body-parser', 'rimraf', 'mime', 'semver', 'mongodb', 'jquery',
'grunt', 'connect', 'yosay', 'underscore', 'string', 'xml2js', 'ejs', 'mongoose', 'marked', 'extend', 'mocha', 'superagent', 'js-yaml', 'xtend',
'shelljs', 'gulp', 'yargs', 'browserify', 'minimatch', 'react', 'less', 'prompt', 'inquirer', 'ws', 'event-stream', 'inherits', 'mysql', 'esprima',
'jsdom', 'stylus', 'when', 'readable-stream', 'aws-sdk', 'concat-stream', 'chai', 'Thenable', 'wrench'];
private knownScopes = ['@types', '@angular', '@babel', '@nuxtjs', '@vue', '@bazel'];
public getDocumentSelector(): DocumentSelector {
return [{ language: 'json', scheme: '*', pattern: '**/package.json' }];
public constructor(private xhr: XHRRequest, private canRunNPM: boolean) {
public collectDefaultSuggestions(_resource: Uri, result: ISuggestionsCollector): Thenable<any> {
const defaultValue = {
'name': '${1:name}',
'description': '${2:description}',
'authors': '${3:author}',
'version': '${4:1.0.0}',
'main': '${5:pathToMain}',
'dependencies': {}
const proposal = new CompletionItem(localize('json.package.default', 'Default package.json'));
proposal.kind = CompletionItemKind.Module;
proposal.insertText = new SnippetString(JSON.stringify(defaultValue, null, '\t'));
return Promise.resolve(null);
private isEnabled() {
return this.canRunNPM || this.onlineEnabled();
private onlineEnabled() {
return !!workspace.getConfiguration('npm').get('fetchOnlinePackageInfo');
public collectPropertySuggestions(
_resource: Uri,
location: Location,
currentWord: string,
addValue: boolean,
isLast: boolean,
collector: ISuggestionsCollector
): Thenable<any> | null {
if (!this.isEnabled()) {
return null;
if ((location.matches(['dependencies']) || location.matches(['devDependencies']) || location.matches(['optionalDependencies']) || location.matches(['peerDependencies']))) {
let queryUrl: string;
if (currentWord.length > 0) {
if (currentWord[0] === '@') {
if (currentWord.indexOf('/') !== -1) {
return this.collectScopedPackages(currentWord, addValue, isLast, collector);
for (let scope of this.knownScopes) {
const proposal = new CompletionItem(scope);
proposal.kind = CompletionItemKind.Property;
proposal.insertText = new SnippetString().appendText(`"${scope}/`).appendTabstop().appendText('"');
proposal.filterText = JSON.stringify(scope);
proposal.documentation = '';
proposal.command = {
title: '',
command: 'editor.action.triggerSuggest'
queryUrl = `https://api.npms.io/v2/search/suggestions?size=${LIMIT}&q=${encodeURIComponent(currentWord)}`;
return this.xhr({
url: queryUrl,
}).then((success) => {
if (success.status === 200) {
try {
const obj = JSON.parse(success.responseText);
if (obj && Array.isArray(obj)) {
const results = <{ package: SearchPackageInfo; }[]>obj;
for (const result of results) {
this.processPackage(result.package, addValue, isLast, collector);
if (results.length === LIMIT) {
} catch (e) {
// ignore
} else {
collector.error(localize('json.npm.error.repoaccess', 'Request to the NPM repository failed: {0}', success.responseText));
return 0;
return undefined;
}, (error) => {
collector.error(localize('json.npm.error.repoaccess', 'Request to the NPM repository failed: {0}', error.responseText));
return 0;
} else {
this.mostDependedOn.forEach((name) => {
const insertText = new SnippetString().appendText(JSON.stringify(name));
if (addValue) {
insertText.appendText(': "').appendTabstop().appendText('"');
if (!isLast) {
const proposal = new CompletionItem(name);
proposal.kind = CompletionItemKind.Property;
proposal.insertText = insertText;
proposal.filterText = JSON.stringify(name);
proposal.documentation = '';
this.collectScopedPackages(currentWord, addValue, isLast, collector);
return Promise.resolve(null);
return null;
private collectScopedPackages(currentWord: string, addValue: boolean, isLast: boolean, collector: ISuggestionsCollector): Thenable<any> {
let segments = currentWord.split('/');
if (segments.length === 2 && segments[0].length > 1) {
let scope = segments[0].substr(1);
let name = segments[1];
if (name.length < 4) {
name = '';
let queryUrl = `https://api.npms.io/v2/search?q=scope:${scope}%20${name}&size=250`;
return this.xhr({
url: queryUrl,
}).then((success) => {
if (success.status === 200) {
try {
const obj = JSON.parse(success.responseText);
if (obj && Array.isArray(obj.results)) {
const objects = <{ package: SearchPackageInfo }[]>obj.results;
for (let object of objects) {
this.processPackage(object.package, addValue, isLast, collector);
if (objects.length === SCOPED_LIMIT) {
} catch (e) {
// ignore
} else {
collector.error(localize('json.npm.error.repoaccess', 'Request to the NPM repository failed: {0}', success.responseText));
return null;
return Promise.resolve(null);
public async collectValueSuggestions(resource: Uri, location: Location, result: ISuggestionsCollector): Promise<any> {
if (!this.isEnabled()) {
return null;
if ((location.matches(['dependencies', '*']) || location.matches(['devDependencies', '*']) || location.matches(['optionalDependencies', '*']) || location.matches(['peerDependencies', '*']))) {
const currentKey = location.path[location.path.length - 1];
if (typeof currentKey === 'string') {
const info = await this.fetchPackageInfo(currentKey, resource);
if (info && info.version) {
let name = JSON.stringify(info.version);
let proposal = new CompletionItem(name);
proposal.kind = CompletionItemKind.Property;
proposal.insertText = name;
proposal.documentation = localize('json.npm.latestversion', 'The currently latest version of the package');
name = JSON.stringify('^' + info.version);
proposal = new CompletionItem(name);
proposal.kind = CompletionItemKind.Property;
proposal.insertText = name;
proposal.documentation = localize('json.npm.majorversion', 'Matches the most recent major version (1.x.x)');
name = JSON.stringify('~' + info.version);
proposal = new CompletionItem(name);
proposal.kind = CompletionItemKind.Property;
proposal.insertText = name;
proposal.documentation = localize('json.npm.minorversion', 'Matches the most recent minor version (1.2.x)');
return null;
private getDocumentation(description: string | undefined, version: string | undefined, homepage: string | undefined): MarkdownString {
const str = new MarkdownString();
if (description) {
if (version) {
str.appendText(localize('json.npm.version.hover', 'Latest version: {0}', version));
if (homepage) {
return str;
public resolveSuggestion(resource: Uri | undefined, item: CompletionItem): Thenable<CompletionItem | null> | null {
if (item.kind === CompletionItemKind.Property && !item.documentation) {
return this.fetchPackageInfo(item.label, resource).then(info => {
if (info) {
item.documentation = this.getDocumentation(info.description, info.version, info.homepage);
return item;
return null;
return null;
private isValidNPMName(name: string): boolean {
// following rules from https://github.com/npm/validate-npm-package-name
if (!name || name.length > 214 || name.match(/^[_.]/)) {
return false;
const match = name.match(/^(?:@([^/]+?)[/])?([^/]+?)$/);
if (match) {
const scope = match[1];
if (scope && encodeURIComponent(scope) !== scope) {
return false;
const name = match[2];
return encodeURIComponent(name) === name;
return false;
private async fetchPackageInfo(pack: string, resource: Uri | undefined): Promise<ViewPackageInfo | undefined> {
if (!this.isValidNPMName(pack)) {
return undefined; // avoid unnecessary lookups
let info: ViewPackageInfo | undefined;
if (this.canRunNPM) {
info = await this.npmView(pack, resource);
if (!info && this.onlineEnabled()) {
info = await this.npmjsView(pack);
return info;
private npmView(pack: string, resource: Uri | undefined): Promise<ViewPackageInfo | undefined> {
return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
const args = ['view', '--json', pack, 'description', 'dist-tags.latest', 'homepage', 'version'];
let cwd = resource && resource.scheme === 'file' ? dirname(resource.fsPath) : undefined;
cp.execFile(process.platform === 'win32' ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm', args, { cwd }, (error, stdout) => {
if (!error) {
try {
const content = JSON.parse(stdout);
description: content['description'],
version: content['dist-tags.latest'] || content['version'],
homepage: content['homepage']
} catch (e) {
// ignore
private async npmjsView(pack: string): Promise<ViewPackageInfo | undefined> {
const queryUrl = 'https://api.npms.io/v2/package/' + encodeURIComponent(pack);
try {
const success = await this.xhr({
url: queryUrl,
const obj = JSON.parse(success.responseText);
const metadata = obj?.collected?.metadata;
if (metadata) {
return {
description: metadata.description || '',
version: metadata.version,
homepage: metadata.links?.homepage || ''
catch (e) {
return undefined;
public getInfoContribution(resource: Uri, location: Location): Thenable<MarkedString[] | null> | null {
if (!this.isEnabled()) {
return null;
if ((location.matches(['dependencies', '*']) || location.matches(['devDependencies', '*']) || location.matches(['optionalDependencies', '*']) || location.matches(['peerDependencies', '*']))) {
const pack = location.path[location.path.length - 1];
if (typeof pack === 'string') {
return this.fetchPackageInfo(pack, resource).then(info => {
if (info) {
return [this.getDocumentation(info.description, info.version, info.homepage)];
return null;
return null;
private processPackage(pack: SearchPackageInfo, addValue: boolean, isLast: boolean, collector: ISuggestionsCollector) {
if (pack && pack.name) {
const name = pack.name;
const insertText = new SnippetString().appendText(JSON.stringify(name));
if (addValue) {
insertText.appendText(': "');
if (pack.version) {
insertText.appendVariable('version', pack.version);
} else {
if (!isLast) {
const proposal = new CompletionItem(name);
proposal.kind = CompletionItemKind.Property;
proposal.insertText = insertText;
proposal.filterText = JSON.stringify(name);
proposal.documentation = this.getDocumentation(pack.description, pack.version, pack?.links?.homepage);
interface SearchPackageInfo {
name: string;
description?: string;
version?: string;
links?: { homepage?: string; };
interface ViewPackageInfo {
description: string;
version?: string;
homepage?: string;