mirror of
synced 2025-01-20 06:18:45 +00:00
Fixes #1101.
264 lines
8.4 KiB
264 lines
8.4 KiB
import * as cp from "child_process";
import * as os from "os";
import * as path from "path";
import { setUnexpectedErrorHandler } from "vs/base/common/errors";
import { main as vsCli } from "vs/code/node/cliProcessMain";
import { validatePaths } from "vs/code/node/paths";
import { ParsedArgs } from "vs/platform/environment/common/environment";
import { buildHelpMessage, buildVersionMessage, Option as VsOption, OPTIONS, OptionDescriptions } from "vs/platform/environment/node/argv";
import { parseMainProcessArgv } from "vs/platform/environment/node/argvHelper";
import product from "vs/platform/product/common/product";
import { ipcMain } from "vs/server/src/node/ipc";
import { enableCustomMarketplace } from "vs/server/src/node/marketplace";
import { MainServer } from "vs/server/src/node/server";
import { AuthType, buildAllowedMessage, enumToArray, FormatType, generateCertificate, generatePassword, localRequire, open, unpackExecutables } from "vs/server/src/node/util";
const { logger } = localRequire<typeof import("@coder/logger/out/index")>("@coder/logger/out/index");
setUnexpectedErrorHandler((error) => logger.warn(error.message));
interface Args extends ParsedArgs {
auth?: AuthType;
"base-path"?: string;
cert?: string;
"cert-key"?: string;
format?: string;
host?: string;
open?: boolean;
port?: string;
socket?: string;
// @ts-ignore: Force `keyof Args` to work.
interface Option extends VsOption {
id: keyof Args;
const getArgs = (): Args => {
// Remove options that won't work or don't make sense.
for (let key in OPTIONS) {
switch (key) {
case "add":
case "diff":
case "file-uri":
case "folder-uri":
case "goto":
case "new-window":
case "reuse-window":
case "wait":
case "disable-gpu":
// TODO: pretty sure these don't work but not 100%.
case "max-memory":
case "prof-startup":
case "inspect-extensions":
case "inspect-brk-extensions":
delete OPTIONS[key];
const options = OPTIONS as OptionDescriptions<Required<Args>>;
options["base-path"] = { type: "string", cat: "o", description: "Base path of the URL at which code-server is hosted (used for login redirects)." };
options["cert"] = { type: "string", cat: "o", description: "Path to certificate. If the path is omitted, both this and --cert-key will be generated." };
options["cert-key"] = { type: "string", cat: "o", description: "Path to the certificate's key if one was provided." };
options["format"] = { type: "string", cat: "o", description: `Format for the version. ${buildAllowedMessage(FormatType)}.` };
options["host"] = { type: "string", cat: "o", description: "Host for the server." };
options["auth"] = { type: "string", cat: "o", description: `The type of authentication to use. ${buildAllowedMessage(AuthType)}.` };
options["open"] = { type: "boolean", cat: "o", description: "Open in the browser on startup." };
options["port"] = { type: "string", cat: "o", description: "Port for the main server." };
options["socket"] = { type: "string", cat: "o", description: "Listen on a socket instead of host:port." };
const args = parseMainProcessArgv(process.argv);
if (!args["user-data-dir"]) {
args["user-data-dir"] = path.join(process.env.XDG_DATA_HOME || path.join(os.homedir(), ".local/share"), "code-server");
if (!args["extensions-dir"]) {
args["extensions-dir"] = path.join(args["user-data-dir"], "extensions");
if (!args.verbose && !args.log && process.env.LOG_LEVEL) {
args.log = process.env.LOG_LEVEL;
return validatePaths(args);
const startVscode = async (): Promise<void | void[]> => {
const args = getArgs();
const extra = args["_"] || [];
const options = {
auth: args.auth || AuthType.Password,
basePath: args["base-path"],
cert: args.cert,
certKey: args["cert-key"],
folderUri: extra.length > 1 ? extra[extra.length - 1] : undefined,
host: args.host,
password: process.env.PASSWORD,
if (enumToArray(AuthType).filter((t) => t === options.auth).length === 0) {
throw new Error(`'${options.auth}' is not a valid authentication type.`);
} else if (options.auth === "password" && !options.password) {
options.password = await generatePassword();
// This is necessary since VS Code filters out empty strings.
if (typeof options.cert === "undefined" && process.argv.indexOf("--cert") !== -1) {
const { cert, certKey } = await generateCertificate();
options.cert = cert;
options.certKey = certKey;
const server = new MainServer({
port: typeof args.port !== "undefined" ? parseInt(args.port, 10) : 8080,
socket: args.socket,
}, args);
const [serverAddress, /* ignore */] = await Promise.all([
logger.info(`Server listening on ${serverAddress}`);
if (options.auth === "password" && !process.env.PASSWORD) {
logger.info(` - Password is ${options.password}`);
logger.info(" - To use your own password, set the PASSWORD environment variable");
if (!args.auth) {
logger.info(" - To disable use `--auth none`");
} else if (options.auth === "password") {
logger.info(" - Using custom password for authentication");
} else {
logger.info(" - No authentication");
if (server.protocol === "https") {
? ` - Using provided certificate${args["cert-key"] ? " and key" : ""} for HTTPS`
: ` - Using generated certificate and key for HTTPS`,
} else {
logger.info(" - Not serving HTTPS");
if (!server.options.socket && args.open) {
// The web socket doesn't seem to work if browsing with
const openAddress = serverAddress.replace(/:\/\/, "://localhost");
await open(openAddress).catch(console.error);
logger.info(` - Opened ${openAddress}`);
const startCli = (): boolean | Promise<void> => {
const args = getArgs();
if (args.help) {
const executable = `${product.applicationName}${os.platform() === "win32" ? ".exe" : ""}`;
console.log(buildHelpMessage(product.nameLong, executable, product.codeServerVersion, OPTIONS, false));
return true;
if (args.version) {
if (args.format === "json") {
codeServerVersion: product.codeServerVersion,
commit: product.commit,
vscodeVersion: product.version,
} else {
buildVersionMessage(product.codeServerVersion, product.commit).split("\n").map((line) => logger.info(line));
return true;
const shouldSpawnCliProcess = (): boolean => {
return !!args["install-source"]
|| !!args["list-extensions"]
|| !!args["install-extension"]
|| !!args["uninstall-extension"]
|| !!args["locate-extension"]
|| !!args["telemetry"];
if (shouldSpawnCliProcess()) {
return vsCli(args);
return false;
export class WrapperProcess {
private process?: cp.ChildProcess;
private started?: Promise<void>;
public constructor() {
ipcMain.onMessage(async (message) => {
switch (message) {
case "relaunch":
this.started = undefined;
if (this.process) {
try {
await this.start();
} catch (error) {
process.exit(typeof error.code === "number" ? error.code : 1);
logger.error(`Unrecognized message ${message}`);
public start(): Promise<void> {
if (!this.started) {
const child = this.spawn();
this.started = ipcMain.handshake(child);
this.process = child;
return this.started;
private spawn(): cp.ChildProcess {
return cp.spawn(process.argv[0], process.argv.slice(1), {
env: {
stdio: ["inherit", "inherit", "inherit", "ipc"],
const main = async(): Promise<boolean | void | void[]> => {
if (process.env.LAUNCH_VSCODE) {
await ipcMain.handshake();
return startVscode();
return startCli() || new WrapperProcess().start();
const exit = process.exit;
process.exit = function (code?: number) {
const err = new Error(`process.exit() was prevented: ${code || "unknown code"}.`);
} as (code?: number) => never;
// It's possible that the pipe has closed (for example if you run code-server
// --version | head -1). Assume that means we're done.
if (!process.stdout.isTTY) {
process.stdout.on("error", () => exit());
main().catch((error) => {
exit(typeof error.code === "number" ? error.code : 1);