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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import {
Connection, TextDocuments, InitializeParams, InitializeResult, RequestType,
DocumentRangeFormattingRequest, Disposable, DocumentSelector, TextDocumentPositionParams, ServerCapabilities,
ConfigurationRequest, ConfigurationParams, DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersNotification,
DocumentColorRequest, ColorPresentationRequest, TextDocumentSyncKind, NotificationType
} from 'vscode-languageserver';
import {
getLanguageModes, LanguageModes, Settings, TextDocument, Position, Diagnostic, WorkspaceFolder, ColorInformation,
Range, DocumentLink, SymbolInformation, TextDocumentIdentifier
} from './modes/languageModes';
import { format } from './modes/formatting';
import { pushAll } from './utils/arrays';
import { getDocumentContext } from './utils/documentContext';
import { URI } from 'vscode-uri';
import { formatError, runSafe } from './utils/runner';
import { getFoldingRanges } from './modes/htmlFolding';
import { fetchHTMLDataProviders } from './customData';
import { getSelectionRanges } from './modes/selectionRanges';
import { SemanticTokenProvider, newSemanticTokenProvider } from './modes/semanticTokens';
import { RequestService, getRequestService } from './requests';
namespace CustomDataChangedNotification {
export const type: NotificationType<string[]> = new NotificationType('html/customDataChanged');
namespace TagCloseRequest {
export const type: RequestType<TextDocumentPositionParams, string | null, any, any> = new RequestType('html/tag');
namespace LinkedEditingRequest {
export const type: RequestType<TextDocumentPositionParams, Range[] | null, any, any> = new RequestType('html/linkedEditing');
// experimental: semantic tokens
interface SemanticTokenParams {
textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier;
ranges?: Range[];
namespace SemanticTokenRequest {
export const type: RequestType<SemanticTokenParams, number[] | null, any, any> = new RequestType('html/semanticTokens');
namespace SemanticTokenLegendRequest {
export const type: RequestType<void, { types: string[]; modifiers: string[] } | null, any, any> = new RequestType('html/semanticTokenLegend');
export interface RuntimeEnvironment {
file?: RequestService;
http?: RequestService
configureHttpRequests?(proxy: string, strictSSL: boolean): void;
export function startServer(connection: Connection, runtime: RuntimeEnvironment) {
// Create a text document manager.
const documents = new TextDocuments(TextDocument);
// Make the text document manager listen on the connection
// for open, change and close text document events
let workspaceFolders: WorkspaceFolder[] = [];
let languageModes: LanguageModes;
let clientSnippetSupport = false;
let dynamicFormatterRegistration = false;
let scopedSettingsSupport = false;
let workspaceFoldersSupport = false;
let foldingRangeLimit = Number.MAX_VALUE;
const notReady = () => Promise.reject('Not Ready');
let requestService: RequestService = { getContent: notReady, stat: notReady, readDirectory: notReady };
let globalSettings: Settings = {};
let documentSettings: { [key: string]: Thenable<Settings> } = {};
// remove document settings on close
documents.onDidClose(e => {
delete documentSettings[e.document.uri];
function getDocumentSettings(textDocument: TextDocument, needsDocumentSettings: () => boolean): Thenable<Settings | undefined> {
if (scopedSettingsSupport && needsDocumentSettings()) {
let promise = documentSettings[textDocument.uri];
if (!promise) {
const scopeUri = textDocument.uri;
const configRequestParam: ConfigurationParams = { items: [{ scopeUri, section: 'css' }, { scopeUri, section: 'html' }, { scopeUri, section: 'javascript' }] };
promise = connection.sendRequest(ConfigurationRequest.type, configRequestParam).then(s => ({ css: s[0], html: s[1], javascript: s[2] }));
documentSettings[textDocument.uri] = promise;
return promise;
return Promise.resolve(undefined);
// After the server has started the client sends an initialize request. The server receives
// in the passed params the rootPath of the workspace plus the client capabilities
connection.onInitialize((params: InitializeParams): InitializeResult => {
const initializationOptions = params.initializationOptions;
workspaceFolders = (<any>params).workspaceFolders;
if (!Array.isArray(workspaceFolders)) {
workspaceFolders = [];
if (params.rootPath) {
workspaceFolders.push({ name: '', uri: URI.file(params.rootPath).toString() });
requestService = getRequestService(initializationOptions?.handledSchemas || ['file'], connection, runtime);
const workspace = {
get settings() { return globalSettings; },
get folders() { return workspaceFolders; }
languageModes = getLanguageModes(initializationOptions?.embeddedLanguages || { css: true, javascript: true }, workspace, params.capabilities, requestService);
const dataPaths: string[] = initializationOptions?.dataPaths || [];
fetchHTMLDataProviders(dataPaths, requestService).then(dataProviders => {
documents.onDidClose(e => {
connection.onShutdown(() => {
function getClientCapability<T>(name: string, def: T) {
const keys = name.split('.');
let c: any = params.capabilities;
for (let i = 0; c && i < keys.length; i++) {
if (!c.hasOwnProperty(keys[i])) {
return def;
c = c[keys[i]];
return c;
clientSnippetSupport = getClientCapability('textDocument.completion.completionItem.snippetSupport', false);
dynamicFormatterRegistration = getClientCapability('textDocument.rangeFormatting.dynamicRegistration', false) && (typeof initializationOptions?.provideFormatter !== 'boolean');
scopedSettingsSupport = getClientCapability('workspace.configuration', false);
workspaceFoldersSupport = getClientCapability('workspace.workspaceFolders', false);
foldingRangeLimit = getClientCapability('textDocument.foldingRange.rangeLimit', Number.MAX_VALUE);
const capabilities: ServerCapabilities = {
textDocumentSync: TextDocumentSyncKind.Incremental,
completionProvider: clientSnippetSupport ? { resolveProvider: true, triggerCharacters: ['.', ':', '<', '"', '=', '/'] } : undefined,
hoverProvider: true,
documentHighlightProvider: true,
documentRangeFormattingProvider: initializationOptions?.provideFormatter === true,
documentLinkProvider: { resolveProvider: false },
documentSymbolProvider: true,
definitionProvider: true,
signatureHelpProvider: { triggerCharacters: ['('] },
referencesProvider: true,
colorProvider: {},
foldingRangeProvider: true,
selectionRangeProvider: true,
renameProvider: true
return { capabilities };
connection.onInitialized(() => {
if (workspaceFoldersSupport) {
connection.onNotification(DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersNotification.type, e => {
const toAdd = e.event.added;
const toRemove = e.event.removed;
const updatedFolders = [];
if (workspaceFolders) {
for (const folder of workspaceFolders) {
if (!toRemove.some(r => r.uri === folder.uri) && !toAdd.some(r => r.uri === folder.uri)) {
workspaceFolders = updatedFolders.concat(toAdd);
let formatterRegistration: Thenable<Disposable> | null = null;
// The settings have changed. Is send on server activation as well.
connection.onDidChangeConfiguration((change) => {
globalSettings = change.settings;
documentSettings = {}; // reset all document settings
// dynamically enable & disable the formatter
if (dynamicFormatterRegistration) {
const enableFormatter = globalSettings && globalSettings.html && globalSettings.html.format && globalSettings.html.format.enable;
if (enableFormatter) {
if (!formatterRegistration) {
const documentSelector: DocumentSelector = [{ language: 'html' }, { language: 'handlebars' }];
formatterRegistration = connection.client.register(DocumentRangeFormattingRequest.type, { documentSelector });
} else if (formatterRegistration) {
formatterRegistration.then(r => r.dispose());
formatterRegistration = null;
const pendingValidationRequests: { [uri: string]: NodeJS.Timer } = {};
const validationDelayMs = 500;
// The content of a text document has changed. This event is emitted
// when the text document first opened or when its content has changed.
documents.onDidChangeContent(change => {
// a document has closed: clear all diagnostics
documents.onDidClose(event => {
connection.sendDiagnostics({ uri: event.document.uri, diagnostics: [] });
function cleanPendingValidation(textDocument: TextDocument): void {
const request = pendingValidationRequests[textDocument.uri];
if (request) {
delete pendingValidationRequests[textDocument.uri];
function triggerValidation(textDocument: TextDocument): void {
pendingValidationRequests[textDocument.uri] = setTimeout(() => {
delete pendingValidationRequests[textDocument.uri];
}, validationDelayMs);
function isValidationEnabled(languageId: string, settings: Settings = globalSettings) {
const validationSettings = settings && settings.html && settings.html.validate;
if (validationSettings) {
return languageId === 'css' && validationSettings.styles !== false || languageId === 'javascript' && validationSettings.scripts !== false;
return true;
async function validateTextDocument(textDocument: TextDocument) {
try {
const version = textDocument.version;
const diagnostics: Diagnostic[] = [];
if (textDocument.languageId === 'html') {
const modes = languageModes.getAllModesInDocument(textDocument);
const settings = await getDocumentSettings(textDocument, () => modes.some(m => !!m.doValidation));
const latestTextDocument = documents.get(textDocument.uri);
if (latestTextDocument && latestTextDocument.version === version) { // check no new version has come in after in after the async op
for (const mode of modes) {
if (mode.doValidation && isValidationEnabled(mode.getId(), settings)) {
pushAll(diagnostics, await mode.doValidation(latestTextDocument, settings));
connection.sendDiagnostics({ uri: latestTextDocument.uri, diagnostics });
} catch (e) {
connection.console.error(formatError(`Error while validating ${textDocument.uri}`, e));
connection.onCompletion(async (textDocumentPosition, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
const document = documents.get(textDocumentPosition.textDocument.uri);
if (!document) {
return null;
const mode = languageModes.getModeAtPosition(document, textDocumentPosition.position);
if (!mode || !mode.doComplete) {
return { isIncomplete: true, items: [] };
const doComplete = mode.doComplete;
if (mode.getId() !== 'html') {
/* __GDPR__
"html.embbedded.complete" : {
"languageId" : { "classification": "SystemMetaData", "purpose": "FeatureInsight" }
connection.telemetry.logEvent({ key: 'html.embbedded.complete', value: { languageId: mode.getId() } });
const settings = await getDocumentSettings(document, () => doComplete.length > 2);
const documentContext = getDocumentContext(document.uri, workspaceFolders);
return doComplete(document, textDocumentPosition.position, documentContext, settings);
}, null, `Error while computing completions for ${textDocumentPosition.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onCompletionResolve((item, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
const data = item.data;
if (data && data.languageId && data.uri) {
const mode = languageModes.getMode(data.languageId);
const document = documents.get(data.uri);
if (mode && mode.doResolve && document) {
return mode.doResolve(document, item);
return item;
}, item, `Error while resolving completion proposal`, token);
connection.onHover((textDocumentPosition, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
const document = documents.get(textDocumentPosition.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
const mode = languageModes.getModeAtPosition(document, textDocumentPosition.position);
const doHover = mode?.doHover;
if (doHover) {
const settings = await getDocumentSettings(document, () => doHover.length > 2);
return doHover(document, textDocumentPosition.position, settings);
return null;
}, null, `Error while computing hover for ${textDocumentPosition.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onDocumentHighlight((documentHighlightParams, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
const document = documents.get(documentHighlightParams.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
const mode = languageModes.getModeAtPosition(document, documentHighlightParams.position);
if (mode && mode.findDocumentHighlight) {
return mode.findDocumentHighlight(document, documentHighlightParams.position);
return [];
}, [], `Error while computing document highlights for ${documentHighlightParams.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onDefinition((definitionParams, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
const document = documents.get(definitionParams.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
const mode = languageModes.getModeAtPosition(document, definitionParams.position);
if (mode && mode.findDefinition) {
return mode.findDefinition(document, definitionParams.position);
return [];
}, null, `Error while computing definitions for ${definitionParams.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onReferences((referenceParams, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
const document = documents.get(referenceParams.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
const mode = languageModes.getModeAtPosition(document, referenceParams.position);
if (mode && mode.findReferences) {
return mode.findReferences(document, referenceParams.position);
return [];
}, [], `Error while computing references for ${referenceParams.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onSignatureHelp((signatureHelpParms, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
const document = documents.get(signatureHelpParms.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
const mode = languageModes.getModeAtPosition(document, signatureHelpParms.position);
if (mode && mode.doSignatureHelp) {
return mode.doSignatureHelp(document, signatureHelpParms.position);
return null;
}, null, `Error while computing signature help for ${signatureHelpParms.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onDocumentRangeFormatting(async (formatParams, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
const document = documents.get(formatParams.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
let settings = await getDocumentSettings(document, () => true);
if (!settings) {
settings = globalSettings;
const unformattedTags: string = settings && settings.html && settings.html.format && settings.html.format.unformatted || '';
const enabledModes = { css: !unformattedTags.match(/\bstyle\b/), javascript: !unformattedTags.match(/\bscript\b/) };
return format(languageModes, document, formatParams.range, formatParams.options, settings, enabledModes);
return [];
}, [], `Error while formatting range for ${formatParams.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onDocumentLinks((documentLinkParam, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
const document = documents.get(documentLinkParam.textDocument.uri);
const links: DocumentLink[] = [];
if (document) {
const documentContext = getDocumentContext(document.uri, workspaceFolders);
for (const m of languageModes.getAllModesInDocument(document)) {
if (m.findDocumentLinks) {
pushAll(links, await m.findDocumentLinks(document, documentContext));
return links;
}, [], `Error while document links for ${documentLinkParam.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onDocumentSymbol((documentSymbolParms, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
const document = documents.get(documentSymbolParms.textDocument.uri);
const symbols: SymbolInformation[] = [];
if (document) {
for (const m of languageModes.getAllModesInDocument(document)) {
if (m.findDocumentSymbols) {
pushAll(symbols, await m.findDocumentSymbols(document));
return symbols;
}, [], `Error while computing document symbols for ${documentSymbolParms.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onRequest(DocumentColorRequest.type, (params, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
const infos: ColorInformation[] = [];
const document = documents.get(params.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
for (const m of languageModes.getAllModesInDocument(document)) {
if (m.findDocumentColors) {
pushAll(infos, await m.findDocumentColors(document));
return infos;
}, [], `Error while computing document colors for ${params.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onRequest(ColorPresentationRequest.type, (params, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
const document = documents.get(params.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
const mode = languageModes.getModeAtPosition(document, params.range.start);
if (mode && mode.getColorPresentations) {
return mode.getColorPresentations(document, params.color, params.range);
return [];
}, [], `Error while computing color presentations for ${params.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onRequest(TagCloseRequest.type, (params, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
const document = documents.get(params.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
const pos = params.position;
if (pos.character > 0) {
const mode = languageModes.getModeAtPosition(document, Position.create(pos.line, pos.character - 1));
if (mode && mode.doAutoClose) {
return mode.doAutoClose(document, pos);
return null;
}, null, `Error while computing tag close actions for ${params.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onFoldingRanges((params, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
const document = documents.get(params.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
return getFoldingRanges(languageModes, document, foldingRangeLimit, token);
return null;
}, null, `Error while computing folding regions for ${params.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onSelectionRanges((params, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
const document = documents.get(params.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
return getSelectionRanges(languageModes, document, params.positions);
return [];
}, [], `Error while computing selection ranges for ${params.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onRenameRequest((params, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
const document = documents.get(params.textDocument.uri);
const position: Position = params.position;
if (document) {
const htmlMode = languageModes.getMode('html');
if (htmlMode && htmlMode.doRename) {
return htmlMode.doRename(document, position, params.newName);
return null;
}, null, `Error while computing rename for ${params.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onRequest(LinkedEditingRequest.type, (params, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
const document = documents.get(params.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
const pos = params.position;
if (pos.character > 0) {
const mode = languageModes.getModeAtPosition(document, Position.create(pos.line, pos.character - 1));
if (mode && mode.doLinkedEditing) {
return mode.doLinkedEditing(document, pos);
return null;
}, null, `Error while computing synced regions for ${params.textDocument.uri}`, token);
let semanticTokensProvider: SemanticTokenProvider | undefined;
function getSemanticTokenProvider() {
if (!semanticTokensProvider) {
semanticTokensProvider = newSemanticTokenProvider(languageModes);
return semanticTokensProvider;
connection.onRequest(SemanticTokenRequest.type, (params, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
const document = documents.get(params.textDocument.uri);
if (document) {
return getSemanticTokenProvider().getSemanticTokens(document, params.ranges);
return null;
}, null, `Error while computing semantic tokens for ${params.textDocument.uri}`, token);
connection.onRequest(SemanticTokenLegendRequest.type, (_params, token) => {
return runSafe(async () => {
return getSemanticTokenProvider().legend;
}, null, `Error while computing semantic tokens legend`, token);
connection.onNotification(CustomDataChangedNotification.type, dataPaths => {
fetchHTMLDataProviders(dataPaths, requestService).then(dataProviders => {
// Listen on the connection