mirror of https://git.tuxpa.in/a/code-server.git synced 2025-02-17 17:39:19 +00:00
Asher 04adf14146
Move OSX package task into build script
This is to match how the other binaries are built. Also made some
changes to make the Docker containers clean up for when you are running
this locally.
2019-06-06 13:43:37 -05:00

212 lines
7.0 KiB

import { register, run } from "@coder/runner";
import { logger, field } from "@coder/logger";
import * as fs from "fs";
import * as fse from "fs-extra";
import * as os from "os";
import { platform } from "./platform";
import * as path from "path";
import * as zlib from "zlib";
import * as https from "https";
import * as tar from "tar";
const isWin = os.platform() === "win32";
const libPath = path.join(__dirname, "../lib");
const vscodePath = path.join(libPath, "vscode");
const defaultExtensionsPath = path.join(libPath, "extensions");
const pkgsPath = path.join(__dirname, "../packages");
const vscodeVersion = process.env.VSCODE_VERSION || "1.33.1";
const vsSourceUrl = `https://codesrv-ci.cdr.sh/vstar-${vscodeVersion}.tar.gz`;
const buildServerBinary = register("build:server:binary", async (runner) => {
logger.info("Building with environment", field("env", {
NODE_ENV: process.env.NODE_ENV,
VERSION: process.env.VERSION,
OSTYPE: process.env.OSTYPE,
TARGET: process.env.TARGET,
await ensureInstalled();
await Promise.all([
await buildServerBinaryPackage();
const buildServerBinaryPackage = register("build:server:binary:package", async (runner) => {
const cliPath = path.join(pkgsPath, "server");
runner.cwd = cliPath;
if (!fs.existsSync(path.join(cliPath, "out"))) {
throw new Error("Cannot build binary without server bundle built");
await buildServerBinaryCopy();
const resp = await runner.execute(isWin ? "npm.cmd" : "npm", ["run", "build:binary"]);
if (resp.exitCode !== 0) {
throw new Error(`Failed to package binary: ${resp.stderr}`);
const buildServerBinaryCopy = register("build:server:binary:copy", async (runner) => {
const cliPath = path.join(pkgsPath, "server");
const cliBuildPath = path.join(cliPath, "build");
fse.mkdirpSync(path.join(cliBuildPath, "extensions"));
const bootstrapForkPath = path.join(pkgsPath, "vscode", "out", "bootstrap-fork.js");
const webOutputPath = path.join(pkgsPath, "web", "out");
const browserAppOutputPath = path.join(pkgsPath, "app", "browser", "out");
let ripgrepPath = path.join(pkgsPath, "..", "lib", "vscode", "node_modules", "vscode-ripgrep", "bin", "rg");
if (isWin) {
ripgrepPath += ".exe";
if (!fs.existsSync(webOutputPath)) {
throw new Error("Web bundle must be built");
if (!fs.existsSync(defaultExtensionsPath)) {
throw new Error("Default extensions must be built");
if (!fs.existsSync(bootstrapForkPath)) {
throw new Error("Bootstrap fork must exist");
if (!fs.existsSync(ripgrepPath)) {
throw new Error("Ripgrep must exist");
fse.copySync(defaultExtensionsPath, path.join(cliBuildPath, "extensions"));
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(cliBuildPath, "bootstrap-fork.js.gz"), zlib.gzipSync(fs.readFileSync(bootstrapForkPath)));
const cpDir = (dir: string, rootPath: string, subdir?: "login"): void => {
const stat = fs.statSync(dir);
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
const paths = fs.readdirSync(dir);
paths.forEach((p) => cpDir(path.join(dir, p), rootPath, subdir));
} else if (stat.isFile()) {
const newPath = path.join(cliBuildPath, "web", subdir || "", path.relative(rootPath, dir));
fs.writeFileSync(newPath + ".gz", zlib.gzipSync(fs.readFileSync(dir)));
} else {
// Nothing
cpDir(webOutputPath, webOutputPath);
cpDir(browserAppOutputPath, browserAppOutputPath, "login");
fse.mkdirpSync(path.join(cliBuildPath, "dependencies"));
fse.copySync(ripgrepPath, path.join(cliBuildPath, "dependencies", "rg"));
const buildServerBundle = register("build:server:bundle", async (runner) => {
const cliPath = path.join(pkgsPath, "server");
runner.cwd = cliPath;
await runner.execute(isWin ? "npm.cmd" : "npm", ["run", "build"]);
const buildBootstrapFork = register("build:bootstrap-fork", async (runner) => {
await ensureInstalled();
await ensurePatched();
const vscodePkgPath = path.join(pkgsPath, "vscode");
runner.cwd = vscodePkgPath;
await runner.execute(isWin ? "npm.cmd" : "npm", ["run", "build:bootstrap-fork"]);
const buildAppBrowser = register("build:app:browser", async (runner) => {
await ensureInstalled();
const appPath = path.join(pkgsPath, "app/browser");
runner.cwd = appPath;
fse.removeSync(path.join(appPath, "out"));
await runner.execute(isWin ? "npm.cmd" : "npm", ["run", "build"]);
const buildWeb = register("build:web", async (runner) => {
await ensureInstalled();
await ensurePatched();
const webPath = path.join(pkgsPath, "web");
runner.cwd = webPath;
fse.removeSync(path.join(webPath, "out"));
await runner.execute(isWin ? "npm.cmd" : "npm", ["run", "build"]);
const ensureInstalled = register("vscode:install", async (runner) => {
runner.cwd = libPath;
if (fs.existsSync(vscodePath) && fs.existsSync(defaultExtensionsPath)) {
const pkgVersion = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(vscodePath, "package.json")).toString("utf8")).version;
if (pkgVersion === vscodeVersion) {
runner.cwd = vscodePath;
const reset = await runner.execute("git", ["reset", "--hard"]);
if (reset.exitCode !== 0) {
throw new Error(`Failed to clean git repository: ${reset.stderr}`);
await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject): void => {
https.get(vsSourceUrl, (res) => {
if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
return reject(res.statusMessage);
C: libPath,
}).on("finish", () => {
}).on("error", (err: Error) => {
}).on("error", (err) => {
const ensurePatched = register("vscode:patch", async (runner) => {
if (!fs.existsSync(vscodePath)) {
throw new Error("vscode must be cloned to patch");
await ensureInstalled();
runner.cwd = vscodePath;
const patchPath = path.join(__dirname, "../scripts/vscode.patch");
const apply = await runner.execute("git", ["apply", "--unidiff-zero", patchPath]);
if (apply.exitCode !== 0) {
throw new Error(`Failed to apply patches: ${apply.stderr}`);
register("package", async (runner, releaseTag) => {
if (!releaseTag) {
throw new Error("Please specify the release tag.");
const releasePath = path.resolve(__dirname, "../release");
const archiveName = `code-server${releaseTag}-${platform()}-${os.arch()}`;
const archiveDir = path.join(releasePath, archiveName);
const binaryPath = path.join(__dirname, `../packages/server/cli-${platform()}-${os.arch()}`);
const binaryDestination = path.join(archiveDir, "code-server");
fse.copySync(binaryPath, binaryDestination);
fs.chmodSync(binaryDestination, "755");
["README.md", "LICENSE"].forEach((fileName) => {
fse.copySync(path.resolve(__dirname, `../${fileName}`), path.join(archiveDir, fileName));
runner.cwd = releasePath;
await (os.platform() === "linux"
? runner.execute("tar", ["-cvzf", `${archiveName}.tar.gz`, `${archiveName}`])
: runner.execute("zip", ["-r", `${archiveName}.zip`, `${archiveName}`]));