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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import {
TaskDefinition, Task, TaskGroup, WorkspaceFolder, RelativePattern, ShellExecution, Uri, workspace,
TaskProvider, TextDocument, tasks, TaskScope, QuickPickItem, window, Position, ExtensionContext, env,
ShellQuotedString, ShellQuoting, commands, Location, CancellationTokenSource
} from 'vscode';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as minimatch from 'minimatch';
import * as nls from 'vscode-nls';
import { findPreferredPM } from './preferred-pm';
import { readScripts } from './readScripts';
const localize = nls.loadMessageBundle();
export interface NpmTaskDefinition extends TaskDefinition {
script: string;
path?: string;
export interface FolderTaskItem extends QuickPickItem {
label: string;
task: Task;
type AutoDetect = 'on' | 'off';
let cachedTasks: TaskWithLocation[] | undefined = undefined;
const INSTALL_SCRIPT = 'install';
export interface TaskLocation {
document: Uri,
line: Position
export interface TaskWithLocation {
task: Task,
location?: Location
export class NpmTaskProvider implements TaskProvider {
constructor(private context: ExtensionContext) {
get tasksWithLocation(): Promise<TaskWithLocation[]> {
return provideNpmScripts(this.context, false);
public async provideTasks() {
const tasks = await provideNpmScripts(this.context, true);
return tasks.map(task => task.task);
public async resolveTask(_task: Task): Promise<Task | undefined> {
const npmTask = (<any>_task.definition).script;
if (npmTask) {
const kind: NpmTaskDefinition = (<any>_task.definition);
let packageJsonUri: Uri;
if (_task.scope === undefined || _task.scope === TaskScope.Global || _task.scope === TaskScope.Workspace) {
// scope is required to be a WorkspaceFolder for resolveTask
return undefined;
if (kind.path) {
packageJsonUri = _task.scope.uri.with({ path: _task.scope.uri.path + '/' + kind.path + 'package.json' });
} else {
packageJsonUri = _task.scope.uri.with({ path: _task.scope.uri.path + '/package.json' });
const cmd = [kind.script];
if (kind.script !== INSTALL_SCRIPT) {
return createTask(await getPackageManager(this.context, _task.scope.uri), kind, cmd, _task.scope, packageJsonUri);
return undefined;
export function invalidateTasksCache() {
cachedTasks = undefined;
const buildNames: string[] = ['build', 'compile', 'watch'];
function isBuildTask(name: string): boolean {
for (let buildName of buildNames) {
if (name.indexOf(buildName) !== -1) {
return true;
return false;
const testNames: string[] = ['test'];
function isTestTask(name: string): boolean {
for (let testName of testNames) {
if (name === testName) {
return true;
return false;
function getPrePostScripts(scripts: any): Set<string> {
const prePostScripts: Set<string> = new Set([
'preuninstall', 'postuninstall', 'prepack', 'postpack', 'preinstall', 'postinstall',
'prepack', 'postpack', 'prepublish', 'postpublish', 'preversion', 'postversion',
'prestop', 'poststop', 'prerestart', 'postrestart', 'preshrinkwrap', 'postshrinkwrap',
'pretest', 'postest', 'prepublishOnly'
let keys = Object.keys(scripts);
for (const script of keys) {
const prepost = ['pre' + script, 'post' + script];
prepost.forEach(each => {
if (scripts[each] !== undefined) {
return prePostScripts;
export function isWorkspaceFolder(value: any): value is WorkspaceFolder {
return value && typeof value !== 'number';
export async function getPackageManager(extensionContext: ExtensionContext, folder: Uri, showWarning: boolean = true): Promise<string> {
let packageManagerName = workspace.getConfiguration('npm', folder).get<string>('packageManager', 'npm');
if (packageManagerName === 'auto') {
const { name, multiplePMDetected } = await findPreferredPM(folder.fsPath);
packageManagerName = name;
const neverShowWarning = 'npm.multiplePMWarning.neverShow';
if (showWarning && multiplePMDetected && !extensionContext.globalState.get<boolean>(neverShowWarning)) {
const multiplePMWarning = localize('npm.multiplePMWarning', 'Using {0} as the preferred package manager. Found multiple lockfiles for {1}.', packageManagerName, folder.fsPath);
const neverShowAgain = localize('npm.multiplePMWarning.doNotShow', "Do not show again");
const learnMore = localize('npm.multiplePMWarning.learnMore', "Learn more");
window.showInformationMessage(multiplePMWarning, learnMore, neverShowAgain).then(result => {
switch (result) {
case neverShowAgain: extensionContext.globalState.update(neverShowWarning, true); break;
case learnMore: env.openExternal(Uri.parse('https://nodejs.dev/learn/the-package-lock-json-file'));
return packageManagerName;
export async function hasNpmScripts(): Promise<boolean> {
let folders = workspace.workspaceFolders;
if (!folders) {
return false;
try {
for (const folder of folders) {
if (isAutoDetectionEnabled(folder)) {
let relativePattern = new RelativePattern(folder, '**/package.json');
let paths = await workspace.findFiles(relativePattern, '**/node_modules/**');
if (paths.length > 0) {
return true;
return false;
} catch (error) {
return Promise.reject(error);
async function detectNpmScripts(context: ExtensionContext, showWarning: boolean): Promise<TaskWithLocation[]> {
let emptyTasks: TaskWithLocation[] = [];
let allTasks: TaskWithLocation[] = [];
let visitedPackageJsonFiles: Set<string> = new Set();
let folders = workspace.workspaceFolders;
if (!folders) {
return emptyTasks;
try {
for (const folder of folders) {
if (isAutoDetectionEnabled(folder)) {
let relativePattern = new RelativePattern(folder, '**/package.json');
let paths = await workspace.findFiles(relativePattern, '**/{node_modules,.vscode-test}/**');
for (const path of paths) {
if (!isExcluded(folder, path) && !visitedPackageJsonFiles.has(path.fsPath)) {
let tasks = await provideNpmScriptsForFolder(context, path, showWarning);
return allTasks;
} catch (error) {
return Promise.reject(error);
export async function detectNpmScriptsForFolder(context: ExtensionContext, folder: Uri): Promise<FolderTaskItem[]> {
let folderTasks: FolderTaskItem[] = [];
try {
let relativePattern = new RelativePattern(folder.fsPath, '**/package.json');
let paths = await workspace.findFiles(relativePattern, '**/node_modules/**');
let visitedPackageJsonFiles: Set<string> = new Set();
for (const path of paths) {
if (!visitedPackageJsonFiles.has(path.fsPath)) {
let tasks = await provideNpmScriptsForFolder(context, path, true);
folderTasks.push(...tasks.map(t => ({ label: t.task.name, task: t.task })));
return folderTasks;
} catch (error) {
return Promise.reject(error);
export async function provideNpmScripts(context: ExtensionContext, showWarning: boolean): Promise<TaskWithLocation[]> {
if (!cachedTasks) {
cachedTasks = await detectNpmScripts(context, showWarning);
return cachedTasks;
export function isAutoDetectionEnabled(folder?: WorkspaceFolder): boolean {
return workspace.getConfiguration('npm', folder?.uri).get<AutoDetect>('autoDetect') === 'on';
function isExcluded(folder: WorkspaceFolder, packageJsonUri: Uri) {
function testForExclusionPattern(path: string, pattern: string): boolean {
return minimatch(path, pattern, { dot: true });
let exclude = workspace.getConfiguration('npm', folder.uri).get<string | string[]>('exclude');
let packageJsonFolder = path.dirname(packageJsonUri.fsPath);
if (exclude) {
if (Array.isArray(exclude)) {
for (let pattern of exclude) {
if (testForExclusionPattern(packageJsonFolder, pattern)) {
return true;
} else if (testForExclusionPattern(packageJsonFolder, exclude)) {
return true;
return false;
function isDebugScript(script: string): boolean {
let match = script.match(/--(inspect|debug)(-brk)?(=((\[[0-9a-fA-F:]*\]|[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+|[a-zA-Z0-9\.]*):)?(\d+))?/);
return match !== null;
async function provideNpmScriptsForFolder(context: ExtensionContext, packageJsonUri: Uri, showWarning: boolean): Promise<TaskWithLocation[]> {
let emptyTasks: TaskWithLocation[] = [];
let folder = workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(packageJsonUri);
if (!folder) {
return emptyTasks;
let scripts = await getScripts(packageJsonUri);
if (!scripts) {
return emptyTasks;
const result: TaskWithLocation[] = [];
const prePostScripts = getPrePostScripts(scripts);
const packageManager = await getPackageManager(context, folder.uri, showWarning);
for (const { name, value, nameRange } of scripts.scripts) {
const task = await createTask(packageManager, name, ['run', name], folder!, packageJsonUri, value);
const lowerCaseTaskName = name.toLowerCase();
if (isBuildTask(lowerCaseTaskName)) {
task.group = TaskGroup.Build;
} else if (isTestTask(lowerCaseTaskName)) {
task.group = TaskGroup.Test;
if (prePostScripts.has(name)) {
task.group = TaskGroup.Clean; // hack: use Clean group to tag pre/post scripts
// todo@connor4312: all scripts are now debuggable, what is a 'debug script'?
if (isDebugScript(value)) {
task.group = TaskGroup.Rebuild; // hack: use Rebuild group to tag debug scripts
result.push({ task, location: new Location(packageJsonUri, nameRange) });
// always add npm install (without a problem matcher)
result.push({ task: await createTask(packageManager, INSTALL_SCRIPT, [INSTALL_SCRIPT], folder, packageJsonUri, 'install dependencies from package', []) });
return result;
export function getTaskName(script: string, relativePath: string | undefined) {
if (relativePath && relativePath.length) {
return `${script} - ${relativePath.substring(0, relativePath.length - 1)}`;
return script;
export async function createTask(packageManager: string, script: NpmTaskDefinition | string, cmd: string[], folder: WorkspaceFolder, packageJsonUri: Uri, detail?: string, matcher?: any): Promise<Task> {
let kind: NpmTaskDefinition;
if (typeof script === 'string') {
kind = { type: 'npm', script: script };
} else {
kind = script;
function getCommandLine(cmd: string[]): (string | ShellQuotedString)[] {
const result: (string | ShellQuotedString)[] = new Array(cmd.length);
for (let i = 0; i < cmd.length; i++) {
if (/\s/.test(cmd[i])) {
result[i] = { value: cmd[i], quoting: cmd[i].includes('--') ? ShellQuoting.Weak : ShellQuoting.Strong };
} else {
result[i] = cmd[i];
if (workspace.getConfiguration('npm', folder.uri).get<boolean>('runSilent')) {
return result;
function getRelativePath(packageJsonUri: Uri): string {
let rootUri = folder.uri;
let absolutePath = packageJsonUri.path.substring(0, packageJsonUri.path.length - 'package.json'.length);
return absolutePath.substring(rootUri.path.length + 1);
let relativePackageJson = getRelativePath(packageJsonUri);
if (relativePackageJson.length) {
kind.path = relativePackageJson;
let taskName = getTaskName(kind.script, relativePackageJson);
let cwd = path.dirname(packageJsonUri.fsPath);
const task = new Task(kind, folder, taskName, 'npm', new ShellExecution(packageManager, getCommandLine(cmd), { cwd: cwd }), matcher);
task.detail = detail;
return task;
export function getPackageJsonUriFromTask(task: Task): Uri | null {
if (isWorkspaceFolder(task.scope)) {
if (task.definition.path) {
return Uri.file(path.join(task.scope.uri.fsPath, task.definition.path, 'package.json'));
} else {
return Uri.file(path.join(task.scope.uri.fsPath, 'package.json'));
return null;
export async function hasPackageJson(): Promise<boolean> {
const token = new CancellationTokenSource();
// Search for files for max 1 second.
const timeout = setTimeout(() => token.cancel(), 1000);
const files = await workspace.findFiles('**/package.json', undefined, 1, token.token);
return files.length > 0 || await hasRootPackageJson();
async function hasRootPackageJson(): Promise<boolean> {
let folders = workspace.workspaceFolders;
if (!folders) {
return false;
for (const folder of folders) {
if (folder.uri.scheme === 'file') {
let packageJson = path.join(folder.uri.fsPath, 'package.json');
if (await exists(packageJson)) {
return true;
return false;
async function exists(file: string): Promise<boolean> {
return new Promise<boolean>((resolve, _reject) => {
fs.exists(file, (value) => {
export async function runScript(context: ExtensionContext, script: string, document: TextDocument) {
let uri = document.uri;
let folder = workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(uri);
if (folder) {
const task = await createTask(await getPackageManager(context, folder.uri), script, ['run', script], folder, uri);
export async function startDebugging(context: ExtensionContext, scriptName: string, cwd: string, folder: WorkspaceFolder) {
`${await getPackageManager(context, folder.uri)} run ${scriptName}`,
{ cwd },
export type StringMap = { [s: string]: string; };
export function findScriptAtPosition(document: TextDocument, buffer: string, position: Position): string | undefined {
const read = readScripts(document, buffer);
if (!read) {
return undefined;
for (const script of read.scripts) {
if (script.nameRange.start.isBeforeOrEqual(position) && script.valueRange.end.isAfterOrEqual(position)) {
return script.name;
return undefined;
export async function getScripts(packageJsonUri: Uri) {
if (packageJsonUri.scheme !== 'file') {
return undefined;
let packageJson = packageJsonUri.fsPath;
if (!await exists(packageJson)) {
return undefined;
try {
const document: TextDocument = await workspace.openTextDocument(packageJsonUri);
return readScripts(document);
} catch (e) {
let localizedParseError = localize('npm.parseError', 'Npm task detection: failed to parse the file {0}', packageJsonUri.fsPath);
throw new Error(localizedParseError);