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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as assert from 'assert';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { Testing } from '../customTextEditor';
import { closeAllEditors, delay, disposeAll, randomFilePath } from './utils';
const testWorkspaceRoot = vscode.Uri.file(path.join(vscode.workspace.rootPath!, 'customEditors'));
const commands = Object.freeze({
open: 'vscode.open',
openWith: 'vscode.openWith',
save: 'workbench.action.files.save',
undo: 'undo',
async function writeRandomFile(options: { ext: string; contents: string; }): Promise<vscode.Uri> {
const fakeFile = randomFilePath({ root: testWorkspaceRoot, ext: options.ext });
await fs.promises.writeFile(fakeFile.fsPath, Buffer.from(options.contents));
return fakeFile;
const disposables: vscode.Disposable[] = [];
function _register<T extends vscode.Disposable>(disposable: T) {
return disposable;
class CustomEditorUpdateListener {
public static create() {
return _register(new CustomEditorUpdateListener());
private readonly commandSubscription: vscode.Disposable;
private readonly unconsumedResponses: Array<Testing.CustomEditorContentChangeEvent> = [];
private readonly callbackQueue: Array<(data: Testing.CustomEditorContentChangeEvent) => void> = [];
private constructor() {
this.commandSubscription = vscode.commands.registerCommand(Testing.abcEditorContentChangeCommand, (data: Testing.CustomEditorContentChangeEvent) => {
if (this.callbackQueue.length) {
const callback = this.callbackQueue.shift();
} else {
dispose() {
async nextResponse(): Promise<Testing.CustomEditorContentChangeEvent> {
if (this.unconsumedResponses.length) {
return this.unconsumedResponses.shift()!;
return new Promise(resolve => {
suite('CustomEditor tests', () => {
setup(async () => {
await closeAllEditors();
await resetTestWorkspace();
teardown(async () => {
await closeAllEditors();
await resetTestWorkspace();
test('Should load basic content from disk', async () => {
const startingContent = `load, init`;
const testDocument = await writeRandomFile({ ext: '.abc', contents: startingContent });
const listener = CustomEditorUpdateListener.create();
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.open, testDocument);
const { content } = await listener.nextResponse();
assert.equal(content, startingContent);
test('Should support basic edits', async () => {
const startingContent = `basic edit, init`;
const testDocument = await writeRandomFile({ ext: '.abc', contents: startingContent });
const listener = CustomEditorUpdateListener.create();
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.open, testDocument);
await listener.nextResponse();
const newContent = `basic edit test`;
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(Testing.abcEditorTypeCommand, newContent);
const { content } = await listener.nextResponse();
assert.equal(content, newContent);
test('Should support single undo', async () => {
const startingContent = `single undo, init`;
const testDocument = await writeRandomFile({ ext: '.abc', contents: startingContent });
const listener = CustomEditorUpdateListener.create();
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.open, testDocument);
await listener.nextResponse();
const newContent = `undo test`;
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(Testing.abcEditorTypeCommand, newContent);
const { content } = await listener.nextResponse();
assert.equal(content, newContent);
await delay(100);
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.undo);
const { content } = await listener.nextResponse();
assert.equal(content, startingContent);
test('Should support multiple undo', async () => {
const startingContent = `multiple undo, init`;
const testDocument = await writeRandomFile({ ext: '.abc', contents: startingContent });
const listener = CustomEditorUpdateListener.create();
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.open, testDocument);
await listener.nextResponse();
const count = 10;
// Make edits
for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(Testing.abcEditorTypeCommand, `${i}`);
const { content } = await listener.nextResponse();
assert.equal(`${i}`, content);
// Then undo them in order
for (let i = count - 1; i; --i) {
await delay(100);
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.undo);
const { content } = await listener.nextResponse();
assert.equal(`${i - 1}`, content);
await delay(100);
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.undo);
const { content } = await listener.nextResponse();
assert.equal(content, startingContent);
test('Should update custom editor on file move', async () => {
const startingContent = `file move, init`;
const testDocument = await writeRandomFile({ ext: '.abc', contents: startingContent });
const listener = CustomEditorUpdateListener.create();
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.open, testDocument);
await listener.nextResponse();
const newFileName = vscode.Uri.file(path.join(testWorkspaceRoot.fsPath, 'y.abc'));
const edit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit();
edit.renameFile(testDocument, newFileName);
await vscode.workspace.applyEdit(edit);
const response = (await listener.nextResponse());
assert.equal(response.content, startingContent);
assert.equal(response.source.toString(), newFileName.toString());
test('Should support saving custom editors', async () => {
const startingContent = `save, init`;
const testDocument = await writeRandomFile({ ext: '.abc', contents: startingContent });
const listener = CustomEditorUpdateListener.create();
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.open, testDocument);
await listener.nextResponse();
const newContent = `save, new`;
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(Testing.abcEditorTypeCommand, newContent);
const { content } = await listener.nextResponse();
assert.equal(content, newContent);
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.save);
const fileContent = (await fs.promises.readFile(testDocument.fsPath)).toString();
assert.equal(fileContent, newContent);
test('Should undo after saving custom editor', async () => {
const startingContent = `undo after save, init`;
const testDocument = await writeRandomFile({ ext: '.abc', contents: startingContent });
const listener = CustomEditorUpdateListener.create();
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.open, testDocument);
await listener.nextResponse();
const newContent = `undo after save, new`;
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(Testing.abcEditorTypeCommand, newContent);
const { content } = await listener.nextResponse();
assert.equal(content, newContent);
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.save);
const fileContent = (await fs.promises.readFile(testDocument.fsPath)).toString();
assert.equal(fileContent, newContent);
await delay(100);
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.undo);
const { content } = await listener.nextResponse();
assert.equal(content, startingContent);
test.skip('Should support untitled custom editors', async () => {
const listener = CustomEditorUpdateListener.create();
const untitledFile = randomFilePath({ root: testWorkspaceRoot, ext: '.abc' }).with({ scheme: 'untitled' });
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.open, untitledFile);
assert.equal((await listener.nextResponse()).content, '');
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(Testing.abcEditorTypeCommand, `123`);
assert.equal((await listener.nextResponse()).content, '123');
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.save);
const content = await fs.promises.readFile(untitledFile.fsPath);
assert.equal(content.toString(), '123');
test.skip('When switching away from a non-default custom editors and then back, we should continue using the non-default editor', async () => {
const startingContent = `switch, init`;
const testDocument = await writeRandomFile({ ext: '.abc', contents: startingContent });
const listener = CustomEditorUpdateListener.create();
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.open, testDocument, { preview: false });
const { content } = await listener.nextResponse();
assert.strictEqual(content, startingContent.toString());
// Switch to non-default editor
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.openWith, testDocument, 'default', { preview: false });
assert.strictEqual(vscode.window.activeTextEditor!?.document.uri.toString(), testDocument.toString());
// Then open a new document (hiding existing one)
const otherFile = vscode.Uri.file(path.join(testWorkspaceRoot.fsPath, 'other.json'));
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.open, otherFile);
assert.strictEqual(vscode.window.activeTextEditor!?.document.uri.toString(), otherFile.toString());
// And then back
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.navigateBack');
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.navigateBack');
// Make sure we have the file on as text
assert.strictEqual(vscode.window.activeTextEditor!?.document.uri.toString(), testDocument.toString());
test('Should release the text document when the editor is closed', async () => {
const startingContent = `release document init,`;
const testDocument = await writeRandomFile({ ext: '.abc', contents: startingContent });
const listener = CustomEditorUpdateListener.create();
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(commands.open, testDocument);
await listener.nextResponse();
const doc = vscode.workspace.textDocuments.find(x => x.uri.toString() === testDocument.toString());
await closeAllEditors();
await delay(100);
async function resetTestWorkspace() {
try {
await vscode.workspace.fs.delete(testWorkspaceRoot, { recursive: true });
} catch {
// ok if file doesn't exist
await vscode.workspace.fs.createDirectory(testWorkspaceRoot);