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synced 2025-02-17 17:39:19 +00:00
Modify the tsconfig.json in lib/vscode/src/build. This adds the flag skipLibCheck: true to tell TypeScript to not type-check the declaration files at build time. We need to add this because otherwise it checks the declaration files and reports an error of duplicate type definitions because we use Jest for our tests and they use Mocha and they both use the global namespace "test" in their .d.ts files.
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128 lines
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import { field, logger } from "@coder/logger"
import * as fs from "fs-extra"
import "leaked-handles"
import * as net from "net"
import * as path from "path"
import * as tls from "tls"
import { Emitter } from "../src/common/emitter"
import { SocketProxyProvider } from "../src/node/socket"
import { generateCertificate, tmpdir } from "../src/node/util"
describe("SocketProxyProvider", () => {
const provider = new SocketProxyProvider()
const onServerError = new Emitter<{ event: string; error: Error }>()
const onClientError = new Emitter<{ event: string; error: Error }>()
const onProxyError = new Emitter<{ event: string; error: Error }>()
const fromServerToClient = new Emitter<string>()
const fromClientToServer = new Emitter<string>()
const fromClientToProxy = new Emitter<Buffer>()
let errors = 0
let close = false
const onError = ({ event, error }: { event: string; error: Error }): void => {
if (!close || event === "error") {
logger.error(event, field("error", error.message))
let server: tls.TLSSocket
let proxy: net.Socket
let client: tls.TLSSocket
const getData = <T>(emitter: Emitter<T>): Promise<T> => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const d = emitter.event((t) => {
beforeAll(async () => {
const cert = await generateCertificate("localhost")
const options = {
cert: fs.readFileSync(cert.cert),
key: fs.readFileSync(cert.certKey),
rejectUnauthorized: false,
await fs.mkdirp(path.join(tmpdir, "tests"))
const socketPath = await provider.findFreeSocketPath(path.join(tmpdir, "tests/tls-socket-proxy"))
await fs.remove(socketPath)
return new Promise((_resolve) => {
const resolved: { [key: string]: boolean } = { client: false, server: false }
const resolve = (type: "client" | "server"): void => {
resolved[type] = true
if (resolved.client && resolved.server) {
// We don't need any more connections.
main.close() // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define
const main = tls
.createServer(options, (s) => {
server = s
.on("data", (d) => fromClientToServer.emit(d))
.on("error", (error) => onServerError.emit({ event: "error", error }))
.on("end", () => onServerError.emit({ event: "end", error: new Error("unexpected end") }))
.on("close", () => onServerError.emit({ event: "close", error: new Error("unexpected close") }))
.on("error", (error) => onServerError.emit({ event: "error", error }))
.on("end", () => onServerError.emit({ event: "end", error: new Error("unexpected end") }))
.on("close", () => onServerError.emit({ event: "close", error: new Error("unexpected close") }))
.listen(socketPath, () => {
client = tls
.connect({ ...options, path: socketPath })
.on("data", (d) => fromServerToClient.emit(d))
.on("error", (error) => onClientError.emit({ event: "error", error }))
.on("end", () => onClientError.emit({ event: "end", error: new Error("unexpected end") }))
.on("close", () => onClientError.emit({ event: "close", error: new Error("unexpected close") }))
.once("connect", () => resolve("client"))
it("should work without a proxy", async () => {
const dataFromServerToClient = await (await getData(fromServerToClient)).toString()
const dataFromClientToServer = await (await getData(fromClientToServer)).toString()
it("should work with a proxy", async () => {
expect(server instanceof tls.TLSSocket).toBe(true)
proxy = (await provider.createProxy(server))
.on("data", (d) => fromClientToProxy.emit(d))
.on("error", (error) => onProxyError.emit({ event: "error", error }))
.on("end", () => onProxyError.emit({ event: "end", error: new Error("unexpected end") }))
.on("close", () => onProxyError.emit({ event: "close", error: new Error("unexpected close") }))
provider.stop() // We don't need more proxies.
proxy.write("server proxy->client")
const dataFromServerToClient = await (await getData(fromServerToClient)).toString()
expect(dataFromServerToClient).toBe("server proxy->client")
client.write("client->server proxy")
const dataFromClientToProxy = await (await getData(fromClientToProxy)).toString()
expect(dataFromClientToProxy).toBe("client->server proxy")
it("should close", async () => {
close = true