{ "information_for_contributors": [ "This file has been converted from https://github.com/ionide/ionide-fsgrammar/blob/master/grammars/fsharp.json", "If you want to provide a fix or improvement, please create a pull request against the original repository.", "Once accepted there, we are happy to receive an update request." ], "version": "https://github.com/ionide/ionide-fsgrammar/commit/fc4cac6d9bc1787f54ce48bbc77bcbb1de8160ff", "name": "fsharp", "scopeName": "source.fsharp", "patterns": [ { "include": "#compiler_directives" }, { "include": "#comments" }, { "include": "#constants" }, { "include": "#strings" }, { "include": "#chars" }, { "include": "#double_tick" }, { "include": "#definition" }, { "include": "#abstract_definition" }, { "include": "#attributes" }, { "include": "#modules" }, { "include": "#anonymous_functions" }, { "include": "#du_declaration" }, { "include": "#record_declaration" }, { "include": "#records" }, { "include": "#strp_inlined" }, { "include": "#keywords" }, { 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"support.function.attribute.fsharp", "begin": "\\[\\<", "end": "\\>\\]|\\]", "patterns": [ { "include": "$self" } ] } ] }, "comments": { "patterns": [ { "name": "comment.block.markdown.fsharp", "begin": "^\\s*(\\(\\*\\*(?!\\)))(?!\\*\\))$", "while": "^(?!\\s*\\*\\)$)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "comment.block.fsharp" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "comment.block.fsharp" } }, "patterns": [ { "include": "text.html.markdown" } ] }, { "name": "comment.block.fsharp", "begin": "(\\(\\*(?!\\)))", "end": "(\\*\\))", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "comment.block.fsharp" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "comment.block.fsharp" } }, "patterns": [ { "comments": "Capture // when inside of (* *) like that the rule which capture comments starting by // is not trigger. See https://github.com/ionide/ionide-fsgrammar/issues/155", "name": "fast-capture.comment.line.double-slash.fsharp", "match": "//" }, { "include": "#comments" } ] }, { "name": "comment.block.markdown.fsharp.end", "match": "(\\*\\))", "captures": { "1": { "name": "comment.block.fsharp" } } }, { "name": "comment.line.markdown.fsharp", "begin": "///", "while": "///", "patterns": [ { "include": "text.html.markdown" } ] }, { "name": "comment.line.double-slash.fsharp", "match": "//.*$" } ] }, "constants": { "patterns": [ { "name": "constant.language.unit.fsharp", "match": "\\(\\)" }, { "name": "constant.numeric.float.fsharp", "match": "\\b-?[0-9][0-9_]*((\\.([0-9][0-9_]*([eE][+-]??[0-9][0-9_]*)?)?)|([eE][+-]??[0-9][0-9_]*))" }, { "name": "constant.numeric.integer.nativeint.fsharp", "match": "\\b(-?((0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*)|(0(o|O)[0-7][0-7_]*)|(0(b|B)[01][01_]*)|([0-9][0-9_]*)))" }, { "name": "constant.other.fsharp", "match": "\\b(true|false|null|unit|void)\\b" } ] }, 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"include": "#keywords" } ] }, "common_binding_definition": { "patterns": [ { "include": "#comments" }, { "include": "#attributes" }, { "comments": "SRTP syntax support", "begin": "(:)\\s*(\\()\\s*(static member|member)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp" }, "3": { "name": "keyword.fsharp" } }, "end": "(\\))\\s*((?=,)|(?=\\=))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp" } }, "patterns": [ { "match": "(\\^[[:alpha:]0-9'._]+)", "captures": { "1": { "name": "entity.name.type.fsharp" } } }, { "include": "#variables" }, { "include": "#keywords" } ] }, { "begin": "(:)\\s*(\\()", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp" } }, "end": "(\\)\\s*(([?[:alpha:]0-9'`^._ ]*)))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.type.fsharp" } }, "patterns": [ { "include": "#tuple_signature" } ] }, { "begin": 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"(\\*)\\s*(\\()", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp" } }, "end": "(\\)\\s*(([?[:alpha:]0-9'`^._ ]+))+)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.type.fsharp" } }, "patterns": [ { "include": "#tuple_signature" } ] }, { "begin": "(\\*)(\\s*([?[:alpha:]0-9'`^._ ]+))*", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.type.fsharp" } }, "end": "(?==)|(?=\\))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp" } }, "patterns": [ { "include": "#tuple_signature" } ] }, { "begin": "(<+(?![[:space:]]*\\)))", "beginComment": "The group (?![[:space:]]*\\) is for protection against overload operator. static member (<)", "end": "((?<!:)>|\\))", "endComment": "The group (?<!:) prevent us from stopping on :> when using SRTP synthax", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp" } }, "patterns": [ { "include": "#generic_declaration" } ] }, { "include": "#anonymous_record_declaration" }, { "begin": "({)", "end": "(})", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp" } }, "patterns": [ { "include": "#record_signature" } ] }, { "include": "#definition" }, { "include": "#variables" }, { "include": "#keywords" } ] }, "definition": { "patterns": [ { "name": "binding.fsharp", "begin": "\\b(let mutable|static let mutable|static let|let inline|let|member val|static member inline|static member|default|member|override|let!)(\\s+rec|mutable)?(\\s+\\[\\<.*\\>\\])?\\s*(private|internal|public)?\\s+(\\[[^-=]*\\]|[_[:alpha:]]([_[:alpha:]0-9\\._]+)*|``[_[:alpha:]]([_[:alpha:]0-9\\._`\\s]+|(?<=,)\\s)*)?", "end": "\\s*(with\\b|=|\\n+=|(?<=\\=))", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.fsharp" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.fsharp" }, "3": { "name": "support.function.attribute.fsharp" 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"support.function.attribute.fsharp" }, "4": { "name": "storage.modifier.fsharp" }, "5": { "name": "variable.fsharp" } }, "patterns": [ { "include": "#common_binding_definition" } ] }, { "name": "binding.fsharp", "begin": "\\b(new)\\b\\s+(\\()", "end": "(\\))", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.fsharp" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.fsharp" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.fsharp" } }, "patterns": [ { "include": "#common_binding_definition" } ] } ] }, "du_declaration": { "patterns": [ { "name": "du_declaration.fsharp", "begin": "\\b(of)\\b", "end": "$|(\\|)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.fsharp" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp" } }, "patterns": [ { "include": "#comments" }, { "match": "([[:alpha:]0-9'`<>^._]+|``[[:alpha:]0-9' <>^._]+``)\\s*(:)\\s*([[:alpha:]0-9'`<>^._]+|``[[:alpha:]0-9' <>^._]+``)", "captures": { "1": { "name": "variable.parameter.fsharp" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp" }, "3": { "name": "entity.name.type.fsharp" } } }, { "match": "(``([[:alpha:]0-9'^._ ]+)``|[[:alpha:]0-9'`^._]+)", "captures": { "1": { "name": "entity.name.type.fsharp" } } }, { "include": "#anonymous_record_declaration" }, { "include": "#keywords" } ] } ] }, "keywords": { "patterns": [ { "name": "storage.modifier", "match": "\\b(private|public|internal)\\b" }, { "name": "keyword.fsharp", "match": "\\b(private|to|public|internal|function|class|exception|delegate|of|as|begin|end|inherit|let!|interface|abstract|enum|member|and|when|or|use|use\\!|struct|mutable|assert|base|done|downcast|downto|extern|fixed|global|lazy|upcast|not)(?!')\\b" }, { "name": "keyword.control", "match": "\\b(match|yield|yield!|with|if|then|else|elif|for|in|return!|return|try|finally|while|do)(?!')\\b" }, { "name": "keyword.symbol.new", "match": "\\b(new)\\b" }, { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp", "match": "(&&&|\\|\\|\\||\\^\\^\\^|~~~|<<<|>>>|\\|>|\\->|\\<\\-|:>|:\\?>|:|\\[|\\]|\\;|<>|=|@|\\|\\||&&|{|}|\\||_|\\.\\.|\\,|\\+|\\-|\\*|\\/|\\^|\\!|\\>|\\>\\=|\\>\\>|\\<|\\<\\=|\\(|\\)|\\<\\<)" } ] }, "modules": { "patterns": [ { "name": "entity.name.section.fsharp", "begin": "\\b(namespace global)|\\b(namespace|module)\\s*(public|internal|private|rec)?\\s+([[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]0-9'_. ]*)", "end": "(\\s?=|\\s|$)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.fsharp" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.fsharp" }, "3": { "name": "storage.modifier.fsharp" }, "4": { "name": "entity.name.section.fsharp" } }, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.symbol.fsharp" } }, "patterns": [ { "name": "entity.name.section.fsharp", "match": "(\\.)([A-Z][[:alpha:]0-9'_]*)", "captures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.separator.namespace-reference.fsharp" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.fsharp" } } } ] }, { "name": "namespace.open.fsharp", "begin": "\\b(open)\\s+([[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]0-9'_]*)(?=(\\.[A-Z][[:alpha:]0-9_]*)*)", "end": "(\\s|$)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.fsharp" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.fsharp" } }, "patterns": [ { "name": "entity.name.section.fsharp", "match": "(\\.)([[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]0-9'_]*)", "captures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.separator.namespace-reference.fsharp" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.section.fsharp" } } }, { "include": "#comments" } ] }, { "name": "namespace.alias.fsharp", "begin": "^\\s*(module)\\s+([A-Z][[:alpha:]0-9'_]*)\\s*(=)\\s*([A-Z][[:alpha:]0-9'_]*)", "end": "(\\s|$)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.fsharp" }, "2": { "name": "entity.name.type.namespace.fsharp" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.separator.namespace-definition.fsharp" }, "4": { "name": "entity.name.section.fsharp" } }, "patterns": [ { "name": "entity.name.section.fsharp", "match": "(\\.)([A-Z][[:alpha:]0-9'_]*)", "captures": { "1": { "name": 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