/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import * as pathUtils from 'path'; const FILE_LINE_REGEX = /^(\S.*):$/; const RESULT_LINE_REGEX = /^(\s+)(\d+)(:| )(\s+)(.*)$/; const ELISION_REGEX = /⟪ ([0-9]+) characters skipped ⟫/g; const SEARCH_RESULT_SELECTOR = { language: 'search-result', exclusive: true }; const DIRECTIVES = ['# Query:', '# Flags:', '# Including:', '# Excluding:', '# ContextLines:']; const FLAGS = ['RegExp', 'CaseSensitive', 'IgnoreExcludeSettings', 'WordMatch']; let cachedLastParse: { version: number, parse: ParsedSearchResults, uri: vscode.Uri } | undefined; let documentChangeListener: vscode.Disposable | undefined; export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) { const contextLineDecorations = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({ opacity: '0.7' }); const matchLineDecorations = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({ fontWeight: 'bold' }); const decorate = (editor: vscode.TextEditor) => { const parsed = parseSearchResults(editor.document).filter(isResultLine); const contextRanges = parsed.filter(line => line.isContext).map(line => line.prefixRange); const matchRanges = parsed.filter(line => !line.isContext).map(line => line.prefixRange); editor.setDecorations(contextLineDecorations, contextRanges); editor.setDecorations(matchLineDecorations, matchRanges); }; if (vscode.window.activeTextEditor && vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.languageId === 'search-result') { decorate(vscode.window.activeTextEditor); } context.subscriptions.push( vscode.languages.registerDocumentSymbolProvider(SEARCH_RESULT_SELECTOR, { provideDocumentSymbols(document: vscode.TextDocument, token: vscode.CancellationToken): vscode.DocumentSymbol[] { const results = parseSearchResults(document, token) .filter(isFileLine) .map(line => new vscode.DocumentSymbol( line.path, '', vscode.SymbolKind.File, line.allLocations.map(({ originSelectionRange }) => originSelectionRange!).reduce((p, c) => p.union(c), line.location.originSelectionRange!), line.location.originSelectionRange!, )); return results; } }), vscode.languages.registerCompletionItemProvider(SEARCH_RESULT_SELECTOR, { provideCompletionItems(document: vscode.TextDocument, position: vscode.Position): vscode.CompletionItem[] { const line = document.lineAt(position.line); if (position.line > 3) { return []; } if (position.character === 0 || (position.character === 1 && line.text === '#')) { const header = Array.from({ length: DIRECTIVES.length }).map((_, i) => document.lineAt(i).text); return DIRECTIVES .filter(suggestion => header.every(line => line.indexOf(suggestion) === -1)) .map(flag => ({ label: flag, insertText: (flag.slice(position.character)) + ' ' })); } if (line.text.indexOf('# Flags:') === -1) { return []; } return FLAGS .filter(flag => line.text.indexOf(flag) === -1) .map(flag => ({ label: flag, insertText: flag + ' ' })); } }, '#'), vscode.languages.registerDefinitionProvider(SEARCH_RESULT_SELECTOR, { provideDefinition(document: vscode.TextDocument, position: vscode.Position, token: vscode.CancellationToken): vscode.DefinitionLink[] { const lineResult = parseSearchResults(document, token)[position.line]; if (!lineResult) { return []; } if (lineResult.type === 'file') { return lineResult.allLocations; } const location = lineResult.locations.find(l => l.originSelectionRange.contains(position)); if (!location) { return []; } const targetPos = new vscode.Position( location.targetSelectionRange.start.line, location.targetSelectionRange.start.character + (position.character - location.originSelectionRange.start.character) ); return [{ ...location, targetSelectionRange: new vscode.Range(targetPos, targetPos), }]; } }), vscode.languages.registerDocumentLinkProvider(SEARCH_RESULT_SELECTOR, { async provideDocumentLinks(document: vscode.TextDocument, token: vscode.CancellationToken): Promise { return parseSearchResults(document, token) .filter(isFileLine) .map(({ location }) => ({ range: location.originSelectionRange!, target: location.targetUri })); } }), vscode.window.onDidChangeActiveTextEditor(editor => { if (editor?.document.languageId === 'search-result') { // Clear the parse whenever we open a new editor. // Conservative because things like the URI might remain constant even if the contents change, and re-parsing even large files is relatively fast. cachedLastParse = undefined; documentChangeListener?.dispose(); documentChangeListener = vscode.workspace.onDidChangeTextDocument(doc => { if (doc.document.uri === editor.document.uri) { decorate(editor); } }); decorate(editor); } }), { dispose() { cachedLastParse = undefined; documentChangeListener?.dispose(); } } ); } function relativePathToUri(path: string, resultsUri: vscode.Uri): vscode.Uri | undefined { const userDataPrefix = '(Settings) '; if (path.startsWith(userDataPrefix)) { return vscode.Uri.file(path.slice(userDataPrefix.length)).with({ scheme: 'vscode-userdata' }); } if (pathUtils.isAbsolute(path)) { if (/^[\\\/]Untitled-\d*$/.test(path)) { return vscode.Uri.file(path.slice(1)).with({ scheme: 'untitled', path: path.slice(1) }); } return vscode.Uri.file(path); } if (path.indexOf('~/') === 0) { const homePath = process.env.HOME || process.env.HOMEPATH || ''; return vscode.Uri.file(pathUtils.join(homePath, path.slice(2))); } const uriFromFolderWithPath = (folder: vscode.WorkspaceFolder, path: string): vscode.Uri => vscode.Uri.joinPath(folder.uri, path); if (vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders) { const multiRootFormattedPath = /^(.*) • (.*)$/.exec(path); if (multiRootFormattedPath) { const [, workspaceName, workspacePath] = multiRootFormattedPath; const folder = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders.filter(wf => wf.name === workspaceName)[0]; if (folder) { return uriFromFolderWithPath(folder, workspacePath); } } else if (vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders.length === 1) { return uriFromFolderWithPath(vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0], path); } else if (resultsUri.scheme !== 'untitled') { // We're in a multi-root workspace, but the path is not multi-root formatted // Possibly a saved search from a single root session. Try checking if the search result document's URI is in a current workspace folder. const prefixMatch = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders.filter(wf => resultsUri.toString().startsWith(wf.uri.toString()))[0]; if (prefixMatch) { return uriFromFolderWithPath(prefixMatch, path); } } } console.error(`Unable to resolve path ${path}`); return undefined; } type ParsedSearchFileLine = { type: 'file', location: vscode.LocationLink, allLocations: vscode.LocationLink[], path: string }; type ParsedSearchResultLine = { type: 'result', locations: Required[], isContext: boolean, prefixRange: vscode.Range }; type ParsedSearchResults = Array; const isFileLine = (line: ParsedSearchResultLine | ParsedSearchFileLine): line is ParsedSearchFileLine => line.type === 'file'; const isResultLine = (line: ParsedSearchResultLine | ParsedSearchFileLine): line is ParsedSearchResultLine => line.type === 'result'; function parseSearchResults(document: vscode.TextDocument, token?: vscode.CancellationToken): ParsedSearchResults { if (cachedLastParse && cachedLastParse.uri === document.uri && cachedLastParse.version === document.version) { return cachedLastParse.parse; } const lines = document.getText().split(/\r?\n/); const links: ParsedSearchResults = []; let currentTarget: vscode.Uri | undefined = undefined; let currentTargetLocations: vscode.LocationLink[] | undefined = undefined; for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { // TODO: This is probably always false, given we're pegging the thread... if (token?.isCancellationRequested) { return []; } const line = lines[i]; const fileLine = FILE_LINE_REGEX.exec(line); if (fileLine) { const [, path] = fileLine; currentTarget = relativePathToUri(path, document.uri); if (!currentTarget) { continue; } currentTargetLocations = []; const location: vscode.LocationLink = { targetRange: new vscode.Range(0, 0, 0, 1), targetUri: currentTarget, originSelectionRange: new vscode.Range(i, 0, i, line.length), }; links[i] = { type: 'file', location, allLocations: currentTargetLocations, path }; } if (!currentTarget) { continue; } const resultLine = RESULT_LINE_REGEX.exec(line); if (resultLine) { const [, indentation, _lineNumber, seperator, resultIndentation] = resultLine; const lineNumber = +_lineNumber - 1; const resultStart = (indentation + _lineNumber + seperator + resultIndentation).length; const metadataOffset = (indentation + _lineNumber + seperator).length; const targetRange = new vscode.Range(Math.max(lineNumber - 3, 0), 0, lineNumber + 3, line.length); let locations: Required[] = []; // Allow line number, indentation, etc to take you to definition as well. locations.push({ targetRange, targetSelectionRange: new vscode.Range(lineNumber, 0, lineNumber, 1), targetUri: currentTarget, originSelectionRange: new vscode.Range(i, 0, i, resultStart), }); let lastEnd = resultStart; let offset = 0; ELISION_REGEX.lastIndex = resultStart; for (let match: RegExpExecArray | null; (match = ELISION_REGEX.exec(line));) { locations.push({ targetRange, targetSelectionRange: new vscode.Range(lineNumber, offset, lineNumber, offset), targetUri: currentTarget, originSelectionRange: new vscode.Range(i, lastEnd, i, ELISION_REGEX.lastIndex - match[0].length), }); offset += (ELISION_REGEX.lastIndex - lastEnd - match[0].length) + Number(match[1]); lastEnd = ELISION_REGEX.lastIndex; } if (lastEnd < line.length) { locations.push({ targetRange, targetSelectionRange: new vscode.Range(lineNumber, offset, lineNumber, offset), targetUri: currentTarget, originSelectionRange: new vscode.Range(i, lastEnd, i, line.length), }); } currentTargetLocations?.push(...locations); links[i] = { type: 'result', locations, isContext: seperator === ' ', prefixRange: new vscode.Range(i, 0, i, metadataOffset) }; } } cachedLastParse = { version: document.version, parse: links, uri: document.uri }; return links; }