import { ReadWriteConnection, InitData, OperatingSystem, ISharedProcessData } from "../common/connection"; import { NewEvalMessage, ServerMessage, EvalDoneMessage, EvalFailedMessage, TypedValue, ClientMessage, NewSessionMessage, TTYDimensions, SessionOutputMessage, CloseSessionInputMessage, WorkingInitMessage, NewConnectionMessage } from "../proto"; import { Emitter, Event } from "@coder/events"; import { logger, field } from "@coder/logger"; import { ChildProcess, SpawnOptions, ServerProcess, ServerSocket, Socket } from "./command"; /** * Client accepts an arbitrary connection intended to communicate with the Server. */ export class Client { private evalId: number = 0; private evalDoneEmitter: Emitter = new Emitter(); private evalFailedEmitter: Emitter = new Emitter(); private sessionId: number = 0; private readonly sessions: Map = new Map(); private connectionId: number = 0; private readonly connections: Map = new Map(); private _initData: InitData | undefined; private initDataEmitter = new Emitter(); private initDataPromise: Promise; private sharedProcessActiveEmitter = new Emitter(); /** * @param connection Established connection to the server */ public constructor( private readonly connection: ReadWriteConnection, ) { connection.onMessage((data) => { try { this.handleMessage(ServerMessage.deserializeBinary(data)); } catch (ex) { logger.error("Failed to handle server message", field("length", data.byteLength), field("exception", ex)); } }); this.initDataPromise = new Promise((resolve): void => { this.initDataEmitter.event(resolve); }); } public get initData(): Promise { return this.initDataPromise; } public get onSharedProcessActive(): Event { return this.sharedProcessActiveEmitter.event; } public evaluate(func: () => R | Promise): Promise; public evaluate(func: (a1: T1) => R | Promise, a1: T1): Promise; public evaluate(func: (a1: T1, a2: T2) => R | Promise, a1: T1, a2: T2): Promise; public evaluate(func: (a1: T1, a2: T2, a3: T3) => R | Promise, a1: T1, a2: T2, a3: T3): Promise; public evaluate(func: (a1: T1, a2: T2, a3: T3, a4: T4) => R | Promise, a1: T1, a2: T2, a3: T3, a4: T4): Promise; public evaluate(func: (a1: T1, a2: T2, a3: T3, a4: T4, a5: T5) => R | Promise, a1: T1, a2: T2, a3: T3, a4: T4, a5: T5): Promise; public evaluate(func: (a1: T1, a2: T2, a3: T3, a4: T4, a5: T5, a6: T6) => R | Promise, a1: T1, a2: T2, a3: T3, a4: T4, a5: T5, a6: T6): Promise; /** * Evaluates a function on the server. * To pass variables, ensure they are serializable and passed through the included function. * @example * const returned = await this.client.evaluate((value) => { * return value; * }, "hi"); * console.log(returned); * // output: "hi" * @param func Function to evaluate * @returns Promise rejected or resolved from the evaluated function */ public evaluate(func: (a1?: T1, a2?: T2, a3?: T3, a4?: T4, a5?: T5, a6?: T6) => R | Promise, a1?: T1, a2?: T2, a3?: T3, a4?: T4, a5?: T5, a6?: T6): Promise { const newEval = new NewEvalMessage(); const id = this.evalId++; newEval.setId(id); newEval.setArgsList([a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6].filter(a => a).map(a => JSON.stringify(a))); newEval.setFunction(func.toString()); const clientMsg = new ClientMessage(); clientMsg.setNewEval(newEval); this.connection.send(clientMsg.serializeBinary()); let res: (value?: R) => void; let rej: (err?: Error) => void; const prom = new Promise((r, e): void => { res = r; rej = e; }); const d1 = this.evalDoneEmitter.event((doneMsg) => { if (doneMsg.getId() === id) { d1.dispose(); d2.dispose(); const resp = doneMsg.getResponse(); if (!resp) { res(); return; } const rt = resp.getType(); // tslint:disable-next-line let val: any; switch (rt) { case TypedValue.Type.BOOLEAN: val = resp.getValue() === "true"; break; case TypedValue.Type.NUMBER: val = parseInt(resp.getValue(), 10); break; case TypedValue.Type.OBJECT: val = JSON.parse(resp.getValue()); break; case TypedValue.Type.STRING: val = resp.getValue(); break; default: throw new Error(`unsupported typed value ${rt}`); } res(val); } }); const d2 = this.evalFailedEmitter.event((failedMsg) => { if (failedMsg.getId() === id) { d1.dispose(); d2.dispose(); rej(new Error(failedMsg.getMessage())); } }); return prom; } /** * Spawns a process from a command. _Somewhat_ reflects the "child_process" API. * @example * const cp = this.client.spawn("echo", ["test"]); * cp.stdout.on("data", (data) => console.log(data.toString())); * cp.on("exit", (code) => console.log("exited with", code)); * @param args Arguments * @param options Options to execute for the command */ public spawn(command: string, args: string[] = [], options?: SpawnOptions): ChildProcess { return this.doSpawn(command, args, options, false); } /** * Fork a module. * @param modulePath Path of the module * @param args Args to add for the module * @param options Options to execute */ public fork(modulePath: string, args: string[] = [], options?: SpawnOptions): ChildProcess { return this.doSpawn(modulePath, args, options, true); } /** * VS Code specific. * Forks a module from bootstrap-fork * @param modulePath Path of the module */ public bootstrapFork(modulePath: string): ChildProcess { return this.doSpawn(modulePath, [], undefined, true, true); } public createConnection(path: string, callback?: () => void): Socket; public createConnection(port: number, callback?: () => void): Socket; public createConnection(target: string | number, callback?: () => void): Socket { const id = this.connectionId++; const newCon = new NewConnectionMessage(); newCon.setId(id); if (typeof target === "string") { newCon.setPath(target); } else { newCon.setPort(target); } const clientMsg = new ClientMessage(); clientMsg.setNewConnection(newCon); this.connection.send(clientMsg.serializeBinary()); const socket = new ServerSocket(this.connection, id, callback); this.connections.set(id, socket); return socket; } private doSpawn(command: string, args: string[] = [], options?: SpawnOptions, isFork: boolean = false, isBootstrapFork: boolean = true): ChildProcess { const id = this.sessionId++; const newSess = new NewSessionMessage(); newSess.setId(id); newSess.setCommand(command); newSess.setArgsList(args); newSess.setIsFork(isFork); newSess.setIsBootstrapFork(isBootstrapFork); if (options) { if (options.cwd) { newSess.setCwd(options.cwd); } if (options.env) { Object.keys(options.env).forEach((envKey) => { newSess.getEnvMap().set(envKey, options.env![envKey]); }); } if (options.tty) { const tty = new TTYDimensions(); tty.setHeight(options.tty.rows); tty.setWidth(options.tty.columns); newSess.setTtyDimensions(tty); } } const clientMsg = new ClientMessage(); clientMsg.setNewSession(newSess); this.connection.send(clientMsg.serializeBinary()); const serverProc = new ServerProcess(this.connection, id, options ? options.tty !== undefined : false); serverProc.stdin.on("close", () => { const c = new CloseSessionInputMessage(); c.setId(id); const cm = new ClientMessage(); cm.setCloseSessionInput(c); this.connection.send(cm.serializeBinary()); }); this.sessions.set(id, serverProc); return serverProc; } /** * Handles a message from the server. All incoming server messages should be * routed through here. */ private handleMessage(message: ServerMessage): void { if (message.hasInit()) { const init = message.getInit()!; let opSys: OperatingSystem; switch (init.getOperatingSystem()) { case WorkingInitMessage.OperatingSystem.WINDOWS: opSys = OperatingSystem.Windows; break; case WorkingInitMessage.OperatingSystem.LINUX: opSys = OperatingSystem.Linux; break; case WorkingInitMessage.OperatingSystem.MAC: opSys = OperatingSystem.Mac; break; default: throw new Error(`unsupported operating system ${init.getOperatingSystem()}`); } this._initData = { dataDirectory: init.getDataDirectory(), homeDirectory: init.getHomeDirectory(), tmpDirectory: init.getTmpDirectory(), workingDirectory: init.getWorkingDirectory(), os: opSys, }; this.initDataEmitter.emit(this._initData); } else if (message.hasEvalDone()) { this.evalDoneEmitter.emit(message.getEvalDone()!); } else if (message.hasEvalFailed()) { this.evalFailedEmitter.emit(message.getEvalFailed()!); } else if (message.hasNewSessionFailure()) { const s = this.sessions.get(message.getNewSessionFailure()!.getId()); if (!s) { return; } s.emit("error", new Error(message.getNewSessionFailure()!.getMessage())); this.sessions.delete(message.getNewSessionFailure()!.getId()); } else if (message.hasSessionDone()) { const s = this.sessions.get(message.getSessionDone()!.getId()); if (!s) { return; } s.emit("exit", message.getSessionDone()!.getExitStatus()); this.sessions.delete(message.getSessionDone()!.getId()); } else if (message.hasSessionOutput()) { const output = message.getSessionOutput()!; const s = this.sessions.get(output.getId()); if (!s) { return; } const data = new TextDecoder().decode(output.getData_asU8()); const stream = output.getFd() === SessionOutputMessage.FD.STDOUT ? s.stdout : s.stderr; stream.emit("data", data); } else if (message.hasIdentifySession()) { const s = this.sessions.get(message.getIdentifySession()!.getId()); if (!s) { return; } = message.getIdentifySession()!.getPid(); } else if (message.hasConnectionEstablished()) { const c = this.connections.get(message.getConnectionEstablished()!.getId()); if (!c) { return; } c.emit("connect"); } else if (message.hasConnectionOutput()) { const c = this.connections.get(message.getConnectionOutput()!.getId()); if (!c) { return; } c.emit("data", Buffer.from(message.getConnectionOutput()!.getData_asU8())); } else if (message.hasConnectionClose()) { const c = this.connections.get(message.getConnectionClose()!.getId()); if (!c) { return; } c.emit("close"); c.emit("end"); this.connections.delete(message.getConnectionClose()!.getId()); } else if (message.hasConnectionFailure()) { const c = this.connections.get(message.getConnectionFailure()!.getId()); if (!c) { return; } c.emit("end"); this.connections.delete(message.getConnectionFailure()!.getId()); } else if (message.hasSharedProcessActive()) { this.sharedProcessActiveEmitter.emit({ socketPath: message.getSharedProcessActive()!.getSocketPath(), }); } } }