/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { localize } from 'vs/nls'; import { Registry } from 'vs/platform/registry/common/platform'; import { KeybindingsRegistry, KeybindingWeight } from 'vs/platform/keybinding/common/keybindingsRegistry'; import { ICommandHandler, CommandsRegistry } from 'vs/platform/commands/common/commands'; import { SyncActionDescriptor, MenuRegistry, MenuId, ICommandAction } from 'vs/platform/actions/common/actions'; import { IInstantiationService } from 'vs/platform/instantiation/common/instantiation'; import { IDisposable, DisposableStore } from 'vs/base/common/lifecycle'; import { ILifecycleService, LifecyclePhase } from 'vs/workbench/services/lifecycle/common/lifecycle'; import { INotificationService } from 'vs/platform/notification/common/notification'; import { ContextKeyExpr, ContextKeyExpression } from 'vs/platform/contextkey/common/contextkey'; export const Extensions = { WorkbenchActions: 'workbench.contributions.actions' }; export interface IWorkbenchActionRegistry { /** * Registers a workbench action to the platform. Workbench actions are not * visible by default and can only be invoked through a keybinding if provided. * @deprecated Register directly with KeybindingsRegistry and MenuRegistry or use registerAction2 instead. */ registerWorkbenchAction(descriptor: SyncActionDescriptor, alias: string, category?: string, when?: ContextKeyExpr): IDisposable; } Registry.add(Extensions.WorkbenchActions, new class implements IWorkbenchActionRegistry { registerWorkbenchAction(descriptor: SyncActionDescriptor, alias: string, category?: string, when?: ContextKeyExpression): IDisposable { return this.registerWorkbenchCommandFromAction(descriptor, alias, category, when); } private registerWorkbenchCommandFromAction(descriptor: SyncActionDescriptor, alias: string, category?: string, when?: ContextKeyExpression): IDisposable { const registrations = new DisposableStore(); // command registrations.add(CommandsRegistry.registerCommand(descriptor.id, this.createCommandHandler(descriptor))); // keybinding const weight = (typeof descriptor.keybindingWeight === 'undefined' ? KeybindingWeight.WorkbenchContrib : descriptor.keybindingWeight); const keybindings = descriptor.keybindings; KeybindingsRegistry.registerKeybindingRule({ id: descriptor.id, weight: weight, when: descriptor.keybindingContext && when ? ContextKeyExpr.and(descriptor.keybindingContext, when) : descriptor.keybindingContext || when || null, primary: keybindings ? keybindings.primary : 0, secondary: keybindings?.secondary, win: keybindings?.win, mac: keybindings?.mac, linux: keybindings?.linux }); // menu item // TODO@Rob slightly weird if-check required because of // https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/blob/master/src/vs/workbench/contrib/search/electron-browser/search.contribution.ts#L266 if (descriptor.label) { let idx = alias.indexOf(': '); let categoryOriginal = ''; if (idx > 0) { categoryOriginal = alias.substr(0, idx); alias = alias.substr(idx + 2); } const command: ICommandAction = { id: descriptor.id, title: { value: descriptor.label, original: alias }, category: category ? { value: category, original: categoryOriginal } : undefined }; MenuRegistry.addCommand(command); registrations.add(MenuRegistry.appendMenuItem(MenuId.CommandPalette, { command, when })); } // TODO@alex,joh // support removal of keybinding rule // support removal of command-ui return registrations; } private createCommandHandler(descriptor: SyncActionDescriptor): ICommandHandler { return async (accessor, args) => { const notificationService = accessor.get(INotificationService); const instantiationService = accessor.get(IInstantiationService); const lifecycleService = accessor.get(ILifecycleService); try { await this.triggerAndDisposeAction(instantiationService, lifecycleService, descriptor, args); } catch (error) { notificationService.error(error); } }; } private async triggerAndDisposeAction(instantiationService: IInstantiationService, lifecycleService: ILifecycleService, descriptor: SyncActionDescriptor, args: unknown): Promise { // run action when workbench is created await lifecycleService.when(LifecyclePhase.Ready); const actionInstance = instantiationService.createInstance(descriptor.syncDescriptor); actionInstance.label = descriptor.label || actionInstance.label; // don't run the action when not enabled if (!actionInstance.enabled) { actionInstance.dispose(); return; } // otherwise run and dispose try { const from = (args as any)?.from || 'keybinding'; await actionInstance.run(undefined, { from }); } finally { actionInstance.dispose(); } } }); export const CATEGORIES = { View: { value: localize('view', "View"), original: 'View' }, Help: { value: localize('help', "Help"), original: 'Help' }, Developer: { value: localize({ key: 'developer', comment: ['A developer on Code itself or someone diagnosing issues in Code'] }, "Developer"), original: 'Developer' } };