/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { getSettings } from './settings'; const codeLineClass = 'code-line'; function clamp(min: number, max: number, value: number) { return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, value)); } function clampLine(line: number) { return clamp(0, getSettings().lineCount - 1, line); } export interface CodeLineElement { element: HTMLElement; line: number; } const getCodeLineElements = (() => { let elements: CodeLineElement[]; return () => { if (!elements) { elements = [{ element: document.body, line: 0 }]; for (const element of document.getElementsByClassName(codeLineClass)) { const line = +element.getAttribute('data-line')!; if (isNaN(line)) { continue; } if (element.tagName === 'CODE' && element.parentElement && element.parentElement.tagName === 'PRE') { // Fenched code blocks are a special case since the `code-line` can only be marked on // the `<code>` element and not the parent `<pre>` element. elements.push({ element: element.parentElement as HTMLElement, line }); } else { elements.push({ element: element as HTMLElement, line }); } } } return elements; }; })(); /** * Find the html elements that map to a specific target line in the editor. * * If an exact match, returns a single element. If the line is between elements, * returns the element prior to and the element after the given line. */ export function getElementsForSourceLine(targetLine: number): { previous: CodeLineElement; next?: CodeLineElement; } { const lineNumber = Math.floor(targetLine); const lines = getCodeLineElements(); let previous = lines[0] || null; for (const entry of lines) { if (entry.line === lineNumber) { return { previous: entry, next: undefined }; } else if (entry.line > lineNumber) { return { previous, next: entry }; } previous = entry; } return { previous }; } /** * Find the html elements that are at a specific pixel offset on the page. */ export function getLineElementsAtPageOffset(offset: number): { previous: CodeLineElement; next?: CodeLineElement; } { const lines = getCodeLineElements(); const position = offset - window.scrollY; let lo = -1; let hi = lines.length - 1; while (lo + 1 < hi) { const mid = Math.floor((lo + hi) / 2); const bounds = getElementBounds(lines[mid]); if (bounds.top + bounds.height >= position) { hi = mid; } else { lo = mid; } } const hiElement = lines[hi]; const hiBounds = getElementBounds(hiElement); if (hi >= 1 && hiBounds.top > position) { const loElement = lines[lo]; return { previous: loElement, next: hiElement }; } if (hi > 1 && hi < lines.length && hiBounds.top + hiBounds.height > position) { return { previous: hiElement, next: lines[hi + 1] }; } return { previous: hiElement }; } function getElementBounds({ element }: CodeLineElement): { top: number, height: number } { const myBounds = element.getBoundingClientRect(); // Some code line elements may contain other code line elements. // In those cases, only take the height up to that child. const codeLineChild = element.querySelector(`.${codeLineClass}`); if (codeLineChild) { const childBounds = codeLineChild.getBoundingClientRect(); const height = Math.max(1, (childBounds.top - myBounds.top)); return { top: myBounds.top, height: height }; } return myBounds; } /** * Attempt to reveal the element for a source line in the editor. */ export function scrollToRevealSourceLine(line: number) { if (!getSettings().scrollPreviewWithEditor) { return; } if (line <= 0) { window.scroll(window.scrollX, 0); return; } const { previous, next } = getElementsForSourceLine(line); if (!previous) { return; } let scrollTo = 0; const rect = getElementBounds(previous); const previousTop = rect.top; if (next && next.line !== previous.line) { // Between two elements. Go to percentage offset between them. const betweenProgress = (line - previous.line) / (next.line - previous.line); const elementOffset = next.element.getBoundingClientRect().top - previousTop; scrollTo = previousTop + betweenProgress * elementOffset; } else { const progressInElement = line - Math.floor(line); scrollTo = previousTop + (rect.height * progressInElement); } scrollTo = Math.abs(scrollTo) < 1 ? Math.sign(scrollTo) : scrollTo; window.scroll(window.scrollX, Math.max(1, window.scrollY + scrollTo)); } export function getEditorLineNumberForPageOffset(offset: number) { const { previous, next } = getLineElementsAtPageOffset(offset); if (previous) { const previousBounds = getElementBounds(previous); const offsetFromPrevious = (offset - window.scrollY - previousBounds.top); if (next) { const progressBetweenElements = offsetFromPrevious / (getElementBounds(next).top - previousBounds.top); const line = previous.line + progressBetweenElements * (next.line - previous.line); return clampLine(line); } else { const progressWithinElement = offsetFromPrevious / (previousBounds.height); const line = previous.line + progressWithinElement; return clampLine(line); } } return null; } /** * Try to find the html element by using a fragment id */ export function getLineElementForFragment(fragment: string): CodeLineElement | undefined { return getCodeLineElements().find((element) => { return element.element.id === fragment; }); }