/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as es from 'event-stream'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as glob from 'glob'; import * as gulp from 'gulp'; import * as path from 'path'; import { Stream } from 'stream'; import * as File from 'vinyl'; import * as vsce from 'vsce'; import { createStatsStream } from './stats'; import * as util2 from './util'; import remote = require('gulp-remote-retry-src'); const vzip = require('gulp-vinyl-zip'); import filter = require('gulp-filter'); import rename = require('gulp-rename'); import * as fancyLog from 'fancy-log'; import * as ansiColors from 'ansi-colors'; const buffer = require('gulp-buffer'); import json = require('gulp-json-editor'); import * as jsoncParser from 'jsonc-parser'; const webpack = require('webpack'); const webpackGulp = require('webpack-stream'); const util = require('./util'); const root = path.dirname(path.dirname(__dirname)); const commit = util.getVersion(root); const sourceMappingURLBase = `https://ticino.blob.core.windows.net/sourcemaps/${commit}`; function minifyExtensionResources(input: Stream): Stream { const jsonFilter = filter(['**/*.json', '**/*.code-snippets'], { restore: true }); return input .pipe(jsonFilter) .pipe(buffer()) .pipe(es.mapSync((f: File) => { const errors: jsoncParser.ParseError[] = []; const value = jsoncParser.parse(f.contents.toString('utf8'), errors); if (errors.length === 0) { // file parsed OK => just stringify to drop whitespace and comments f.contents = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(value)); } return f; })) .pipe(jsonFilter.restore); } function updateExtensionPackageJSON(input: Stream, update: (data: any) => any): Stream { const packageJsonFilter = filter('extensions/*/package.json', { restore: true }); return input .pipe(packageJsonFilter) .pipe(buffer()) .pipe(es.mapSync((f: File) => { const data = JSON.parse(f.contents.toString('utf8')); f.contents = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(update(data))); return f; })) .pipe(packageJsonFilter.restore); } function fromLocal(extensionPath: string, forWeb: boolean): Stream { const webpackConfigFileName = forWeb ? 'extension-browser.webpack.config.js' : 'extension.webpack.config.js'; const isWebPacked = fs.existsSync(path.join(extensionPath, webpackConfigFileName)); let input = isWebPacked ? fromLocalWebpack(extensionPath, webpackConfigFileName) : fromLocalNormal(extensionPath); if (isWebPacked) { input = updateExtensionPackageJSON(input, (data: any) => { delete data.scripts; // https://github.com/cdr/code-server/pull/2041#issuecomment-685910322 delete data.devDependencies; if (data.main) { data.main = data.main.replace('/out/', /dist/); } return data; }); } return input; } function fromLocalWebpack(extensionPath: string, webpackConfigFileName: string): Stream { const result = es.through(); const packagedDependencies: string[] = []; const packageJsonConfig = require(path.join(extensionPath, 'package.json')); if (packageJsonConfig.dependencies) { const webpackRootConfig = require(path.join(extensionPath, webpackConfigFileName)); for (const key in webpackRootConfig.externals) { if (key in packageJsonConfig.dependencies) { packagedDependencies.push(key); } } } vsce.listFiles({ cwd: extensionPath, packageManager: vsce.PackageManager.Yarn, packagedDependencies }).then(fileNames => { const files = fileNames .map(fileName => path.join(extensionPath, fileName)) .map(filePath => new File({ path: filePath, stat: fs.statSync(filePath), base: extensionPath, contents: fs.createReadStream(filePath) as any })); // check for a webpack configuration files, then invoke webpack // and merge its output with the files stream. const webpackConfigLocations = (glob.sync( path.join(extensionPath, '**', webpackConfigFileName), { ignore: ['**/node_modules'] } )); const webpackStreams = webpackConfigLocations.map(webpackConfigPath => { const webpackDone = (err: any, stats: any) => { fancyLog(`Bundled extension: ${ansiColors.yellow(path.join(path.basename(extensionPath), path.relative(extensionPath, webpackConfigPath)))}...`); if (err) { result.emit('error', err); } const { compilation } = stats; if (compilation.errors.length > 0) { result.emit('error', compilation.errors.join('\n')); } if (compilation.warnings.length > 0) { result.emit('error', compilation.warnings.join('\n')); } }; const webpackConfig = { ...require(webpackConfigPath), ...{ mode: 'production' } }; const relativeOutputPath = path.relative(extensionPath, webpackConfig.output.path); return webpackGulp(webpackConfig, webpack, webpackDone) .pipe(es.through(function (data) { data.stat = data.stat || {}; data.base = extensionPath; this.emit('data', data); })) .pipe(es.through(function (data: File) { // source map handling: // * rewrite sourceMappingURL // * save to disk so that upload-task picks this up const contents = (data.contents).toString('utf8'); data.contents = Buffer.from(contents.replace(/\n\/\/# sourceMappingURL=(.*)$/gm, function (_m, g1) { return `\n//# sourceMappingURL=${sourceMappingURLBase}/extensions/${path.basename(extensionPath)}/${relativeOutputPath}/${g1}`; }), 'utf8'); this.emit('data', data); })); }); es.merge(...webpackStreams, es.readArray(files)) // .pipe(es.through(function (data) { // // debug // console.log('out', data.path, data.contents.length); // this.emit('data', data); // })) .pipe(result); }).catch(err => { console.error(extensionPath); console.error(packagedDependencies); result.emit('error', err); }); return result.pipe(createStatsStream(path.basename(extensionPath))); } function fromLocalNormal(extensionPath: string): Stream { const result = es.through(); vsce.listFiles({ cwd: extensionPath, packageManager: vsce.PackageManager.Yarn }) .then(fileNames => { const files = fileNames .map(fileName => path.join(extensionPath, fileName)) .map(filePath => new File({ path: filePath, stat: fs.statSync(filePath), base: extensionPath, contents: fs.createReadStream(filePath) as any })); es.readArray(files).pipe(result); }) .catch(err => result.emit('error', err)); return result.pipe(createStatsStream(path.basename(extensionPath))); } const baseHeaders = { 'X-Market-Client-Id': 'VSCode Build', 'User-Agent': 'VSCode Build', 'X-Market-User-Id': '291C1CD0-051A-4123-9B4B-30D60EF52EE2', }; export function fromMarketplace(extensionName: string, version: string, metadata: any): Stream { const [publisher, name] = extensionName.split('.'); const url = `https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/_apis/public/gallery/publishers/${publisher}/vsextensions/${name}/${version}/vspackage`; fancyLog('Downloading extension:', ansiColors.yellow(`${extensionName}@${version}`), '...'); const options = { base: url, requestOptions: { gzip: true, headers: baseHeaders } }; const packageJsonFilter = filter('package.json', { restore: true }); return remote('', options) .pipe(vzip.src()) .pipe(filter('extension/**')) .pipe(rename(p => p.dirname = p.dirname!.replace(/^extension\/?/, ''))) .pipe(packageJsonFilter) .pipe(buffer()) .pipe(json({ __metadata: metadata })) .pipe(packageJsonFilter.restore); } const excludedExtensions = [ 'vscode-api-tests', 'vscode-colorize-tests', 'vscode-test-resolver', 'ms-vscode.node-debug', 'ms-vscode.node-debug2', 'vscode-notebook-tests', 'vscode-custom-editor-tests', ]; const marketplaceWebExtensions = [ 'ms-vscode.references-view' ]; interface IBuiltInExtension { name: string; version: string; repo: string; metadata: any; } const productJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../../product.json'), 'utf8')); const builtInExtensions: IBuiltInExtension[] = productJson.builtInExtensions || []; const webBuiltInExtensions: IBuiltInExtension[] = productJson.webBuiltInExtensions || []; type ExtensionKind = 'ui' | 'workspace' | 'web'; interface IExtensionManifest { main: string; browser: string; extensionKind?: ExtensionKind | ExtensionKind[]; } /** * Loosely based on `getExtensionKind` from `src/vs/workbench/services/extensions/common/extensionsUtil.ts` */ function isWebExtension(manifest: IExtensionManifest): boolean { if (typeof manifest.extensionKind !== 'undefined') { const extensionKind = Array.isArray(manifest.extensionKind) ? manifest.extensionKind : [manifest.extensionKind]; return (extensionKind.indexOf('web') >= 0); } return (!Boolean(manifest.main) || Boolean(manifest.browser)); } export function packageLocalExtensionsStream(forWeb: boolean): Stream { const localExtensionsDescriptions = ( (glob.sync('extensions/*/package.json')) .map(manifestPath => { const absoluteManifestPath = path.join(root, manifestPath); const extensionPath = path.dirname(path.join(root, manifestPath)); const extensionName = path.basename(extensionPath); return { name: extensionName, path: extensionPath, manifestPath: absoluteManifestPath }; }) .filter(({ name }) => excludedExtensions.indexOf(name) === -1) .filter(({ name }) => builtInExtensions.every(b => b.name !== name)) .filter(({ manifestPath }) => (forWeb ? isWebExtension(require(manifestPath)) : true)) ); const localExtensionsStream = minifyExtensionResources( es.merge( ...localExtensionsDescriptions.map(extension => { return fromLocal(extension.path, forWeb) .pipe(rename(p => p.dirname = `extensions/${extension.name}/${p.dirname}`)); }) ) ); let result: Stream; if (forWeb) { result = localExtensionsStream; } else { // also include shared node modules result = es.merge(localExtensionsStream, gulp.src('extensions/node_modules/**', { base: '.' })); } return ( result .pipe(util2.setExecutableBit(['**/*.sh'])) ); } export function packageMarketplaceExtensionsStream(forWeb: boolean): Stream { const marketplaceExtensionsDescriptions = [ ...builtInExtensions.filter(({ name }) => (forWeb ? marketplaceWebExtensions.indexOf(name) >= 0 : true)), ...(forWeb ? webBuiltInExtensions : []) ]; const marketplaceExtensionsStream = minifyExtensionResources( es.merge( ...marketplaceExtensionsDescriptions .map(extension => { const input = fromMarketplace(extension.name, extension.version, extension.metadata) .pipe(rename(p => p.dirname = `extensions/${extension.name}/${p.dirname}`)); return updateExtensionPackageJSON(input, (data: any) => { delete data.scripts; delete data.dependencies; delete data.devDependencies; return data; }); }) ) ); return ( marketplaceExtensionsStream .pipe(util2.setExecutableBit(['**/*.sh'])) ); } export interface IScannedBuiltinExtension { extensionPath: string; packageJSON: any; packageNLS?: any; readmePath?: string; changelogPath?: string; } export function scanBuiltinExtensions(extensionsRoot: string, exclude: string[] = []): IScannedBuiltinExtension[] { const scannedExtensions: IScannedBuiltinExtension[] = []; try { const extensionsFolders = fs.readdirSync(extensionsRoot); for (const extensionFolder of extensionsFolders) { if (exclude.indexOf(extensionFolder) >= 0) { continue; } const packageJSONPath = path.join(extensionsRoot, extensionFolder, 'package.json'); if (!fs.existsSync(packageJSONPath)) { continue; } let packageJSON = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJSONPath).toString('utf8')); if (!isWebExtension(packageJSON)) { continue; } const children = fs.readdirSync(path.join(extensionsRoot, extensionFolder)); const packageNLSPath = children.filter(child => child === 'package.nls.json')[0]; const packageNLS = packageNLSPath ? JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(extensionsRoot, extensionFolder, packageNLSPath)).toString()) : undefined; const readme = children.filter(child => /^readme(\.txt|\.md|)$/i.test(child))[0]; const changelog = children.filter(child => /^changelog(\.txt|\.md|)$/i.test(child))[0]; scannedExtensions.push({ extensionPath: extensionFolder, packageJSON, packageNLS, readmePath: readme ? path.join(extensionFolder, readme) : undefined, changelogPath: changelog ? path.join(extensionFolder, changelog) : undefined, }); } return scannedExtensions; } catch (ex) { return scannedExtensions; } } export function translatePackageJSON(packageJSON: string, packageNLSPath: string) { const CharCode_PC = '%'.charCodeAt(0); const packageNls = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageNLSPath).toString()); const translate = (obj: any) => { for (let key in obj) { const val = obj[key]; if (Array.isArray(val)) { val.forEach(translate); } else if (val && typeof val === 'object') { translate(val); } else if (typeof val === 'string' && val.charCodeAt(0) === CharCode_PC && val.charCodeAt(val.length - 1) === CharCode_PC) { const translated = packageNls[val.substr(1, val.length - 2)]; if (translated) { obj[key] = translated; } } } }; translate(packageJSON); return packageJSON; }