/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import * as assert from 'assert'; import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import 'mocha'; import MarkdownFoldingProvider from '../features/foldingProvider'; import { InMemoryDocument } from './inMemoryDocument'; import { createNewMarkdownEngine } from './engine'; const testFileName = vscode.Uri.file('test.md'); suite('markdown.FoldingProvider', () => { test('Should not return anything for empty document', async () => { const folds = await getFoldsForDocument(``); assert.strictEqual(folds.length, 0); }); test('Should not return anything for document without headers', async () => { const folds = await getFoldsForDocument(`a **b** afas a#b a`); assert.strictEqual(folds.length, 0); }); test('Should fold from header to end of document', async () => { const folds = await getFoldsForDocument(`a # b c d`); assert.strictEqual(folds.length, 1); const firstFold = folds[0]; assert.strictEqual(firstFold.start, 1); assert.strictEqual(firstFold.end, 3); }); test('Should leave single newline before next header', async () => { const folds = await getFoldsForDocument(` # a x # b y`); assert.strictEqual(folds.length, 2); const firstFold = folds[0]; assert.strictEqual(firstFold.start, 1); assert.strictEqual(firstFold.end, 3); }); test('Should collapse multuple newlines to single newline before next header', async () => { const folds = await getFoldsForDocument(` # a x # b y`); assert.strictEqual(folds.length, 2); const firstFold = folds[0]; assert.strictEqual(firstFold.start, 1); assert.strictEqual(firstFold.end, 5); }); test('Should not collapse if there is no newline before next header', async () => { const folds = await getFoldsForDocument(` # a x # b y`); assert.strictEqual(folds.length, 2); const firstFold = folds[0]; assert.strictEqual(firstFold.start, 1); assert.strictEqual(firstFold.end, 2); }); test('Should fold nested markers', async () => { const folds = await getFoldsForDocument(`a b b.a b b.b b a`); assert.strictEqual(folds.length, 3); const [outer, first, second] = folds.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start); assert.strictEqual(outer.start, 1); assert.strictEqual(outer.end, 11); assert.strictEqual(first.start, 3); assert.strictEqual(first.end, 5); assert.strictEqual(second.start, 7); assert.strictEqual(second.end, 9); }); test('Should fold from list to end of document', async () => { const folds = await getFoldsForDocument(`a - b c d`); assert.strictEqual(folds.length, 1); const firstFold = folds[0]; assert.strictEqual(firstFold.start, 1); assert.strictEqual(firstFold.end, 3); }); test('lists folds should span multiple lines of content', async () => { const folds = await getFoldsForDocument(`a - This list item\n spans multiple\n lines.`); assert.strictEqual(folds.length, 1); const firstFold = folds[0]; assert.strictEqual(firstFold.start, 1); assert.strictEqual(firstFold.end, 3); }); test('List should leave single blankline before new element', async () => { const folds = await getFoldsForDocument(`- a a b`); assert.strictEqual(folds.length, 1); const firstFold = folds[0]; assert.strictEqual(firstFold.start, 0); assert.strictEqual(firstFold.end, 3); }); test('Should fold fenced code blocks', async () => { const folds = await getFoldsForDocument(`~~~ts a ~~~ b`); assert.strictEqual(folds.length, 1); const firstFold = folds[0]; assert.strictEqual(firstFold.start, 0); assert.strictEqual(firstFold.end, 2); }); test('Should fold fenced code blocks with yaml front matter', async () => { const folds = await getFoldsForDocument(`--- title: bla --- ~~~ts a ~~~ a a b a`); assert.strictEqual(folds.length, 1); const firstFold = folds[0]; assert.strictEqual(firstFold.start, 4); assert.strictEqual(firstFold.end, 6); }); test('Should fold html blocks', async () => { const folds = await getFoldsForDocument(`x
`); assert.strictEqual(folds.length, 1); const firstFold = folds[0]; assert.strictEqual(firstFold.start, 1); assert.strictEqual(firstFold.end, 3); }); test('Should fold html block comments', async () => { const folds = await getFoldsForDocument(`x `); assert.strictEqual(folds.length, 1); const firstFold = folds[0]; assert.strictEqual(firstFold.start, 1); assert.strictEqual(firstFold.end, 3); assert.strictEqual(firstFold.kind, vscode.FoldingRangeKind.Comment); }); }); async function getFoldsForDocument(contents: string) { const doc = new InMemoryDocument(testFileName, contents); const provider = new MarkdownFoldingProvider(createNewMarkdownEngine()); return await provider.provideFoldingRanges(doc, {}, new vscode.CancellationTokenSource().token); }