/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import { AuthenticationSession, authentication, window } from 'vscode'; import { Agent, globalAgent } from 'https'; import { Octokit } from '@octokit/rest'; import { httpsOverHttp } from 'tunnel'; import { URL } from 'url'; function getAgent(url: string | undefined = process.env.HTTPS_PROXY): Agent { if (!url) { return globalAgent; } try { const { hostname, port, username, password } = new URL(url); const auth = username && password && `${username}:${password}`; return httpsOverHttp({ proxy: { host: hostname, port, proxyAuth: auth } }); } catch (e) { window.showErrorMessage(`HTTPS_PROXY environment variable ignored: ${e.message}`); return globalAgent; } } const scopes = ['repo', 'workflow']; export async function getSession(): Promise<AuthenticationSession> { return await authentication.getSession('github', scopes, { createIfNone: true }); } let _octokit: Promise<Octokit> | undefined; export function getOctokit(): Promise<Octokit> { if (!_octokit) { _octokit = getSession().then(async session => { const token = session.accessToken; const agent = getAgent(); const { Octokit } = await import('@octokit/rest'); return new Octokit({ request: { agent }, userAgent: 'GitHub VSCode', auth: `token ${token}` }); }).then(null, async err => { _octokit = undefined; throw err; }); } return _octokit; }