mirror of https://git.tuxpa.in/a/code-server.git synced 2025-02-23 03:49:18 +00:00

128 lines
4.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import 'mocha';
import * as assert from 'assert';
import { workspace, commands, window, Uri, WorkspaceEdit, Range, TextDocument, extensions } from 'vscode';
import * as cp from 'child_process';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import { GitExtension, API, Repository, Status } from '../api/git';
import { eventToPromise } from '../util';
suite('git smoke test', function () {
const cwd = fs.realpathSync(workspace.workspaceFolders![0].uri.fsPath);
function file(relativePath: string) {
return path.join(cwd, relativePath);
function uri(relativePath: string) {
return Uri.file(file(relativePath));
async function open(relativePath: string) {
const doc = await workspace.openTextDocument(uri(relativePath));
await window.showTextDocument(doc);
return doc;
async function type(doc: TextDocument, text: string) {
const edit = new WorkspaceEdit();
const end = doc.lineAt(doc.lineCount - 1).range.end;
edit.replace(doc.uri, new Range(end, end), text);
await workspace.applyEdit(edit);
let git: API;
let repository: Repository;
suiteSetup(async function () {
fs.writeFileSync(file('app.js'), 'hello', 'utf8');
fs.writeFileSync(file('index.pug'), 'hello', 'utf8');
cp.execSync('git init', { cwd });
cp.execSync('git config user.name testuser', { cwd });
cp.execSync('git config user.email monacotools@microsoft.com', { cwd });
cp.execSync('git add .', { cwd });
cp.execSync('git commit -m "initial commit"', { cwd });
// make sure git is activated
const ext = extensions.getExtension<GitExtension>('vscode.git');
await ext?.activate();
git = ext!.exports.getAPI(1);
if (git.repositories.length === 0) {
await eventToPromise(git.onDidOpenRepository);
assert.equal(git.repositories.length, 1);
assert.equal(fs.realpathSync(git.repositories[0].rootUri.fsPath), cwd);
repository = git.repositories[0];
test('reflects working tree changes', async function () {
await commands.executeCommand('workbench.view.scm');
const appjs = await open('app.js');
await type(appjs, ' world');
await appjs.save();
await repository.status();
assert.equal(repository.state.workingTreeChanges.length, 1);
repository.state.workingTreeChanges.some(r => r.uri.path === appjs.uri.path && r.status === Status.MODIFIED);
fs.writeFileSync(file('newfile.txt'), '');
const newfile = await open('newfile.txt');
await type(newfile, 'hey there');
await newfile.save();
await repository.status();
assert.equal(repository.state.workingTreeChanges.length, 2);
repository.state.workingTreeChanges.some(r => r.uri.path === appjs.uri.path && r.status === Status.MODIFIED);
repository.state.workingTreeChanges.some(r => r.uri.path === newfile.uri.path && r.status === Status.UNTRACKED);
test('opens diff editor', async function () {
const appjs = uri('app.js');
await commands.executeCommand('git.openChange', appjs);
assert.equal(window.activeTextEditor!.document.uri.path, appjs.path);
// TODO: how do we really know this is a diff editor?
test('stages correctly', async function () {
const appjs = uri('app.js');
const newfile = uri('newfile.txt');
await commands.executeCommand('git.stage', appjs);
assert.equal(repository.state.workingTreeChanges.length, 1);
repository.state.workingTreeChanges.some(r => r.uri.path === newfile.path && r.status === Status.UNTRACKED);
assert.equal(repository.state.indexChanges.length, 1);
repository.state.indexChanges.some(r => r.uri.path === appjs.path && r.status === Status.INDEX_MODIFIED);
await commands.executeCommand('git.unstage', appjs);
assert.equal(repository.state.workingTreeChanges.length, 2);
repository.state.workingTreeChanges.some(r => r.uri.path === appjs.path && r.status === Status.MODIFIED);
repository.state.workingTreeChanges.some(r => r.uri.path === newfile.path && r.status === Status.UNTRACKED);
test('stages, commits changes and verifies outgoing change', async function () {
const appjs = uri('app.js');
const newfile = uri('newfile.txt');
await commands.executeCommand('git.stage', appjs);
await repository.commit('second commit');
assert.equal(repository.state.workingTreeChanges.length, 1);
repository.state.workingTreeChanges.some(r => r.uri.path === newfile.path && r.status === Status.UNTRACKED);
assert.equal(repository.state.indexChanges.length, 0);
await commands.executeCommand('git.stageAll', appjs);
await repository.commit('third commit');
assert.equal(repository.state.workingTreeChanges.length, 0);
assert.equal(repository.state.indexChanges.length, 0);