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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { Node, Stylesheet } from 'EmmetNode';
import { isValidLocationForEmmetAbbreviation, getSyntaxFromArgs } from './abbreviationActions';
import { getEmmetHelper, getMappingForIncludedLanguages, parsePartialStylesheet, getEmmetConfiguration, getEmmetMode, isStyleSheet, parseDocument, getNode, allowedMimeTypesInScriptTag, trimQuotes, toLSTextDocument } from './util';
import { getLanguageService, TokenType, Range as LSRange } from 'vscode-html-languageservice';
export class DefaultCompletionItemProvider implements vscode.CompletionItemProvider {
private lastCompletionType: string | undefined;
private htmlLS = getLanguageService();
public provideCompletionItems(document: vscode.TextDocument, position: vscode.Position, _: vscode.CancellationToken, context: vscode.CompletionContext): Thenable<vscode.CompletionList | undefined> | undefined {
const completionResult = this.provideCompletionItemsInternal(document, position, context);
if (!completionResult) {
this.lastCompletionType = undefined;
return completionResult.then(completionList => {
if (!completionList || !completionList.items.length) {
this.lastCompletionType = undefined;
return completionList;
const item = completionList.items[0];
const expandedText = item.documentation ? item.documentation.toString() : '';
if (expandedText.startsWith('<')) {
this.lastCompletionType = 'html';
} else if (expandedText.indexOf(':') > 0 && expandedText.endsWith(';')) {
this.lastCompletionType = 'css';
} else {
this.lastCompletionType = undefined;
return completionList;
private provideCompletionItemsInternal(document: vscode.TextDocument, position: vscode.Position, context: vscode.CompletionContext): Thenable<vscode.CompletionList | undefined> | undefined {
const emmetConfig = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('emmet');
const excludedLanguages = emmetConfig['excludeLanguages'] ? emmetConfig['excludeLanguages'] : [];
if (excludedLanguages.indexOf(document.languageId) > -1) {
const mappedLanguages = getMappingForIncludedLanguages();
const isSyntaxMapped = mappedLanguages[document.languageId] ? true : false;
let emmetMode = getEmmetMode((isSyntaxMapped ? mappedLanguages[document.languageId] : document.languageId), excludedLanguages);
if (!emmetMode
|| emmetConfig['showExpandedAbbreviation'] === 'never'
|| ((isSyntaxMapped || emmetMode === 'jsx') && emmetConfig['showExpandedAbbreviation'] !== 'always')) {
let syntax = emmetMode;
const helper = getEmmetHelper();
let validateLocation = syntax === 'html' || syntax === 'jsx' || syntax === 'xml';
let rootNode: Node | undefined = undefined;
let currentNode: Node | null = null;
const lsDoc = toLSTextDocument(document);
position = document.validatePosition(position);
if (document.languageId === 'html') {
if (context.triggerKind === vscode.CompletionTriggerKind.TriggerForIncompleteCompletions) {
switch (this.lastCompletionType) {
case 'html':
validateLocation = false;
case 'css':
validateLocation = false;
syntax = 'css';
if (validateLocation) {
const parsedLsDoc = this.htmlLS.parseHTMLDocument(lsDoc);
const positionOffset = document.offsetAt(position);
const node = parsedLsDoc.findNodeAt(positionOffset);
if (node.tag === 'script') {
if (node.attributes && 'type' in node.attributes) {
const rawTypeAttrValue = node.attributes['type'];
if (rawTypeAttrValue) {
const typeAttrValue = trimQuotes(rawTypeAttrValue);
if (typeAttrValue === 'application/javascript' || typeAttrValue === 'text/javascript') {
if (!getSyntaxFromArgs({ language: 'javascript' })) {
} else {
validateLocation = false;
else if (allowedMimeTypesInScriptTag.indexOf(trimQuotes(rawTypeAttrValue)) > -1) {
validateLocation = false;
} else {
else if (node.tag === 'style') {
syntax = 'css';
validateLocation = false;
} else {
if (node.attributes && node.attributes['style']) {
const scanner = this.htmlLS.createScanner(document.getText(), node.start);
let tokenType = scanner.scan();
let prevAttr = undefined;
let styleAttrValueRange: [number, number] | undefined = undefined;
while (tokenType !== TokenType.EOS && (scanner.getTokenEnd() <= positionOffset)) {
tokenType = scanner.scan();
if (tokenType === TokenType.AttributeName) {
prevAttr = scanner.getTokenText();
else if (tokenType === TokenType.AttributeValue && prevAttr === 'style') {
styleAttrValueRange = [scanner.getTokenOffset(), scanner.getTokenEnd()];
if (prevAttr === 'style' && styleAttrValueRange && positionOffset > styleAttrValueRange[0] && positionOffset < styleAttrValueRange[1]) {
syntax = 'css';
validateLocation = false;
const expandOptions = isStyleSheet(syntax) ?
{ lookAhead: false, syntax: 'stylesheet' } :
{ lookAhead: true, syntax: 'markup' };
const extractAbbreviationResults = helper.extractAbbreviation(lsDoc, position, expandOptions);
if (!extractAbbreviationResults || !helper.isAbbreviationValid(syntax, extractAbbreviationResults.abbreviation)) {
if (isStyleSheet(document.languageId) && context.triggerKind !== vscode.CompletionTriggerKind.TriggerForIncompleteCompletions) {
validateLocation = true;
let usePartialParsing = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('emmet')['optimizeStylesheetParsing'] === true;
rootNode = usePartialParsing && document.lineCount > 1000 ? parsePartialStylesheet(document, position) : <Stylesheet>parseDocument(document, false);
if (!rootNode) {
currentNode = getNode(rootNode, position, true);
if (validateLocation && !isValidLocationForEmmetAbbreviation(document, rootNode, currentNode, syntax, position, toRange(extractAbbreviationResults.abbreviationRange))) {
let noiseCheckPromise: Thenable<any> = Promise.resolve();
// Fix for https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/32647
// Check for document symbols in js/ts/jsx/tsx and avoid triggering emmet for abbreviations of the form symbolName.sometext
// Presence of > or * or + in the abbreviation denotes valid abbreviation that should trigger emmet
if (!isStyleSheet(syntax) && (document.languageId === 'javascript' || document.languageId === 'javascriptreact' || document.languageId === 'typescript' || document.languageId === 'typescriptreact')) {
let abbreviation: string = extractAbbreviationResults.abbreviation;
if (abbreviation.startsWith('this.')) {
noiseCheckPromise = Promise.resolve(true);
} else {
noiseCheckPromise = vscode.commands.executeCommand<vscode.SymbolInformation[]>('vscode.executeDocumentSymbolProvider', document.uri).then((symbols: vscode.SymbolInformation[] | undefined) => {
return symbols && symbols.find(x => abbreviation === x.name || (abbreviation.startsWith(x.name + '.') && !/>|\*|\+/.test(abbreviation)));
return noiseCheckPromise.then((noise): vscode.CompletionList | undefined => {
if (noise) {
let result = helper.doComplete(toLSTextDocument(document), position, syntax, getEmmetConfiguration(syntax!));
// https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/86941
if (result && result.items && result.items.length === 1) {
if (result.items[0].label === 'widows: ;') {
return undefined;
let newItems: vscode.CompletionItem[] = [];
if (result && result.items) {
result.items.forEach((item: any) => {
let newItem = new vscode.CompletionItem(item.label);
newItem.documentation = item.documentation;
newItem.detail = item.detail;
newItem.insertText = new vscode.SnippetString(item.textEdit.newText);
let oldrange = item.textEdit.range;
newItem.range = new vscode.Range(oldrange.start.line, oldrange.start.character, oldrange.end.line, oldrange.end.character);
newItem.filterText = item.filterText;
newItem.sortText = item.sortText;
if (emmetConfig['showSuggestionsAsSnippets'] === true) {
newItem.kind = vscode.CompletionItemKind.Snippet;
return new vscode.CompletionList(newItems, true);
function toRange(lsRange: LSRange) {
return new vscode.Range(lsRange.start.line, lsRange.start.character, lsRange.end.line, lsRange.end.character);