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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import PHPCompletionItemProvider from './features/completionItemProvider';
import PHPHoverProvider from './features/hoverProvider';
import PHPSignatureHelpProvider from './features/signatureHelpProvider';
import PHPValidationProvider from './features/validationProvider';
export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext): any {
let validator = new PHPValidationProvider(context.workspaceState);
// add providers
context.subscriptions.push(vscode.languages.registerCompletionItemProvider('php', new PHPCompletionItemProvider(), '>', '$'));
context.subscriptions.push(vscode.languages.registerHoverProvider('php', new PHPHoverProvider()));
context.subscriptions.push(vscode.languages.registerSignatureHelpProvider('php', new PHPSignatureHelpProvider(), '(', ','));
// need to set in the extension host as well as the completion provider uses it.
vscode.languages.setLanguageConfiguration('php', {
wordPattern: /(-?\d*\.\d\w*)|([^\-\`\~\!\@\#\%\^\&\*\(\)\=\+\[\{\]\}\\\|\;\:\'\"\,\.\<\>\/\?\s]+)/g,
onEnterRules: [
// e.g. /** | */
beforeText: /^\s*\/\*\*(?!\/)([^\*]|\*(?!\/))*$/,
afterText: /^\s*\*\/$/,
action: { indentAction: vscode.IndentAction.IndentOutdent, appendText: ' * ' }
// e.g. /** ...|
beforeText: /^\s*\/\*\*(?!\/)([^\*]|\*(?!\/))*$/,
action: { indentAction: vscode.IndentAction.None, appendText: ' * ' }
// e.g. * ...|
beforeText: /^(\t|(\ \ ))*\ \*(\ ([^\*]|\*(?!\/))*)?$/,
action: { indentAction: vscode.IndentAction.None, appendText: '* ' }
// e.g. */|
beforeText: /^(\t|(\ \ ))*\ \*\/\s*$/,
action: { indentAction: vscode.IndentAction.None, removeText: 1 }
// e.g. *-----*/|
beforeText: /^(\t|(\ \ ))*\ \*[^/]*\*\/\s*$/,
action: { indentAction: vscode.IndentAction.None, removeText: 1 }