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* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import * as interfaces from './interfaces';
import ContentProvider from './contentProvider';
import { loadMessageBundle } from 'vscode-nls';
const localize = loadMessageBundle();
interface IDocumentMergeConflictNavigationResults {
canNavigate: boolean;
conflict?: interfaces.IDocumentMergeConflict;
enum NavigationDirection {
export default class CommandHandler implements vscode.Disposable {
private disposables: vscode.Disposable[] = [];
private tracker: interfaces.IDocumentMergeConflictTracker;
constructor(trackerService: interfaces.IDocumentMergeConflictTrackerService) {
this.tracker = trackerService.createTracker('commands');
begin() {
this.registerTextEditorCommand('merge-conflict.accept.current', this.acceptCurrent),
this.registerTextEditorCommand('merge-conflict.accept.incoming', this.acceptIncoming),
this.registerTextEditorCommand('merge-conflict.accept.selection', this.acceptSelection),
this.registerTextEditorCommand('merge-conflict.accept.both', this.acceptBoth),
this.registerTextEditorCommand('merge-conflict.accept.all-current', this.acceptAllCurrent, this.acceptAllCurrentResources),
this.registerTextEditorCommand('merge-conflict.accept.all-incoming', this.acceptAllIncoming, this.acceptAllIncomingResources),
this.registerTextEditorCommand('merge-conflict.accept.all-both', this.acceptAllBoth),
this.registerTextEditorCommand('merge-conflict.next', this.navigateNext),
this.registerTextEditorCommand('merge-conflict.previous', this.navigatePrevious),
this.registerTextEditorCommand('merge-conflict.compare', this.compare)
private registerTextEditorCommand(command: string, cb: (editor: vscode.TextEditor, ...args: any[]) => Promise<void>, resourceCB?: (uris: vscode.Uri[]) => Promise<void>) {
return vscode.commands.registerCommand(command, (...args) => {
if (resourceCB && args.length && args.every(arg => arg && arg.resourceUri)) {
return resourceCB.call(this, args.map(arg => arg.resourceUri));
const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
return editor && cb.call(this, editor, ...args);
acceptCurrent(editor: vscode.TextEditor, ...args: any[]): Promise<void> {
return this.accept(interfaces.CommitType.Current, editor, ...args);
acceptIncoming(editor: vscode.TextEditor, ...args: any[]): Promise<void> {
return this.accept(interfaces.CommitType.Incoming, editor, ...args);
acceptBoth(editor: vscode.TextEditor, ...args: any[]): Promise<void> {
return this.accept(interfaces.CommitType.Both, editor, ...args);
acceptAllCurrent(editor: vscode.TextEditor): Promise<void> {
return this.acceptAll(interfaces.CommitType.Current, editor);
acceptAllIncoming(editor: vscode.TextEditor): Promise<void> {
return this.acceptAll(interfaces.CommitType.Incoming, editor);
acceptAllCurrentResources(resources: vscode.Uri[]): Promise<void> {
return this.acceptAllResources(interfaces.CommitType.Current, resources);
acceptAllIncomingResources(resources: vscode.Uri[]): Promise<void> {
return this.acceptAllResources(interfaces.CommitType.Incoming, resources);
acceptAllBoth(editor: vscode.TextEditor): Promise<void> {
return this.acceptAll(interfaces.CommitType.Both, editor);
async compare(editor: vscode.TextEditor, conflict: interfaces.IDocumentMergeConflict | null) {
// No conflict, command executed from command palette
if (!conflict) {
conflict = await this.findConflictContainingSelection(editor);
// Still failed to find conflict, warn the user and exit
if (!conflict) {
vscode.window.showWarningMessage(localize('cursorNotInConflict', 'Editor cursor is not within a merge conflict'));
const conflicts = await this.tracker.getConflicts(editor.document);
// Still failed to find conflict, warn the user and exit
if (!conflicts) {
vscode.window.showWarningMessage(localize('cursorNotInConflict', 'Editor cursor is not within a merge conflict'));
const scheme = editor.document.uri.scheme;
let range = conflict.current.content;
let leftRanges = conflicts.map(conflict => [conflict.current.content, conflict.range]);
let rightRanges = conflicts.map(conflict => [conflict.incoming.content, conflict.range]);
const leftUri = editor.document.uri.with({
scheme: ContentProvider.scheme,
query: JSON.stringify({ scheme, range: range, ranges: leftRanges })
range = conflict.incoming.content;
const rightUri = leftUri.with({ query: JSON.stringify({ scheme, ranges: rightRanges }) });
let mergeConflictLineOffsets = 0;
for (let nextconflict of conflicts) {
if (nextconflict.range.isEqual(conflict.range)) {
} else {
mergeConflictLineOffsets += (nextconflict.range.end.line - nextconflict.range.start.line) - (nextconflict.incoming.content.end.line - nextconflict.incoming.content.start.line);
const selection = new vscode.Range(
conflict.range.start.line - mergeConflictLineOffsets, conflict.range.start.character,
conflict.range.start.line - mergeConflictLineOffsets, conflict.range.start.character
const docPath = editor.document.uri.path;
const fileName = docPath.substring(docPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); // avoid NodeJS path to keep browser webpack small
const title = localize('compareChangesTitle', '{0}: Current Changes ⟷ Incoming Changes', fileName);
const mergeConflictConfig = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('merge-conflict');
const openToTheSide = mergeConflictConfig.get<string>('diffViewPosition');
const opts: vscode.TextDocumentShowOptions = {
viewColumn: openToTheSide === 'Beside' ? vscode.ViewColumn.Beside : vscode.ViewColumn.Active,
if (openToTheSide === 'Below') {
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('workbench.action.newGroupBelow');
await vscode.commands.executeCommand('vscode.diff', leftUri, rightUri, title, opts);
navigateNext(editor: vscode.TextEditor): Promise<void> {
return this.navigate(editor, NavigationDirection.Forwards);
navigatePrevious(editor: vscode.TextEditor): Promise<void> {
return this.navigate(editor, NavigationDirection.Backwards);
async acceptSelection(editor: vscode.TextEditor): Promise<void> {
let conflict = await this.findConflictContainingSelection(editor);
if (!conflict) {
vscode.window.showWarningMessage(localize('cursorNotInConflict', 'Editor cursor is not within a merge conflict'));
let typeToAccept: interfaces.CommitType;
let tokenAfterCurrentBlock: vscode.Range = conflict.splitter;
if (conflict.commonAncestors.length > 0) {
tokenAfterCurrentBlock = conflict.commonAncestors[0].header;
// Figure out if the cursor is in current or incoming, we do this by seeing if
// the active position is before or after the range of the splitter or common
// ancestors marker. We can use this trick as the previous check in
// findConflictByActiveSelection will ensure it's within the conflict range, so
// we don't falsely identify "current" or "incoming" if outside of a conflict range.
if (editor.selection.active.isBefore(tokenAfterCurrentBlock.start)) {
typeToAccept = interfaces.CommitType.Current;
else if (editor.selection.active.isAfter(conflict.splitter.end)) {
typeToAccept = interfaces.CommitType.Incoming;
else if (editor.selection.active.isBefore(conflict.splitter.start)) {
vscode.window.showWarningMessage(localize('cursorOnCommonAncestorsRange', 'Editor cursor is within the common ancestors block, please move it to either the "current" or "incoming" block'));
else {
vscode.window.showWarningMessage(localize('cursorOnSplitterRange', 'Editor cursor is within the merge conflict splitter, please move it to either the "current" or "incoming" block'));
conflict.commitEdit(typeToAccept, editor);
dispose() {
this.disposables.forEach(disposable => disposable.dispose());
this.disposables = [];
private async navigate(editor: vscode.TextEditor, direction: NavigationDirection): Promise<void> {
let navigationResult = await this.findConflictForNavigation(editor, direction);
if (!navigationResult) {
// Check for autoNavigateNextConflict, if it's enabled(which indicating no conflict remain), then do not show warning
const mergeConflictConfig = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('merge-conflict');
if (mergeConflictConfig.get<boolean>('autoNavigateNextConflict.enabled')) {
vscode.window.showWarningMessage(localize('noConflicts', 'No merge conflicts found in this file'));
else if (!navigationResult.canNavigate) {
vscode.window.showWarningMessage(localize('noOtherConflictsInThisFile', 'No other merge conflicts within this file'));
else if (!navigationResult.conflict) {
// TODO: Show error message?
// Move the selection to the first line of the conflict
editor.selection = new vscode.Selection(navigationResult.conflict.range.start, navigationResult.conflict.range.start);
editor.revealRange(navigationResult.conflict.range, vscode.TextEditorRevealType.Default);
private async accept(type: interfaces.CommitType, editor: vscode.TextEditor, ...args: any[]): Promise<void> {
let conflict: interfaces.IDocumentMergeConflict | null;
// If launched with known context, take the conflict from that
if (args[0] === 'known-conflict') {
conflict = args[1];
else {
// Attempt to find a conflict that matches the current cursor position
conflict = await this.findConflictContainingSelection(editor);
if (!conflict) {
vscode.window.showWarningMessage(localize('cursorNotInConflict', 'Editor cursor is not within a merge conflict'));
// Tracker can forget as we know we are going to do an edit
conflict.commitEdit(type, editor);
// navigate to the next merge conflict
const mergeConflictConfig = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('merge-conflict');
if (mergeConflictConfig.get<boolean>('autoNavigateNextConflict.enabled')) {
private async acceptAll(type: interfaces.CommitType, editor: vscode.TextEditor): Promise<void> {
let conflicts = await this.tracker.getConflicts(editor.document);
if (!conflicts || conflicts.length === 0) {
vscode.window.showWarningMessage(localize('noConflicts', 'No merge conflicts found in this file'));
// For get the current state of the document, as we know we are doing to do a large edit
// Apply all changes as one edit
await editor.edit((edit) => conflicts.forEach(conflict => {
conflict.applyEdit(type, editor.document, edit);
private async acceptAllResources(type: interfaces.CommitType, resources: vscode.Uri[]): Promise<void> {
const documents = await Promise.all(resources.map(resource => vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(resource)));
const edit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit();
for (const document of documents) {
const conflicts = await this.tracker.getConflicts(document);
if (!conflicts || conflicts.length === 0) {
// For get the current state of the document, as we know we are doing to do a large edit
// Apply all changes as one edit
conflicts.forEach(conflict => {
conflict.applyEdit(type, document, { replace: (range, newText) => edit.replace(document.uri, range, newText) });
private async findConflictContainingSelection(editor: vscode.TextEditor, conflicts?: interfaces.IDocumentMergeConflict[]): Promise<interfaces.IDocumentMergeConflict | null> {
if (!conflicts) {
conflicts = await this.tracker.getConflicts(editor.document);
if (!conflicts || conflicts.length === 0) {
return null;
for (const conflict of conflicts) {
if (conflict.range.contains(editor.selection.active)) {
return conflict;
return null;
private async findConflictForNavigation(editor: vscode.TextEditor, direction: NavigationDirection, conflicts?: interfaces.IDocumentMergeConflict[]): Promise<IDocumentMergeConflictNavigationResults | null> {
if (!conflicts) {
conflicts = await this.tracker.getConflicts(editor.document);
if (!conflicts || conflicts.length === 0) {
return null;
let selection = editor.selection.active;
if (conflicts.length === 1) {
if (conflicts[0].range.contains(selection)) {
return {
canNavigate: false
return {
canNavigate: true,
conflict: conflicts[0]
let predicate: (_conflict: any) => boolean;
let fallback: () => interfaces.IDocumentMergeConflict;
if (direction === NavigationDirection.Forwards) {
predicate = (conflict) => selection.isBefore(conflict.range.start);
fallback = () => conflicts![0];
} else if (direction === NavigationDirection.Backwards) {
predicate = (conflict) => selection.isAfter(conflict.range.start);
fallback = () => conflicts![conflicts!.length - 1];
} else {
throw new Error(`Unsupported direction ${direction}`);
for (const conflict of conflicts) {
if (predicate(conflict) && !conflict.range.contains(selection)) {
return {
canNavigate: true,
conflict: conflict
// Went all the way to the end, return the head
return {
canNavigate: true,
conflict: fallback()