"check_dhcp_servers": "Check for DHCP servers",
"save_config": "Save config",
"enabled_dhcp": "DHCP server enabled",
"disabled_dhcp": "DHCP server disabled",
"dhcp_title": "DHCP server (experimental!)",
"dhcp_description": "If your router does not provide DHCP settings, you can use AdGuard's own built-in DHCP server.",
"dhcp_enable": "Enable DHCP server",
"dhcp_disable": "Disable DHCP server",
"dhcp_not_found": "No active DHCP servers found on the network. It is safe to enable the built-in DHCP server.",
"dhcp_found": "Found active DHCP servers found on the network. It is not safe to enable the built-in DHCP server.",
"dhcp_leases": "DHCP leases",
"dhcp_leases_not_found": "No DHCP leases found",
"dhcp_config_saved": "Saved DHCP server config",
"form_error_required": "Required field",
"form_error_ip_format": "Invalid IPv4 format",
"form_error_positive": "Must be greater than 0",
"dhcp_form_gateway_input": "Gateway IP",
"dhcp_form_subnet_input": "Subnet mask",
"dhcp_form_range_title": "Range of IP addresses",
"dhcp_form_range_start": "Range start",
"dhcp_form_range_end": "Range end",
"dhcp_form_lease_title": "DHCP lease time (in seconds)",
"dhcp_form_lease_input": "Lease duration",
"dhcp_interface_select": "Select DHCP interface",
"dhcp_hardware_address": "Hardware address",
"dhcp_ip_addresses": "IP addresses",
"back": "Back",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"settings": "Settings",
"filters": "Filters",
"query_log": "Query Log",
"faq": "FAQ",
"version": "version",
"address": "address",
"on": "ON",
"off": "OFF",
"copyright": "Copyright",
"homepage": "Homepage",
"report_an_issue": "Report an issue",
"enable_protection": "Enable protection",
"enabled_protection": "Enabled protection",
"disable_protection": "Disable protection",
"disabled_protection": "Disabled protection",
"refresh_statics": "Refresh statistics",
"dns_query": "DNS Queries",
"blocked_by": "Blocked by Filters",
"stats_malware_phishing": "Blocked malware\/phishing",
"stats_adult": "Blocked adult websites",
"stats_query_domain": "Top queried domains",
"for_last_24_hours": "for the last 24 hours",
"no_domains_found": "No domains found",
"requests_count": "Requests count",
"top_blocked_domains": "Top blocked domains",
"top_clients": "Top clients",
"no_clients_found": "No clients found",
"general_statistics": "General statistics",
"number_of_dns_query_24_hours": "A number of DNS quieries processed for the last 24 hours",
"number_of_dns_query_blocked_24_hours": "A number of DNS requests blocked by adblock filters and hosts blocklists",
"number_of_dns_query_blocked_24_hours_by_sec": "A number of DNS requests blocked by the AdGuard browsing security module",
"number_of_dns_query_blocked_24_hours_adult": "A number of adult websites blocked",
"enforced_save_search": "Enforced safe search",
"number_of_dns_query_to_safe_search": "A number of DNS requests to search engines for which Safe Search was enforced",
"average_processing_time": "Average processing time",
"average_processing_time_hint": "Average time in milliseconds on processing a DNS request",
"block_domain_use_filters_and_hosts": "Block domains using filters and hosts files",
"filters_block_toggle_hint": "You can setup blocking rules in the Filters<\/a> settings.",
"use_adguard_browsing_sec": "Use AdGuard browsing security web service",
"use_adguard_browsing_sec_hint": "AdGuard Home will check if domain is blacklisted by the browsing security web service. It will use privacy-friendly lookup API to perform the check: only a short prefix of the domain name SHA256 hash is sent to the server.",
"use_adguard_parental": "Use AdGuard parental control web service",
"use_adguard_parental_hint": "AdGuard Home will check if domain contains adult materials. It uses the same privacy-friendly API as the browsing security web service.",
"enforce_safe_search": "Enforce safe search",
"enforce_save_search_hint": "AdGuard Home can enforce safe search in the following search engines: Google, Youtube, Bing, and Yandex.",
"no_servers_specified": "No servers specified",
"no_settings": "No settings",
"general_settings": "General settings",
"upstream_dns": "Upstream DNS servers",
"upstream_dns_hint": "If you keep this field empty, AdGuard Home will use Cloudflare DNS<\/a> as an upstream. Use tls:\/\/ prefix for DNS over TLS servers.",
"test_upstream_btn": "Test upstreams",
"apply_btn": "Apply",
"disabled_filtering_toast": "Disabled filtering",
"enabled_filtering_toast": "Enabled filtering",
"disabled_safe_browsing_toast": "Disabled safebrowsing",
"enabled_safe_browsing_toast": "Enabled safebrowsing",
"disabled_parental_toast": "Disabled parental control",
"enabled_parental_toast": "Enabled parental control",
"disabled_safe_search_toast": "Disabled safe search",
"enabled_save_search_toast": "Enabled safe search",
"enabled_table_header": "Enabled",
"name_table_header": "Name",
"filter_url_table_header": "Filter URL",
"rules_count_table_header": "Rules count",
"last_time_updated_table_header": "Last time updated",
"actions_table_header": "Actions",
"delete_table_action": "Delete",
"filters_and_hosts": "Filters and hosts blocklists",
"filters_and_hosts_hint": "AdGuard Home understands basic adblock rules and hosts files syntax.",
"no_filters_added": "No filters added",
"add_filter_btn": "Add filter",
"cancel_btn": "Cancel",
"enter_name_hint": "Enter name",
"enter_url_hint": "Enter URL",
"check_updates_btn": "Check updates",
"new_filter_btn": "New filter subscription",
"enter_valid_filter_url": "Enter a valid URL to a filter subscription or a hosts file.",
"custom_filter_rules": "Custom filtering rules",
"custom_filter_rules_hint": "Enter one rule on a line. You can use either adblock rules or hosts files syntax.",
"examples_title": "Examples",
"example_meaning_filter_block": "block access to the example.org domain and all its subdomains",
"example_meaning_filter_whitelist": "unblock access to the example.org domain and all its subdomains",
"example_meaning_host_block": "AdGuard Home will now return address for the example.org domain (but not its subdomains).",
"example_comment": "! Here goes a comment",
"example_comment_meaning": "just a comment",
"example_comment_hash": "# Also a comment",
"example_upstream_regular": "regular DNS (over UDP)",
"example_upstream_dot": "encrypted DNS-over-TLS<\/a>",
"example_upstream_doh": "encrypted DNS-over-HTTPS<\/a>",
"example_upstream_sdns": "you can use DNS Stamps<\/a> for DNSCrypt<\/a> or DNS-over-HTTPS<\/a> resolvers",
"example_upstream_tcp": "regular DNS (over TCP)",
"all_filters_up_to_date_toast": "All filters are already up-to-date",
"updated_upstream_dns_toast": "Updated the upstream DNS servers",
"dns_test_ok_toast": "Specified DNS servers are working correctly",
"dns_test_not_ok_toast": "Server \"{{key}}\": could not be used, please check that you've written it correctly",
"unblock_btn": "Unblock",
"block_btn": "Block",
"time_table_header": "Time",
"domain_name_table_header": "Domain name",
"type_table_header": "Type",
"response_table_header": "Response",
"client_table_header": "Client",
"empty_response_status": "Empty",
"show_all_filter_type": "Show all",
"show_filtered_type": "Show filtered",
"no_logs_found": "No logs found",
"disabled_log_btn": "Disable log",
"download_log_file_btn": "Download log file",
"refresh_btn": "Refresh",
"enabled_log_btn": "Enable log",
"last_dns_queries": "Last 5000 DNS queries",
"previous_btn": "Previous",
"next_btn": "Next",
"loading_table_status": "Loading...",
"page_table_footer_text": "Page",
"of_table_footer_text": "of",
"rows_table_footer_text": "rows",
"updated_custom_filtering_toast": "Updated the custom filtering rules",
"rule_removed_from_custom_filtering_toast": "Rule removed from the custom filtering rules",
"rule_added_to_custom_filtering_toast": "Rule added to the custom filtering rules",
"query_log_disabled_toast": "Query log disabled",
"query_log_enabled_toast": "Query log enabled",
"source_label": "Source",
"found_in_known_domain_db": "Found in the known domains database.",
"category_label": "Category",
"rule_label": "Rule",
"filter_label": "Filter",
"unknown_filter": "Unknown filter {{filterId}}"