import 'url-polyfill'; import dateParse from 'date-fns/parse'; import dateFormat from 'date-fns/format'; import subHours from 'date-fns/sub_hours'; import addHours from 'date-fns/add_hours'; import addDays from 'date-fns/add_days'; import subDays from 'date-fns/sub_days'; import round from 'lodash/round'; import axios from 'axios'; import i18n from 'i18next'; import uniqBy from 'lodash/uniqBy'; import ipaddr from 'ipaddr.js'; import queryString from 'query-string'; import { getTrackerData } from './trackers/trackers'; import { CHECK_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT_OPTIONS, DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT, DETAILED_DATE_FORMAT_OPTIONS, FILTERED, FILTERED_STATUS, IP_MATCH_LIST_STATUS, STANDARD_DNS_PORT, STANDARD_HTTPS_PORT, STANDARD_WEB_PORT, } from './constants'; /** * @param time {string} The time to format * @param options {string} * @returns {string} Returns the time in the format HH:mm:ss */ export const formatTime = (time, options = DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT) => { const parsedTime = dateParse(time); return dateFormat(parsedTime, options); }; /** * @param dateTime {string} The date to format * @param [options] {object} Date.prototype.toLocaleString([locales[, options]]) options argument * @returns {string} Returns the date and time in the specified format */ export const formatDateTime = (dateTime, options = DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT_OPTIONS) => { const { language } = navigator; const currentLanguage = (language.slice(0, 2) === 'en' || !language) ? 'en-GB' : language; const parsedTime = new Date(dateTime); return parsedTime.toLocaleString(currentLanguage, options); }; /** * @param dateTime {string} The date to format * @returns {string} Returns the date and time in the format with the full month name */ export const formatDetailedDateTime = (dateTime) => formatDateTime( dateTime, DETAILED_DATE_FORMAT_OPTIONS, ); export const normalizeLogs = (logs) => => { const { answer, answer_dnssec, client, client_proto, elapsedMs, question, reason, status, time, filterId, rule, service_name, original_answer, upstream, } = log; const { host: domain, type } = question; const processResponse = (data) => (data ? => { const { value, type, ttl } = response; return `${type}: ${value} (ttl=${ttl})`; }) : []); return { time, domain, type, response: processResponse(answer), reason, client, client_proto, filterId, rule, status, serviceName: service_name, originalAnswer: original_answer, originalResponse: processResponse(original_answer), tracker: getTrackerData(domain), answer_dnssec, elapsedMs, upstream, }; }); export const normalizeHistory = (history, interval) => { if (interval === 1 || interval === 7) { const hoursAgo = subHours(, 24 * interval); return, index) => ({ x: dateFormat(addHours(hoursAgo, index), 'D MMM HH:00'), y: round(item, 2), })); } const daysAgo = subDays(, interval - 1); return, index) => ({ x: dateFormat(addDays(daysAgo, index), 'D MMM YYYY'), y: round(item, 2), })); }; export const normalizeTopStats = (stats) => ( => ({ name: Object.keys(item)[0], count: Object.values(item)[0], })) ); export const addClientInfo = (data, clients, param) => ( => { const clientIp = row[param]; const info = clients.find((item) => item[clientIp]) || ''; return { ...row, info: info?.[clientIp] ?? '', }; }) ); export const normalizeFilters = (filters) => ( filters ? => { const { id, url, enabled, last_updated, name = 'Default name', rules_count = 0, } = filter; return { id, url, enabled, lastUpdated: last_updated, name, rulesCount: rules_count, }; }) : [] ); export const normalizeFilteringStatus = (filteringStatus) => { const { enabled, filters, user_rules: userRules, interval, whitelist_filters, } = filteringStatus; const newUserRules = Array.isArray(userRules) ? userRules.join('\n') : ''; return { enabled, userRules: newUserRules, filters: normalizeFilters(filters), whitelistFilters: normalizeFilters(whitelist_filters), interval, }; }; export const getPercent = (amount, number) => { if (amount > 0 && number > 0) { return round(100 / (amount / number), 2); } return 0; }; export const captitalizeWords = (text) => text.split(/[ -_]/g) .map((str) => str.charAt(0) .toUpperCase() + str.substr(1)) .join(' '); export const getInterfaceIp = (option) => { const onlyIPv6 = option.ip_addresses.every((ip) => ip.includes(':')); let interfaceIP = option.ip_addresses[0]; if (!onlyIPv6) { option.ip_addresses.forEach((ip) => { if (!ip.includes(':')) { interfaceIP = ip; } }); } return interfaceIP; }; export const getIpList = (interfaces) => { let list = []; Object.keys(interfaces) .forEach((item) => { list = [...list, ...interfaces[item].ip_addresses]; }); return list.sort(); }; export const getDnsAddress = (ip, port = '') => { const isStandardDnsPort = port === STANDARD_DNS_PORT; let address = ip; if (port) { if (ip.includes(':') && !isStandardDnsPort) { address = `[${ip}]:${port}`; } else if (!isStandardDnsPort) { address = `${ip}:${port}`; } } return address; }; export const getWebAddress = (ip, port = '') => { const isStandardWebPort = port === STANDARD_WEB_PORT; let address = `http://${ip}`; if (port && !isStandardWebPort) { if (ip.includes(':') && !ip.includes('[')) { address = `http://[${ip}]:${port}`; } else { address = `http://${ip}:${port}`; } } return address; }; export const checkRedirect = (url, attempts) => { let count = attempts || 1; if (count > 10) { window.location.replace(url); return false; } const rmTimeout = (t) => t && clearTimeout(t); const setRecursiveTimeout = (time, ...args) => setTimeout( checkRedirect, time, ...args, ); let timeout; axios.get(url) .then((response) => { rmTimeout(timeout); if (response) { window.location.replace(url); return; } timeout = setRecursiveTimeout(CHECK_TIMEOUT, url, count += 1); }) .catch((error) => { rmTimeout(timeout); if (error.response) { window.location.replace(url); return; } timeout = setRecursiveTimeout(CHECK_TIMEOUT, url, count += 1); }); return false; }; export const redirectToCurrentProtocol = (values, httpPort = 80) => { const { protocol, hostname, hash, port, } = window.location; const { enabled, port_https } = values; const httpsPort = port_https !== STANDARD_HTTPS_PORT ? `:${port_https}` : ''; if (protocol !== 'https:' && enabled && port_https) { checkRedirect(`https://${hostname}${httpsPort}/${hash}`); } else if (protocol === 'https:' && enabled && port_https && port_https !== parseInt(port, 10)) { checkRedirect(`https://${hostname}${httpsPort}/${hash}`); } else if (protocol === 'https:' && (!enabled || !port_https)) { window.location.replace(`http://${hostname}:${httpPort}/${hash}`); } }; /** * @param {string} text * @returns []string */ export const splitByNewLine = (text) => text.split('\n') .filter((n) => n.trim()); /** * @param {string} text * @returns {string} */ export const trimMultilineString = (text) => splitByNewLine(text) .map((line) => line.trim()) .join('\n'); /** * @param {string} text * @returns {string} */ export const removeEmptyLines = (text) => splitByNewLine(text) .join('\n'); /** * Normalizes the topClients array * * @param {Object[]} topClients * @param {string} * @param {number} topClients.count * @param {Object} * @param {string} * @returns {Object} normalizedTopClients * @returns {Object.<string, number>} - auto clients * @returns {Object.<string, number>} normalizedTopClients.configured - configured clients */ export const normalizeTopClients = (topClients) => topClients.reduce( (acc, clientObj) => { const { name, count, info: { name: infoName } } = clientObj;[name] = count; acc.configured[infoName] = count; return acc; }, { auto: {}, configured: {}, }, ); export const sortClients = (clients) => { const compare = (a, b) => { const nameA =; const nameB =; if (nameA > nameB) { return 1; } if (nameA < nameB) { return -1; } return 0; }; return clients.sort(compare); }; export const toggleAllServices = (services, change, isSelected) => { services.forEach((service) => change(`blocked_services.${}`, isSelected)); }; export const secondsToMilliseconds = (seconds) => { if (seconds) { return seconds * 1000; } return seconds; }; export const normalizeRulesTextarea = (text) => text?.replace(/^\n/g, '') .replace(/\n\s*\n/g, '\n'); export const normalizeWhois = (whois) => { if (Object.keys(whois).length > 0) { const { city, country, ...values } = whois; let location = country || ''; if (city && location) { location = `${location}, ${city}`; } else if (city) { location = city; } if (location) { return { location, ...values, }; } return { ...values }; } return whois; }; export const getPathWithQueryString = (path, params) => { const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(params); return `${path}?${searchParams.toString()}`; }; export const getParamsForClientsSearch = (data, param) => { const uniqueClients = uniqBy(data, param); return uniqueClients .reduce((acc, item, idx) => { const key = `ip${idx}`; acc[key] = item[param]; return acc; }, {}); }; /** * Creates onBlur handler that can normalize input if normalization function is specified * * @param {Object} event * @param {Object} * @param {string} * @param {Object} input * @param {function} input.onBlur * @param {function} [normalizeOnBlur] * @returns {function} */ export const createOnBlurHandler = (event, input, normalizeOnBlur) => ( normalizeOnBlur ? input.onBlur(normalizeOnBlur( : input.onBlur()); export const checkFiltered = (reason) => reason.indexOf(FILTERED) === 0; export const checkRewrite = (reason) => reason === FILTERED_STATUS.REWRITE; export const checkRewriteHosts = (reason) => reason === FILTERED_STATUS.REWRITE_HOSTS; export const checkBlackList = (reason) => reason === FILTERED_STATUS.FILTERED_BLACK_LIST; export const checkWhiteList = (reason) => reason === FILTERED_STATUS.NOT_FILTERED_WHITE_LIST; // eslint-disable-next-line max-len export const checkNotFilteredNotFound = (reason) => reason === FILTERED_STATUS.NOT_FILTERED_NOT_FOUND; export const checkSafeSearch = (reason) => reason === FILTERED_STATUS.FILTERED_SAFE_SEARCH; export const checkSafeBrowsing = (reason) => reason === FILTERED_STATUS.FILTERED_SAFE_BROWSING; export const checkParental = (reason) => reason === FILTERED_STATUS.FILTERED_PARENTAL; export const checkBlockedService = (reason) => reason === FILTERED_STATUS.FILTERED_BLOCKED_SERVICE; export const getCurrentFilter = (url, filters) => { const filter = filters?.find((item) => url === item.url); if (filter) { const { enabled, name, url } = filter; return { enabled, name, url, }; } return { name: '', url: '', }; }; /** * @param {object} initialValues * @param {object} values * @returns {object} Returns different values of objects */ export const getObjDiff = (initialValues, values) => Object.entries(values) .reduce((acc, [key, value]) => { if (value !== initialValues[key]) { acc[key] = value; } return acc; }, {}); /** * @param num {number} to format * @returns {string} Returns a string with a language-sensitive representation of this number */ export const formatNumber = (num) => { const currentLanguage = i18n.languages[0] || DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; return num.toLocaleString(currentLanguage); }; /** * @param arr {array} * @param key {string} * @param value {string} * @returns {object} */ export const getMap = (arr, key, value) => arr.reduce((acc, curr) => { acc[curr[key]] = curr[value]; return acc; }, {}); /** * @param parsedIp {object} ipaddr.js IPv4 or IPv6 object * @param parsedCidr {array} ipaddr.js CIDR array * @returns {boolean} */ const isIpMatchCidr = (parsedIp, parsedCidr) => { try { const cidrIpVersion = parsedCidr[0].kind(); const ipVersion = parsedIp.kind(); return ipVersion === cidrIpVersion && parsedIp.match(parsedCidr); } catch (e) { return false; } }; /** * The purpose of this method is to quickly check * if this IP can possibly be in the specified CIDR range. * * @param ip {string} * @param listItem {string} * @returns {boolean} */ const isIpQuickMatchCIDR = (ip, listItem) => { const ipv6 = ip.indexOf(':') !== -1; const cidrIpv6 = listItem.indexOf(':') !== -1; if (ipv6 !== cidrIpv6) { // CIDR is for a different IP type return false; } if (cidrIpv6) { // We don't do quick check for IPv6 addresses return true; } const idx = listItem.indexOf('/'); if (idx === -1) { // Not a CIDR, return false immediately return false; } const cidrIp = listItem.substring(0, idx); const cidrRange = parseInt(listItem.substring(idx + 1), 10); if (Number.isNaN(cidrRange)) { // Not a valid CIDR return false; } const parts = cidrIp.split('.'); if (parts.length !== 4) { // Invalid IP, return immediately return false; } // Now depending on the range we check if the IP can possibly be in that range if (cidrRange < 8) { // Use the slow approach return true; } if (cidrRange < 16) { // Check the first part // Example: matches 0.*.*.* return ip.indexOf(`${parts[0]}.`) === 0; } if (cidrRange < 24) { // Check the first two parts // Example: matches 0.0.*.* return ip.indexOf(`${parts[0]}.${parts[1]}.`) === 0; } if (cidrRange <= 32) { // Check the first two parts // Example: matches 0.0.*.* return ip.indexOf(`${parts[0]}.${parts[1]}.${parts[2]}.`) === 0; } // range for IPv4 CIDR cannot be more than 32 // no need to check further, this CIDR is invalid return false; }; /** * @param ip {string} * @param list {string} * @returns {'EXACT' | 'CIDR' | 'NOT_FOND'} */ export const getIpMatchListStatus = (ip, list) => { if (!ip || !list) { return IP_MATCH_LIST_STATUS.NOT_FOUND; } const listArr = list.trim() .split('\n'); try { for (let i = 0; i < listArr.length; i += 1) { const listItem = listArr[i]; if (ip === listItem.trim()) { return IP_MATCH_LIST_STATUS.EXACT; } // Using ipaddr.js is quite slow so we first do a quick check // to see if it's possible that this IP may be in the specified CIDR range if (isIpQuickMatchCIDR(ip, listItem)) { const parsedIp = ipaddr.parse(ip); const isItemAnIp = ipaddr.isValid(listItem); const parsedItem = isItemAnIp ? ipaddr.parse(listItem) : ipaddr.parseCIDR(listItem); if (isItemAnIp && parsedIp.toString() === parsedItem.toString()) { return IP_MATCH_LIST_STATUS.EXACT; } if (!isItemAnIp && isIpMatchCidr(parsedIp, parsedItem)) { return IP_MATCH_LIST_STATUS.CIDR; } } } return IP_MATCH_LIST_STATUS.NOT_FOUND; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return IP_MATCH_LIST_STATUS.NOT_FOUND; } }; /** * @param {string} elapsedMs * @param {function} t translate * @returns {string} */ export const formatElapsedMs = (elapsedMs, t) => { const formattedElapsedMs = parseInt(elapsedMs, 10) || parseFloat(elapsedMs) .toFixed(2); return `${formattedElapsedMs} ${t('milliseconds_abbreviation')}`; }; /** * @param language {string} */ export const setHtmlLangAttr = (language) => { window.document.documentElement.lang = language; }; /** * @param values {object} * @returns {object} */ export const selectCompletedFields = (values) => Object.entries(values) .reduce((acc, [key, value]) => { if (value || value === 0) { acc[key] = value; } return acc; }, {}); /** * @param {string} search * @param {string} [response_status] * @returns {string} */ export const getLogsUrlParams = (search, response_status) => `?${queryString.stringify({ search, response_status, })}`; export const processContent = (content) => (Array.isArray(content) ? content.filter(([, value]) => value).reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), []) : content ); /** * @param object {object} * @param sortKey {string} * @returns {string[]} */ export const getObjectKeysSorted = (object, sortKey) => Object.entries(object) .sort(([, { [sortKey]: order1 }], [, { [sortKey]: order2 }]) => order1 - order2) .map(([key]) => key);