"url_added_successfully": "Url added successfully",
"check_dhcp_servers": "Check for DHCP servers",
"save_config": "Save config",
"enabled_dhcp": "DHCP server enabled",
"disabled_dhcp": "DHCP server disabled",
"dhcp_title": "DHCP server (experimental!)",
"dhcp_description": "If your router does not provide DHCP settings, you can use AdGuard's own built-in DHCP server.",
"dhcp_enable": "Enable DHCP server",
"dhcp_disable": "Disable DHCP server",
"dhcp_not_found": "No active DHCP servers found on the network. It is safe to enable the built-in DHCP server.",
"dhcp_found": "Some active DHCP servers found on the network. It is not safe to enable the built-in DHCP server.",
"dhcp_leases": "DHCP leases",
"dhcp_leases_not_found": "No DHCP leases found",
"dhcp_config_saved": "Saved DHCP server config",
"form_error_required": "Required field",
"form_error_ip_format": "Invalid IPv4 format",
"form_error_positive": "Must be greater than 0",
"dhcp_form_gateway_input": "Gateway IP",
"dhcp_form_subnet_input": "Subnet mask",
"dhcp_form_range_title": "Range of IP addresses",
"dhcp_form_range_start": "Range start",
"dhcp_form_range_end": "Range end",
"dhcp_form_lease_title": "DHCP lease time (in seconds)",
"dhcp_form_lease_input": "Lease duration",
"dhcp_interface_select": "Select DHCP interface",
"dhcp_hardware_address": "Hardware address",
"dhcp_ip_addresses": "IP addresses",
"dhcp_table_hostname": "Hostname",
"dhcp_table_expires": "Expires",
"back": "Back",
"dashboard": "Dashboard",
"settings": "Settings",
"filters": "Filters",
"query_log": "Query Log",
"faq": "FAQ",
"version": "version",
"address": "address",
"on": "ON",
"off": "OFF",
"copyright": "Copyright",
"homepage": "Homepage",
"report_an_issue": "Report an issue",
"enable_protection": "Enable protection",
"enabled_protection": "Enabled protection",
"disable_protection": "Disable protection",
"disabled_protection": "Disabled protection",
"refresh_statics": "Refresh statistics",
"dns_query": "DNS Queries",
"blocked_by": "Blocked by Filters",
"stats_malware_phishing": "Blocked malware\/phishing",
"stats_adult": "Blocked adult websites",
"stats_query_domain": "Top queried domains",
"for_last_24_hours": "for the last 24 hours",
"no_domains_found": "No domains found",
"requests_count": "Requests count",
"top_blocked_domains": "Top blocked domains",
"top_clients": "Top clients",
"no_clients_found": "No clients found",
"general_statistics": "General statistics",
"number_of_dns_query_24_hours": "A number of DNS quieries processed for the last 24 hours",
"number_of_dns_query_blocked_24_hours": "A number of DNS requests blocked by adblock filters and hosts blocklists",
"number_of_dns_query_blocked_24_hours_by_sec": "A number of DNS requests blocked by the AdGuard browsing security module",
"number_of_dns_query_blocked_24_hours_adult": "A number of adult websites blocked",
"enforced_save_search": "Enforced safe search",
"number_of_dns_query_to_safe_search": "A number of DNS requests to search engines for which Safe Search was enforced",
"average_processing_time": "Average processing time",
"average_processing_time_hint": "Average time in milliseconds on processing a DNS request",
"block_domain_use_filters_and_hosts": "Block domains using filters and hosts files",
"filters_block_toggle_hint": "You can setup blocking rules in the Filters<\/a> settings.",
"use_adguard_browsing_sec": "Use AdGuard browsing security web service",
"use_adguard_browsing_sec_hint": "AdGuard Home will check if domain is blacklisted by the browsing security web service. It will use privacy-friendly lookup API to perform the check: only a short prefix of the domain name SHA256 hash is sent to the server.",
"use_adguard_parental": "Use AdGuard parental control web service",
"use_adguard_parental_hint": "AdGuard Home will check if domain contains adult materials. It uses the same privacy-friendly API as the browsing security web service.",
"enforce_safe_search": "Enforce safe search",
"enforce_save_search_hint": "AdGuard Home can enforce safe search in the following search engines: Google, Youtube, Bing, and Yandex.",
"no_servers_specified": "No servers specified",
"no_settings": "No settings",
"general_settings": "General settings",
"upstream_dns": "Upstream DNS servers",
"upstream_dns_hint": "If you keep this field empty, AdGuard Home will use Cloudflare DNS<\/a> as an upstream. Use tls:\/\/ prefix for DNS over TLS servers.",
"test_upstream_btn": "Test upstreams",
"apply_btn": "Apply",
"disabled_filtering_toast": "Disabled filtering",
"enabled_filtering_toast": "Enabled filtering",
"disabled_safe_browsing_toast": "Disabled safebrowsing",
"enabled_safe_browsing_toast": "Enabled safebrowsing",
"disabled_parental_toast": "Disabled parental control",
"enabled_parental_toast": "Enabled parental control",
"disabled_safe_search_toast": "Disabled safe search",
"enabled_save_search_toast": "Enabled safe search",
"enabled_table_header": "Enabled",
"name_table_header": "Name",
"filter_url_table_header": "Filter URL",
"rules_count_table_header": "Rules count",
"last_time_updated_table_header": "Last time updated",
"actions_table_header": "Actions",
"delete_table_action": "Delete",
"filters_and_hosts": "Filters and hosts blocklists",
"filters_and_hosts_hint": "AdGuard Home understands basic adblock rules and hosts files syntax.",
"no_filters_added": "No filters added",
"add_filter_btn": "Add filter",
"cancel_btn": "Cancel",
"enter_name_hint": "Enter name",
"enter_url_hint": "Enter URL",
"check_updates_btn": "Check updates",
"new_filter_btn": "New filter subscription",
"enter_valid_filter_url": "Enter a valid URL to a filter subscription or a hosts file.",
"custom_filter_rules": "Custom filtering rules",
"custom_filter_rules_hint": "Enter one rule on a line. You can use either adblock rules or hosts files syntax.",
"examples_title": "Examples",
"example_meaning_filter_block": "block access to the example.org domain and all its subdomains",
"example_meaning_filter_whitelist": "unblock access to the example.org domain and all its subdomains",
"example_meaning_host_block": "AdGuard Home will now return address for the example.org domain (but not its subdomains).",
"example_comment": "! Here goes a comment",
"example_comment_meaning": "just a comment",
"example_comment_hash": "# Also a comment",
"example_regex_meaning": "block access to the domains matching the specified regular expression",
"example_upstream_regular": "regular DNS (over UDP)",
"example_upstream_dot": "encrypted DNS-over-TLS<\/a>",
"example_upstream_doh": "encrypted DNS-over-HTTPS<\/a>",
"example_upstream_sdns": "you can use DNS Stamps<\/a> for DNSCrypt<\/a> or DNS-over-HTTPS<\/a> resolvers",
"example_upstream_tcp": "regular DNS (over TCP)",
"all_filters_up_to_date_toast": "All filters are already up-to-date",
"updated_upstream_dns_toast": "Updated the upstream DNS servers",
"dns_test_ok_toast": "Specified DNS servers are working correctly",
"dns_test_not_ok_toast": "Server \"{{key}}\": could not be used, please check that you've written it correctly",
"unblock_btn": "Unblock",
"block_btn": "Block",
"time_table_header": "Time",
"domain_name_table_header": "Domain name",
"type_table_header": "Type",
"response_table_header": "Response",
"client_table_header": "Client",
"empty_response_status": "Empty",
"show_all_filter_type": "Show all",
"show_filtered_type": "Show filtered",
"no_logs_found": "No logs found",
"disabled_log_btn": "Disable log",
"download_log_file_btn": "Download log file",
"refresh_btn": "Refresh",
"enabled_log_btn": "Enable log",
"last_dns_queries": "Last 5000 DNS queries",
"previous_btn": "Previous",
"next_btn": "Next",
"loading_table_status": "Loading...",
"page_table_footer_text": "Page",
"of_table_footer_text": "of",
"rows_table_footer_text": "rows",
"updated_custom_filtering_toast": "Updated the custom filtering rules",
"rule_removed_from_custom_filtering_toast": "Rule removed from the custom filtering rules",
"rule_added_to_custom_filtering_toast": "Rule added to the custom filtering rules",
"query_log_disabled_toast": "Query log disabled",
"query_log_enabled_toast": "Query log enabled",
"source_label": "Source",
"found_in_known_domain_db": "Found in the known domains database.",
"category_label": "Category",
"rule_label": "Rule",
"filter_label": "Filter",
"unknown_filter": "Unknown filter {{filterId}}",
"install_welcome_title": "Welcome to AdGuard Home!",
"install_welcome_desc": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.",
"install_settings_title": "Admin Web Interface",
"install_settings_listen": "Listen interface",
"install_settings_port": "Port",
"install_settings_interface_link": "Your AdGuard Home admin web interface is available on {{link}}",
"form_error_port": "Enter valid port value",
"install_settings_dns": "DNS server",
"install_settings_dns_desc": "You will need to configure your devices or router to use the DNS server at {{ip}}",
"install_auth_title": "Authentication",
"install_auth_desc": "It is highly recommended to configure password authentication to your AdGuard Home admin web interface. Even if it is accessible only in your local network, it is still important to have it protected from unrestricted access.",
"install_auth_username": "Username",
"install_auth_password": "Password",
"install_auth_confirm": "Confirm password",
"install_auth_username_enter": "Enter username",
"install_auth_password_enter": "Enter password",
"install_step": "Step",
"install_devices_title": "Configure your devices",
"install_devices_desc": "In order for AdGuard Home to start working, you need to configure your devices to use it.",
"install_submit_title": "Congratulations!",
"install_submit_desc": "The setup procedure is finished and you are ready to start using AdGuard Home.",
"install_decices_router": "Router",
"install_decices_router_desc": "This setup will automatically cover all the devices connected to your home router and you will not need to configure each of them manually.",
"install_decices_router_list_1": "Open the preferences for your router. Usually, you can access it from your browser via a URL (like or You may be asked to enter the password. If you don't remember it, you can often reset the password by pressing a button on the router itself. Some routers require a specific application, which in that case should be already installed on your computer/phone.",
"install_decices_router_list_2": "Find the DHCP/DNS settings. Look for the DNS letters next to a field which allows two or three sets of numbers, each broken into four groups of one to three digits.",
"install_decices_router_list_3": "Enter your AdGuard Home server addresses there.",
"get_started": "Get Started",
"next": "Next",
"open_dashboard": "Open Dashboard",
"install_saved": "All settings saved"