Add the ability to define a run with a setuperror phase. When the run setup has errors client could submit a run with a list of setup errors. In such case the run will be created in the setuperror phase. Setup errors are currently generated by the webhook receiver and the run service when it checks the run config for possible issues.
392 lines
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392 lines
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// Copyright 2019 Sorint.lab
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package gateway
import (
gitsource ""
csapi ""
rsapi ""
rstypes ""
const (
defaultSSHPort = "22"
agolaDefaultConfigPath = ".agola/config.yml"
// List of runs annotations
AnnotationEventType = "event_type"
AnnotationRunType = "runtype"
AnnotationProjectID = "projectid"
AnnotationUserID = "userid"
// AnnotationVirtualBranch represent a "virtual branch": i.e a normal branch, a pr (with name pr-$prid), a tag (with name tag-tagname)
AnnotationVirtualBranch = "virtual_branch"
AnnotationCommitSHA = "commit_sha"
AnnotationRef = "ref"
AnnotationSender = "sender"
AnnotationMessage = "message"
AnnotationCommitLink = "commit_link"
AnnotationCompareLink = "compare_link"
AnnotationBranch = "branch"
AnnotationBranchLink = "branch_link"
AnnotationTag = "tag"
AnnotationTagLink = "tag_link"
AnnotationPullRequestID = "pull_request_id"
AnnotationPullRequestLink = "pull_request_link"
type GroupType string
const (
GroupTypeProject GroupType = "project"
GroupTypeUser GroupType = "user"
GroupTypeBranch GroupType = "branch"
GroupTypeTag GroupType = "tag"
GroupTypePullRequest GroupType = "pr"
func genAnnotationVirtualBranch(webhookData *types.WebhookData) string {
switch webhookData.Event {
case types.WebhookEventPush:
return "branch-" + webhookData.Branch
case types.WebhookEventTag:
return "tag-" + webhookData.Tag
case types.WebhookEventPullRequest:
return "pr-" + webhookData.PullRequestID
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid webhook event type: %q", webhookData.Event))
func genGroup(baseGroupType GroupType, baseGroupID string, webhookData *types.WebhookData) string {
// we pathescape the branch name to handle branches with slashes and make the
// branch a single path entry
switch webhookData.Event {
case types.WebhookEventPush:
return path.Join("/", string(baseGroupType), baseGroupID, string(GroupTypeBranch), url.PathEscape(webhookData.Branch))
case types.WebhookEventTag:
return path.Join("/", string(baseGroupType), baseGroupID, string(GroupTypeTag), url.PathEscape(webhookData.Tag))
case types.WebhookEventPullRequest:
return path.Join("/", string(baseGroupType), baseGroupID, string(GroupTypePullRequest), url.PathEscape(webhookData.PullRequestID))
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid webhook event type: %q", webhookData.Event))
type webhooksHandler struct {
log *zap.SugaredLogger
configstoreClient *csapi.Client
runserviceClient *rsapi.Client
apiExposedURL string
func (h *webhooksHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
code, userErr, err := h.handleWebhook(r)
if err != nil {
h.log.Errorf("err: %+v", err)
http.Error(w, userErr, code)
func (h *webhooksHandler) handleWebhook(r *http.Request) (int, string, error) {
ctx := r.Context()
projectID := r.URL.Query().Get("projectid")
userID := r.URL.Query().Get("userid")
if projectID == "" && userID == "" {
return http.StatusBadRequest, "", errors.Errorf("bad webhook url %q. Missing projectid or userid", r.URL)
isUserBuild := false
if projectID == "" {
isUserBuild = true
defer r.Body.Close()
var webhookData *types.WebhookData
var sshPrivKey string
var cloneURL string
var skipSSHHostKeyCheck bool
var runType types.RunType
variables := map[string]string{}
var gitSource gitsource.GitSource
if !isUserBuild {
project, _, err := h.configstoreClient.GetProject(ctx, projectID)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusBadRequest, "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get project %s", projectID)
h.log.Infof("project: %s", util.Dump(project))
user, _, err := h.configstoreClient.GetUserByLinkedAccount(ctx, project.LinkedAccountID)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get user by linked account %q", project.LinkedAccountID)
la := user.LinkedAccounts[project.LinkedAccountID]
h.log.Infof("la: %s", util.Dump(la))
if la == nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", errors.Errorf("linked account %q in user %q doesn't exist", project.LinkedAccountID, user.UserName)
rs, _, err := h.configstoreClient.GetRemoteSource(ctx, la.RemoteSourceID)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get remote source %q", la.RemoteSourceID)
gitSource, err = common.GetGitSource(rs, la)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create gitea client")
sshPrivKey = project.SSHPrivateKey
cloneURL = project.CloneURL
skipSSHHostKeyCheck = project.SkipSSHHostKeyCheck
runType = types.RunTypeProject
webhookData, err = gitSource.ParseWebhook(r)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusBadRequest, "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to parse webhook")
// skip nil webhook data
// TODO(sgotti) report the reason of the skip
if webhookData == nil {
h.log.Infof("skipping webhook")
return 0, "", nil
webhookData.ProjectID = projectID
// get project variables
pvars, _, err := h.configstoreClient.GetProjectVariables(ctx, project.ID, true)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get project variables")
h.log.Infof("pvars: %v", util.Dump(pvars))
// remove overriden variables
pvars = common.FilterOverridenVariables(pvars)
h.log.Infof("pvars: %v", util.Dump(pvars))
// get project secrets
secrets, _, err := h.configstoreClient.GetProjectSecrets(ctx, project.ID, true)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get project secrets")
h.log.Infof("secrets: %v", util.Dump(secrets))
for _, pvar := range pvars {
// find the value match
var varval types.VariableValue
for _, varval = range pvar.Values {
h.log.Infof("varval: %v", util.Dump(varval))
match := types.MatchWhen(varval.When, webhookData.Branch, webhookData.Tag, webhookData.Ref)
if !match {
// get the secret value referenced by the variable, it must be a secret at the same level or a lower level
secret := common.GetVarValueMatchingSecret(varval, pvar.Parent.Path, secrets)
h.log.Infof("secret: %v", util.Dump(secret))
if secret != nil {
varValue, ok := secret.Data[varval.SecretVar]
if ok {
variables[pvar.Name] = varValue
h.log.Infof("variables: %v", util.Dump(variables))
} else {
gitSource = agolagit.New(h.apiExposedURL + "/repos")
var err error
webhookData, err = gitSource.ParseWebhook(r)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusBadRequest, "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to parse webhook")
// skip nil webhook data
// TODO(sgotti) report the reason of the skip
if webhookData == nil {
h.log.Infof("skipping webhook")
return 0, "", nil
user, _, err := h.configstoreClient.GetUser(ctx, userID)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusBadRequest, "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to get user with id %q", userID)
h.log.Debugf("user: %s", util.Dump(user))
userID = user.ID
cloneURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", h.apiExposedURL+"/repos", webhookData.Repo.Path)
runType = types.RunTypeUser
h.log.Infof("webhookData: %s", util.Dump(webhookData))
var data []byte
err := util.ExponentialBackoff(util.FetchFileBackoff, func() (bool, error) {
var err error
data, err = gitSource.GetFile(webhookData.Repo.Path, webhookData.CommitSHA, agolaDefaultConfigPath)
if err == nil {
return true, nil
h.log.Errorf("get file err: %v", err)
return false, nil
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to fetch config file")
h.log.Debug("data: %s", data)
gitURL, err := util.ParseGitURL(cloneURL)
if err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to parse clone url")
gitHost := gitURL.Hostname()
gitPort := gitURL.Port()
if gitPort == "" {
gitPort = defaultSSHPort
// this env vars ovverrides other env vars
env := map[string]string{
"CI": "true",
"AGOLA_GIT_HOST": gitHost,
"AGOLA_GIT_PORT": gitPort,
"AGOLA_GIT_REF": webhookData.Ref,
"AGOLA_GIT_COMMITSHA": webhookData.CommitSHA,
if skipSSHHostKeyCheck {
annotations := map[string]string{
AnnotationRunType: string(runType),
AnnotationEventType: string(webhookData.Event),
AnnotationVirtualBranch: genAnnotationVirtualBranch(webhookData),
AnnotationCommitSHA: webhookData.CommitSHA,
AnnotationRef: webhookData.Ref,
AnnotationSender: webhookData.Sender,
AnnotationMessage: webhookData.Message,
AnnotationCommitLink: webhookData.CommitLink,
AnnotationCompareLink: webhookData.CompareLink,
if !isUserBuild {
annotations[AnnotationProjectID] = webhookData.ProjectID
} else {
annotations[AnnotationUserID] = userID
if webhookData.Event == types.WebhookEventPush {
annotations[AnnotationBranch] = webhookData.Branch
annotations[AnnotationBranchLink] = webhookData.BranchLink
if webhookData.Event == types.WebhookEventTag {
annotations[AnnotationTag] = webhookData.Tag
annotations[AnnotationTagLink] = webhookData.TagLink
if webhookData.Event == types.WebhookEventPullRequest {
annotations[AnnotationPullRequestID] = webhookData.PullRequestID
annotations[AnnotationPullRequestLink] = webhookData.PullRequestLink
var group string
if !isUserBuild {
group = genGroup(GroupTypeProject, webhookData.ProjectID, webhookData)
} else {
group = genGroup(GroupTypeUser, userID, webhookData)
if err := h.createRuns(ctx, data, group, annotations, env, variables, webhookData); err != nil {
return http.StatusInternalServerError, "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create run")
//if err := gitSource.CreateStatus(webhookData.Repo.Owner, webhookData.Repo.Name, webhookData.CommitSHA, gitsource.CommitStatusPending, "localhost:8080", "build %s", "agola"); err != nil {
// h.log.Errorf("failed to update commit status: %v", err)
return 0, "", nil
func (h *webhooksHandler) createRuns(ctx context.Context, configData []byte, group string, annotations, staticEnv, variables map[string]string, webhookData *types.WebhookData) error {
setupErrors := []string{}
config, err := config.ParseConfig([]byte(configData))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to parse config: %+v", err)
// create a run (per config file) with a generic error since we cannot parse
// it and know how many pipelines are defined
setupErrors = append(setupErrors, err.Error())
createRunReq := &rsapi.RunCreateRequest{
RunConfigTasks: nil,
Group: group,
SetupErrors: setupErrors,
Name: rstypes.RunGenericSetupErrorName,
StaticEnvironment: staticEnv,
Annotations: annotations,
if _, err := h.runserviceClient.CreateRun(ctx, createRunReq); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to create run: %+v", err)
return err
return nil
//h.log.Debugf("config: %v", util.Dump(config))
//h.log.Debugf("pipeline: %s", createRunOpts.PipelineName)
for _, pipeline := range config.Pipelines {
rcts := runconfig.GenRunConfigTasks(util.DefaultUUIDGenerator{}, config, pipeline.Name, variables, webhookData.Branch, webhookData.Tag, webhookData.Ref)
h.log.Debugf("rcts: %s", util.Dump(rcts))
h.log.Infof("group: %s", group)
createRunReq := &rsapi.RunCreateRequest{
RunConfigTasks: rcts,
Group: group,
SetupErrors: setupErrors,
Name: pipeline.Name,
StaticEnvironment: staticEnv,
Annotations: annotations,
if _, err := h.runserviceClient.CreateRun(ctx, createRunReq); err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to create run: %+v", err)
return err
return nil